Is the government...?

Is the Government something you own?

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CDZ prohibited
Mar 19, 2012
Is the government something you own? Or is it separate from you?
or you could answer or ignore the questions. Your choice.
Can we get some context? If you pay taxes then yes, I guess you can claim you "own Government." But on that same token how do you define what part and how much you own? You can't walk into a Government building and take anything you want, or just live there... But you do vote for the people you elect. The question is vauge, very vauge.
Can we get some context? If you pay taxes then yes, I guess you can claim you "own Government." But on that same token how do you define what part and how much you own? You can't walk into a Government building and take anything you want, or just live there... But you do vote for the people you elect. The question is vauge, very vauge.

its meant to be vague.

on a side note this is my very first post posted from my xbox. how cool is that?
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Ahh so you're trying to set people up and cause an argument or two if possible. Got it.
Ahh so you're trying to set people up and cause an argument or two if possible. Got it.


there is no punchline coming. this is simply for my own reasons and my own personal knowleledge.

if people dont understand the questions its not an issue with their intellect. its simply not directed at them.
Can we get some context? If you pay taxes then yes, I guess you can claim you "own Government." But on that same token how do you define what part and how much you own? You can't walk into a Government building and take anything you want, or just live there... But you do vote for the people you elect. The question is vauge, very vauge.

its meant to be vague.

on a side note this is my very first post posted from my xbox. how cool is that?

Haha, cool I guess. I do PC gaming only, no need for playstation/Xbox for me.

Well, it's too vauge for me, sorry.
Gvernment is society's agent for managing the collective commons and public assets. If it "owns" anything, it is only IN TRUST in a strictly fiduciary role and is responsible for that stewardship to the citizens.
Government isn't "owned" by anyone, just funded. They take your money and do with it as they please regardless of would what benefit you the most.
Of course the people own the government. We live in a representative democracy. The government is simply the embodiment of the public's collected will.
You'll certainly be getting the bill for ongoing deficit.. And you do actually OWN those marble palaces in Washington.. But you have no right or recourse to liquifying any of those things or even insist on proper stewardship of your assets. You don't even have a CONTRACT for your Soc Sec or Medicare UNIVERSAL programs.

You are more helpless than Minor in a managed trust account. Or a rower on a 300 million seat co-op galley ship..
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The concept of government is a described limit to everyone's personal freedoms that the represented parties agree is nessasary to regulate interactions between individuals, and groups of individuals. The physical manifestation of the government is the me thod we use to achive this.

Government to me is overhead, something we need to provide a bridge-work for public interactions, provide for common defense of our rights and our property, and a method of performing large tasks too big in scope or effect to do at a smaller, local level.
You left one out... corporations & billionaires bought and paid for the government they want. They own it.
Of course the people own the government. We live in a representative democracy. The government is simply the embodiment of the public's collected will.

SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
Of course the people own the government. We live in a representative democracy. The government is simply the embodiment of the public's collected will.

SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Okay I've looked at the poll, read the OP, and all the comments in this thread. And I'll have to confess that I don't understand the OP or what Vidi is shooting for there.

I will say that I think we aren't the rowers on that ship. At least yet. It doesn't matter what they think because they are chained to their oars and their opinions no longer matter. They are the ones government has enslaved and, as long as they are fed, they will dutifully row the ship.

Many of us are the recipients of whatever the ship will deliver and, though we may gripe and grumble about the quality of what we get, we accept it otherwise without question and without inquiring or interest in what it cost.

And the rest of us are on the pirate boat getting all whipped up into courage and passion to take the ship, but squabbling over what plan to use to do that.

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