Is the coronavirus causing nothing more than the common cold?

Yesterday, ABC news reported that a 17 year old died of the coronavirus. Today, we learn from the Daily News that "Public health officials have walked back further their initial determination, issued a day earlier, that the death of a 17-year-old Lancaster boy was linked to the novel coronavirus.

"Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said on Wednesday, March 25, the department was no longer including the death of the young person in Lancaster as associated with COVID-19."

The media replaced that 17 year old with another 17 year old.

Independent reported, "The Louisiana Department of Health has reported that a 17-year-old from New Orleans has died of coronavirus, the youngest fatality from the virus in the state.

"The teenager is one of 18 deaths announced in the state on Wednesday, bringing the total to 83. [Population of LA is 4.66 million]

"Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Governor John Bel Edwards said that an investigation into the teenager’s death was ongoing.

"It is unknown whether the individual had any underlying health conditions." Uh-huh!

We do know Governor Edwards has been screaming for more of everything from swabs to cash.

Some are very suspicious of this death. Louisiana youth have a very serious drug and alcohol problem.
The 17 year old in Louisiana could have died from other causes such as drug overdose while simultaneously being afflicted by the coronavirus. The problem is neither the media nor the White House are forthcoming on the ages of the deceased.

The media can't be blamed for this. In the first place, they are following the government's lead that this is a very dangerous pandemic. In the second place, there are ratings, and the media must make the news as sensational as possible to draw and maintain viewers. Advertisers won't pay millions to a news crew no one is listening to. A 17 year old dying from an affliction that normally strikes the elderly is sensational. The details can be worked out later.

Or not at all. Two days from now the viewing public will have forgotten all about an unknown dead 17 year old from Louisiana.

While the media can be forgiven, there is no excusing Trump's government. An age breakdown of those who die of Covid-19 should be broadcast daily in the White House briefings to the American people. Trump's press conferences do not even mention the death toll, let alone the age groups affected. This is being kept secret from the American people. Why?

Oh, sure, if one digs for it like I do, one can find some information on age groupings regarding the coronavirus, but one has to be patient. It is not easy.

For example, there is this from Business Insider.

Americans ages 65 and older are suffering the highest rates of death and serious illness from the coronavirus, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years," the report said.

You just learned more about the age groupings of the mortality of Covid-19 than you did in two weeks of Trump's press conferences on the subject.
From Business Insider, "80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years." 80% of US coronavirus deaths have been among people 65 and older, a new CDC report says.

80% of US coronavirus deaths are among people 65 and up, CDC says - Business Insider

In the U.S. there are 100,597 cases of the coronavirus, 1,550 have died. The numbers are big, but so is the U.S. and the period in question. There are over 327 million people living in the U.S., and the total number of cases and the death toll is over a three month period. We are not hearing that from the news media. All we are hearing are the sad and desperate stories while the politicians and health experts tell us what terrible things will happen to us in the next two weeks.

Just like two weeks ago when they were telling us the horrible things that will happen in two weeks.

The numbers are big, but not nearly as big as in the case of the H1N1 virus, or swine flu.

H1N1 was first detected in April 2009 in a 10-year-old girl in California. It was declared a global pandemic in June 2009 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was finally over in August 2010.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths.

Worldwide, up to 575,400 people died from pandemic swine flu.3

Swine Flu (H1N1): Overview and More

I don't recall the politicians shutting down our economy in the summer of '09. I don't recall the politicians shutting down all leisure activities and canceling every sporting event, professional and amateur. I don't recall the politicians ordering every American to stay home unless there is an emergency. I don't recall the massive, 24/7 news coverage of the H1N1 pandemic to the exclusion of everything else.

The coronavirus is nothing more than a new virus of the common cold, and, like the common cold, "with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years."

What is going on?
The Guarrdian repoorts. "So far, polls suggest Trump is getting a bump like George W Bush after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. A Gallup survey published on Tuesday showed 60% of Americans gave him positive reviews for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak, and his overall approval rating matched the highest point in his presidency, at 49%, included rises among independents and even Democrats.

"But this was taken before he reversed his reversal and went back to downplaying the virus, and before the unemployment figures delivered an almighty gut punch.

"There is a long way to go. It is hard to believe that Trump’s impeachment trial ended only last month. In those terms, the November election is still a lifetime away."

Soon Americans will catch on to the fact that Trump is campaigning when he holds press conferences on the coronavirus. They will catch on to the fact that, in the midst of pandemic, Trump dominates the discussion, contributes very little, exaggerates a great deal, and severely limits the medical experts in medical crisis. His projections that the crisis will soon end, our economy will quickly recover, are based on what he wants to happen, not based on science or medical probability.

Which only goes to prove, he doesn't know what he is talking about and he often goes astray.
Keep things shut down until things normalize. Send the first round of checks and if necessary send round 2. Lives are more important at this point.
Trump said Saturday that he's considering a short-term quarantine of "hot spots" in parts of the tri-state area -- New York, New Jersey and Connecticut -- where cases of coronavirus continue to rise.

This is a typical statement from Trump. First, he says he is thinking about something. Then he lies. I doubt there are many people eager to quarantine New York. Then he says he might not do it. Then he says there is a possibility of doing it today. Then he says whatever he does will be short-term as if afraid some people might not like him for doing whatever it is he is going to do.

This is Trump, trying and failing to have it both ways. He is severely hampered by his lack of intelligence.

"We're thinking about certain things. Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it's a hotspot. ... We might not have to do it, but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine, short-term, two weeks on New York. Probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut," he told reporters.

Who voted for this idiot?
More than 105,000 people in the United States have been infected with the new coronavirus, and more than 2,000 U.S. citizens have died from the coronavirus as of Saturday, the death toll doubling in about 48 hours, the Washington Post reported.

Still no breakdown on age groups, but the evidence has shown that the vast majority of deaths occur among the elderly who have underlying health issues. While the figures above sound ominous, they are not really. They merely show that, in the U.S., about 1,000 old, sick people died from complications of the new cold virus in 48 hours. 2,000 deaths among the sick and elderly in three months of winter in a population of 327 million is not at all startling.

We should not look at the extremes. We should concentrate on the norm. Look at the graph in this link showing the impact of Covid-19 in the various states. United States Coronavirus: 123,498 Cases and 2,211 Deaths - Worldometer

It shows an unremarkable death toll in three months of winter in the various states. Take California for example, one of the supposed "hot spots." In a population of 39.56 million there are 5,549 cases of the coronavirus and 119 total deaths among older people who are sick.

What does all that mean? It means the chance of getting the new common cold virus is .014%, and the chance of dying from it .0003%

In other words, a person has a better chance of winning the lottery than falling victim to Covid-19. It means a person has a better chance of being struck by lightening while buying the winning lottery ticket than dying from Covid-19. In most states the odds are even longer.

All of that is true for persons in good health, regardless of age. Don't believe the media hype. The media doesn't tell you the complete story, in some cases, not even close.
A major concern for Americans is whether the cure is worst than the disease. The politicians from the Trump White House to the various governors of the various states have effectively shut down what used to be the most successful economy the world has ever seen. Millions have or will lose their jobs, and the politicians in Washington want to add two trillion dollars to our enormous National Debt thinking the federal government can substitute welfare for our once great economy. It can't.


The possibility exists that the loss of jobs, savings and investments (homes?) will cause the murder and suicide rate to go up, exceeding the death toll of the virus. The politicians and Trump's medical team are not helping with their dire warnings that are designed to scare the daylights out of us. Dire warnings two weeks ago that the sky will fall in two weeks didn't happen. So, we are getting a new batch of dire warnings from the politicians and medical experts now. It seems that all the bad things that will befall us will happen sometime in the future. At any rate, that is what Governor Cuomo is telling us.


For those who contract the disease "80% get what feels like a bad cold and recover at home." COVID-19: What we know so far about the 2019 novel coronavirus - UChicago Medicine


For this the politicians have destroyed our economy and the savings accounts of Americans? That makes no sense. But when did politicians ever make sense?

The Trump government never gives us a breakdown on the ages of those who have died. Probably because it would damage the message of doom they prefer. After all, Trump is a war President.


Can you guys choose a position and stick with it? Did Trump downplay the "deadly COVID-19 virus" thereby causing countless American lives to be lost to the illness itself? Or did he overplay what amounts to nothing more than the "common cold" thereby causing countless American lives to be lost to murder and suicide resulting from the economy being destroyed?

The possibility exists that the loss of jobs, savings and investments (homes?) will cause the murder and suicide rate to go up, exceeding the death toll of the virus. The politicians and Trump's medical team are not helping with their dire warnings that are designed to scare the daylights out of us.

This in particular bears emphasis, as I recall just a couple days ago when Trump mentioned during his press conference that we can't let the cure be worse than the disease, and answered a question from the press about this by acknowledging the possibility of increased suicide rate caused by depression, the leftist moonbats on here went berserk as if he had said something totally asinine -- yet here you are saying the exact same thing.

Is there any wonder you people are perceived as suffering from some form of derangement, when you flip positions constantly in order to keep your guns aimed at one person in particular, without any perspective whatsoever of how inconsistent or misleading you're being?

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