Is Rush Limbaugh Is Just Faking His Illness For Sympathy??

I don’t listen to Rush, but when I have he only addressed specific issues, yet I am curious as to what he specifically had done or rather said about others that were physically sick? Maybe It’s time bulldog, or someone else for that matter, would educate me as to specific examples because apparently bulldog and others listen to him on a regular basis.
Did you see him last night? It wasn't the old confident Rush. As a matter of fact he looked feeble and he had that look that only terminal cancer victims have. Whether you like him or hate him he is single handedly responsible for what modern talk radio has become. He had a productive 30 years and he overcame total deafness so he might beat the odds in his cancer fight.
I forget about his deafness. How did that come about?
Bottom line:
There's not a single marxist douche out there that will ever measure up to a festering boil on Rush's sphincter.

No getting around that fact..... it's forever, like the Acquittal.
Apparently very few on this board have seen or experienced with a loved one the outcome of late stage level 4 lung cancer. The likelihood it has metastasized and spread to his bones and or other organs is rather high. I don't wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy.

With the cruel things that Rush has said about others with illnesses it does make it hard to now feel bad for him.

It would be nice if he realizes the harm he has done before he dies like Lee Atwater did.

It's ok to not feel sad for him. However the ones here hoping for the suffering and painful death of someone, is really beyond disgusting, and should be called out.
Internet remembers Rush Limbaugh saying Michael J. Fox was faking Parkinson’s Disease

So every since Rush came out and said he has "advanced" cancer, now he is getting all of this praise and thoughts and prayers (even from the devil worshipping Libs) -- and most recently, he has milked his "supposed" illness into getting a medal of Freedom.....Basically being treated like a saint....and he is really playing up this illness too, arriving to the state of the union in a wheel chair....really Rush??

"While the honoring of Limbaugh was swift after the news broke that Limbaugh’s health was so bad. But the internet remembered Limbaugh differently. When Michael J. Fox first came out about his diagnosis he appeared in videos where it was clear he had the tremors [indicative of the disease] -- Rush Limbaugh's response: “He’s either off his medication or acting,” said Limbaugh. “He’s an actor after all.”

Now obviously, I don't think Rush is faking having cancer... but hey, Rush Limbaugh laughed & joked about Eric Garner not being able to breathe, ridiculed & mocked Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson’s and laughed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer -- all jokes that conservatives considered the very best in cutting edge comedy -- so Rush should be thrilled at his opportunity to be the butt of such cutting edge humor....

You know, just because Rush and his listeners behaved badly doesn't mean people on the left have to do the same.

It's very sad that Rush has cancer. You might disagree with his politics (I do), but he still has a family that is going to miss him when he's gone.

If he's so far gone he has to be using a wheelchair, he won't be with us much longer. Of course, he stopped being a factor after the Fluke Debacle, having long been passed up by angrier and meaner voices on the radio.
Apparently very few on this board have seen or experienced with a loved one the outcome of late stage level 4 lung cancer. The likelihood it has metastasized and spread to his bones and or other organs is rather high. I don't wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy.

With the cruel things that Rush has said about others with illnesses it does make it hard to now feel bad for him.

It would be nice if he realizes the harm he has done before he dies like Lee Atwater did.

It's ok to not feel sad for him. However the ones here hoping for the suffering and painful death of someone, is really beyond disgusting, and should be called out.

Is it not fair to note Rush's inexcusable statements about others and how sometimes what goes around comes around?
Internet remembers Rush Limbaugh saying Michael J. Fox was faking Parkinson’s Disease

So every since Rush came out and said he has "advanced" cancer, now he is getting all of this praise and thoughts and prayers (even from the devil worshipping Libs) -- and most recently, he has milked his "supposed" illness into getting a medal of Freedom.....Basically being treated like a saint....and he is really playing up this illness too, arriving to the state of the union in a wheel chair....really Rush??

"While the honoring of Limbaugh was swift after the news broke that Limbaugh’s health was so bad. But the internet remembered Limbaugh differently. When Michael J. Fox first came out about his diagnosis he appeared in videos where it was clear he had the tremors [indicative of the disease] -- Rush Limbaugh's response: “He’s either off his medication or acting,” said Limbaugh. “He’s an actor after all.”

Now obviously, I don't think Rush is faking having cancer... but hey, Rush Limbaugh laughed & joked about Eric Garner not being able to breathe, ridiculed & mocked Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson’s and laughed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer -- all jokes that conservatives considered the very best in cutting edge comedy -- so Rush should be thrilled at his opportunity to be the butt of such cutting edge humor....

You know, just because Rush and his listeners behaved badly doesn't mean people on the left have to do the same.

It's very sad that Rush has cancer. You might disagree with his politics (I do), but he still has a family that is going to miss him when he's gone.

If he's so far gone he has to be using a wheelchair, he won't be with us much longer. Of course, he stopped being a factor after the Fluke Debacle, having long been passed up by angrier and meaner voices on the radio.

While true the argument here is a bigger one. How do you feel the family of Robin Williams felt when Rush made his remarks?

To the bigger point. People are making cruel remarks about many all the time. Why is any of it OK? Look at the names people call others that they don't even know. Many who complain about the things said about Rush.

Asking rhetorically, but why is cruel statements about Rush's illness so hateful but yet it's OK to to say all sorts of mean things about someone suffering from maybe a mental illness or that would like to see others to be able to access the same health care as Rush?
Internet remembers Rush Limbaugh saying Michael J. Fox was faking Parkinson’s Disease

So every since Rush came out and said he has "advanced" cancer, now he is getting all of this praise and thoughts and prayers (even from the devil worshipping Libs) -- and most recently, he has milked his "supposed" illness into getting a medal of Freedom.....Basically being treated like a saint....and he is really playing up this illness too, arriving to the state of the union in a wheel chair....really Rush??

"While the honoring of Limbaugh was swift after the news broke that Limbaugh’s health was so bad. But the internet remembered Limbaugh differently. When Michael J. Fox first came out about his diagnosis he appeared in videos where it was clear he had the tremors [indicative of the disease] -- Rush Limbaugh's response: “He’s either off his medication or acting,” said Limbaugh. “He’s an actor after all.”

Now obviously, I don't think Rush is faking having cancer... but hey, Rush Limbaugh laughed & joked about Eric Garner not being able to breathe, ridiculed & mocked Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson’s and laughed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer -- all jokes that conservatives considered the very best in cutting edge comedy -- so Rush should be thrilled at his opportunity to be the butt of such cutting edge humor....

You know, just because Rush and his listeners behaved badly doesn't mean people on the left have to do the same.

It's very sad that Rush has cancer. You might disagree with his politics (I do), but he still has a family that is going to miss him when he's gone.

If he's so far gone he has to be using a wheelchair, he won't be with us much longer. Of course, he stopped being a factor after the Fluke Debacle, having long been passed up by angrier and meaner voices on the radio.
There is nothing meaner then stealing another man's money from his paycheck and when he does business of any kind. And the results of taking that wealth are not as good as can be because of the irresponsible ways and corruption of anyone involved.
Apparently very few on this board have seen or experienced with a loved one the outcome of late stage level 4 lung cancer. The likelihood it has metastasized and spread to his bones and or other organs is rather high. I don't wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy.

With the cruel things that Rush has said about others with illnesses it does make it hard to now feel bad for him.

It would be nice if he realizes the harm he has done before he dies like Lee Atwater did.

It's ok to not feel sad for him. However the ones here hoping for the suffering and painful death of someone, is really beyond disgusting, and should be called out.

Is it not fair to note Rush's inexcusable statements about others and how sometimes what goes around comes around?

Limbaugh has made a lot of crude and rude comments over the years, however I don't believe he's ever wished for the prolonged physical pain and suffering of someone who he is opposed to.
Apparently very few on this board have seen or experienced with a loved one the outcome of late stage level 4 lung cancer. The likelihood it has metastasized and spread to his bones and or other organs is rather high. I don't wish this on anyone, even my worst enemy.

With the cruel things that Rush has said about others with illnesses it does make it hard to now feel bad for him.

It would be nice if he realizes the harm he has done before he dies like Lee Atwater did.

It's ok to not feel sad for him. However the ones here hoping for the suffering and painful death of someone, is really beyond disgusting, and should be called out.

Is it not fair to note Rush's inexcusable statements about others and how sometimes what goes around comes around?

Limbaugh has made a lot of crude and rude comments over the years, however I don't believe he's ever wished for the prolonged physical pain and suffering of someone who he is opposed to.

Crude remarks about others with an illness never have to be exactly the same to be bad.

Would it be acceptable to say that one believes that Rush is faking it for the attention?
Internet remembers Rush Limbaugh saying Michael J. Fox was faking Parkinson’s Disease

So every since Rush came out and said he has "advanced" cancer, now he is getting all of this praise and thoughts and prayers (even from the devil worshipping Libs) -- and most recently, he has milked his "supposed" illness into getting a medal of Freedom.....Basically being treated like a saint....and he is really playing up this illness too, arriving to the state of the union in a wheel chair....really Rush??

"While the honoring of Limbaugh was swift after the news broke that Limbaugh’s health was so bad. But the internet remembered Limbaugh differently. When Michael J. Fox first came out about his diagnosis he appeared in videos where it was clear he had the tremors [indicative of the disease] -- Rush Limbaugh's response: “He’s either off his medication or acting,” said Limbaugh. “He’s an actor after all.”

Now obviously, I don't think Rush is faking having cancer... but hey, Rush Limbaugh laughed & joked about Eric Garner not being able to breathe, ridiculed & mocked Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson’s and laughed about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer -- all jokes that conservatives considered the very best in cutting edge comedy -- so Rush should be thrilled at his opportunity to be the butt of such cutting edge humor....
Fake News. Rush never claimed that MJ Fox was faking having Parkinsons

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. ACOSTA CAN’T ORDER LUNCH WITHOUT A PROMPTER. Jim Acosta Claims Rush Limbaugh Has History Of Racism, His Longtime Producer Asks For List.

Acosta’s a sorry piece of work, but sadly he fits in with today’s journalism pretty solidly.



The left’s demand for racism far exceeds the supply in Trump’s America, and they hate that.

Tim Scott: Dems ‘lose their minds’ when Trump talks about helping minority communities.
You know, just because Rush and his listeners behaved badly doesn't mean people on the left have to do the same.

It's very sad that Rush has cancer. You might disagree with his politics (I do), but he still has a family that is going to miss him when he's gone.

If he's so far gone he has to be using a wheelchair, he won't be with us much longer. Of course, he stopped being a factor after the Fluke Debacle, having long been passed up by angrier and meaner voices on the radio.

The angrier, meaner voices of Air America failed. The hate fille and angry voices of the "Progress channel" on Sirius have an audience in the thousands, Mark Lavine has an audience of 12 million, or about 20 times that of CNN.

But I applaud and respect your post.

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