Is Slavery Wrong?

There are situations where laborers are trapped in their jobs. They may not be hunted down, but there are thousands of other laborers waiting to take their shit job. And that is a form of enslavement. Certainly exploitation.
It's not enslavement.
Well I probably think it is more wrong if I am the slave I think, but that BDSM stuff has never been my forte. Requires too much effort.
People consent to that. Slavery is not something people consent to.
I think indentured servitude is fine, with the proviso you cannot rape, kill, or severely wound your servant without civil and criminal redress. Let’s say you get a hot little 20-something yr old Ukrainian chick who flees war torn Ukraine. She has no money. Her family has all been murdered by the Wagner Group. You bring her to America as an indentured servant to be your housekeeper. You have a contract that after 2 years of satisfactory service (during which time you foot the bill for her upkeep) you will sponsor her citizenship and/or give her a little money.

Obviously, you should not be allowed to kill her. That would de-incentivize potential servants from participating. You don’t want to rape them either. It’s way too easy to get them in the sack as it is. But if you get a really frigid one, it is ok to do a little touchy-feely and make them get nude for you to wank it to. This IS servitude, after all. It also goes without saying that you do not want to severely wound your servant (for the same reason they should not be dying off while in your possession). Certainly, the master can slap the servant around some. That is to be expected. But you cannot bash in their heads and turn them into vegetables so that they become utterly worthless.

I am perfectly fine with this. See, I am a southern gentleman. While I am not too hip on the concept of “slavery” per se, I find the ways of the old aristocratic south to be quite charming. Unfortunately, modern society has thrown out the baby with the bath water, judging that the entirety of the old south is tainted by slavery. This is, of course, hogwash! Essentially, modern times have “canceled” the old south.

No, I am not a redneck or some sort of trailer park trash trying to rationalize the Swastika tattoo on my 5 year old. I am a well-educated, vest wearing southern gentleman. I wear seersucker suits after Memorial Day for the entirety of the warm months, and tweed in the cool months. I drink aged bourbon and place gentlemen’s wagers on the horses. Holding title to acreage gives me a unique social status in my little community. I am constantly surrounded by a cadre of nubile young lasses seeking to win my attention (and dashing young dandies desiring yo doodle my danglers!). But I digress.

There is more, far more, to the noble ways of old southern tradition than lynching slaves that misbehave. We are well past that now, thank goodness. But I, for one, would like to see our nation once again embrace the aristocratic values once held in the cotton fields and tall pines of the deep, gothic south, where one is just as likely to embrace voodoo and Satanism as they are the moral ideology of western Christianism.
Slavery is wrong, so it is a good thing that it ended in this country over 150 years ago.

Unfortunately, far too many people today insist on enslaving themselves by using it as an excuse for all their failings.
Slavery ended? I doubt it. I think you should Google, "Modern day slavery", you might be surprised.
Sure, the "H" word is a slur against white people. But I'm allowed to use it because I'm white.
And nobody tells you they should be free to use it also because you are.
rica's Honky Taxpayers ponied up big time to fight a major war against Slavery in the 1860's

The Civil war wasn't about slavery. Lincoln himself said so. That myth is only perpetuated because nobody wants to admit is was about expanding corporate welfare for northern railroads, northern banks, and protecting northern industrialists from 'free markets'.
I’m just gonna say I oppose slavery.

I consider it an evil.

So what purpose is served by this OP and by this thread is unclear.

To virtue signal and create the illusion the OP poster is something besides a bullshit artist trying to line its pockets with money stolen from white workers.

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