Is Roy a pedophile?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.
We may never know whether or not the accusations against Moore are true given that they occurred 40 years ago. What's troubling is that he was apparently widely known to target high school girls when he was in his 30s. It's one thing to run into a teenager who is of legal age and hit it off with her, but he was supposedly going to high school functions and hanging out at the mall searching them out. That's predatory behavior. If true he's a fucking creep.
I really don't care what he did 40 years ago, as long as he isn't doing the same thing now.

Of course the left never had a problem with Crazy Uncle Joe Biden slobbering all over those little girls, did they?
I'm not buying in to these two accusers.

Two who accused him of something illegal. Three others who he pursued while they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Illegal or not he's a fucking creep. Apparently his "Christian morals" apply to every dick but his own.
I'm not buying in to these two accusers.

Two who accused him of something illegal. Three others who he pursued while they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Illegal or not he's a fucking creep. Apparently his "Christian morals" apply to every dick but his own.

...and yet, you leftists are more than willing to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt. Even though their so-called "prophet" Mohammed had sex with a nine year old girl?

What about Jerry Lee Lewis? He married his own 13-year old cousin when he was 23 years old. Of course, he wasn't a Republican, so that's alright.
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repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!
The dems you speak of are really republicans now since the major parties were re-alligned.

The rest of your statement I cant understand.
I'm not buying in to these two accusers.

Two who accused him of something illegal. Three others who he pursued while they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Illegal or not he's a fucking creep. Apparently his "Christian morals" apply to every dick but his own.

...and yet, you leftists are more than willing to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt. Even though their so-called "prophet" Mohammed had sex with a nine year old girl?

What about Jerry Lee Lewis? He married his own 13-year old cousin when he was 23 years old. Of course, he wasn't a Republican, so that's alright.
Huh? The bible has pedophilia all over it. All fairy tale holy books from that age have pedophilia all over it cause it was essentially accepted practice at the time. In england you could sleep with a ten year old until something like 1880.

Qua-ran has pedophilia.

SO does the new and old testaments.

You are an idiot.
I really don't care what he did 40 years ago, as long as he isn't doing the same thing now.

Of course the left never had a problem with Crazy Uncle Joe Biden slobbering all over those little girls, did they?
Did Joe try to get in to their pants JGalt? Did Biden undress them and feel them up JGalt? Did Biden make them touch his stiff crotch JGalt? Did Biden lock these children he slobbers over in a car and try to sexually assault them, JGalt? Did Biden stalk their school events and hang out in malls with all the young, JGalt?
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!
The dems you speak of are really republicans now since the major parties were re-alligned.

The rest of your statement I cant understand.
Re-alinement is bullshit and easy to disprove!

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