Is the GOP in crisis? Not really


Jul 17, 2013
As a Republican, freshman Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida cares about the Republican Party’s image and fate. But what he especially cares about is a tiny sliver of the GOP: about 22,000 primary voters who lean heavily conservative and who secured his spot in the House.

Yoho is hardly alone. Many other House Republicans owe their elections to similarly small and ideologically intense electorates. These GOP lawmakers pay far less attention to the party’s national reputation. And that deeply frustrates activists trying to build broad, national coalitions to elect a Republican as president in 2016 and beyond.

Yoho and his fellow tea party-backed House members essentially say, “Not my problem.”

“I ran on what I stood up to do,” Yoho said after defying party leaders and voting against a bipartisan measure to raise the debt ceiling and end last month’s government shutdown. “And I got elected on that,” he said. | Is the GOP in crisis? Not really

Agree or disagree? Is it really not their problem? should they continue to look after their best interest? or look after the party's best interest?
As a Republican, freshman Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida cares about the Republican Party’s image and fate. But what he especially cares about is a tiny sliver of the GOP: about 22,000 primary voters who lean heavily conservative and who secured his spot in the House.

Yoho is hardly alone. Many other House Republicans owe their elections to similarly small and ideologically intense electorates. These GOP lawmakers pay far less attention to the party’s national reputation. And that deeply frustrates activists trying to build broad, national coalitions to elect a Republican as president in 2016 and beyond.

Yoho and his fellow tea party-backed House members essentially say, “Not my problem.”

“I ran on what I stood up to do,” Yoho said after defying party leaders and voting against a bipartisan measure to raise the debt ceiling and end last month’s government shutdown. “And I got elected on that,” he said. | Is the GOP in crisis? Not really

Agree or disagree? Is it really not their problem? should they continue to look after their best interest? or look after the party's best interest?
You have to love how these little lies creep into the conversation as if they are everyday knowledge and common place understandings.
no I don't this so

but that is the Impression the left/liberals/Democrats with the help of their lapdog media want's people to believe..

Democrat can't run on their record, the people are totally DISGUSTED with OfailCare, the people see Obama and his comrades in arms party (Democrat/Progressives) as a failure his approvals dropping like a rock off a cliff... so they have to make it seem it's the "other party"

their standard tactics

I'm just waiting for the ads to run showing Republicans pushing grandma in the wheel chair over the cliff

they are getting pretty desperate
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As a Republican, freshman Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida cares about the Republican Party’s image and fate. But what he especially cares about is a tiny sliver of the GOP: about 22,000 primary voters who lean heavily conservative and who secured his spot in the House.

Yoho is hardly alone. Many other House Republicans owe their elections to similarly small and ideologically intense electorates. These GOP lawmakers pay far less attention to the party’s national reputation. And that deeply frustrates activists trying to build broad, national coalitions to elect a Republican as president in 2016 and beyond.

Yoho and his fellow tea party-backed House members essentially say, “Not my problem.”

“I ran on what I stood up to do,” Yoho said after defying party leaders and voting against a bipartisan measure to raise the debt ceiling and end last month’s government shutdown. “And I got elected on that,” he said.

Agree or disagree? Is it really not their problem? should they continue to look after their best interest? or look after the party's best interest?

party best interest? why should he put party ahead of his constituents?

establishment gop lost the ties with the people long time ago - and that is why they are loosing the image.
As a Republican, freshman Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida cares about the Republican Party’s image and fate. But what he especially cares about is a tiny sliver of the GOP: about 22,000 primary voters who lean heavily conservative and who secured his spot in the House.

Yoho is hardly alone. Many other House Republicans owe their elections to similarly small and ideologically intense electorates. These GOP lawmakers pay far less attention to the party’s national reputation. And that deeply frustrates activists trying to build broad, national coalitions to elect a Republican as president in 2016 and beyond.

Yoho and his fellow tea party-backed House members essentially say, “Not my problem.”

“I ran on what I stood up to do,” Yoho said after defying party leaders and voting against a bipartisan measure to raise the debt ceiling and end last month’s government shutdown. “And I got elected on that,” he said.

Nah, he's full of shit. He was elected because of this, from the same article:

""First, the Republican-controlled Florida government redrew Yoho’s district — after the 2010 census and national House reapportionment — to be safely conservative for any GOP nominee.""

It's called gerrymandering.

- See more at: Is the GOP in crisis? Not really | Rare
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