Is Taylor Swift Evil And A Threat To America?

do it, a lot, maybe it will shake up some rational thinking, i won't hold my breath
I’d rather harp on your foolishness by asking you question you’ll like dodge answering… for example.

Why do you think Swift is an empty headed idiot? What do you know about her?
I’d rather harp on your foolishness by asking you question you’ll like dodge answering… for example.

Why do you think Swift is an empty headed idiot? What do you know about her?
She is a Blonde bimbo riding the wave of wokeness, her music is not that good it's pop for little girls, and empty headed adults
She is a Blonde bimbo riding the wave of wokeness, her music is not that good it's pop for little girls, and empty headed adults
Her hair color has zero to do with intellect. How much do you know about her music? Have you taken a deep dive to become familiar?
We aren't triggered we know she is an empty headed idiot who goes full woke she is a danger if more young people think like her or you for that matter. As far as who she dates who gives a rip
she is worth 700 million......without borrowing 400 million from Daddy, without filing multiple bankruptcies, she even pays her employees and contractors very well, instead of trying to stiff them...

And none of her attorneys served any federal prison time...

If that makes her an idiot, no wonder you folks worship a moron
She should run for office like the rest of our Uber wealthy candidates from the two main cults. Couldn't do any worse.
She is a Blonde bimbo riding the wave of wokeness, her music is not that good it's pop for little girls, and empty headed adults
Voting is important.
However, most of our electorate are complete morons.
Like ones that scream about corporations running everything and then voting for a corporatist. Or screaming about the second amendment and DREAMers, and then voting for someone that will assault the 2nd and support the DREAMers.
I would prefer it just be land owners. Or maybe a civics test.
A poll tax perhaps?

That way, those dirty undesirables won't be able to mess it up for us more noble, upstanding citizens....

Now some may call this an elitist approach.....but elitist is only bad when you are using it to describe those Jews
Consistent. Not ignorant. People that dont let emotion control them.
Where in the constitution does it state that as a requirement?

Your days of voting being only the privilege of white male land-owners ended long long ago....kinda like how your fantasies of the Confederacy winning the war ended long, long ago....

No matter how much you folks would like to try to weasel that bullshit back in, it will not change the fact it is bullshut...
Where in the constitution does it state that as a requirement?

Your days of voting being only the privilege of white male land-owners ended long long ago....kinda like how your fantasies of the Confederacy winning the war ended long, long ago....

No matter how much you folks would like to try to weasel that bullshit back in, it will not change the fact it is bullshut...
And there is the lying and gas lighting. As usual.
Did you see Joe with the UAW folks... probably not because he was only there for 12 min..... he was speaking to about 20 people and using a bull horn to make it look more crowded than it was... lol of course the dutiful news cameras never turned towards the few people attending....
Did you see trump with the UAW folks.--- no you didn't. You saw trump in an anti-union shop that had fake union signs pretending to be union.
Did you see trump with the UAW folks.--- no you didn't. You saw trump in an anti-union shop that had fake union signs pretending to be union.
There are about a hundred UAW employees that work in that plant.... they make transmissions for auto makers... and if Joe has his way they will all lose their jobs.... did Biden meet with UAW workers?... oh yeah for 12 min..... real nice Joe....
There are about a hundred UAW employees that work in that plant.... they make transmissions for auto makers... and if Joe has his way they will all lose their jobs.... did Biden meet with UAW workers?... oh yeah for 12 min..... real nice Joe....
They had non union employees holding union signs. It was another scam, just like those paid black people who are given "blacks for trump" signs, and the people he hired to fill out his audience when he came down that escalator.

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