Is Russia a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.?

In the article “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” I have provided some examples that situation in the sphere of rights of ethnic minorities and in the sphere of freedom of speech in Ukraine has become worse as compared with the situation before the so-called Euromaidan.

That article has been discussed on Internet forums and some American users have written that it does not matter much for them what kind of a country is modern Ukraine. In their opinion, the main thing is that Ukraine is now fighting against Russia and therefore Western Europa and the U.S. must help Ukraine because Russia – as a variant “Russia under V. Putin” is allegedly a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.

And in this article, I am going to consider the question: Is Russia really a threat to Western Europa or the U.S.?

I believe that many people in the West don’t know what Russia is, they don’t know when V. Putin became the President of Russia etc. Therefore, at first I am going to tell basic information about some subjects.

Till the end of 1991 Russia was a part of the Soviet Union and became an independent state only in December 1991. V. Putin was elected as the President of Russia on 26 March 2000.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, the Russian borders would have moved westwards in the period between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013; but on the map above you can see the opposite - the Russian borders did not move westwards, it were NATO borders which moved towards Russia.

Between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013 Russian army conducted two military operations abroad. In 1992 – i.e. long before V. Putin - in Transnistria which had the population of 695.7 thousand at that time and in 2008 in South Ossetia which had the population of 51.6 thousand at that time.

In the same period, between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013, the U.S. together with its allies conducted seven military operations abroad.

1994 – in Bosnia and Herzegovina which had population between 3.4 and 4.4 mil at that time.

1999 - in Yugoslavia (population of 10.7 mil at that time)

2001 – in Afghanistan (population of 19.7 mil at that time)

2003 – in Iraq (population of appr. 23.5 mil at that time)

2011 – in Libya (population of 6.4 mil at that time)

You can see that both the number of military operations of the U.S. and particularly number of people, which were affected by these operations, were much higher than the respective values of Russian military operations.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, Russia would have conducted much more military operations abroad during the first 22 years of its existence or during the first 14 years after V. Putin had become the President of Russia in 2000.

As for events, which took place after the end of 2013, I would like to tell basic information about some subjects related to these events.

At the end of 2013, a protest movement, the so-called Euromaidan began in Ukraine and at some point, the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill during this Euromaidan; however now nobody in Ukraine can explain why they had begun to burn and kill (please see this thread).

Therefore, the Russian Government decided to accept the Crimea into the Russian Federation in March 2014; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

And about further development of situation you can read in the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

So, Russia was not a threat to Western Europe and the U.S. before 2014, and it is not a threat to them now. The present crisis is caused only by events in Ukraine and therefore it does matter very much what were the reasons of these events in Ukraine, what kind of a country is modern Ukraine, etc.


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this thread is not about Ukraine – please see the thread title.
Therefore, if you wish to write about some aspects of situation in Ukraine, please do in the respective threads whose links you find below.

What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?
Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimeanquestion)?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?
If Russia is concerned about increasing their empire back to the time of the Tsars, then yes they are a threat to everyone else. If Russia is a democracy and they are solely worried about their security being threatened by NATO (which I really doubt), the obvious course is to join NATO:

Minimum Requirements for NATO Membership​

Fact sheet prepared by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, June 30, 1997.

NATO membership is potentially open to all of Europe's emerging democracies that share the alliance's values and are ready to meet the obligations of membership.

There is no checklist for membership.

We have made clear that, at a minimum, candidates for membership must meet the following five requirements:​
--New members must uphold democracy, including tolerating diversity.​
--New members must be making progress toward a market economy.​
--Their military forces must be under firm civilian control.

--They must be good neighbors and respect sovereignty outside their borders.​
--They must be working toward compatibility with NATO forces.

Again, while these criteria are essential, they do not constitute a checklist leading automatically to NATO membership.

New members must be invited by a consensus of current members.

Decisions to invite new members must take into account the required ratification process in the member states. In the case of the United States, decisions are made in consultation with Congress.

The key determinant for any invitation to new members is whether their admission to NATO will strengthen the alliance and further the basic objective of NATO enlargement, which is to increase security and stability across Europe.​
Russia has a massive Nuclear Arsenal and will always be a threat.

Do you really believe that Russian Government would use nuclear weapons after it did not use them for the last 31 years which passed since Russia had become independent after collapse of the USSR?
Minimum Requirements for NATO Membership

Fact sheet prepared by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, June 30, 1997.​
--New members must uphold democracy, including tolerating diversity...​
Do you know anything about NATO member which is called "Turkey"?

According to Democracy Index, this country is not even "Flawed Democracy", it is a "Hybrid regime".
If Russia is concerned about increasing their empire back to the time of the Tsars, then yes they are a threat to everyone else.
Please, read the first post of the thread and say - Is there any evidence that "Russia is concerned about increasing their empire back to the time of the Tsars"?

In the article “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” I have provided some examples that situation in the sphere of rights of ethnic minorities and in the sphere of freedom of speech in Ukraine has become worse as compared with the situation before the so-called Euromaidan.

That article has been discussed on Internet forums and some American users have written that it does not matter much for them what kind of a country is modern Ukraine. In their opinion, the main thing is that Ukraine is now fighting against Russia and therefore Western Europa and the U.S. must help Ukraine because Russia – as a variant “Russia under V. Putin” is allegedly a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.

And in this article, I am going to consider the question: Is Russia really a threat to Western Europa or the U.S.?

I believe that many people in the West don’t know what Russia is, they don’t know when V. Putin became the President of Russia etc. Therefore, at first I am going to tell basic information about some subjects.

Till the end of 1991 Russia was a part of the Soviet Union and became an independent state only in December 1991. V. Putin was elected as the President of Russia on 26 March 2000.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, the Russian borders would have moved westwards in the period between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013; but on the map above you can see the opposite - the Russian borders did not move westwards, it were NATO borders which moved towards Russia.

Between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013 Russian army conducted two military operations abroad. In 1992 – i.e. long before V. Putin - in Transnistria which had the population of 695.7 thousand at that time and in 2008 in South Ossetia which had the population of 51.6 thousand at that time.

In the same period, between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013, the U.S. together with its allies conducted seven military operations abroad.

1994 – in Bosnia and Herzegovina which had population between 3.4 and 4.4 mil at that time.

1999 - in Yugoslavia (population of 10.7 mil at that time)

2001 – in Afghanistan (population of 19.7 mil at that time)

2003 – in Iraq (population of appr. 23.5 mil at that time)

2011 – in Libya (population of 6.4 mil at that time)

You can see that both the number of military operations of the U.S. and particularly number of people, which were affected by these operations, were much higher than the respective values of Russian military operations.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, Russia would have conducted much more military operations abroad during the first 22 years of its existence or during the first 14 years after V. Putin had become the President of Russia in 2000.

As for events, which took place after the end of 2013, I would like to tell basic information about some subjects related to these events.

At the end of 2013, a protest movement, the so-called Euromaidan began in Ukraine and at some point, the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill during this Euromaidan; however now nobody in Ukraine can explain why they had begun to burn and kill (please see this thread).

Therefore, the Russian Government decided to accept the Crimea into the Russian Federation in March 2014; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

And about further development of situation you can read in the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

So, Russia was not a threat to Western Europe and the U.S. before 2014, and it is not a threat to them now. The present crisis is caused only by events in Ukraine and therefore it does matter very much what were the reasons of these events in Ukraine, what kind of a country is modern Ukraine, etc.


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this thread is not about Ukraine – please see the thread title.
Therefore, if you wish to write about some aspects of situation in Ukraine, please do in the respective threads whose links you find below.

What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?
Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimeanquestion)?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?
After seeing how inept they are in Ukraine, the answer is no.
Putin is a threat to Russia.

Russia should return the favor and send Putin to a gulag. Or to hell.
Is Russia really a threat to Western Europa or the U.S.?
yes. ivan🇷🇺 🐖
BBC: "What was your rank, soldier?"
Average putin´s conscript 🇷🇺 🐖 : "I think the judge called it First Degree Murder, Armed Robbery and Sexual Assault ...and the medic told me that I am HIV and TBC positive. That's why I got this job: I passed all the tests."

No, Putin is strong, determined and resolute on saving Russia.

He commands over 80% popularity with his people and that's why Americans hate him.

Go suck his little red dick in your own time, you fubar.
Do you really believe that Russian Government would use nuclear weapons after it did not use them for the last 31 years which passed since Russia had become independent after collapse of the USSR?

Yes. I believe Russia will use such weapons. Putin is uncalculable and unscroupolous.

In the article “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” I have provided some examples that situation in the sphere of rights of ethnic minorities and in the sphere of freedom of speech in Ukraine has become worse as compared with the situation before the so-called Euromaidan.

That article has been discussed on Internet forums and some American users have written that it does not matter much for them what kind of a country is modern Ukraine. In their opinion, the main thing is that Ukraine is now fighting against Russia and therefore Western Europa and the U.S. must help Ukraine because Russia – as a variant “Russia under V. Putin” is allegedly a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.

And in this article, I am going to consider the question: Is Russia really a threat to Western Europa or the U.S.?

I believe that many people in the West don’t know what Russia is, they don’t know when V. Putin became the President of Russia etc. Therefore, at first I am going to tell basic information about some subjects.

Till the end of 1991 Russia was a part of the Soviet Union and became an independent state only in December 1991. V. Putin was elected as the President of Russia on 26 March 2000.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, the Russian borders would have moved westwards in the period between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013; but on the map above you can see the opposite - the Russian borders did not move westwards, it were NATO borders which moved towards Russia.

Between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013 Russian army conducted two military operations abroad. In 1992 – i.e. long before V. Putin - in Transnistria which had the population of 695.7 thousand at that time and in 2008 in South Ossetia which had the population of 51.6 thousand at that time.

In the same period, between the end of 1991 and the end of 2013, the U.S. together with its allies conducted seven military operations abroad.

1994 – in Bosnia and Herzegovina which had population between 3.4 and 4.4 mil at that time.

1999 - in Yugoslavia (population of 10.7 mil at that time)

2001 – in Afghanistan (population of 19.7 mil at that time)

2003 – in Iraq (population of appr. 23.5 mil at that time)

2011 – in Libya (population of 6.4 mil at that time)

You can see that both the number of military operations of the U.S. and particularly number of people, which were affected by these operations, were much higher than the respective values of Russian military operations.

If Russia or “Russia under V. Putin” had been an aggressive state, Russia would have conducted much more military operations abroad during the first 22 years of its existence or during the first 14 years after V. Putin had become the President of Russia in 2000.

As for events, which took place after the end of 2013, I would like to tell basic information about some subjects related to these events.

At the end of 2013, a protest movement, the so-called Euromaidan began in Ukraine and at some point, the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill during this Euromaidan; however now nobody in Ukraine can explain why they had begun to burn and kill (please see this thread).

Therefore, the Russian Government decided to accept the Crimea into the Russian Federation in March 2014; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

And about further development of situation you can read in the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

So, Russia was not a threat to Western Europe and the U.S. before 2014, and it is not a threat to them now. The present crisis is caused only by events in Ukraine and therefore it does matter very much what were the reasons of these events in Ukraine, what kind of a country is modern Ukraine, etc.


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this thread is not about Ukraine – please see the thread title.
Therefore, if you wish to write about some aspects of situation in Ukraine, please do in the respective threads whose links you find below.

What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?
Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimeanquestion)?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

Totally stupid grafics and totally stupid text. The NATO is a defence alliance, that's all. I remember serios discussions after the reunion of Germany also to make Russia to a part of the NATO and to transform the NATO to a military world police.

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