Is the Federal government the enemy of the American People?

Our federal government has been insidiously slipping into fascism for over a generation

Much of what is legislated contradicts our constitution


The only so-called "Americans" who want a Fascist State is MAGA MAGOTS.
We fought a War to free Slaves, a despicable system we inherited from Britain.

Canada did, too, you know? Canada had slaves. Canada had slavery and never did anything about it until Daddy England outlawed it -- FIFTY+ years after several of our States did. Many States in the newly formed USA outlawed slavery in their Constitutions. Some did not. They wished to maintain the system left to them by the Brits -- Your Daddy.

So we had to fight a War to Free the Slaves. We fought our costliest War ever to rid ourselves of an institution left us by your Daddy.

Did you? Did your worthless fucking, gutless Country fight a War to free Slaves? We did. Republicans did. The Republican Party was FOUNDED as an abolitionist Party.
The situation in America is what it is. There's no argument I could offer that will change that.
If it pleases you to accuse other countries of having the same problem than that's your business, not mine.

The fact remains that the issue is the forum's biggest issue again today, excluding the childish shots back and forth at each other by Americans.

Let's both of us keep it alive and try to deal with it by facing up to it.
There just doesn't seem to be any progress on the south's racism. Trump capitalized on that and now it's brewing at the violence level.

Another civil war? It depends on the way the government needs to act to take Trump down. That will be the big change that could bring America back to the real world, when government becomes the friend of the people.

Trump simply can't be permitted to work his extremist agenda. Not only because of domestic policy but also because he would interfere in US foreign policy as regards China and Russia.

Of course, federal government is and always has been the enemy of the people. At least some of the people are waking up to the fact.
And you support it getting larger and more powerful while typing it is not extremist. I feel for the parents protesting in schools because they fear their daughters will be raped by boys in dresses. and the cops beating the shit out of them for trying to protect their kids. Or the DOJ under Garland going into Catholics homes like witch hunts and arresting them. If we cannot get freedom to return than at least we under democracy can start voting dictators to office that will fight the current dictators. Democracy says we can. And Progs always say Democracy as they are dictators now due to it.
And you support it getting larger and more powerful while typing it is not extremist.
No, I don't.
I feel for the parents protesting in schools because they fear their daughters will be raped by boys in dresses. and the cops beating the shit out of them for trying to protect their kids.
Boys in dresses aren't likely to have rape of girls on their minds. But who knows? The dress could be camoflage for a rapist?
Cops are breaking the law if they're beating the shit out of kids
Or the DOJ under Garland going into Catholics homes like witch hunts and arresting them.
That's America. the big problems are numerous and I'm not attempting to address each individually. I'm putting them all under one umbrella issue that is racism.
If we cannot get freedom to return than at least we under democracy can start voting dictators to office that will fight the current dictators.
What would anyone want to discuss an issue with an extremist that would recommend that??
Democracy says we can. And Progs always say Democracy as they are dictators now due to it.
Likely true. Trace everything back to the political divide that is cause by the south refusing to let go of racism.
I think that has been evident since the War Between the States...a war that could have been and should have been avoided...unfortunately Mr. Lincoln wanted war.

Irregardless it has become more and more evident that the Feds whether intentionaly or not are doing great harm to America.

It appears that the Feds are controlled by those who believe in order to save America it must first be destroyed...not realizing if they are sucessful...there will be no come back.

The government is the people.
or, to use a famous quote
You slept through history class didn't you, idiot?

Even Marx hated government. He's your hero and everybody knows it. If you're a dimocrap, you're a neo-marxist.

But Karl Marx hated government. Didn't trust it. At all. In fact in his March to communism the three steps were, 1) Capitalism, 2) Socialism, 3) Communism. And if you were literate, I'd refer you to his works..... Communism is when ALL Government just "Withers Away". Look it up, bitch

Whoda guessed?

Whoda guessed?
Marxism is a nice theory but it doesn't, nor has it ever, or will ever, work. Just sayin', Marx didn't like goobermint either.

Hitler and Mussolini were bothe socialists but they didn't like what happened in Russia. Too harsh, too many dead, too extremist. So they twisted socialism to meet their needs. Like socialism needs twisting :dunno: It may be a 'nice' theory but it is invaraibly tried/implemented by the dumbest fucks on Earth. Witness -- Here.

But that's just one reason I called.... Look at this Poll. By NBC, aka; National Broadcasting of Communists

The reason you're going to see the race card thrown around A LOT is because --

It's all dimocrap scum got. That's it. Like little children on the playground, they'll call you a name and run away, giggling like they won. You're too tall, they'll tease you about that. You got a disabillity, or one of your relatives does.... Fair game to them.

dimocrap FILTH think they have the Race Card they can play. They don't and that's another story. But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media backs them on it.... So they play it.

It's all they got. Substance? Nope. Accomplishments? Nope.

Name-Calling? dimocrap scum got us there.

neener-neener, dimocrap scum.

Learn To Code, bitches

Currently, only 35 percent of Hispanics, 29 percent of young people (18-34), and 27 percent of Independents approve of the job Biden’s doing.

For contrast, in this same poll in early 2020, Trump had an approval rating of 46 percent and still lost (allegedly).

Incredibly, Trump tops Biden with the Hispanic vote, 42 to 41 percent. In 2020, Biden beat Trump with Hispanics by 34 points, 66 to 32 percent.
Even more jaw-dropping, Trump ties Biden with young people (18-34) at 42 percent. In 2020, Biden won 18-29 year olds by 24 points, 60 to 36 percent.
After three brutal years of Biden’s failed presidency, only 22 percent say the country is on the right track, while 77 percent say the wrong track.

Here is Biden’s approval/disapproval numbers on specific issues:

  • Economy: 36/61, and only 24 percent believe the economy will improve in the next year.
  • Foreign policy: 34/60
  • Israel’s war with the terrorists in Hamas: 29/60
On the general question of favorability, only 36 percent view Biden favorably, while 54 percent view him unfavorably. That puts him underwater -18 points.

Trump’s favorable/unfavorable rating of 38/52 is four net points healthier at -14 points.

And then we come to the most devastating numbers for Hunter’s Dad… The question of who will do a better job of handling the issues voters most care about. “[P]lease tell me whether you think that Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be better” is the question. Here are the answers…


  • Trump: 57 percent (+35)
  • Biden: 22 percent

  • Trump: 55 percent (+22)
  • Biden: 33 percent
Being Competent and Effective

  • Trump: 48 percent (+16)
  • Biden: 32 percent
Improving America’s Standing in the World

  • Trump: 47 percent (+11)
  • Biden: 36 percent
Having the Necessary Physical and Mental Health

  • Trump: 46 percent (+23)
  • Biden: 23 percent
Dealing with crime and violence

  • Trump: 50 percent (+21)
  • Biden: 29 percent
Talk about the media fail of all fails… Even on the stupid, media-manufactured issue of “protecting democracy” that’s been wielded by billion-dollar corporations against Trump for three years, The Donald is down only two points: 41 to 43 percent.

Biden also tops Trump on baby-killing abortion, 44 to 32 percent, and treating illegals humanely, 48 to 31 percent.

Is the Federal government the enemy of the American People?​

Let's just say that I like to be close to my friends and much closer to my enemies.
the Feds love when their agenda's are hidden behind partisan politics


I hate the MAGA MAGGOT Fascist State Agenda. The OP is Russian Troll. He/She is shoving Russian Propaganda down your throat and you are swallowing it happily.
In many ways, yes, both the Fed and Congress is the enemy of average Americans.
I can't imagine it could be argued otherwise.
In many ways, yes, both the Fed and Congress is the enemy of average Americans.
I can't imagine it could be argued otherwise.

You continue believe a Russian Troll. He/she is pushing Russian Propaganda. I do not recall one single MAGA MAGGOT beliving the U.S. Government their enemy, but now a Democrat is in the office that same Government suddenly is.

Just remember MAGA MAGGOT, it was P01135809 added $7Trillion to National Debt and LOST 2.9 Million jobs. Joe Biden has in fact created of 7 Million jobs. Inflation is going down. I refuse to believe a Russian Troll pushing Russian Propaganda.
The government isn't the enemy of the people. It is more like a very large pet. Say, a pit bull.

While it can be a valuable companion and even a defender, we must always be vigilant to keep it under control and not allow it too much freedom or it will turn on its owners in the most vicious way.
The government isn't the enemy of the people. It is more like a very large pet. Say, a pit bull.

While it can be a valuable companion and even a defender, we must always be vigilant to keep it under control and not allow it too much freedom or it will turn on its owners in the most vicious way.

It seems that MAGA MAGGOTS had no problem whatsoever with the Rapist and Traitor P01135809 sucking Dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un.

I loath facism. You people love it.
You continue believe a Russian Troll. He/she is pushing Russian Propaganda. I do not recall one single MAGA MAGGOT beliving the U.S. Government their enemy, but now a Democrat is in the office that same Government suddenly is.

Just remember MAGA MAGGOT, it was P01135809 added $7Trillion to National Debt and LOST 2.9 Million jobs. Joe Biden has in fact created of 7 Million jobs. Inflation is going down. I refuse to believe a Russian Troll pushing Russian Propaganda.
I don't care what their opinion is, I was only stating mine
Yes the feds hate the constitution especially since it limits their powers legally. However, they operate in the shadows and ignore it. Our govt is tyrannical and becoming more against the populace by the day. They want war against US citizens. There is no doubt that they would strike and kill millions here. No doubt.
Marxism is a nice theory but it doesn't, nor has it ever, or will ever, work. Just sayin', Marx didn't like goobermint either.

Hitler and Mussolini were bothe socialists but they didn't like what happened in Russia. Too harsh, too many dead, too extremist. So they twisted socialism to meet their needs. Like socialism needs twisting :dunno: It may be a 'nice' theory but it is invaraibly tried/implemented by the dumbest fucks on Earth. Witness -- Here.

But that's just one reason I called.... Look at this Poll. By NBC, aka; National Broadcasting of Communists

The reason you're going to see the race card thrown around A LOT is because --

It's all dimocrap scum got. That's it. Like little children on the playground, they'll call you a name and run away, giggling like they won. You're too tall, they'll tease you about that. You got a disabillity, or one of your relatives does.... Fair game to them.

dimocrap FILTH think they have the Race Card they can play. They don't and that's another story. But the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media backs them on it.... So they play it.

It's all they got. Substance? Nope. Accomplishments? Nope.

Name-Calling? dimocrap scum got us there.

neener-neener, dimocrap scum.

Learn To Code, bitches

Here is Biden’s approval/disapproval numbers on specific issues:

  • Economy: 36/61, and only 24 percent believe the economy will improve in the next year.
  • Foreign policy: 34/60
  • Israel’s war with the terrorists in Hamas: 29/60
On the general question of favorability, only 36 percent view Biden favorably, while 54 percent view him unfavorably. That puts him underwater -18 points.

Trump’s favorable/unfavorable rating of 38/52 is four net points healthier at -14 points.

And then we come to the most devastating numbers for Hunter’s Dad… The question of who will do a better job of handling the issues voters most care about. “[P]lease tell me whether you think that Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be better” is the question. Here are the answers…


  • Trump: 57 percent (+35)
  • Biden: 22 percent

  • Trump: 55 percent (+22)
  • Biden: 33 percent
Being Competent and Effective

  • Trump: 48 percent (+16)
  • Biden: 32 percent
Improving America’s Standing in the World

  • Trump: 47 percent (+11)
  • Biden: 36 percent
Having the Necessary Physical and Mental Health

  • Trump: 46 percent (+23)
  • Biden: 23 percent
Dealing with crime and violence

  • Trump: 50 percent (+21)
  • Biden: 29 percent
Talk about the media fail of all fails… Even on the stupid, media-manufactured issue of “protecting democracy” that’s been wielded by billion-dollar corporations against Trump for three years, The Donald is down only two points: 41 to 43 percent.

Biden also tops Trump on baby-killing abortion, 44 to 32 percent, and treating illegals humanely, 48 to 31 percent.
So MAGA is Marxist?
Who knew?

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