Is the left trying impeachment now because they are scared of Trump's 2nd term?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
I am no fan of the guy but realistically there is NOTHING holding him back during his 2nd term from going hardcore after those that spied on the campaign in 2016 and committed so many crimes...I think there are powers in the shadow pushing Pelosi to impeach...what say you?
Trump has already made them look incompetent. Another term will probably ruin the Democratic party
I am no fan of the guy but realistically there is NOTHING holding him back during his 2nd term from going hardcore after those that spied on the campaign in 2016 and committed so many crimes...I think there are powers in the shadow pushing Pelosi to impeach...what say you?

Well they already got what they wanted the tax cut I doubt other than a small handful of the republican side of senate and congress want him back.
Trump has already made them look incompetent. Another term will probably ruin the Democratic party
I mean its hard to believe he can go EVEN MORE hard core after their asses but we all know its possible AND probable if he wins a 2nd term,what I don't understand is why try some half assed attempt at impeachment knowing all that's going to happen is make his base even more rabidly devoted to him and bring them out to vote AND push the moderate dems and independents to his side. I don't think Pelosi is pulling the strings on this...ain't no way.
The Democrats have been promising the drones that trump is going down anyday now for the last 3 years. They will really look extra stupid after trump wins reelection. Even their own brainwashed useful idiots will stop taking them seriously. The best thing is that Democrats are so out of touch they believe things are going great and this impeachment is a slam dunk.
What happens when the new Republican majority brings up giving Trump an extra term because of the Democratic coup? Trump has been restricted severely by the buffoonish neocons and Democrats. God bless Trump.
What happens when the new Republican majority brings up giving Trump an extra term because of the Democratic coup? Trump has been restricted severely by the buffoonish neocons and Democrats. God bless Trump.
We should be happy.

Instead of the Democrats focusing on destroying America and fundamentally transforming it into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe, they are all in on trump. Trump is taking all the arrows Democrats would be slinging at America and Americans if he wasn't there.

Trump is an American hero :banana:
Pelosi most likely believe Warren can not win, so remove Trump and tun against Pence...

Problem is Pence might win in 2020...

Now let all the Warren lovers use their poles.... I mean polls...
What would happen if Trump gets impeached and Pence chooses him as his VP? Then Pence resigns. I take that back. It sounds too much like MSNBC.
If you didn’t quickly realize that. Then wake up! You know it’s funny that all of this blink storm was to basically impeach the president letting the democrats wins. I honestly think that’s a good cause to impeach the president if a democrat wins

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Trump is being impeached because he has abused the powers of his office for personal gain
What would happen if Trump gets impeached and Pence chooses him as his VP? Then Pence resigns. I take that back. It sounds too much like MSNBC.
The selection of Vice President must be affirmed by Congress

The same people who impeached with 2/3 of the vote
I am no fan of the guy but realistically there is NOTHING holding him back during his 2nd term from going hardcore after those that spied on the campaign in 2016 and committed so many crimes...I think there are powers in the shadow pushing Pelosi to impeach...what say you?

Dem's know they can't beat him in 2020 and their only chance of winning back the White House is to impeach him.
What would happen if Trump gets impeached and Pence chooses him as his VP? Then Pence resigns. I take that back. It sounds too much like MSNBC.
The selection of Vice President must be affirmed by Congress

The same people who impeached with 2/3 of the vote
If I were acting like a Democrat I'd claim that was a bad law and disregard it, much like they did with sanctuary cities.
I am no fan of the guy but realistically there is NOTHING holding him back during his 2nd term from going hardcore after those that spied on the campaign in 2016 and committed so many crimes...I think there are powers in the shadow pushing Pelosi to impeach...what say you?

Oh yea... Epstein's friends who have been having their way with children are in trouble.
I'm saying, we're redshirting Trump this year. He has two more terms of eligibility.
What happens when the new Republican majority brings up giving Trump an extra term because of the Democratic coup? Trump has been restricted severely by the buffoonish neocons and Democrats. God bless Trump.
We should be happy.

Instead of the Democrats focusing on destroying America and fundamentally transforming it into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe, they are all in on trump. Trump is taking all the arrows Democrats would be slinging at America and Americans if he wasn't there.

Trump is an American hero :banana:
I hear that Rick. But I'd really like to see true justice like giving Trump a redshirt year because of all the hatred he endured. He still hasn't had a chance to prove how great he would be for our country with all this liberal undermining. I'd give him a redshirt.
I think Trump has decided to get himself impeached. First he goes and openly fucks with the election to get the Democrats pissed. Then he goes and totally fucks the War Hawks. If I'm right he's going to keep doing things to piss off republicans because the democrats are all ready to nail his hide to the barn door.

You may ask why would the greatest president in history want to get thrown out of office? I hate to break this to the Trumpbots but Trump hates being president. The only part he likes is the rallies and the shameless adulation of his base. If he could get impeached without doing anything to alienate his base he could go on for years holding rallies talking about how he was deposed in a coup and how America could have been great but is now doomed. He could go back to his shady businesses and questionable associates with no one breathing down his neck expecting results or trying to keep him honest.

If I'm right he will crash the stock market next.

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