Is the GOP base proud of what their leaders have done for them and the country?



I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?
I think he means that you can't keep borrowing money or printing money to keep spending like a crazyman.

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I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?

So far so good.

They've stopped additional Obama damage to the country.

We'll do more after Obama loses next year.
Pretty sad when the Left who owns the president and the senate

have to look to the majority in the House for leadership.

I guess chit rolls downhill only until it hits a Democrat in todays new world order.
I can't list the ways that the GOP has done better than the dems, fer instance:

1. Boeing built a $1b plant is SC and the dems won't let them run it. That cost many jobs and hurt the stock. If anyone said they wanted to build a new plant here I'd fire them instantly.
2. The GOP would open up the Gulf and ANWR to drilling to help get more domestic oil
3. The GOP would stop paying the UN and foreign aid saving about $58b in foreign aid, and $48b to the UN ANNUALLY.
4. The GOP would bring back $1T in repatriation money sitting in foreign banks,
5. The GOP would eliminate the NLRB, manage the EPA, cut Corporate taxes and eliminate tax loop-holes
5. Which party will Save SS & Medicare? Which is where the REAL money is.
I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?

Anything they do to counter the Liberal agenda of big government and the tax and spend mentality where the ones in this country who produce are penalized and punished and the ones who don't are rewarded is fine with me.That my friend is something I can appreciate.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?
I suppose an idiot like you is proud of obamaturd and the socialists spending us into obscurity. Idiots like you make me laugh.
I am sure proud of our hot Sarah Palin who was at one point our governor! I forget why she's not anymore. we miss her greatly, cant see russia anymore!:razz:
I can't list the ways that the GOP has done better than the dems, fer instance:

1. Boeing built a $1b plant is SC and the dems won't let them run it. That cost many jobs and hurt the stock. If anyone said they wanted to build a new plant here I'd fire them instantly.
2. The GOP would open up the Gulf and ANWR to drilling to help get more domestic oil
3. The GOP would stop paying the UN and foreign aid saving about $58b in foreign aid, and $48b to the UN ANNUALLY.
4. The GOP would bring back $1T in repatriation money sitting in foreign banks,
5. The GOP would eliminate the NLRB, manage the EPA, cut Corporate taxes and eliminate tax loop-holes
5. Which party will Save SS & Medicare? Which is where the REAL money is.

Would, would, would. What have they actually done recently, besides help the Democrats run this country into the ground? Talk from politicians is worth less than the US dollar right now.
I can't list the ways that the GOP has done better than the dems, fer instance:

1. Boeing built a $1b plant is SC and the dems won't let them run it. That cost many jobs and hurt the stock. If anyone said they wanted to build a new plant here I'd fire them instantly.
2. The GOP would open up the Gulf and ANWR to drilling to help get more domestic oil
3. The GOP would stop paying the UN and foreign aid saving about $58b in foreign aid, and $48b to the UN ANNUALLY.
4. The GOP would bring back $1T in repatriation money sitting in foreign banks,
5. The GOP would eliminate the NLRB, manage the EPA, cut Corporate taxes and eliminate tax loop-holes
5. Which party will Save SS & Medicare? Which is where the REAL money is.

What is a trillion in "repatriation" money?

If any oil is found here, what makes you think it "stays" here? Doesn't it go on the world market? Don't those companies lease land from the government? Didn't Republicans give many of those leases away for free? Better do a little research. What you find will shock the shit out of you.

The 12 largest US corporations don't pay any tax and get 2.5 billion from the government for what? I don't know. Doesn't make sense to me.

The GOP want's to eliminate the EPA, not manage it. Unless by manage, you meant "eliminate".

A voucher program would be the end of Medicare.

Not so sure about some of these plans. There is nothing new here and most is what got us where we are today.
I can't list the ways that the GOP has done better than the dems, fer instance:

1. Boeing built a $1b plant is SC and the dems won't let them run it. That cost many jobs and hurt the stock. If anyone said they wanted to build a new plant here I'd fire them instantly.
2. The GOP would open up the Gulf and ANWR to drilling to help get more domestic oil
3. The GOP would stop paying the UN and foreign aid saving about $58b in foreign aid, and $48b to the UN ANNUALLY.
4. The GOP would bring back $1T in repatriation money sitting in foreign banks,
5. The GOP would eliminate the NLRB, manage the EPA, cut Corporate taxes and eliminate tax loop-holes
5. Which party will Save SS & Medicare? Which is where the REAL money is.

What is a trillion in "repatriation" money?

If any oil is found here, what makes you think it "stays" here? Doesn't it go on the world market? Don't those companies lease land from the government? Didn't Republicans give many of those leases away for free? Better do a little research. What you find will shock the shit out of you.

The 12 largest US corporations don't pay any tax and get 2.5 billion from the government for what? I don't know. Doesn't make sense to me.

The GOP want's to eliminate the EPA, not manage it. Unless by manage, you meant "eliminate".

A voucher program would be the end of Medicare.

Not so sure about some of these plans. There is nothing new here and most is what got us where we are today.
Translation: "I am a slave to big gubmint and love it when my countrymen are as well..."
I can't list the ways that the GOP has done better than the dems, fer instance:

1. Boeing built a $1b plant is SC and the dems won't let them run it. That cost many jobs and hurt the stock. If anyone said they wanted to build a new plant here I'd fire them instantly.
2. The GOP would open up the Gulf and ANWR to drilling to help get more domestic oil
3. The GOP would stop paying the UN and foreign aid saving about $58b in foreign aid, and $48b to the UN ANNUALLY.
4. The GOP would bring back $1T in repatriation money sitting in foreign banks,
5. The GOP would eliminate the NLRB, manage the EPA, cut Corporate taxes and eliminate tax loop-holes
5. Which party will Save SS & Medicare? Which is where the REAL money is.

As a former "Republican", no I am not proud. Boehner negotiated a deal that does absolutely nothing for the debt. This president is a joke, this senate is a joke and to think that this house is any different, is a joke. The Republicans are frauds just like the Democrats.

I'm not proud of the super congress, I'm not proud of Scott Brown, I'm not proud of any of them. And lets look at your list here. (again, nothing personal sir) 1 is rhetoric. 2 is a maybe. I don't know if they would or not. 3. We need to leave the UN. The organization is a joke. We need to cut foreign aid as well. 4. I don't know where you get that idea. Maybe temporarily but they are just as bad for investments. 5. Ha. Dollars to donuts says they don't have the balls. Flat out, they just won't do it because they are not principled men. 5b. Save SS? Can we please end it? Medicare? Stop taking money from the states only to pay the states to manage medical care. Just stop. Why are we saving these "programs" that aren't worth saving? SS? Why do we need to save it?

The "Republicans" are just collectivists in sheep's clothing. They don't care about you or your business, they play golf with the enemy and then they vote for "budget bills" that will do absolutely nothing to stem, stop or even pause spending.

You sir, have been had. It is a fraud.

I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?

Anything they do to counter the Liberal agenda of big government and the tax and spend mentality where the ones in this country who produce are penalized and punished and the ones who don't are rewarded is fine with me.That my friend is something I can appreciate.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Repugnantcans have increased the size of government at almost every turn as well.

Tell me when was the actual size scope and cost of government decreased in the past 3 decades?

Repugnantcans spout the smaller government shit like gospel but in reality have done absolutely nothing to make government smaller.
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If any oil is found here, what makes you think it "stays" here? Doesn't it go on the world market? Don't those companies lease land from the government? Didn't Republicans give many of those leases away for free? Better do a little research. What you find will shock the shit out of you.

So, it's ok to export 40% of our corn crop and 30% of our ethanol stocks but when a fraction of our total oil production is directed to an offshore market due to economic factors (regardless of the fact that it brings hard currency into our country), libcocks go ballistic?

Oil and gas leases bring billions into the U.S. treasury through bonuses and royalties.
And if you claim that "Republicans give many of those leases away" then it's you that should come up with some credible sources.
let me tell you all a story I gartered out of Iraq while I was there.

In 2004 we had secured camp anaconda and were progressing toward actually proving some stability in the area. Its no secret contractors were needed to help and maintain all of they above, I worked with many good peeps over the years but I have to tell you all this one story.

some hoduck contractor from North Carlina came down to provide logistics for a FOB we had established about 1.5 clicks off base, anyhow, the deal was for each truck load of supplies these contractors were paid a nice amount of money + salary. After about two months of noticing a lot of traffic but no supplies we started looking deeper. seems these truckers were driving from point A to point B w/o a actual load on board. if you follow me you can see the crime at hand. I saw a lot of this in my time there and it was a complete waste.

Now that the economy has tanked I cant but help and think of these truckers just killing the tax payer and loving every second of it. each trucker was there by contract to make 300k + the added shipment bonus.

I cant help but think this sort of activity was wide spread and exactly why we have had such a hard time over there. IM sorry but the GOP made this mess and Obama has done very little to clean it up. Ill walk away from my time here and really think hard about the GOP ideals that brought us here. its a complete sham in the American tax payer, form day one.
I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?
put the brakes on the most dangerous ,inept,anti American administration that has ever desecrated the White House!!
I just want to know.

And while we are at it, what is it the Republican leadership has done to make them so proud?

I think the fact we are FINALLY addressing deficits is a good thing, yes.

Obama had his chance, and he blew it. If he had addressed the unemployment problem, people would be singing his praises right now.

Instead, he imposed a bunch of new laws and regulations that make job producers hoarde their money and afraid to hire people.

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