Is Supporting Gay Marriage = Supporting The Sexual Abuse Of Our Children?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
They used to believe that smoking the right cigarettes was good for you.
Time to progress.
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
They used to believe that smoking the right cigarettes was good for you.
Time to progress.
That's nice, but nothing to do with this subject
The studies are short term, I'm sure they will mainly turn up with a more neg impact, just like they know an absentee Father affects the children.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.
And in every trial where nits like you were given the opportunity to prove this, they failed miserably. Interesting that you refer to "studies" and "research" but provide no evidence that either exist. I would imagine that either you or another homophobic bigot will refer to the wholly discredited Mark Regenerus in response but his conclusions were debunked and wholly rejected in court.
Yes, of course it is. Allowing two consenting adults to marry is exactly like children being sexually abused. lol.
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children

Only in numbers, because heteros vastly outnumber queers.
The percentage of homosexual pedophiles is much, much higher than the population rate.
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children

Only in numbers, because heteros vastly outnumber queers.
The percentage of homosexual pedophiles is much, much higher than the population rate.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof.
10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked
Most Sex Abusers are Heterosexual | Stop Abuse Campaign

You are relying on myth or your prejudice is tainting what you say
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.

Well, we'll have plenty of time to find out, because it isn't going away. :rolleyes:
Two loving parents are much better for a child than a single parent. That would make a gay couple much better than the single parent households that, due to divorce, are the majority today. Are you just as opposed to divorce as you are same sex marriage? What about orphans who have no parents, and if they aren't white newborns, probably never will? Would it be better for them to remain alone than to become part of a loving family, even if it is with gay parents?
They used to believe that smoking the right cigarettes was good for you.
Time to progress.
That was in the same time period that they believed that gays were criminals or mentally ill.
Time to progress.
Supporters of same-sex marriage truly believe that kids really just need love, but this is not the case. Studies show that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both a mother and a father. Only this traditional type of family gives children the chance to relate to both a same-sex parent and a parent of the opposite sex. Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex. Also if same-sex marriage is allowed, it opens the door for other types of non-traditional marriage, such as polygamous relationships. Homosexual couples clearly can be just as loving to children as heterosexual couples, but love is not enough.

I believe it is. Children are very vulnerable and are sponges that absorb their surroundings and what they experience. If their environment is not normal, they pay the price and the brunt of that falls on them, not their screwed up parents, unfortunately. I feel strongly that people should critically examine and reexamine whether they should even procreate. Getting pregnant because they simply failed to take responsibility, or had alterior motives like getting and keeping a man, is perhaps one of the most cruel things a human can do. It involves another life that didn't ask to be here, for pity sake. How selfcentered are these animals?
most abusers and pedophiles are hetero, not gay.
gay marriage has nothing to do with abuse of children

Earth to Aris2chat! What planet do you reside on? Certainly not this one, please.

A pedophile can be of any gender or orientation but the percentage of heter to homosexual pedophiles is proportionally higher among heterosexuals. That is fact

2/3 of the victims of pedophilia are girls and the proportion of hetero to homosexuals varies by who is doing the study and when it was done from 6:1 to as high as 20:1. Pedophiles can be attracted to either sex of the child. Women too can be pedophiles as well, though most seem to be male heteros.

Yes, this is planet earth. So what planet do you live on? Not this one.

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked
Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia

>>Myth:The Majority of Pedophiles Are Gay

Sexual abuse of children occurs primarily within the family. Over 95% of abuse that is reported has been perpetrated by a male relative. A child is over 100 times more likely to be sexually molested by a heterosexual relative than by a homosexual (Paediatrics, 1994). Most sexual abuse of children outside the family is committed by pedophiles. Pedophiles do not distinguish between male or female victims; however, girls are victimized twice as often as boys are. The perpetrators are motivated by power and control, not by sexual desire. 90% of all pedophiles self-identify as heterosexuals.<<
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