Is Roy a pedophile?

The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!

" Dems" didn't even EXIST in 1826, Dumbass.

Uh, Jackson won the presidency as a democrat in 1824, you ignorant slug.

Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia

From your source:
Political party Democratic (after 1828)
Jacksonian (1825-1828)
Democratic-Republican (Before 1825)

Jackson hated the Republicans, particularly Jefferson. Jackson ran against 3 of Jefferson's Republicans. He along with Aaron Burr founded the democrats as opposition to the Republicans of Jefferson. Burr of course was later found guilty of treason, a LONG tradition of democrats that continues to this day.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!

" Dems" didn't even EXIST in 1826, Dumbass.

Uh, Jackson won the presidency as a democrat in 1824, you ignorant slug.

Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia

From your source:
Political party Democratic (after 1828)
Jacksonian (1825-1828)
Democratic-Republican (Before 1825)

Jackson hated the Republicans, particularly Jefferson. Jackson ran against 3 of Jefferson's Republicans. He along with Aaron Burr founded the democrats as opposition to the Republicans of Jefferson. Burr of course was later found guilty of treason, a LONG tradition of democrats that continues to this day.

He wasn't a Democrat until after 1828.
Keep trying your best, pedo-enablers! You're going to have a hard time living this down when all is said and done.

"This past weekend, I spoke or messaged with more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who told me that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since.

These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees."
And not a single record exists. Tsk tsk. Moore was home with his wife making babies.
Not in the late 70's, fucknut.
He isn't a pedophile.

If the accusations are true and I am inclined to believe it given he number of women stepping up...he is a sexual predator that targeted highschool girls and that is disgusting.

Even more disgusting is the fact that people defend it and even say they would still VOTE for him.

What the hell :dunno:

Yeah, same thing happened to Herman Cain until he dropped out.....then all the women disappeared.
He dropped out due to his wife. She wasn't up to handling the crap.

Not even defending Moore, and never much liked him, but I (we) have seen this SO much.

Perhaps...but there is a consistency in these allegations - women all of a certain age group.

The thing is - men with power - have been getting away with this sort of stuff for a long time.

Coyote this stinks of the same thing the Cain mess did. I do agree this has been going on a long time.......actually since the beginning of time.

I don't lknow....Moore is popular in his's a hard red state...what is in it for who? There is so much consistency in the accounts that is disturbing.

The Cain mess was pretty darn big. I follow him on fb, and know what it put he and his family through....specially his wife.
I get tired of it happening. And as I said I never liked him much. (Moore). It's my state and I have known of him a mighty long time.
Most of you never even heard of him, and know nothing about him other than this smear. And all of a sudden everyone is an expert.
I have no clue what he did or did not do.
I don't lknow....Moore is popular in his's a hard red state...what is in it for who? There is so much consistency in the accounts that is disturbing.

Almost as if it were a script written in Hollywood....

The MOMENT the lowest level of the outhouse was probed and brought forth Gloria Allred, any semblance of credibility was lost.
He isn't a pedophile.

If the accusations are true and I am inclined to believe it given he number of women stepping up...he is a sexual predator that targeted highschool girls and that is disgusting.

Even more disgusting is the fact that people defend it and even say they would still VOTE for him.

What the hell :dunno:

It's a testament to this age of divided tribalism --- they usually say they'll vote for Moore because the alternative would be to vote for a Democrat. And we can't have that. They're like magical demons. One guy in this thread just put them in a time machine and shipped them all the way back to 1826, because facts don't matter.

So it's down to this --- Doug Jones is known for prosecuting the Klan perpetrators of the infamous 16th Street Bombing, while Roy Moore is known for hanging out at the mall eyeing little girls with bad intent. But hail, ah'm gone vote fer da Repubbican.

That's where we're at.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!

" Dems" didn't even EXIST in 1826, Dumbass.

Uh, Jackson won the presidency as a democrat in 1824, you ignorant slug.

Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia

From your source:
Political party Democratic (after 1828)
Jacksonian (1825-1828)
Democratic-Republican (Before 1825)

Jackson hated the Republicans, particularly Jefferson. Jackson ran against 3 of Jefferson's Republicans. He along with Aaron Burr founded the democrats as opposition to the Republicans of Jefferson. Burr of course was later found guilty of treason, a LONG tradition of democrats that continues to this day.

He wasn't a Democrat until after 1828.

Nonsense. Burr and Jackson used the term as far back as 1818.

Here is an excellent (non-partisan) book of the rise of the democrats.
He isn't a pedophile.

If the accusations are true and I am inclined to believe it given he number of women stepping up...he is a sexual predator that targeted highschool girls and that is disgusting.

Even more disgusting is the fact that people defend it and even say they would still VOTE for him.

What the hell :dunno:

It's a testament to this age of divided tribalism --- they usually say they'll vote for Moore because the alternative would be to vote for a Democrat. And we can't have that. They're like magical demons. One guy in this thread just put them in a time machine and shipped them all the way back to 1826, because facts don't matter.

So it's down to this --- Doug Jones is known for prosecuting the Klan perpetrators of the infamous 16th Street Bombing, while Roy Moore is known for hanging out at the mall eyeing little girls with bad intent. But hail, ah'm gone vote fer da Repubbican.

That's where we're at.

Kidding, right? It may be where you are at, but sure isn't where I am.
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

What if he did?
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

What if he did?

What if I am Mata Hari?
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
The Senate has not tossed a member since 1826 when Dems refused to seat a negro!

" Dems" didn't even EXIST in 1826, Dumbass.

Uh, Jackson ran for the presidency as a democrat in 1824, you ignorant slug.

Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia

And again in 1828, and in neither election did he have a political party. His supporters were called loosely "Jacksonians" while his detractors were called "anti-Jacksonians" . NEITHER was a political party. The Jacksonians were eventually organized into the Democratic Party by Martin van Buren, first using that name in 1834. Therefore it is impossible for "Dems" to have taken any action, eight years before they actually existed.

The anti-Jacksonians organized eventually into the Whigs, but in 1828 they weren't yet a party either.

Meanwhile to your other pile of post turd, Jefferson was not a " Republican" --- that party wasn't even founded until 1854, by which time Jefferson had been dead for some 28 years.

So to sum up, in 1826 NEITHER of the contemporary Duopoly Party existed at all, let alone in Jefferson's time. Pinky completely pulled that one out of his ass, and you just tried to shine it. And for the record there was NO Senate expulsion anytime anywhere near 1826, of anybody. One Senator was expelled in 1797 and fourteen were expelled for supporting the Confederacy in the Civil War. And that's the entire list.

There must be some kind of brain-sucking machine out there in OC. That's what that hum is people hear.
Last edited:
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

What if he did?

What if I am Mata Hari?

If that's the case, I put it to you that you in fact died in front of a firing squad. But you looked damn good.
He isn't a pedophile.

If the accusations are true and I am inclined to believe it given he number of women stepping up...he is a sexual predator that targeted highschool girls and that is disgusting.

Even more disgusting is the fact that people defend it and even say they would still VOTE for him.

What the hell :dunno:

Two accusers. No evidence.
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:
Arguing the Wash Po is just full of liars is utterly moronic. Basically, everyone you disagree with is a liar. Schockingly, everyone you agree with is honest. The other side says the same thing. All of you are idiots who think that way.

It was Hitler's tactic.
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.


And Alabama wants Moore!!!!! :2up:

I'm curious...would you still feel that way if he was found guilty of assaulting those girls?

He didn't assault shit, ok?

The Wash poo Post is lying as it usually does. in favor of the commiecrats ..... shame on those lies....shame on the Wash poo Post!:mad-61:

skye check this out and get it out there. I was looking up the restaurant when Steve put up a thread about the forgery in the yearbook.

This is nuts. They spelled Olde Hickory House with an E. The restaurant doesn't have an e.

Old Hickory House
1715 US Hwy 431 S,

Gadsden, AL 35905

The yearbook.


IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

:lmao: You just forwarded a Jim Hoft page. Look before you leap. :rolleyes:

Are you disputing the image? Or the error in spelling?

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