Is Roy a pedophile?

Two accusers. No evidence. Innocent until proven guilty.
I agree but I would NEVER let him around my daughter's if they were children.
Would you?

In the WP article two mothers gave their permission to date their daughters. Back in the seventies hell's bells girls were getting married out of high school.

As for my girls my husband and I pulled the same routine my dad did on my dates. Completely give the date's car an inspection and give the date a $20. for gas and quarters to call us if they needed a tow.


I was never late for my curfew. Ditto my girls.

But back to Moore.

One mother in the WP article thought of Moore as great marriage material. No problems at all and Moore never crossed any line with either of those two girls.
So you would have no problem with a 30 something kissing, undressing and asking your 14 year old daughter to stroke him? What's the line for you?
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

Guilty until proven innocent, it's the leftstream media way.

Oh really? You want me too list all the posts attacking Weinstein,Bill Clinton and so many others this last month? And inocent until proven guilty is what you need in a criminal trail. It's there to protect people for getting punished and is designed to theoretically make jailing someone inocent unlikely. Public opinion and even civil trails have different rules and it works on the PROBABILITY of guilt not the CERTAINTY.

And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:
Arguing the Wash Po is just full of liars is utterly moronic. Basically, everyone you disagree with is a liar. Schockingly, everyone you agree with is honest. The other side says the same thing. All of you are idiots who think that way.

It was Hitler's tactic.

Look everyone! It's a person who thinks both sides do it and everyone besides him is an idiot.

This forum needs one of those.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

Republicans don't care. R could stand for rapist they still wouldn't vote D

Good grief! How long did Ted "I swim really really good/waitress sandwich" Kennedy's voters keep turning out for him.

Stop with the hypocrisy.


Yes, good ole Teddy pleaded guilty for leaving the scene of an accident after knowingly causing injury ( :dig: ) to another. Received two months suspended sentence and one-year probation.

And? Amazing how far back you deplorables need to go to defend the piece of garbage you want to put in the senate.

The hate and insanity from the deplorables is amazing. Truly.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

Republicans don't care. R could stand for rapist they still wouldn't vote D

Good grief! How long did Ted "I swim really really good/waitress sandwich" Kennedy's voters keep turning out for him.

Stop with the hypocrisy.


You keep defecting. It's adorable.

Now go have another drink.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

Republicans don't care. R could stand for rapist they still wouldn't vote D

Good grief! How long did Ted "I swim really really good/waitress sandwich" Kennedy's voters keep turning out for him.

Stop with the hypocrisy.


You keep defecting. It's adorable.

Now go have another drink.

Notice they say it was white southern democrats that were racist? What happened to them? Did those democrats die or leave the south? Nope. They joined the GOP.

So the democrat southern racists of yesterday are today republicans
That was then, this is now. It's a different world. Wake up. Over 20 Republican lawmakers have said Moore should step down. It's not just me or Democrats. Stop defending this pervert.
Lol, you are such a fucking idiot, I dont even have to rebut that pile of offal.

Truth and guilt are not determined by a pack of liars and criminals running Congress.
I really don't care what he did 40 years ago, as long as he isn't doing the same thing now.

Of course the left never had a problem with Crazy Uncle Joe Biden slobbering all over those little girls, did they?
Did Joe try to get in to their pants JGalt? Did Biden undress them and feel them up JGalt? Did Biden make them touch his stiff crotch JGalt? Did Biden lock these children he slobbers over in a car and try to sexually assault them, JGalt? Did Biden stalk their school events and hang out in malls with all the young, JGalt?

Moore went to some high school functions because he coached the girls baseball team that his sister was on. And he didn't hang out at the mall to be with young kids. And I don't believe either of the accusers.

No evidence whatsoever. Much like Trump and golden showers.


Creepy Roy was watched at the mall because he was hitting on young girls. He was eventually banned
He did more than attend high school functions, he developed relations with young girls there
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

Guilty until proven innocent, it's the leftstream media way.

Who's trying him in a court of law? In fact the one who wants to go to court is Child-chaser Moore sue the WaPost. More power to him. He SHOULD sue....get them ALL under oath.
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:
While tiny praised our resident klansman here.
5 accusers now. All preyed upon at a similar age.

Yet the very people who condemned Weinstein defend this guy? Come on...this sort of stuff should not be political. He might be innocent but it looks increasingly less so. This is also a man who in other areas has considered himself above the law.
Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
Moore is accused of actually doing nothing but giving the girl a ride home.

These accusations are bogus.

You don't wait 40 years and then 4 weeks before the election when the Dems are 12 points behind run an unsubstantiated story like this, where nothing actually happened.

The accusers and story will just fade away after the election win or lose, like it did for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and President Trump.

This is how The Dems play.
It has nothing to do with the Dems. And yes it is not unusual for women to wait years nefore strpping up. This was 40 years ago and neither culture nor courts were very sympayhetic to the victim. Her reputation would have been publically trashed and shamed. The attacker was older, and powerful in the community and he told her no one would believe her. These arent mature women these are highschool age girls in a part of the country where women obey men. What tbe hell could they do? 14? 16?
I really don't care what he did 40 years ago, as long as he isn't doing the same thing now.

Of course the left never had a problem with Crazy Uncle Joe Biden slobbering all over those little girls, did they?
Did Joe try to get in to their pants JGalt? Did Biden undress them and feel them up JGalt? Did Biden make them touch his stiff crotch JGalt? Did Biden lock these children he slobbers over in a car and try to sexually assault them, JGalt? Did Biden stalk their school events and hang out in malls with all the young, JGalt?

Moore went to some high school functions because he coached the girls baseball team that his sister was on. And he didn't hang out at the mall to be with young kids. And I don't believe either of the accusers.

No evidence whatsoever. Much like Trump and golden showers.


Creepy Roy was watched at the mall because he was hitting on young girls. He was eventually banned
He did more than attend high school functions, he developed relations with young girls there
Did not realize that...there is a lot of pretty damning evidence that he targeted young girls...

Roy Moore reportedly banned from mall after targeting teen girls

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