Is Racism Over Yet?

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I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

You've accomplished nothing without making laws denying others the right to compete, you create a system hat has the most prisoners on eat, and that same social system has been a constant fail.

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

Is that why the black crime rate is so high?
Is that why the black unwed birth rate is so high?
Is that why the black dropout rate is so high?

Awww...poor blacks.
Just like Obama, can't do nuffin..........
Awwww...poor whites.
Just like Drumpf, always fucking something up....
(X)In South Africa white apartheid was abolished. Now the black Africans are going to do to the white people what the white people were suppose to have done to them even though it was the white people who went to SA and did something with the place. This is called reverse racism. White farmers in SA are about to lose all their white farms and all to be handed over to blacks. This is called reverse racism. This is what happens when white people give up an inch. They end up losing a mile. .

South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood.


Never again

If I come into your home and try take over you and your family and put you under my heel for generations. I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

Questions ?

1) "But...they're using violence. They're killing whites"

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understand.

On August the 6th in 1945 USA President Trueman gave the Japanese 48hrs to comply and when they didn't dropped the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on men women and children.


I believe what the white man do in S.Africa was an act of war and in a war white ppl don't get to decide how black people react to your bullsh*t. Bitching about this on some forum is means nothing. Day by day. Black people are getting there stolen land back

2) "But only us smart high IQ white people can farm"

Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

Now of course. I never forget we live in a system of white supremacy. So once the native South Africans have taken their land back from Europeans we can only expect USAID, The IMF & World Bank to send in the economic hit men to sabotage the economy of South Africa just like they do to all nations that refuse to be European puppets.

The black population has been on the brink of starvation there for decades because the white colonial thugs pushed just about all of the blacks (who were the majority of the population) on to about 3 percent of the fertile land.

Black people had to fight wars for their freedom in many African nations yet hypocritically white supremacists say Africa is a sh*thole. But yet they will go to war over it ? How does that work ?

And now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

This is what has happened every time that a black nation has sought independence.

Patrice Lumumba one of the greatest black leaders to emerge was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

White Europeans own controlling interests in many of the natural resources in Africa and Africans have never seen any of the profits. How much revenue do you think blacks miss out on from the sale of De'Beers apartheid diamonds ?

I'm sick of seeing people express sympathy for the whites who benefited from an oppressive regime. You seem quite smitten with the romantic notion of the white farmers in S.Africa who were just trying to make due (Let's ignore the part about them staying afloat by standing on the necks of the collective indigenous population)

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I, on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.

Observe - Find your own understanding outside the books or even other people.

Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment. Because that means I'm blazing my own path and as long as I keep moving then it's all good.


Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

What happened to agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe when white farmers were kicked off their land?
Expect the same to happen in South Africa.

7 Contributions of Black Farmers to Agriculture

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?

Hey, whatever helps.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.

So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.
(X)In South Africa white apartheid was abolished. Now the black Africans are going to do to the white people what the white people were suppose to have done to them even though it was the white people who went to SA and did something with the place. This is called reverse racism. White farmers in SA are about to lose all their white farms and all to be handed over to blacks. This is called reverse racism. This is what happens when white people give up an inch. They end up losing a mile. .

South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood.


Never again

If I come into your home and try take over you and your family and put you under my heel for generations. I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

Questions ?

1) "But...they're using violence. They're killing whites"

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understand.

On August the 6th in 1945 USA President Trueman gave the Japanese 48hrs to comply and when they didn't dropped the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on men women and children.


I believe what the white man do in S.Africa was an act of war and in a war white ppl don't get to decide how black people react to your bullsh*t. Bitching about this on some forum is means nothing. Day by day. Black people are getting there stolen land back

2) "But only us smart high IQ white people can farm"

Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

Now of course. I never forget we live in a system of white supremacy. So once the native South Africans have taken their land back from Europeans we can only expect USAID, The IMF & World Bank to send in the economic hit men to sabotage the economy of South Africa just like they do to all nations that refuse to be European puppets.

The black population has been on the brink of starvation there for decades because the white colonial thugs pushed just about all of the blacks (who were the majority of the population) on to about 3 percent of the fertile land.

Black people had to fight wars for their freedom in many African nations yet hypocritically white supremacists say Africa is a sh*thole. But yet they will go to war over it ? How does that work ?

And now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

This is what has happened every time that a black nation has sought independence.

Patrice Lumumba one of the greatest black leaders to emerge was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

White Europeans own controlling interests in many of the natural resources in Africa and Africans have never seen any of the profits. How much revenue do you think blacks miss out on from the sale of De'Beers apartheid diamonds ?

I'm sick of seeing people express sympathy for the whites who benefited from an oppressive regime. You seem quite smitten with the romantic notion of the white farmers in S.Africa who were just trying to make due (Let's ignore the part about them staying afloat by standing on the necks of the collective indigenous population)

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I, on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.

Observe - Find your own understanding outside the books or even other people.

Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment. Because that means I'm blazing my own path and as long as I keep moving then it's all good.


Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

What happened to agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe when white farmers were kicked off their land?
Expect the same to happen in South Africa.

7 Contributions of Black Farmers to Agriculture

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.
Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.

So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:
(X)In South Africa white apartheid was abolished. Now the black Africans are going to do to the white people what the white people were suppose to have done to them even though it was the white people who went to SA and did something with the place. This is called reverse racism. White farmers in SA are about to lose all their white farms and all to be handed over to blacks. This is called reverse racism. This is what happens when white people give up an inch. They end up losing a mile. .

South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood.


Never again

If I come into your home and try take over you and your family and put you under my heel for generations. I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

Questions ?

1) "But...they're using violence. They're killing whites"

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understand.

On August the 6th in 1945 USA President Trueman gave the Japanese 48hrs to comply and when they didn't dropped the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on men women and children.


I believe what the white man do in S.Africa was an act of war and in a war white ppl don't get to decide how black people react to your bullsh*t. Bitching about this on some forum is means nothing. Day by day. Black people are getting there stolen land back

2) "But only us smart high IQ white people can farm"

Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

Now of course. I never forget we live in a system of white supremacy. So once the native South Africans have taken their land back from Europeans we can only expect USAID, The IMF & World Bank to send in the economic hit men to sabotage the economy of South Africa just like they do to all nations that refuse to be European puppets.

The black population has been on the brink of starvation there for decades because the white colonial thugs pushed just about all of the blacks (who were the majority of the population) on to about 3 percent of the fertile land.

Black people had to fight wars for their freedom in many African nations yet hypocritically white supremacists say Africa is a sh*thole. But yet they will go to war over it ? How does that work ?

And now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

This is what has happened every time that a black nation has sought independence.

Patrice Lumumba one of the greatest black leaders to emerge was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

White Europeans own controlling interests in many of the natural resources in Africa and Africans have never seen any of the profits. How much revenue do you think blacks miss out on from the sale of De'Beers apartheid diamonds ?

I'm sick of seeing people express sympathy for the whites who benefited from an oppressive regime. You seem quite smitten with the romantic notion of the white farmers in S.Africa who were just trying to make due (Let's ignore the part about them staying afloat by standing on the necks of the collective indigenous population)

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I, on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.

Observe - Find your own understanding outside the books or even other people.

Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment. Because that means I'm blazing my own path and as long as I keep moving then it's all good.


Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

What happened to agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe when white farmers were kicked off their land?
Expect the same to happen in South Africa.

7 Contributions of Black Farmers to Agriculture

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people.

Yup, who cares if that causes blacks to starve, eh?

It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Sure, with a couple of hundred thousand savages barely scraping out an existence. Fine.
If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.

South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood.


Never again

If I come into your home and try take over you and your family and put you under my heel for generations. I can't complain at the tactics you use to get me out of your home.

Questions ?

1) "But...they're using violence. They're killing whites"

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understand.

On August the 6th in 1945 USA President Trueman gave the Japanese 48hrs to comply and when they didn't dropped the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on men women and children.


I believe what the white man do in S.Africa was an act of war and in a war white ppl don't get to decide how black people react to your bullsh*t. Bitching about this on some forum is means nothing. Day by day. Black people are getting there stolen land back

2) "But only us smart high IQ white people can farm"

Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

Now of course. I never forget we live in a system of white supremacy. So once the native South Africans have taken their land back from Europeans we can only expect USAID, The IMF & World Bank to send in the economic hit men to sabotage the economy of South Africa just like they do to all nations that refuse to be European puppets.

The black population has been on the brink of starvation there for decades because the white colonial thugs pushed just about all of the blacks (who were the majority of the population) on to about 3 percent of the fertile land.

Black people had to fight wars for their freedom in many African nations yet hypocritically white supremacists say Africa is a sh*thole. But yet they will go to war over it ? How does that work ?

And now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

This is what has happened every time that a black nation has sought independence.

Patrice Lumumba one of the greatest black leaders to emerge was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

White Europeans own controlling interests in many of the natural resources in Africa and Africans have never seen any of the profits. How much revenue do you think blacks miss out on from the sale of De'Beers apartheid diamonds ?

I'm sick of seeing people express sympathy for the whites who benefited from an oppressive regime. You seem quite smitten with the romantic notion of the white farmers in S.Africa who were just trying to make due (Let's ignore the part about them staying afloat by standing on the necks of the collective indigenous population)

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I, on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.

Observe - Find your own understanding outside the books or even other people.

Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment. Because that means I'm blazing my own path and as long as I keep moving then it's all good.


Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

What happened to agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe when white farmers were kicked off their land?
Expect the same to happen in South Africa.

7 Contributions of Black Farmers to Agriculture

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people.

Yup, who cares if that causes blacks to starve, eh?

It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Sure, with a couple of hundred thousand savages barely scraping out an existence. Fine.
Those are called Black people problems. Stop whining and pretending you care monkey.
Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.
Rates dont apply when you say whites make up the vast number of criminals. All thats required is the ability to count.
So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.

My math is just fine. You lack the manhood to face the truth. You sit down to pee.
Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.
Rates dont apply when you say whites make up the vast number of criminals. All thats required is the ability to count.

That does explain why you can't go further.
If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.

My math is just fine. You lack the manhood to face the truth. You sit down to pee.

Keep whining, bro.
You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.
Rates dont apply when you say whites make up the vast number of criminals. All thats required is the ability to count.

That does explain why you can't go further.
It absolutely explains why you cant go further. You didnt address the point so you dont get to change to another subject.
Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.

That's why you can't answer the question of whether more whites or blacks get shot by police. Because the little lie you have used all the time will be crushed and shoved directly up your....
I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.
Rates dont apply when you say whites make up the vast number of criminals. All thats required is the ability to count.

That does explain why you can't go further.
It absolutely explains why you cant go further. You didnt address the point so you dont get to change to another subject.

I address the much higher rates of black criminality all the time.
Keep running Forrest.

Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.

My math is just fine. You lack the manhood to face the truth. You sit down to pee.

Keep whining, bro.

I don't see any whining in me saying you're a b--ch.
Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.

That's why you can't answer the question of whether more whites or blacks get shot by police. Because the little lie you have used all the time will be crushed and shoved directly up your....

That's why you can't answer the question of whether more whites or blacks get shot by police.

If you have a source on that topic, post it.
Or whine some more..........
I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.
You monkeys always whine about math. "theres more whites in the US. Thats why they are most of the criminals"...:rolleyes:

Yup. Because rates require division.
Rates dont apply when you say whites make up the vast number of criminals. All thats required is the ability to count.

That does explain why you can't go further.
It absolutely explains why you cant go further. You didnt address the point so you dont get to change to another subject.
Look, blacks are as stupid as hell. That is why they are failures globally. What else do you want?
Keep whining, bro.

You're the one whining. Why can't we have white history month? Affirmative action is unfair to whites. The white man is losing his countries. White genocide. I can go on and on with the song that ever ends- Whitey crying.

I'm not whining about math. Just pointing out your ignorance of it.

My math is just fine. You lack the manhood to face the truth. You sit down to pee.

Keep whining, bro.

I don't see any whining in me saying you're a b--ch.

You've been whining about whites causing black failure, probably for decades.
Did it work?
Are blacks more successful because of your whining?
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