Is Slavery Wrong?

I think the left is okay with slave labor...many companies who utilize slave labor ARE run by demo'rats.
I am focused and what I said applies. The north fought to preserve the union. Northern whites did not give a damn about slaves. The south fought to keep slaves. And blacks fought for freedom for over 200 years before the Civil War as well as fighting during the civil war. You say blacks were not conscripted? You could have fooled the black soldiers in The First Kansas Infantry or the 55th Massachusetts and others. Again, if you don't know anything about history, stop trying to tell it.
I don't know about the First Kansas, but the 55th Massachusetts was all volunteers. They were the overflow from the 54th.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

As a matter of fact, is slavery wrong?

Why/why not?
Every human being on earth, every last one of them is descended from slaves, its to damn bad the op doesn't subscribe to the liberalism which was embraced by founders of the United States, who imperfect as all men are imperfect, thought to do something about that! :wink:
At what point does labor become slave labor?

If you live in a shithole country where the average income is six acorns a year, and an American conglomerate builds a factory which will pay a dollar a day, are you a slave laborer if a dollar a day can feed, house, and clothe your family.?
At what point does labor become slave labor?

If you live in a shithole country where the average income is six acorns a year, and an American conglomerate builds a factory which will pay a dollar a day, are you a slave laborer if a dollar a day can feed, house, and clothe your family.?
You start to dilute the meaning of slavery like that. Obviously a slave will be pursued and punished for attempting to leave. Freedom is the difference.
I’m inspired by the OP!

I’m contemplating a deep philosophical thread along similar lines.

Prospective thread titles:

Murder: is it wrong?


Murder: should it be reconsidered?
As a matter of fact, is slavery wrong?

Why/why not?
I'll tell you something which has always bothered me, Marc.

When I was stationed in Guantanamo Bay, our freshwater and electricity came from a desalinization plant because Castro had cut off the water and electricity to our base.

The US Government contracted out the running of the plant to a British company. The British company, in turn, contracted out the labor to some Indians.

Additionally, all the low skilled labor on the base was farmed out to Jamaicans. Restaurant workers, janitors, bus drivers, etc.

The housing the US government provided to the Indians and Jamaicans was atrocious.

Gitmo is in a desert which gets rain maybe five days a year. Yet none of the labor accommodations had air conditioning.

The Jamaicans lived in ramshackle houses that would be instantly condemned if they were in the US.

The Indians were housed in Quonset huts which were subdivided into rooms which were the length of two twin beds and the width of a twin bed plus about two feet. I shit you not.

Two men to a room in these incredibly cramped spaces.

These Quonset huts were just a few yards from the desal plant.

I don't recall how I came to know this one man, but I befriended an engineer from India. And I mean a real engineer. The kind of person who would be earning well into six figures in the US.

And he was crammed into this ridiculous space with no AC.

He told me that he had taken the job, and would not see his family for years, just so his daughters could move up one caste in India.

Now, was he better off than most Indians? I don't know. Maybe. This goes to my question about when does labor become slave labor.

But more importantly, the US government could have afforded better housing for these people, and that has always bothered me.

I don't think American companies with manufacturing overseas are any different.
Focus, IM.

We're talking specifically about SLAVERY here, not the Jim Crow policies of liberals in the post-civil war people.

Like I said in my post, a lot of the Honkies that paid in treasure as well as blood to end slavery, never liked black people. That isn't in dispute.

But even though they didn't care for African Americans, they still died and paid high taxes to end slavery.

BTW, I'm sure that blacks were always against slavery too. But they weren't the ones conscripted into the Grand Army of the Republic.
Do you know what a honky is?
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You start to dilute the meaning of slavery like that. Obviously a slave will be pursued and punished for attempting to leave. Freedom is the difference.
There are situations where laborers are trapped in their jobs. They may not be hunted down, but there are thousands of other laborers waiting to take their shit job. And that is a form of enslavement. Certainly exploitation.
I don't know about the First Kansas, but the 55th Massachusetts was all volunteers. They were the overflow from the 54th.
Thanks for the info. That just makes my point even more and really makes the Polish guy look like the true moron he really is. Blacks volunteered to fight while whites were forced too.
At what point does labor become slave labor?

If you live in a shithole country where the average income is six acorns a year, and an American conglomerate builds a factory which will pay a dollar a day, are you a slave laborer if a dollar a day can feed, house, and clothe your family.?
That's exploitation.

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