Is Roy a pedophile?

The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

Republicans don't care. R could stand for rapist they still wouldn't vote D

Good grief! How long did Ted "I swim really really good/waitress sandwich" Kennedy's voters keep turning out for him.

Stop with the hypocrisy.

Moore went to some high school functions because he coached the girls baseball team that his sister was on. And he didn't hang out at the mall to be with young kids. And I don't believe either of the accusers.

No evidence whatsoever. Much like Trump and golden showers.


No evidence, just hearsay. And a bunch of politically-correct Republicans willing to go along with this bad kabuki theater, just to show the Democrats "We're nice guys and girls."
Actually, there is discussion that if, indeed, this scandal was orchestrated, it may well be the Republican party who orchestrated it because they don't want this guy in the Senate. He's unpalatable for them because of his extreme beliefs.

However, I don't think it is orchestrated because it is not realistic at all for the Post and all these women and the democratic or republican party to all be together, in cahoots to work together against this guy. All the effort, time, money, coordination, women who don't even know each other...not feasible or plausible.

There's only two accusers.

Only 2. It's bullshit spread around that there are 5.

One in the WP article. The other three in the WP article did not accuse Moore of jack shit. One just said she wasn't allowed to date him. One said her mother trusted Moore and actually thought of him as excellent marriage material. Other woman dated him and nothing happened but kissing and hugging.

AND this woman actually works for the Democrats.

"Debbie Wesson Gibson says that she was 17 in the spring of 1981 when Moore spoke to her Etowah High School civics class about serving as the assistant district attorney. She says that when he asked her out, she asked her mother what she would say if she wanted to date a 34-year-old man. Gibson says her mother asked her who the man was, and when Gibson said “Roy Moore,” her mother said, “I’d say you were the luckiest girl in the world.”

Among locals in Gadsden, a town of about 47,000 back then, Moore “had this godlike, almost deity status — he was a hometown boy made good,” Gibson says, “West Point and so forth.”

Gibson says that they dated for two to three months, and that he took her to his house, read her poetry and played his guitar. She says he kissed her once in his bedroom and once by the pool at a local country club."

Woman says GOP candidate Roy Moore, the ‘Ten Commandments judge,’ initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32 | Toronto Star

Here's the other one.

“My mom was really, really strict and my curfew was 10:30 but she would let me stay out later with Roy,” says Deason, who is now 57 and lives in North Carolina. “She just felt like I would be safe with him ... She thought he was good husband material.”

Deason says that they dated off and on for several months and that he took her to his house at least two times. She says their physical relationship did not go further than kissing and hugging.

“He liked Eddie Rabbit and I liked Freddie Mercury,” Deason says, referring to the country singer and the British rocker"
Stop defending this pervert. WTF is wrong with you? There is a group of 5 women from Alabama on TV now talking about how everyone knew about him for years and knew to stay away from him. How can you defend him? You must not have daughters. There are about 20 prominent Republicans who say he needs to step down.
I really don't care what he did 40 years ago, as long as he isn't doing the same thing now.

Of course the left never had a problem with Crazy Uncle Joe Biden slobbering all over those little girls, did they?
What could we do about it?
Stop defending this pervert. WTF is wrong with you? There is a group of 5 women from Alabama on TV now talking about how everyone knew about him for years and knew to stay away from him. How can you defend him? You must not have daughters. There are about 20 prominent Republicans who say he needs to step down.

Oh, just STFU, ass hat.

Any Democrat has a lot of nerve and Gall to be slamming on this judge for flirting with some teen age girls, if he even did do such things, after all the shit Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Inoye was allowed to get away with for 50 years.

At least no one is claiming that Moore drowned anyone, lol.
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

Moore has been in Alabama politics for years and now just before an important senate election this comes out???? Why not before???
Stop defending this pervert. WTF is wrong with you? There is a group of 5 women from Alabama on TV now talking about how everyone knew about him for years and knew to stay away from him. How can you defend him? You must not have daughters. There are about 20 prominent Republicans who say he needs to step down.

Oh, just STFU, ass hat.

Any Democrat has a lot of nerve and Gall to be slamming on this judge for flirting with some teen age girls, if he even did do such things, after all the shit Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Inoye was allowed to get away with for 50 years.

At least no one is claiming that Moore drowned anyone, lol.
Wow, you have a lot of class, not.

That was then, this is now. It's a different world. Wake up. Over 20 Republican lawmakers have said Moore should step down. It's not just me or Democrats. Stop defending this pervert.
No evidence, just hearsay. And a bunch of politically-correct Republicans willing to go along with this bad kabuki theater, just to show the Democrats "We're nice guys and girls."
Actually, there is discussion that if, indeed, this scandal was orchestrated, it may well be the Republican party who orchestrated it because they don't want this guy in the Senate. He's unpalatable for them because of his extreme beliefs.

However, I don't think it is orchestrated because it is not realistic at all for the Post and all these women and the democratic or republican party to all be together, in cahoots to work together against this guy. All the effort, time, money, coordination, women who don't even know each other...not feasible or plausible.

There's only two accusers.

Only 2. It's bullshit spread around that there are 5.

One in the WP article. The other three in the WP article did not accuse Moore of jack shit. One just said she wasn't allowed to date him. One said her mother trusted Moore and actually thought of him as excellent marriage material. Other woman dated him and nothing happened but kissing and hugging.

AND this woman actually works for the Democrats.

"Debbie Wesson Gibson says that she was 17 in the spring of 1981 when Moore spoke to her Etowah High School civics class about serving as the assistant district attorney. She says that when he asked her out, she asked her mother what she would say if she wanted to date a 34-year-old man. Gibson says her mother asked her who the man was, and when Gibson said “Roy Moore,” her mother said, “I’d say you were the luckiest girl in the world.”

Among locals in Gadsden, a town of about 47,000 back then, Moore “had this godlike, almost deity status — he was a hometown boy made good,” Gibson says, “West Point and so forth.”

Gibson says that they dated for two to three months, and that he took her to his house, read her poetry and played his guitar. She says he kissed her once in his bedroom and once by the pool at a local country club."

Woman says GOP candidate Roy Moore, the ‘Ten Commandments judge,’ initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32 | Toronto Star

Here's the other one.

“My mom was really, really strict and my curfew was 10:30 but she would let me stay out later with Roy,” says Deason, who is now 57 and lives in North Carolina. “She just felt like I would be safe with him ... She thought he was good husband material.”

Deason says that they dated off and on for several months and that he took her to his house at least two times. She says their physical relationship did not go further than kissing and hugging.

“He liked Eddie Rabbit and I liked Freddie Mercury,” Deason says, referring to the country singer and the British rocker"
Stop defending this pervert. WTF is wrong with you? There is a group of 5 women from Alabama on TV now talking about how everyone knew about him for years and knew to stay away from him. How can you defend him? You must not have daughters. There are about 20 prominent Republicans who say he needs to step down.

No evidence. Innocent until proven guilty. And I don't give a rats ass about McConnell and his crew who backed Luther Strange wanting to take vengeance on the Judge. The never Trumpers are assholes.

And you're taking gossip as evidence now?
Stop defending this pervert. WTF is wrong with you? There is a group of 5 women from Alabama on TV now talking about how everyone knew about him for years and knew to stay away from him. How can you defend him? You must not have daughters. There are about 20 prominent Republicans who say he needs to step down.

Oh, just STFU, ass hat.

Any Democrat has a lot of nerve and Gall to be slamming on this judge for flirting with some teen age girls, if he even did do such things, after all the shit Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Inoye was allowed to get away with for 50 years.

At least no one is claiming that Moore drowned anyone, lol.
Wow, you have a lot of class, not.

That was then, this is now. It's a different world. Wake up. Over 20 Republican lawmakers have said Moore should step down. It's not just me or Democrats. Stop defending this pervert.

Those Republicans all had backed Luther Strange in the primary. They ARE the fucking swamp.
I'm not buying in to these two accusers.

Two who accused him of something illegal. Three others who he pursued while they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. Illegal or not he's a fucking creep. Apparently his "Christian morals" apply to every dick but his own.

Plus they've all replaced believing or not believing with "buying or not buying" for more flexibility. Its a shame that even this is a morally gray area. And speaking of more flexibility they'll say they arent morally gray they're just asking the questions to draw any responsibility or fault away from those they "arent defending".
No evidence. Innocent until proven guilty. And I don't give a rats ass about McConnell and his crew who backed Luther Strange wanting to take vengeance on the Judge.
Your God Emperor backed Strange.

And stop calling him Judge. You don't call a defrocked priest "Father" or a former policeman fired for misconduct, "Officer."

He violated the laws of this nation and was removed from office for his offenses.
repubs: innocent!!! Dems: guilty!!!! Both of you:Morons
The final decision belongs to the CITIZENS of as Alabama.
No, they can decide whether he Senator. But they are not a court of justice.

There are also a lot of psychotic Christians down there which negates their ability to be rational.

In short, religious people are essentially morons in my opinion.
Welcome to ignore fuck wad!

And he said it negates your ability to be rational? You sure showed that guy
Are you are pedo OP? of course you are not ....and Moore is not one either!

Bless both of you!
Moore will win Alabama!

Bless Alabama and Bless Moore!:2up:
Are you are pedo OP? of course you are not ....and Moore is not one either!

Bless both of you!
Gosh, Roy Moore at 32 was attracted to young women and the age of consent in Alabama was and is 16. Forty years ago is a long time for women to now be coming forward with lewd and unproven allegations. Betcha Anthony Weiner would be mayor of NYC had it not been for those sexting images with underage girls. tsk!
The facts remain ambiguous. I'm inclined to believe her but i do not know and nor does my opinion matter.

Having said that here is a 7 minute video that connects many dots by it's end and calls into question MANY of our leaders & celebs.

the facts aren't ambiguous.

pedophile is probably technically the wrong word since it usually applies to pre-pubescent children. he was certainly a child molester though.

Republicans don't care. R could stand for rapist they still wouldn't vote D

Good grief! How long did Ted "I swim really really good/waitress sandwich" Kennedy's voters keep turning out for him.

Stop with the hypocrisy.


Yes, good ole Teddy pleaded guilty for leaving the scene of an accident after knowingly causing injury ( :dig: ) to another. Received two months suspended sentence and one-year probation.

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