is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

My interest in talking to you is in discussing America's failed prison system that has proven to be the greatest example of failure in the modern world. Nothing else will be discussed between us until you can face the music on that.

Your comment on the D's releasing too many criminals is the exact opposite of proven facts.

If you can't man up to that then run away you gungoon piece of shit.

How many articles would you like on commies releasing prisoners in their cities or states? During the riots, our now VP was promoting her followers (the few that she had) to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bail out these troublemakers so they can get back in the streets to cause more problems. In Portland, the Mayor called riots the Summer of Love. In Baltimore, the Mayor there told the police to stand down and let the rioters do whatever the hell they wanted. More recently, Mayor Lighthead in Chicago created policy that police can no longer chase suspects until they call their supervisor for permission, which gives criminals a six block head start on the pursuing officer(s).

The bottom line is the commies have always been on the side of the criminals. That's why they want to take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens in this country.
In one thread you guys are bashing Clinton and Biden’s tough on crime Bill and now you say we’re too soft on crime?
In one thread you guys are bashing Clinton and Biden’s tough on crime Bill and now you say we’re too soft on crime?

You guys are not me. I was for the crime bill and always will be. We are not tough enough on crime which is why we have the highest prison recidivism rate in the world. Our prisons are lowlife playgrounds.

However I do understand others bringing it up since it's the Democrats always bashing the right with their phony racism claims. The crime bill did put a lot of blacks away because blacks have the highest violent crime rate and theft per capita in the US.
In one thread you guys are bashing Clinton and Biden’s tough on crime Bill and now you say we’re too soft on crime?

You guys are not me. I was for the crime bill and always will be. We are not tough enough on crime which is why we have the highest prison recidivism rate in the world. Our prisons are lowlife playgrounds.

However I do understand others bringing it up since it's the Democrats always bashing the right with their phony racism claims. The crime bill did put a lot of blacks away because blacks have the highest violent crime rate and theft per capita in the US.
So you guys bring up the crime Bill in an attempt to make it a wedge issue between blacks and democrats.

Whenever you point out white democrats aren’t perfect it’s always when we agree with you guys. That’s why blacks know we are the lesser of the two evils.

I bet every Republican voted for the crime Bill. So even though it was Clinton’s and Biden’s bill, republicans don’t offer a better solution as far as blacks go. You should say to blacks if you don’t like that Bill Clinton crime Bill then don’t vote Republican.

Its like nafta. Republicans invented that. So if you don’t like nafta, don’t vote Republican even though bill Clinton went along with republicans. Every time democrats go along with republicans we get fucked.

Want another example? Voting to let bush invade iraq. And keep in mind for 8 years republicans wanted Clinton to do it so they could pin that on him too
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households
They don't have the drugs that cause the gun wars in their communities either. How do you know these folks don't have fathers in their homes, have you went and visited any of these folks you speak of?
So you guys bring up the crime Bill in an attempt to make it a wedge issue between blacks and democrats.

Whenever you point out white democrats aren’t perfect it’s always when we agree with you guys. That’s why blacks know we are the lesser of the two evils.

I bet every Republican voted for the crime Bill. So even though it was Clinton’s and Biden’s bill, republicans don’t offer a better solution as far as blacks go. You should say to blacks if you don’t like that Bill Clinton crime Bill then don’t vote Republican.

Its like nafta. Republicans invented that. So if you don’t like nafta, don’t vote Republican even though bill Clinton went along with republicans. Every time democrats go along with republicans we get fucked.

Want another example? Voting to let bush invade iraq. And keep in mind for 8 years republicans wanted Clinton to do it so they could pin that on him too

Blacks vote Democrat because many of them are not educated in politics. It's not a hobby of theirs like it is with some of us white folks. But the day will come when they learn what the party has done to them, and then turn on Democrats like they should have years ago.

Even though Clinton signed bipartisan bills, it's always the left accusing the right of racism. It's the only reason people on the right even bring it up, and usually we don't bring it up, the left does and the right is merely responding. It's like when they call Trump a racist, and we ask what racist thing did Trump ever say, and I mean racist as in the dictionary definition? No answer. Yet they proudly support a guy who said:

Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
You ain't black unless you vote for me.
They want to put y'all back in chains.
I didn't want to send my kids to a racial jungle.
They (segregationist Senators) were the best people I ever worked with in Congress.

As far as blame shifting goes, the left constantly brings up Trump's spending even though half of his first term was spent with a Democrat House, who has the power to close down the government if they don't get what they want. When Commie Care was nothing but a lie and failure, it's the left that claims Republicans changed the bill even though Republicans didn't have any power to do such a thing, and not one Republican voted for it. They also try to claim it was our idea because some editor at the Heritage Foundation wrote of a healthcare plan something similar to Commie Care, even though the Heritage Foundation does not have any say in Congress. Now the new thing is try to give Dementia credit for Trump's hard work in helping to get vaccines to the people of this country, even though Dementia didn't do squat.

So it goes on in both sides of the aisle.
You never grew up either. Enjoy sitting alone in the dark on welfare.

Get lost you lowlife troll.
I don't hear a denial.
You can deny whatever you want you’re still a loser troll
Did you wake up early to make breakfast for your boat?
No. I woke up early and walked my dog in the rain. I took my girls dog too she slept in.
So you guys bring up the crime Bill in an attempt to make it a wedge issue between blacks and democrats.

Whenever you point out white democrats aren’t perfect it’s always when we agree with you guys. That’s why blacks know we are the lesser of the two evils.

I bet every Republican voted for the crime Bill. So even though it was Clinton’s and Biden’s bill, republicans don’t offer a better solution as far as blacks go. You should say to blacks if you don’t like that Bill Clinton crime Bill then don’t vote Republican.

Its like nafta. Republicans invented that. So if you don’t like nafta, don’t vote Republican even though bill Clinton went along with republicans. Every time democrats go along with republicans we get fucked.

Want another example? Voting to let bush invade iraq. And keep in mind for 8 years republicans wanted Clinton to do it so they could pin that on him too

Blacks vote Democrat because many of them are not educated in politics. It's not a hobby of theirs like it is with some of us white folks. But the day will come when they learn what the party has done to them, and then turn on Democrats like they should have years ago.

Even though Clinton signed bipartisan bills, it's always the left accusing the right of racism. It's the only reason people on the right even bring it up, and usually we don't bring it up, the left does and the right is merely responding. It's like when they call Trump a racist, and we ask what racist thing did Trump ever say, and I mean racist as in the dictionary definition? No answer. Yet they proudly support a guy who said:

Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
You ain't black unless you vote for me.
They want to put y'all back in chains.
I didn't want to send my kids to a racial jungle.
They (segregationist Senators) were the best people I ever worked with in Congress.

As far as blame shifting goes, the left constantly brings up Trump's spending even though half of his first term was spent with a Democrat House, who has the power to close down the government if they don't get what they want. When Commie Care was nothing but a lie and failure, it's the left that claims Republicans changed the bill even though Republicans didn't have any power to do such a thing, and not one Republican voted for it. They also try to claim it was our idea because some editor at the Heritage Foundation wrote of a healthcare plan something similar to Commie Care, even though the Heritage Foundation does not have any say in Congress. Now the new thing is try to give Dementia credit for Trump's hard work in helping to get vaccines to the people of this country, even though Dementia didn't do squat.

So it goes on in both sides of the aisle.
You’re assuming they will eventually get duped like you did. How come I don’t see it your way?
Unkotare is a social, and cultural relativist. He believes (incorrectly) that a equatorial pygmy and a Swiss banker if swapped would be equally successful in each other's environment.
Do you know why?
Because Unkotare is...yes...a fucking moron.
Yes Unkotare is a moron. As far as we can tell because he says very little and never answers questions.
I call YOU a racist because you are a racist who regularly says racist things, including the use of racial epithets.
Who does more harm to blacks and gays? A guy like me who uses racist and homophobic words or you who supports a party that passes racist and homophobic policies?

Assuming of course because you won’t even admit who you voted for. Coward. Pussy. Faggot
Unkotare is a social, and cultural relativist. He believes (incorrectly) that a equatorial pygmy and a Swiss banker if swapped would be equally successful in each other's environment.
Do you know why?
Because Unkotare is...yes...a fucking moron.
Yes Unkotare is a moron. As far as we can tell because he says very little and never answers questions.
Yes, I have had very little interaction with him, but that conclusion was easy to arrive at.
Unkotare is a social, and cultural relativist. He believes (incorrectly) that a equatorial pygmy and a Swiss banker if swapped would be equally successful in each other's environment.
Do you know why?
Because Unkotare is...yes...a fucking moron.
Yes Unkotare is a moron. As far as we can tell because he says very little and never answers questions.
Yes, I have had very little interaction with him, but that conclusion was easy to arrive at.
At least I know it’s not just with me. Or not just me calling him out. Makes me feel vindicated when I see that’s all he does with everyone.

And I notice he’s friendly with all the other right leaning trolls. So when he says I have no idea who he voted for. That’s because he won’t give any information on him because it’s harder to stick to the lies if you keep piling them on.

He thinks I lied because I said I wrestled in college. Yes I admit that I actually quit after 1 semester and was technically a red shirt. Doesn’t change the fact that half the school year I trained with Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser. After getting whipped by him I can pretty much kill anyone else now. Even Unkotare who says he wrestled 3 years and had great success. First off, I don’t believe it. Second, h won’t say what weight he wrestled because it was probably 120. Now he will say wrong but we all know he lies.

Oh, and he will say something about appealing to popularity but notice he does it too.

He’s the racist ignorant one not me. Even if I’ve used the n word and he hasnt
You’re assuming they will eventually get duped like you did. How come I don’t see it your way?

The answer to that question is in vintage Simon and Garfunkel song titled The Boxer:

"A man hears what he wants hear and disregards the rest."

I don't get duped because I've been following politics for too long.
You’re assuming they will eventually get duped like you did. How come I don’t see it your way?

The answer to that question is in vintage Simon and Garfunkel song titled The Boxer:

"A man hears what he wants hear and disregards the rest."

I don't get duped because I've been following politics for too long.
Same here. Yet we disagree. Perhaps one of us is wrong.
Unkotare is a social, and cultural relativist. He believes (incorrectly) that a equatorial pygmy and a Swiss banker if swapped would be equally successful in each other's environment.
Do you know why?
Because Unkotare is...yes...a fucking moron.
Yes Unkotare is a moron. As far as we can tell because he says very little and never answers questions.
Yes, I have had very little interaction with him, but that conclusion was easy to arrive at.
At least I know it’s not just with me. Or not just me calling him out. Makes me feel vindicated when I see that’s all he does with everyone.

And I notice he’s friendly with all the other right leaning trolls. So when he says I have no idea who he voted for. That’s because he won’t give any information on him because it’s harder to stick to the lies if you keep piling them on.

He thinks I lied because I said I wrestled in college. Yes I admit that I actually quit after 1 semester and was technically a red shirt. Doesn’t change the fact that half the school year I trained with Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser. After getting whipped by him I can pretty much kill anyone else now. Even Unkotare who says he wrestled 3 years and had great success. First off, I don’t believe it. Second, h won’t say what weight he wrestled because it was probably 120. Now he will say wrong but we all know he lies.

Oh, and he will say something about appealing to popularity but notice he does it too.

He’s the racist ignorant one not me. Even if I’ve used the n word and he hasnt
I don't know anything about wrestling. I tried BJJ for a couple weeks and got sick of people's sweat dripping on me and ball sacks pressing on my head. Yich...I understand the practicality of it all...but yich..glecchh. No thanks.
I call YOU a racist because you are a racist who regularly says racist things, including the use of racial epithets.
If I’m such a racist and if I’ve said so many racist things, how come I don’t call black people the N word?
Ah, democrat logic on display yet again! :rolleyes:

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