Is The DOJ Independent, Fair, and Unbiased?

Yeah, right. Maybe the left could explain the following article to me. If the DOJ truly was independent, fair, and unbiased then what is the point of releasing this to the public? Or, is the DOJ trying to say that this is the best they've got against Trump? This leak is blatantly political and biased in nature. It serves no purpose whatsoever other than showing that the DOJ obviously is NOT independent, fair, and unbiased and will do absolutely anything to further the left's anti-Trump agenda. Yet another example of the left trying to convict Trump in the court of public opinion because they can't convict him in any other way.

If anybody believes Trump or his staff had those documents strewn across the carpet, I still have those bridges to sell. Blatant dishonest, malicious, hateful political theater.
The DOJ released the pictures to the public for politically biased reasons.
You cannot prove that.

But the DOJ can prove obstruction in recovering all of the documents which should never have left the White House when Trump left office on January 20, 2021

Who is in trouble?

DOJ or Trump?
If anybody believes Trump or his staff had those documents strewn across the carpet, I still have those bridges to sell. Blatant dishonest, malicious, hateful political theater.
There are many more photos. The documents found in his desk.

No explanation given. Trump will twist this to incite his followers.

Him reposting QANON posts are a clear intent of getting his favorite group to stand down and stand by.....again.
PROVE that they were staged.

Oh, yes, Trump just posted that they were, so why not repeat what the boss says?

Trump did not return ALL the documents in January.

He waited until May and June to NOT return everything else.

Trump is the one making an issue of the documents before the elections.

All he had to do, in January, in May, in June, in July and August.....was return all the documents which DO belong to the US government and not to Trump.
Prove that they were not staged and use some common sense. The FBI was at Mar-a-lago in mid spring, had access to ALL those documents, were encouraged to take anything they wanted, and if they needed anything else just ask. They spent quite some time going through the boxes. As for security, the place is under Secret Service protection. They did ask that an additional lock be placed on the storage room door and that was done.

The depth of hatred for this man are so outrageous that the haters are willing to believe ANYTHING, however unlikely or absurd if in their minds it makes him look bad.
Yeah, right. Maybe the left could explain the following article to me. If the DOJ truly was independent, fair, and unbiased then what is the point of releasing this to the public? Or, is the DOJ trying to say that this is the best they've got against Trump? This leak is blatantly political and biased in nature. It serves no purpose whatsoever other than showing that the DOJ obviously is NOT independent, fair, and unbiased and will do absolutely anything to further the left's anti-Trump agenda. Yet another example of the left trying to convict Trump in the court of public opinion because they can't convict him in any other way.

So, it does not bother you that your orange douchebag kept top-secret documents even after attesting in writing that he had supplied “any and all documents that are responsive to the subpoena”?

Something that may lead to criminal charges. That does not bother you but the fact that an unflattering picture that Rump kept is being shown to the public?

No wonder Rump loves his poorly educated idiots. :itsok:
They released the photo, which was taken at Mar O Lago, to show how Trump carelessly kept those documents.

They found the documents in the manner the photo was taken, on the carpet in one of the rooms they searched, possibly Trump's office there.

Trump is anti Trump.

He could have, and should have, returned ALL the classified documents back in January when the first 15 boxes were returned without a fuss.

Instead had his lawyers file a letter saying that all documents were returned, when it is very clear that they were not, considering how many were found on 8/8, and all the places where they were found.

This is a long investigation. There will be more information released as necessary.

Trump wanted to go through the documents with his filing for a Master, and this is the DOJ response, to show how serious the situation was which required a search warrant to be able to retrieve all that they ended up finding at MAL.

Who knows, think of it, if there are anymore classified documents at Trump's properties in New Jersey and other places.


How do you know they were found on the floor? They could have been in a locked safe and the FBI agents spread them on the floor for the photo. There is also no proof that there is anything in any of those folders! You don't know shit about evidence do you? A first year law student would destroy that photo!
Prove that they were not staged and use some common sense. The FBI was at Mar-a-lago in mid spring, had access to ALL those documents, were encouraged to take anything they wanted, and if they needed anything else just ask. They spent quite some time going through the boxes. As for security, the place is under Secret Service protection. They did ask that an additional lock be placed on the storage room door and that was done.

The depth of hatred for this man are so outrageous that the haters are willing to believe ANYTHING, however unlikely or absurd if in their minds it makes him look bad.
It is ILLEGAL to have one classified document in one's home, much less 100s of them, as they were found.

Staged? Were the 15 boxes returned in January staged? No.

When you get the curiosity of reading the DOJ filings and come to understand what was going on, what the timeline was when NARA, the FBI and the DOJ asked, even subpoena those documents and even Trump's lawyers signed a letter saying that there were none at MOL left.....then, maybe may figure out who Trump is and what he is capable of doing.
How do you know they were found on the floor? They could have been in a locked safe and the FBI agents spread them on the floor for the photo. There is also no proof that there is anything in any of those folders! You don't know shit about evidence do you? A first year law student would destroy that photo!
I do not know, false Duke. But Trump does, others who were in those rooms who walked around MOL and the storage,, and the FBI, the DOJ and NARA do. Because those documents are now in the hands where they should have been once Trump left office, over a year and a half ago.

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Trump. He wanted those documents for himself, he caused obstruction of justice. It is all on him.
LInk it or you are lying,
You do know that they have not been released, yet. There is no gotcha, here.

In good time, the DOJ, if it did this time.....will release the proofs.

None of this was necessary. All Trump had to do in May was return ALL documents the FBI found out about not having been returned in January to the rightful owners. The government of the USA.
Yes, the DOJ is a professional, unbiased, and fair independent organization.

There is nothing political about it. This is a possible crime of obstruction in the recovery of very classified and top secret documents which belong to the government of the United States and should have already been returned in January along with the 15 boxes Trump did return then.

Wanting to get back classified documents illegally which would not be returned is a political move?

Maybe Trump choosing to not return them around May, June, was the political move as it got him a lot of attention for something he should have done back in January.
Why did Eric Holder have to step down?

The DOJ and FBI are hopelessly politicized and corrupted.

A thorough housecleaning needs to be done. Democrats wanted Merrick Garland because they have dirt and leverage on him. Nobody noticed how scared he looked at that press conference? Scared to death, and not of what "Trumpers" might do, of what the Democrats have on him coming out. He looked like a cornered rat.
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I do not know, false Duke. But Trump does, others who were in those rooms who walked around MOL and the storage,, and the FBI, the DOJ and NARA do. Because those documents are now in the hands where they should have been once Trump left office, over a year and a half ago.

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Trump. He wanted those documents for himself, he caused obstruction of justice. It is all on him.
WTF is MOL. dumbass?

They belong at the DOJ, because that is where Garland said they were?
There are many more photos. The documents found in his desk.

No explanation given. Trump will twist this to incite his followers.

Him reposting QANON posts are a clear intent of getting his favorite group to stand down and stand by.....again.
You don't know what they found or where they found it any more than I do. And to keep saying that as if it is a fact is as destructive and malicious as any fake news.
Why don't you look at it from this standpoint:

Garland did his job by raiding Trump's crib and would have violated his oath of office had he not. He had knowledge that Trump was in possession of serious classified documents, putting the very security of the United States of America at serious risk. Therefore, he was compelled to act to retrieve those documents intentionally hidden by Trump, and in so doing upheld his oath to "defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES, DOMESTIC and foreign."

Had he not acted, Garland would have violated his oath and been subject to impeachment.

Trump ignored his oath to the Constitution; Garland did not! Bigly!!!
Garland should have refused Poopeypants mandate to conduct the illegal pantyraid on Trump's estate.....that would have been performing his duty as outlined. You sniveling America haters will soon get yours as the worm starts to turn after the midterms. Tick tick tick.
As for impeachment, Garland is certainly subject to it.
You don't know what they found or where they found it any more than I do. And to keep saying that as if it is a fact is as destructive and malicious as any fake news.
Stay tuned....this is only the first act. :)
You do know that they have not been released, yet. There is no gotcha, here.

In good time, the DOJ, if it did this time.....will release the proofs.

None of this was necessary. All Trump had to do in May was return ALL documents the FBI found out about not having been returned in January to the rightful owners. The government of the USA.
If they have not been released , how does a moron like you seem to know thay exist?

You are the dumbest MF on this board, and considering the liberals on here, that's an accomplishment.
PROVE that they were staged.

Oh, yes, Trump just posted that they were, so why not repeat what the boss says?

Trump did not return ALL the documents in January.

He waited until May and June to NOT return everything else.

Trump is the one making an issue of the documents before the elections.

All he had to do, in January, in May, in June, in July and August.....was return all the documents which DO belong to the US government and not to Trump.
This picture did not need to be released to the public, That clearly shows a bias of the DOJ as they are trying to try the case in public. It was very unprofessional and proves they are looking at this with a clear bias.
You cannot prove that.

But the DOJ can prove obstruction in recovering all of the documents which should never have left the White House when Trump left office on January 20, 2021

Who is in trouble?

DOJ or Trump?
False dichotomy: The answer is America. If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anybody at will.

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