Is Roy a pedophile?

Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
You do know that Liars do not enter in to the kingdom of heaven, and the same goes for those that promote and perpetuate lies.

I see a heat wave in your future.
And I see someone who gives a free pass to sexual predators.

I am not the one who sold my soul. :)

You mean like you give a pass to Bill Clinton, Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner?

We know for a fact these people committed multiple offenses.

Nothing at all has been proven with regards to Judge Moore.

Has anyone filed any charges?

Who did you molest today? I heard a rumor that molesting farm animals is your thing. Several of them have said so.

"Oink Oink....Coyote touched me inappropriately."

That was their testimony....and it sounds credible to me.

No one is even alleging that Roy Moore did anything, but allegedly made some comments 40 years ago, that apparently were so traumatic, people can't recall what was even said. We know the game by now. The Left cheats. The Left Lies. The Left creates Fake Dossiers and Criminally Uses the Power of Government to rig elections, with the assistance and duplicity of The Media.
Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
You do know that Liars do not enter in to the kingdom of heaven, and the same goes for those that promote and perpetuate lies.

I see a heat wave in your future.
And I see someone who gives a free pass to sexual predators.

I am not the one who sold my soul. :)

You mean like you give a pass to Bill Clinton, Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner?

We know for a fact these people committed multiple offenses.

Nothing at all has been proven with regards to Judge Moore.

Has anyone filed any charges?

Who did you molest today? I heard a rumor that molesting farm animals is your thing. Several of them have said so.

"Oink Oink....Coyote touched me inappropriately."

That was their testimony....and it sounds credible to me.

No one is even alleging that Roy Moore did anything, but allegedly made some comments 40 years ago, that apparently were so traumatic, people can't recall what was even said. We know the game by now. The Left cheats. The Left Lies. The Left creates Fake Dossiers and Criminally Uses the Power of Government to rig elections, with the assistance and duplicity of The Media.
Sounds to me like you got some reading to do before you post anymore on this.
Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
You do know that Liars do not enter in to the kingdom of heaven, and the same goes for those that promote and perpetuate lies.

I see a heat wave in your future.
And I see someone who gives a free pass to sexual predators.

I am not the one who sold my soul. :)

You mean like you give a pass to Bill Clinton, Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner?

We know for a fact these people committed multiple offenses.

Nothing at all has been proven with regards to Judge Moore.

Has anyone filed any charges?

Who did you molest today? I heard a rumor that molesting farm animals is your thing. Several of them have said so.

"Oink Oink....Coyote touched me inappropriately."

That was their testimony....and it sounds credible to me.

No one is even alleging that Roy Moore did anything, but allegedly made some comments 40 years ago, that apparently were so traumatic, people can't recall what was even said. We know the game by now. The Left cheats. The Left Lies. The Left creates Fake Dossiers and Criminally Uses the Power of Government to rig elections, with the assistance and duplicity of The Media.

I havent given a free pass to Weiner or Weinstein. Im glad to see them exposed and taken down.

Looks like you stop short and demand a higher standard of evidence when it is a rightie.

As for Clinton...what do you know "for a fact" that doesnt also apply to Moore.

At least Clinton didnt stalk underage girls while championing Christian fundamentalism.
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

What if he did?

What if Dick Durban molested infants?

You have exactly the same amount of proof to support your slander and libel.
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:

Who is Jim Hoft?

Someone who has exposed you lying pigs in the past?
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

Guilty until proven innocent, it's the leftstream media way.

Oh really? You want me too list all the posts attacking Weinstein,Bill Clinton and so many others this last month? And inocent until proven guilty is what you need in a criminal trail. It's there to protect people for getting punished and is designed to theoretically make jailing someone inocent unlikely. Public opinion and even civil trails have different rules and it works on the PROBABILITY of guilt not the CERTAINTY.

If it gets you off, go for it. Moore is not my favorite guy, but this clumsy hatchet job is painfully obvious. If we let you little Goebbels get away with this, then our system of government is destroyed. All you have to do to stop a candidate who threatens the oligarchy is launch a smear campaign of unsubstantiated allegations and any challenge to the ruling power is thwarted.

Are you REALLY so stupid you fail to grasp this?
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

Guilty until proven innocent, it's the leftstream media way.

Oh really? You want me too list all the posts attacking Weinstein,Bill Clinton and so many others this last month? And inocent until proven guilty is what you need in a criminal trail. It's there to protect people for getting punished and is designed to theoretically make jailing someone inocent unlikely. Public opinion and even civil trails have different rules and it works on the PROBABILITY of guilt not the CERTAINTY.

If it gets you off, go for it. Moore is not my favorite guy, but this clumsy hatchet job is painfully obvious. If we let you little Goebbels get away with this, then our system of government is destroyed. All you have to do to stop a candidate who threatens the oligarchy is launch a smear campaign of unsubstantiated allegations and any challenge to the ruling power is thwarted.

Are you REALLY so stupid you fail to grasp this?

Not only am I that stupid but so is most of the GOP not to mention the majority of Americans.Even Hannity is now admitting to Moore's inconsistencies as he puts it. If it is obvious I don't think the GOP or Hannity would risk a safe Senate seat as is the case in Alabama. The fact of the matter is that the WP sourced their article very well and its content was very believable too.Not in the least because it didn't content that Moore used force too get his way.Why would a hatchet job NOT claim he raped all of the girls?
Sitting on the mall bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent
Snot is running down his nose
Ten Commandments smearing shabby clothes

Hey Lack-o'-hung

32 years old
Already feeling homely
Making time the only way he knows
Ass hurting bad
As he looks to pick a sophomore
He goes down to the Olde
Hickory House...

Feeling alone
The high school's up the road
Hebophilia à la mode and a cup of tea

Lack-o'-hung my friend
Did you think this would be easy?
You poor old clod, you creepy S.O.B....

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
When the voters showed up to the polls
And voted for "Jones, D"?


And you snatch your rattling last breaths
With deep demagoguery sounds,
And McConnell laughs like madness in the spring

Gadsden Mall...
An old man wandering lonely
Making time the only way he knows

Feeling alone
The party thus erodes
Pedophilia à la mode and a cup of tea

The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

What if he did?

What if Dick Durban molested infants?

You have exactly the same amount of proof to support your slander and libel.
*cough *cough Dennis Hastert *cough *cough
Sitting on the mall bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent
Snot is running down his nose
Ten Commandments smearing shabby clothes

Hey Lack-o'-hung

32 years old
Already feeling homely
Making time the only way he knows
Ass hurting bad
As he looks to pick a sophomore
He goes down to the Olde
Hickory House...

Feeling alone
The high school's up the road
Hebophilia à la mode and a cup of tea

Lack-o'-hung my friend
Did you think this would be easy?
You poor old clod, you creepy S.O.B....

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
When the voters showed up to the polls
And voted for "Jones, D"?


And you snatch your rattling last breaths
With deep demagoguery sounds,
And McConnell laughs like madness in the spring

Gadsden Mall...
An old man wandering lonely
Making time the only way he knows

Feeling alone
The party thus erodes
Pedophilia à la mode and a cup of tea


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