Is The Holocaust A Hoax?


Sep 17, 2015
Auschwitz plaques.jpg
The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.
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View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.
your ignorance is fucking astounding!
This would be a good question for Obama to ask Netanyahu when he comes to visit.
No, the Holocaust was not a hoax and the assumptions you make about numbers being wrong at " all the other camps..." is just an excuse for basic jackassery. You didn't make a discovery or importance. What you think you found will not prevent you from looking like an asshole if you continue on your warped mission of denial. It's ok, we have lots of assholes here at USMB. Always room for one more. Welcome.
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.

Oh look another nazi insect
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.
The Polish government changed the plaques several decades ago to reflect the true numbers of Juden alleged to have lost their lives at the camp.

The new plaque reflects a 2.5 million down grade from the 6 million alleged Jews killed during WWll.

Yet the official Holocaust narrative still falsely claims the 6 million figure. ...... :cool:
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.

The correct number is 6 1/2 million Jewish people died. The sign on the right is not a little hard to read. It is impossible to read (imo). What is not impossible to read is that you are an anti-Semite. You need to repent or you are going to go to hell. You see, no one who hates the Jews can enter heaven. It is not possible. If you hate people who you can see how can you love God whom you cannot see? Hell is for all eternity. You need to repent of this wickedness and call upon the Lord to forgive you for your sin of hating the Jews. Those are God's people. What do you think He will say to you if you die in your sleep tonight and have to face him concerning this matter? I tell you the truth. You do not want to find out!
............^^^ Jeremiah, why are you attacking this innocent poster.

The Polish government that loves the Juden are the people responsible for changing the plaque with the lower numbers.

Google it .... :cool:
............^^^ Jeremiah, why are you attacking this innocent poster.

The Polish government that loves the Juden are the people responsible for changing the plaque with the lower numbers. .... :cool:

I didn't attack him. I just told him that he is going to hell because he is going to hell. He is not innocent. He is a wicked man! A very wicked man! If he does not repent? He's going down to the pit. That is all there is to it. Goodnight, Sunni man.
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.
The Polish government changed the plaques several decades ago to reflect the true numbers of Juden alleged to have lost their lives at the camp.

The new plaque reflects a 2.5 million down grade from the 6 million alleged Jews killed during WWll.

Yet the official Holocaust narrative still falsely claims the 6 million figure. ...... :cool:
Link ?
If not you are talking out your ass.
Many of my distant Gypsy relatives met the same fate as those Jews.
And gays.
I feel bad for the Gypsies.........not so much for the sodomites. ..... :cool:

I feel bad for anyone who was put to death by the Nazis. Their suffering was horrific. There but for the grace of God go you or I! Do not think that you could not fall into sin tomorrow. Your pride un-repented will assure you of it! God didn't love them any less than He loves you or me. So do not be prideful, Sunni man. I'm turning in now. I've read enough for one night.
............^^^ Jeremiah, why are you attacking this innocent poster.

The Polish government that loves the Juden are the people responsible for changing the plaque with the lower numbers. .... :cool:

I didn't attack him. I just told him that he is going to hell because he is going to hell. He is not innocent. He is a wicked man! A very wicked man! If he does not repent? He's going down to the pit. That is all there is to it. Goodnight, Sunni man.
Both you and sunni wad are wrong .
If not you are talking out your ass.
This article is from the New York it and learn. .... :cool:

WARSAW, June 16— After 50 years of deflecting the requests of Jewish groups, the Polish Government has agreed to change the wording on stone tablets at Auschwitz and Birkenau, the adjacent Nazi camps where more than one million Jews died during World War II.

The move follows decades of appeals by Jewish groups, who say the current plaques do not fully reflect the suffering of Jews there and focus too heavily on the camp's non-Jewish victims. While thousands of non-Jews were among the estimated 1.5 million killed at Auschwitz, the victims were predominantly Jewish.

It was previously thought that four million died at the camps. More recent research has revealed the figure to be closer to 1.5 million.

Poland Agrees to Change Auschwitz Tablets
If not you are talking out your ass.
This article is from the New York it and learn. .... :cool:

WARSAW, June 16— After 50 years of deflecting the requests of Jewish groups, the Polish Government has agreed to change the wording on stone tablets at Auschwitz and Birkenau, the adjacent Nazi camps where more than one million Jews died during World War II.

The move follows decades of appeals by Jewish groups, who say the current plaques do not fully reflect the suffering of Jews there and focus too heavily on the camp's non-Jewish victims. While thousands of non-Jews were among the estimated 1.5 million killed at Auschwitz, the victims were predominantly Jewish.

It was previously thought that four million died at the camps. More recent research has revealed the figure to be closer to 1.5 million.

Poland Agrees to Change Auschwitz Tablets
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.
your ignorance is fucking astounding!
It looks like it would be a pretty difficult task to desuds the suds on your brainwashed mind. What I showed is written in fucking STONE!!! If you can except something that is written in stone, you HAVE to be one of the stupidest people on earth. It would be interesting to debate you on the matter. But I happen to know that freedom of speech in this country is a joke to begin with. On this forum, it is even more of a joke. So there isn't any point in debating you. Try truth zone or talk rational. They have some concept of freedom of speech at those forums.

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