Is the extreme rights opposition to Ukraine support based on hatred of Biden ?

Combination of standard mindless partisan contrarianism with their ongoing infatuation with aggressive, pugilistic, hyper-nationalist strongman types.

All wrapped up in the extreme, abject ignorance which is the most basic and essential foundation of nearly everything that Tainted Tommy has to say about America and American politics, along with his complete lack of any standing with regard to our country.

I think the one-legged British faggot demonstrates the very best reason why Americans should be wary of getting involved in any war that doesn't concern us.

We started sending our own best men over to Europe to fight and die in World War II, to protect Eurotrash nations from being conquered and ruled by foreign powers. And now, what have we got to show for the deaths of almost three hundred thousand Americans? We've got useless British trash like Tainted Tommy starting dozens of nearly-identical threads on an American message board, with no other point than to complain that his shithole of a nation is incapable of governing itself, and needs to be ruled over by a foreign power.

We should have stayed out of Europe during WWII, and let the Nazis and the Commies have the whole place to divide up among themselves. If we had done that, most of those nearly three-hundred-thousand Americans would have survived, and Tainted Tommy would have his wish.

I'll leave it to others to speculate whether Tainted Tommy would have wound up speaking German or Russian; or whether whichever of those powers ended up with Britain would have simply recognized Tainted Tommy immediate ancestors as burdensome useless eaters, and simply eliminated them, thus sparing the world from ever having to have been Tainted by this cretin in the first place.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has been invaded by barbarians.That is the argument I am going with. Lovers of freedom understand that.
Democrats want more and more government control and more and more regulation. They are opposed to any speech with which they don't agree. Why on earth would anyone listen to them opining on the tenants of being free?

Tainted Tommy is not a Democrap. He's not even American.
Putin invaded another country. A country the US which US promised to protect.

There is no hature going on here, just a clear acknowledgement of what kind of individual Putin is...

The problem is crazies hatred of Biden, they can't see what Putin is because of that... Putin is like Hitler, he has clearly stated he wants all of USSR old territory back again. Everyone who know Global foreign policy, know that Putin will not stop unless he is stopped. There is no point negoiating with a guy like that, when he screws up you don't let him off...

Financially this war is very cheap compared to Bush...
Dem have been cryin Russia russia Russia for ions now. And Russia is putin
It didn’t start with the invasion

I know that the mainstream GOP is generally supportive and I do not include them in this..

But some of the reaction seems to be absurd. They offer no solutions to the problem,just criticism of every action that the President takes.

Biden has enough problems in rebuilding the US without the bother of Ukraine.This is a problem that has been forced on him.

There are several detractors on here. Perhaps you could share your thoughts on the war.

What would you have done differently.
You loons think anything slightly right of Stalin is extreme and I'm curious as to what you think Biden had to rebuild ? It certainly wasn't the border and he has done fuck all for the economy.

I have no issue with condemnation and economic sanctions against Russia but do not agree with the billions in tax payer money and military weapons being shipped to the Ukraine. Eventually Russia is going to get tired of that shit and the conflict will expand and I believe that is exactly what Putin wants.
Carlson is not a serious voice. Who knows what his real thoughts are.

What standing do you delusionally imagine yourself to have, to dictate who is or is not “a serious voice”?


Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that causes you to imagine that you are better than I, or even nearly as good as I? Have you ever done an honest day's work in your entire life?
Some of the right’s unwarranted opposition to defending Ukraine centers around resentment concerning Trump’s failed attempt to extort Zelensky into providing damaging information on Joe Biden – an act of treason that resulted in Trump’s first impeachment.

There’s also conservatives’ admiration for Putin, along with other despots and dictators – perceived as ‘strong’ and ‘decisive,’ many conservatives find it impossible to oppose Putin, a fellow illiberal neo-fascist and authoritarian.

Last, we have the blind partisan right who in knee-jerk fashion will oppose anything President Biden does.
I'm glad that's not happening. That sounds bad.
Anyone who isn't angered by Biden denying fighter jets to Ukraine and makes excuses for Biden doing it are fake Ukraine supporters.
What standing do you delusionally imagine yourself to have, to dictate who is or is not “a serious voice”?

View attachment 761352

What do you do for a living, that causes you to imagine that you are better than I, or even nearly as good as I? Have you ever done an honest day's work in your entire life?
Yeah he's probably a liberal eh and we all know that only conservatives work hard like this guy. 😂
I will use the BBC

Putin lies... His actions are how we judge him..
Call and raise you the Daily Beast:
All politicians lie. Imho, you need no longer fear Putin. All around are thoroughly sick of him. His days are numbered. Let them clean up their own crumbling house. The worst outcome would be letting Biden (the MIC) steal all the credit from those most responsible.

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