Is Roy a pedophile?

No, Moore is not. Nor is the post by-pass Clinton, nor was he. (Sleazy sex with young women isn't his style.) Same with accusations against GHWB.
Flying the private jet of a convicted pedophile to his private island 16 times was just to see his record collection!
Not one shred of proof you hav of that.

You seem to have major issues with FACTS.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office."

Making up shit. What Trumpers do.
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies. But there is no evidence Clinton participated in the orgies with young girls.

Innocent until proven guilty. Has a nice ring to it.
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Flying the private jet of a convicted pedophile to his private island 16 times was just to see his record collection!
Not one shred of proof you hav of that.

You seem to have major issues with FACTS.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office."

Making up shit. What Trumpers do.
Right on cue. Lefty MSM are now alt right Trump cheerleaders!

Lying for a pedophile, tsk tsk

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought

Bill Clinton jumped aboard 'Lolita Express' for junkets along with Jeffrey Epstein | Daily Mail Online

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Why Bill Clinton's 26 Trips on the Lolita Express Child Rape Jet Matter

Bill Clinton used billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ for African charity tour
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies. But there is no evidence Clinton participated in the orgies with young girls.

Innocent until proven guilty.
But it was Bill so no problem.
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies.
So how did Trump like it when he flew on it?

And you've got some cleaning up and 'poligizing to do, twit, for your humongous screw up in repeatedly saying there was no "Olde Hickory House" on the other thread?
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies.
So how did Trump like it when he flew on it?

And you've got some cleaning up and 'poligizing to do, twit, for your humongous screw up in repeatedly saying there was no "Olde Hickory House" on the other thread?
Bill and his pedophile buddy, tsk tsk.
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies.
So how did Trump like it when he flew on it?

And you've got some cleaning up and 'poligizing to do, twit, for your humongous screw up in repeatedly saying there was no "Olde Hickory House" on the other thread?

I put up the restaurants name in that thread and others as I found it. And I don't have to apologize for jackshit. The information that's coming out is fluid. And whoever wrote it is not the same person that wrote the dedication. Handwriting is entirely different.

And Clinton is still innocent until proven guilty and there is no evidence he participated in any of the orgies.
I put up the restaurants name in that thread and others as I found it. And I don't have to apologize for jackshit. The information that's coming out is fluid. And whoever wrote it is not the same person that wrote the dedication. Handwriting is entirely different.

You sure as hell were damn dedicated to the notion the name of the restaurant was wrong, and said so over and over and did your little rhetorical fellatio act on Jim Hoft's mountain of garbage, as you do regularly.

And you've been told about 20 times it was likely the girl who wrote that (who one would think she knows the name of the restaurant she works for) to date and place it.

Then the creep later took her out back and tried to rape her and shoved her head in his crotch.

Where is the charge...the indictment? Sounds serious enough that this should happen.

Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
You do know that Liars do not enter in to the kingdom of heaven, and the same goes for those that promote and perpetuate lies.

I see a heat wave in your future.
Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
You do know that Liars do not enter in to the kingdom of heaven, and the same goes for those that promote and perpetuate lies.

I see a heat wave in your future.
And I see someone who gives a free pass to sexual predators.

I am not the one who sold my soul. :)
When Clinton was taking those flights it was in the early 2000's, Epstein was convicted in 2008.

And his trips were in papers at the time, on humanitarian causes. As I posted earlier:

"Official flight records show his 26 trips aboard the jet with destinations such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa."

There was a a month long trip to Africa - this was written about in 2002 in the New Yorker -- years before it was known what a creepy perv Epstein was --

"Clinton had organized a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique to do what Clinton does. So when the president's advance man Doug Band pitched the idea to Epstein, he said sure. As an added bonus, Kevin Spacey, a close friend of Clinton's, and actor Chris Tucker came along for the ride.

While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his métier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

And the plane was called the Lolita express. It was outfitted for orgies.
So how did Trump like it when he flew on it?

And you've got some cleaning up and 'poligizing to do, twit, for your humongous screw up in repeatedly saying there was no "Olde Hickory House" on the other thread?

I put up the restaurants name in that thread and others as I found it. And I don't have to apologize for jackshit. The information that's coming out is fluid. And whoever wrote it is not the same person that wrote the dedication. Handwriting is entirely different.

There ain't no way around this TD.............


Not only WAS the name "Olde"; they went out of their way to highlight that spelling, complete with quotation marks. Twice. That ad ran approximately two weeks after the date of the signature (thanks be to Paper).

And no, the fucking handwriting isn't different at all, and the alleged " handwriting expert" who told you to think that is a self-described bankrupt failed music journalists who takes pictures of phantom cats and is arguably batshit insane.

Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. Go find his handwriting credentials.
Try to look a little harder than you did for the Old Hickory House, K?
Any Democrat has a lot of nerve and Gall to be slamming on this judge
He's not a judge, fucknut.

He was thrown off the bench forceably -- twice.

I believe that people retain their highest honorary title even after leaving office, dipshit.

You know, like 'Secretary Hillary Clinton'? lol
Except that he was stripped of his Judgeship, while Hillary was not stripped of her Cabinet position.

But keep flailing.
Flat out lie and debunked last night. The mall manager said it didn't happen. ...

You didn't debunk it last night crazycakes.

Not even close. You cited an unnamed manager who was there is the late 80's -- years and years after Moore had been married.

As you were shown last night, math and chronology for you is HARD!

Hey douche bag. I put up his name with a link asswipe. Just like I did again. And this gentleman was managing the mall from 1981 onward.

So go fuck yourself liar.
Tinydancer is attracted to molesters, pussy-grabbers, pedophiles. You know - the NEW Republican Party.

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