Is the extreme rights opposition to Ukraine support based on hatred of Biden ?

Lots of points mae but I am not seeing any alternative strategies put forward.
What would you do ?

I think the first step is an immediate armistice and peace talks between the two parties where they can air out their differences and come to a negotiated peace. Remember that there are a lot of ethnic Russians residing in Ukraine.

I know that the mainstream GOP is generally supportive and I do not include them in this..

But some of the reaction seems to be absurd. They offer no solutions to the problem,just criticism of every action that the President takes.

Biden has enough problems in rebuilding the US without the bother of Ukraine.This is a problem that has been forced on him.

There are several detractors on here. Perhaps you could share your thoughts on the war.

What would you have done differently.

Everything the right does is based on a hatred of Biden just as everything the left did for 4 plus years was based on a hatred of Trump
Biden doesn’t need to help a country, that before the war, went after and punished political opposition, that suppressed the press, punished gays and lesbians, police and army would brutally beat their own citizens, that is the country Biden has chosen to help. Taking American tax dollars to support this corrupt country, to fund the pensions at the expense of American working class.

Why should we support such a country, who is much like Russia?
I think its in the wests long term interests to stop russian expansion.
If we dont then it will embolden them.
Same happened with Hitler. He didnt invade Poland first.
Better to stop them in Ukraine than in a nato country.
My hatred with this proxy war of ours is the amount of money we have spent.
The rest of NATO throws in some chump change for the optics. America isn't
taking care of business over here and have become second to Ukraine being first
with this administration
Lots of points mae but I am not seeing any alternative strategies put forward.
What would you do ?
Quit supporting an evil country. That’s it, quit funding their pension funds, quit sending money, that is the right solution.
Last, we have the blind partisan right who in knee-jerk fashion will oppose anything President Biden does.

Like the left had the same reaction to anything President Trump did.
Russia is an outlaw state; Putin is a war criminal and enemy of democracy.

Support of Ukraine is perfectly appropriate and warranted; the right’s opposition to supporting Ukraine is reprehensible and wrong.

I know that the mainstream GOP is generally supportive and I do not include them in this..

But some of the reaction seems to be absurd. They offer no solutions to the problem,just criticism of every action that the President takes.

Biden has enough problems in rebuilding the US without the bother of Ukraine.This is a problem that has been forced on him.

There are several detractors on here. Perhaps you could share your thoughts on the war.

What would you have done differently.
With all due respect, Tommy? If Biden hadn't enriched Putin with his energy policies, pumping Billions into the Russian economy it's more than likely that Vlad wouldn't have felt emboldened enough to attack Ukraine in the first place! Putin appears to have felt Europe wouldn't resist his plans of expansion because they needed his oil and gas!

Joe Biden is an idiot! He always has been. His "green energy" policies have hurt Americans but they have also financed Russia's military excursion! If he and his merry band of progressive zealots had even a dollop of common sense they would have realized that their policies had consequences but they're all clueless so we're stuck with rampant inflation here in the US and a military conflict in Ukraine.
The goal is to get Russia out of Ukraine.
Do the actions taken seem to be accomplishing that goal? They have kept Russia from taking over the country but are not driving them out we now have a stalemate with no end in sight.
I think its in the wests long term interests to stop russian expansion.
If we dont then it will embolden them.
Same happened with Hitler. He didnt invade Poland first.
Better to stop them in Ukraine than in a nato country.
I disagree, we see how much worse Russia is in power, they can’t beat Ukraine they are not as great as we give them credit for. The war is unpopular in Russia. We are throwing money at them and we the taxpayer suffer. I don’t think we should support corrupt governments. How many billions has all of Europe contributed? America is not the world police and most of the world frowns on America because will play that role. Time to let others take the lead and America, we need to butt out.
Why do extreme left wing democrats care more for a crooked little country while Americans are suffering because of an environmental catastrophe in Ohio? The fools lit up hazardous chemicals to cause a plume of phosgene gas (outlawed in WW1) that settled over everything including the water supply. We sent billions to Ukraine and so far residents of Ohio have been offered a thousand dollars in compensation for a disaster that might last decades. Biden chose to go to Ukraine rather than Ohio and people noticed it even though the mainstream media ignored it.
Russia is an outlaw state; Putin is a war criminal and enemy of democracy.

Support of Ukraine is perfectly appropriate and warranted; the right’s opposition to supporting Ukraine is reprehensible and wrong.
Supporting Ukraine is supporting a government that has numerous human rights issues. There treatment of political opposition, their suppression of free speech, free press, the mistreatment including beatings and killing of gays and lesbians, also the militia t police force that brutally beats and kills their own citizens, all the things America stands against, yet you believe it is right to support them, why?
Why do extreme left wing democrats care more for a crooked little country while Americans are suffering because of an environmental catastrophe in Ohio? The fools lit up hazardous chemicals to cause a plume of phosgene gas (outlawed in WW1) that settled over everything including the water supply. We sent billions to Ukraine and so far residents of Ohio have been offered a thousand dollars in compensation for a disaster that might last decades. Biden chose to go to Ukraine rather than Ohio and people noticed it even though the mainstream media ignored it.
And who do you think made the decision to burn that, instead of just letting it explode?
I disagree, we see how much worse Russia is in power, they can’t beat Ukraine they are not as great as we give them credit for. The war is unpopular in Russia. We are throwing money at them and we the taxpayer suffer. I don’t think we should support corrupt governments. How many billions has all of Europe contributed? America is not the world police and most of the world frowns on America because will play that role. Time to let others take the lead and America, we need to butt out.
Russian aggression is costing all of us. Its cheaper to fight them in Ukraine than it would be in Poland. Isolationism never works. let |Russia go and you will be fighting China next..

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