Is the media generating the race hate?


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Is all this coverage of Baltimore cranking up distrust of the races? Is it going to spread across to other cities? Are rich peoples homes safe? Is yours safe?
No doubt the media is cranking it up but the police have been a longtime contributor of race hate. Its not like police brutality first started in Ferguson. Its been going on since the 60's.
Yes. There is one cable network whose position is that cops and vigilantes should be allowed to kill black people for any reason, or even for no reason, and the worthless pigs believed them.
Is all this coverage of Baltimore cranking up distrust of the races? Is it going to spread across to other cities? Are rich peoples homes safe? Is yours safe?

No the far left is generating this as they are the one true group of racists.

Which goes to show if you believe in racism, vote far left..
Is all this coverage of Baltimore cranking up distrust of the races? Is it going to spread across to other cities? Are rich peoples homes safe? Is yours safe?

No the far left is generating this as they are the one true group of racists.

Which goes to show if you believe in racism, vote far left..
Well that really explains why the GOP is 99% white.Pft!
I was watching my first bit of coverage on the riots up here in Canada on a US news station. Some "expert" was being interviewed and was asked what the reason for the riots were. The question was a blatant setup because the interviewer asked him "was the cause of the riots an expression of distrust on the judgement of Freddie Gray or was it because these people were looking at any chance to attack the poilice." The interviewee chose the latter. I'm sorry but the American media is a huge Fuquin joke.
Is all this coverage of Baltimore cranking up distrust of the races? Is it going to spread across to other cities? Are rich peoples homes safe? Is yours safe?
Right now as long as there aren't more than 50 of them. Yes, I'm safe. Maybe I need to go get more ammo.
The protests spread to Chicago and Washington D.C. last night. And Ferguson went off again last night too, killing two people.
Conflict sells and the American media is NOT journalism, it is entertainment. Yes, the media therefore has a vested interest in conflict lasting as long as possible and being as violent as possible.
The media plays with peoples emotions. I was looking at a piece about the Boston bomber and the entire article was about how the guy didnt look remorseful. What in the hell does that have to do with if he is innocent or guilty?

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