Is "the media lies " the new conservative line ?

seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
I love it when libturd's can't remember history. Here, listen and learn.

Dude , EVERYONE agrees the current immigration system sucks. We almost had immigration reform (gang of 8) , but the far right freaked out and sank the deal .

why sanctuary cities then? why only democratic run cities? come on man grow the fk up and act like a fking citizen for once in your pathetic life.

Oh there are so many more places that simple enforcement of CURRENT LAWS would reduce "illegal immigration"!
I just listed sanctuary cities.
How about Obama encouraging illegal immigration? Just shutting the f...k up would improve the problem!
But no the globalist socialist wants the USA to be like Germany/France... oh and I'm sure you do too!
So how about those welcoming arms of Germany/France...etc...

Violent attacks against immigrants exploding in Germany
On Friday night about 1,000 people turned up in Heidenau near Dresden to demonstrate against an expected arrival of hundreds of refugees.

Violent attacks against immigrants exploding in Germany

Nice attack propels anti-immigrant sentiments into France’s mainstream
The dynamic comes as voters around the world seek to bar the way to immigrants amid persistent economic challenges and wars in the Middle East that have displaced millions of women, children and men. British voters last month voted to sever ties with the European Union in a referendum widely seen as motivated by fears over migration
Nice attack propels anti-immigrant sentiments into France’s mainstream

With so much admiration by fauxny intellectuals like you welcome to the new world order!

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