Is Roy a pedophile?

Any Democrat has a lot of nerve and Gall to be slamming on this judge
He's not a judge, fucknut.

He was thrown off the bench forceably -- twice.

I believe that people retain their highest honorary title even after leaving office, dipshit.

You know, like 'Secretary Hillary Clinton'? lol

When you use the demonstrative pronoun "this judge" ---- you're not using a "title". You're describing an occupation. Such as, "this waitress" or "that plumber". But you don't follow her around for the rest of her life calling her "Waitress Betty Lou". Titles are for the grammatical second person address. The demonstrative pronouns this and that designate a third person reference.
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That was then, this is now. It's a different world. Wake up. Over 20 Republican lawmakers have said Moore should step down. It's not just me or Democrats. Stop defending this pervert.
Lol, you are such a fucking idiot, I dont even have to rebut that pile of offal.

Truth and guilt are not determined by a pack of liars and criminals running Congress.

Excellent. No True Scotsman Fallacy checks in. Good to see you, Scot.
Flat out lie and debunked last night. The mall manager said it didn't happen. ...

You didn't debunk it last night crazycakes.

Not even close. You cited an unnamed manager who was there is the late 80's -- years and years after Moore had been married.

As you were shown last night, math and chronology for you is HARD!

Hey douche bag. I put up his name with a link asswipe. Just like I did again. And this gentleman was managing the mall from 1981 onward.

So go fuck yourself liar.
1981? You're off by a few years, you know.
Flat out lie and debunked last night. The mall manager said it didn't happen. ...

You didn't debunk it last night crazycakes.

Not even close. You cited an unnamed manager who was there is the late 80's -- years and years after Moore had been married.

As you were shown last night, math and chronology for you is HARD!

Hey douche bag. I put up his name with a link asswipe. Just like I did again. And this gentleman was managing the mall from 1981 onward.

So go fuck yourself liar.
You have a tremendous amount invested in this..........why is this? Something.....something.....? It's odd.
Everyone's ignoring the video...

Watch it, you might learn something. All of you

Probably because, as I already noted, you used that video to derail your own topic in post one.

Me I generally don't do videos. I figure if you have a point and you know what it is, then you can articulate it. If you cant --- then you don't have the point you wish you did.
Two accusers. No evidence. 40 years later. Right before an election. Nothing odd about this right? Even though nothing ever had come up before.

You're in no position to crow about "evidence" after you just retweeted a Jim Fucking Hoft web page as an example of it, sweets.
5 accusers now. All preyed upon at a similar age.

Yet the very people who condemned Weinstein defend this guy? Come on...this sort of stuff should not be political. He might be innocent but it looks increasingly less so. This is also a man who in other areas has considered himself above the law.

None of them know each other
Also collaborated by dozens who say they were told about Creepy Roy years ago

But, Fox News says we are not supposed to believe them
None of them know each other


same general age group, likely same general area of town...

but, they didn't know each other?

There are about 36,000 people in Gadsden right now, and that's declined from 40 years ago.
You think they all know everybody? Seriously?
Most likely yes. Our judicial system places a very high level of evidence to gain a conviction, lets face it, according to our judicial system Ray Rice is a good husband to his wife, just like OJ Simpson. If you want to avoid charges or get out of them, become famous or become a politician. Ted Kennedy killed a woman, bolted the scene of the accident, and was deemed to have been lying to the judge about what he did and didn't get charged.

But we've got what? A half-dozen people that he's tried something with? Nearly 4 dozen others backing up their stories. This is hitting Bill Cosby levels.

And it's not about politics. We have his friends, republicans, Trump voters saying this is who this guy is. Then throw in him in his 30's signing some child's yearbook. If I was her dad he'd we'd be having a long talk and he could tell my shotgun just what his intentions are, because not once have those ever been good in that situation and I'm not gullible to fall for the "we are just good friends" BS. Then now we've got him being banned from a mall for trying to pick up children.

All this guy needs is that he was running an ice cream van on the side...

So, he'll probably get away with it. These are old, and we've seen a slew of women finally saying they do have a voice and not fearing the lashback (seriously look at the things people say about them). Probably not enough evidence to file charges at this point which really sucks, because that man is a sick sick individual.

I don't care even that he's a Republican. I wish he wasn't but that is so not a point of this. I just know there will be a special place in hell reserved just for him.
I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:

Are you disputing the image? Or the error in spelling?

I'm noting who the source is. And if you believe this unknown is a "handwriting expert" on the basis of a say-so by Jim Fucking Hoft, I've got a bunch of bridges to sell you. I gives you a package deal.

And I already saw the images, and no I don't agree the alleged "discrepancies" are there at all. Am I a qualified handwriting expert? No, but I don't need to be. All I need is for some Bubble Blogger to say I am and trot it out to the Gullibles, who will sit there and look at two identical signatures and swear they're not identical, simply because (a) some BubbleBlogger told them to think that, and (b) because it's what they want to be true. As I said the first time, look before you leap, because you might just be leaping into a hole --- especially when you're retweeting Steve McRacist. That's one discredited source quoting another.

As for the spelling of " Olde", stipulating that I've never been to that restaurant and neither have you (and I strongly doubt either Jim Fucking Hoft or Steve McRacist has either), it's not uncommon for such small businesses to use Olde Englisshe on their shingle, and it's entirely possible that the restaurant either (a) DID spell it that way some time in the past and later modernized it, OR that (b) whoever wrote "olde" was simply making a wry spelling joke. And a third possibility is that they simply didn't know any better.

Or didn't you think of any of those possibilities because you're tripping over yourself to get your money out to buy Bubble Bridges?

Critical thinking is dead.

The restaurant *was* actually named Olde Hickory House -- Tin-ee was absolutely owned here in this post -- with pics of the 1977 City Directory and ads from that period:

IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED
We may never know whether or not the accusations against Moore are true given that they occurred 40 years ago. What's troubling is that he was apparently widely known to target high school girls when he was in his 30s. It's one thing to run into a teenager who is of legal age and hit it off with her, but he was supposedly going to high school functions and hanging out at the mall searching them out. That's predatory behavior. If true he's a fucking creep.
He like em young. Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?
For the 40th time: that didn't happen.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?
For the 40th time: that didn't happen.

Lying for a pedophile, tsk tsk

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought

Bill Clinton jumped aboard 'Lolita Express' for junkets along with Jeffrey Epstein | Daily Mail Online

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Why Bill Clinton's 26 Trips on the Lolita Express Child Rape Jet Matter

Bill Clinton used billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ for African charity tour
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?
For the 40th time: that didn't happen.

Lying for a pedophile, tsk tsk


Been through this a hundred times with you whacknuts. All older articles, all by RW hit job sites.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender
And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?

Do you? I mean we have one of his 13 year old's saying Trump raped her. Trump was pretty close to that guy, and Kevin Spacey. Seems like all three of them probably belong behind a lot of bars.
There is not a bit of proof Clinton was ever on that island.

Some stories from the rag end of the media cite an "eyewitness" - she said she never saw him have sex, but claimed he was on the island.

This is the same woman that accused Alan Dershowitz of raping her on the island -- and he proved she was lying.

"Dershowitz produced travel documents and other records showing he could not have been present at specific locations and times when the woman claimed the sexual misconduct occurred, and that he produced additional evidence to “refute the credibility of the allegations,” the statement said.

On Friday night, Dershowitz also provided correspondence from former FBI director Louis J. Freeh indicating Dershowitz’s accuser also alleged she and President Clinton were on Epstein’s island at the same time at some point between Jan. 1, 2001 and Jan. 1, 2003.

However, Freeh wrote, there is no record of the former president’s Secret Service detail traveling with him to the island then, leading Freeh to conclude Clinton was not there."

They withdrew the case.

Settlement reached in Alan Dershowitz defamation case - The Boston ...
The Boston Globe...alan-dershowitz.../story.h...The Boston Globe

Apr 8, 2016

BTW: The woman that made that false claim (Virginia Roberts) was plucked by Epstein when she was working at age 15 for

wait for it

------> Donald Trump.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

And what of Bill Clinton taking the “Lolita Express” private jet of his convicted pedophile buddy to his private island 16 times?

Think nothing happened?
For the 40th time: that didn't happen.

Lying for a pedophile, tsk tsk


Been through this a hundred times with you whacknuts. All older articles, all by RW hit job sites.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

Read your own link Dufus, it supports me.
There is not a bit of proof Clinton was ever on that island.

Some stories from the rag end of the media cite an "eyewitness" - she said she never saw him have sex, but claimed he was on the island.

This is the same woman that accused Alan Dershowitz of raping her on the island -- and he proved she was lying.

"Dershowitz produced travel documents and other records showing he could not have been present at specific locations and times when the woman claimed the sexual misconduct occurred, and that he produced additional evidence to “refute the credibility of the allegations,” the statement said.

On Friday night, Dershowitz also provided correspondence from former FBI director Louis J. Freeh indicating Dershowitz’s accuser also alleged she and President Clinton were on Epstein’s island at the same time at some point between Jan. 1, 2001 and Jan. 1, 2003.

However, Freeh wrote, there is no record of the former president’s Secret Service detail traveling with him to the island then, leading Freeh to conclude Clinton was not there."

They withdrew the case.

Settlement reached in Alan Dershowitz defamation case - The Boston ...
The Boston Globe...alan-dershowitz.../story.h...The Boston Globe

Apr 8, 2016

BTW: The woman that made that false claim (Virginia Roberts) was plucked by Epstein when she was working at age 15 for

wait for it

------> Donald Trump.
All those lefty news organizations lied!

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