Is the Federal Reserve System Controlled by Nefarious Interests?

I have asked him several times to do so but he can never form a simple argument, which pretty much sums up the breadth of what Terral knows and understands.

That's what I've never understood about conspiracy theorists...their arbitrary acceptance of other people's ideas: "Set X of experts are obviously not trustworthy and are lying, but Set Y is completely reliable." Actual facts seem irrelevant.
I have asked him several times to do so but he can never form a simple argument, which pretty much sums up the breadth of what Terral knows and understands.

That's what I've never understood about conspiracy theorists...their arbitrary acceptance of other people's ideas: "Set X of experts are obviously not trustworthy and are lying, but Set Y is completely reliable." Actual facts seem irrelevant.

why should we reifoce your delusions..poor things..that would be mean...
Well, I'm honored that I am the number 1 reason why the US should be destroyed, but posting youtube videos of people who do not understand the basic structures of what they are discussing doesn't help your cause.

BTW, idiots who make youtube videos are still idiots, as those guys are above.

Toto is some bookkeeper or insurance he likes to pretend he understands vague unexplainable complex economics beyond the grasp of the rest of us....LOL

If that's what makes you sleep at night, that's fine with me. Of course, if you believe that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are pulling the strings on our monetary system, then you are an idiot, and it doesn't much matter what you think.

don't know its so true
Toto is some bookkeeper or insurance he likes to pretend he understands vague unexplainable complex economics beyond the grasp of the rest of us....LOL

If that's what makes you sleep at night, that's fine with me. Of course, if you believe that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are pulling the strings on our monetary system, then you are an idiot, and it doesn't much matter what you think.

don't know its so true

OK, I admit it.
Hi Gary with Toro mentioned:

Okay I've known about the trilateral commission since before you were born. Ditto the Council on Foreign Relations . . .

The Federal Reserve is orchestrating the current U.S. Economic Collapse and Gary wants to pretend he knows something about what is really going on.

[ame=""]The FED Is Engineering The Economic Collapse[/ame]

El Toro and Gary are already deceived and cannot help you to see the Light, but there is still time for many of you.


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Sorry they aren't this collapse began under Rossevelt when Fannie Mae was established was made worse by the GI bill, and aggravated by a whole host of local ordinaces and building codes that virtually compelled builders to make bigger and and bigger homes on larger and larger lots. This in turn was aggravated by everything from federal anti redlining rules and to various federal laws against so-called predatory lending, which eventually compelled banks who wanted to underwrite mortgage loans to - in some case unknowingly underwrite loans to people who were simply in over their heads and and when the balloon noted ballooned their ability to pay their mortgages and still keep the damn lights on disappeared and all of a sudden there were a lot of valueless mortgages out and about and a lot of them found their way into derivatives whose chief purpose was to spread the losses around. Combine this with Makr to market in an industry where property balues vary drastically from state to state -hell from neighborhood to neighbor hood for that matter - on otherwise identical properties and you have a recipe for disaster that is almost entirely the result of unintended consequence piled upon unintended consequence.

The current administration having believed what it has been taught to parrot by demented leftist is try the best way they know how to stave off the impending disaster unfortunatel what they believe to be true is utterly fallacious. And the Fed is caught in the middle trying to juggle about fifteen different balls while the dimbulbs in congress and the current potus keeps flinging more balls into the mix every 2 or three days. Hell yes the whole damn mess is going to collapse like a house of cards but it isn't the feds fault.
Hi Pingy:

I notice that you haven't actually responed to Toro's points. No direct rebuttal, just youtube videos of other people making claims.

No sir. And you will see nothing like that from me. You guys 'choose' to remain ignorant about what is really going on and I choose to allow you to remain that way. If you will not believe these people, then you will never believe one word from me or anybody else. You guys are MUCH too far away from the lifeboat to receive any lifeline from me. The guy who wrote the book in my signature ("None Dare Call It Conspiracy") is a former U.S. Congressmen (Gary Allen) and you :)cuckoo:) choose not believe him either.


The Federal Reserve System is not controlled by nefarious interests. It's controlled by idiots.

Yet somehow these idiots always manage to screw things up in ways that benefit them and their class at the expense of everybody else.

Absolutely amazing, isn't it?
Well done Toro. the notion that the Rothchilds and Rockefellers et al are in league to do much of anything is so absurd as to be laughable.

Thanks terral for more evidence that you are a loon. Videos of warmed over conspiracists from the last half century or so provide nothing factual beyond a brief history of the conspiracy nuts that have infested this country like a plague body lice at least since colonial times.

uh as always Toro gets brainwashed by lies and disinformation.the loon here is might actually want to pick up Gary allens documented book and actually read it instead of seeing only what you WANT to see.thats one of the major reasons kennedy-the last good president who wasnt a puppet for the NWO was killed was cause he was going to get rid of the federal reserve.
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The Federal Reserve System is not controlled by nefarious interests. It's controlled by idiots.

Yet somehow these idiots always manage to screw things up in ways that benefit them and their class at the expense of everybody else.

Absolutely amazing, isn't it?

Some of the largest financial institutions have been wiped out, the banking index has fallen by 85%, tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the financial industry including friends of mine, people have had their fortunes decimated, frauds have been exposed and trillions of dollars have been lost.

This has not benefited the wealthy class.
this depends on what you define as the wealthy class..and your judgement of what is beneficial
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Whatever monkey boy:

The fed cannot account for the whereabouts of $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions over the course of the past eight months. Nor can it explain the $1 trillion expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet since last September.
Nor can their house slave Toro. He'll try though.

the douchebag of the year award winner speaks.

Whatever monkey boy:

The fed cannot account for the whereabouts of $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions over the course of the past eight months. Nor can it explain the $1 trillion expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet since last September.
Nor can their house slave Toro. He'll try though.

the douchebag of the year award winner speaks.

If you and Toro are cool with what the Fed has been doing the last 8 months, but at the same time you are crying over $700 tarp??? Then you a fucking moron and thats all the proof I need.

Please continue to tea bag the Dems and support the GOP.

With supporters like you, who needs enemies.

Whatever monkey boy:

The fed cannot account for the whereabouts of $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions over the course of the past eight months. Nor can it explain the $1 trillion expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet since last September.
Nor can their house slave Toro. He'll try though.

I know that you have little if any understanding of how all this works, but you might want to consider not making even more of a fool of yourself by calling others out.
Whatever monkey boy:

The fed cannot account for the whereabouts of $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions over the course of the past eight months. Nor can it explain the $1 trillion expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet since last September.
Nor can their house slave Toro. He'll try though.

the douchebag of the year award winner speaks.

If you and Toro are cool with what the Fed has been doing the last 8 months, but at the same time you are crying over $700 tarp??? Then you a fucking moron and thats all the proof I need.

Please continue to tea bag the Dems and support the GOP.

With supporters like you, who needs enemies.

If you had a degree in economics or finance, I MIGHT respect you disagreeing with Toro on this issue. But it appears you haven't even had a basic econ class.
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Whatever monkey boy:

The fed cannot account for the whereabouts of $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions over the course of the past eight months. Nor can it explain the $1 trillion expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet since last September.
Nor can their house slave Toro. He'll try though.

I know that you have little if any understanding of how all this works, but you might want to consider not making even more of a fool of yourself by calling others out.
What bobo does not wish to look into is money that went missing under his beloved democrat Clinton's reign.... There is $3.3 Trillion Missing From HUD & DOD in FYs 1998-2000
by Catherine Austin Fitts

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