Is "the media lies " the new conservative line ?

So are we supposed to just ignore the fact that the media is lying? Why?

Do you trust lying Trump?
again, what?

Let's see. He said he was going to Hillary in jail, and he would fight the lies about trump u.

Already he's gone back on that .
is he in office yet? and, that was a brilliant move to settle. No point testifying as a sitting president. Not good at all. so genius.
So are we supposed to just ignore the fact that the media is lying? Why?

Do you trust lying Trump?
again, what?

Let's see. He said he was going to Hillary in jail, and he would fight the lies about trump u.

Already he's gone back on that .
is he in office yet? and, that was a brilliant move to settle. No point testifying as a sitting president. Not good at all. so genius.

You dont settle for $25 mill just to avoid testifying .
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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So what you are saying is you don't trust New York Times because they didn't know the outcome of election before it happened?

Ridiculous, no?

Actually. No. I posted a longer explanation already. In short, it is a reminder that you could be wrong.

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Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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So what you are saying is you don't trust New York Times because they didn't know the outcome of election before it happened?

Ridiculous, no?

Actually. No. I posted a longer explanation already. In short, it is a reminder that you could be wrong.

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Who CAN'T be wrong?
Dude, I don't care. everyone changes their minds. people find things out, grow from it and change. everyone who is anyone.

Next time Trump promises or claims to be for something you remember that - he says that now, but hey...maybe he'll change his mind tomorrow.

Trust defined.
good leaders learn to change in the middle of a battle when it is necessary. just remember that.

:rolleyes: Rationalizations you Trumsters come up with a hilarious.

Good leaders are not pathological liars and good leaders to do not take and drop positions at a drop of the hat out of convenience and ignorance.
like for example?

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

141 stances on 23 issues Donald Trump took during his White House bid
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Yes, they have taken it too far, and are getting their "news" from fewer and fewer sources, which is pretty dangerous and only serves to intensify the echo chamber effect.

Nevertheless, the media writ large is not trusted by a pretty strong majority of the population, and that reputation is well-deserved. Only the most partisan individual would deny that the media leans Left and reports accordingly.

Those two conditions can exist in the same space.
Some sampling of Trump's deep incoherency:

1. Against raising the minimum wage. Jobs would move to China.

During the thick of the primaries, Trump repeatedly argued that raising the minimum would move jobs to countries like China. Speaking in the cold language of a businessman looking at his bottom line, Trump even seemed to indicate overall American wages, regardless of the law, were too generous already.

"Taxes too high, wages too high, we're not going to be able to compete against the world," Trump said in a November debate hosted by Fox Business. Trump clarified afterwards that he did not believe American wages were too high, but he did make crystal clear he was fundamentally opposed to a minimum wage increase.

2. Wages should be raised through economic growth.

Trump in an interview with CNBC in May said he would prefer to try to raise wages through economic growth. His abrupt move toward a possible increase that he opposed in tough terms is a significant general election shift.

3. Raise the minimum wage.

"I am looking at it, and I haven't decided in terms of numbers. But I think people have to get more," Trump said on ABC on May 8, acknowledging that his statement was a shift when pressed.

"Sure, it's a change. I'm allowed to change," he said. "But my real minimum wage is going to be — I'm going to bring companies back into this country, and they're going to make a lot more than the $15 even."

4. Get rid of the federal minimum wage, leave it to the states.

On NBC on the same day, Trump said more specifically that he wanted states to mandate wages.

"Let me just tell you, I've been traveling the country for many months. Since June 16, I'm all over," he said. "I have seen what's going on. And I don't know how people make it on $7.25 an hour. Now, with that being said, I would like to see an increase of some magnitude. But I'd rather leave it to the states. Let the states decide. Because don't forget, the states have to compete with each other."

5. I want to increase it!

In a May 11 tweet criticizing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Trump argued that he was "asking for increase" of the federal minimum wage.

6. States should change it, but it will hurt them.

"I actually think that the states should make the decision," Trump said in an interview with a Seattle radio station, but argued that "In some cases, states are going to become noncompetitive, and they're going to start losing maybe jobs and losing business, and they're going to have to readjust. Otherwise, they're just not going to have anything."

7. Let's make it $10 dollars an hour.

As the Washington Post notes, Trump's shift here are lengthy and significant: He says he would support raising it to $10 an hour, argues he never wanted to abolish the federal minimum wage, which he did.

8. It should go up, but states should call the shots here.

In a June news conference, Trump said "the minimum wage has to go up. People are — at least $10, but it has to go up. But I think that states — federal — I think that states should really call the shot."

Current position: Raise it to $10 an hour, ignore what I said before.

141 stances on 23 issues Donald Trump took during his White House bid
^ But wait there is more, although he lists $10 minimum wage as his latest position, he actually won't touch it even with a 10 foot poll since Republican majorities will oppose it anyway and it's a non-priority for him, so the entire position is effectively BS.
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You seem very young to me. I don't usually do this but I will give you some unsolicited advice

Believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear

Except that Trump is in a meeting with the NYT as we speak. He's mad at them. It's just as I predicted: He's going to waste ALL of his time and ours on his petty fights with the media and anybody else who takes him on. He's not a leader. He's an aging juvenile delinquent.
He's not wasting anyone's time but his own right now and he's not the president yet so what does it matter?
So are we supposed to just ignore the fact that the media is lying? Why?

Do you trust lying Trump?
again, what?

Let's see. He said he was going to Hillary in jail, and he would fight the lies about trump u.

Already he's gone back on that .
is he in office yet? and, that was a brilliant move to settle. No point testifying as a sitting president. Not good at all. so genius.

You dont settle for $25 mill just to avoid testifying .
if you got it you do. again, he didn't want to be testifying as a sitting president. no good for history.
^ But wait there is more, although he lists $10 minimum wage as his latest position, he actually won't touch it even with a 10 foot poll since Republican majorities will oppose it anyway and it's a non-priority for him, so the entire position is effectively BS.
again, it isn't what defined him in the campaign so you can stop with the accusations it was.
Dude, I don't care. everyone changes their minds. people find things out, grow from it and change. everyone who is anyone.

Next time Trump promises or claims to be for something you remember that - he says that now, but hey...maybe he'll change his mind tomorrow.

Trust defined.
good leaders learn to change in the middle of a battle when it is necessary. just remember that.
So when Trump goes back to being pro-abortion, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump goes back to being in favor of an Assault Weapons Ban, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump goes back to being in favor of socialized medicine, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump decides to grant amnesty to the illegals, you'll be okay with that?

It's a sign of a good leader, right? Right?


So I'm gonna tell them I'm a conservative Republican!
Dude, I don't care. everyone changes their minds. people find things out, grow from it and change. everyone who is anyone.

Next time Trump promises or claims to be for something you remember that - he says that now, but hey...maybe he'll change his mind tomorrow.

Trust defined.
good leaders learn to change in the middle of a battle when it is necessary. just remember that.
So when Trump goes back to being pro-abortion, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump goes back to being in favor of an Assault Weapons Ban, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump goes back to being in favor of socialized medicine, you'll be okay with that?

When Trump decides to grant amnesty to the illegals, you'll be okay with that?

It's a sign of a good leader, right? Right?


So I'm gonna tell them I'm a conservative Republican!
sort of the rhetoric I'd expect to get from a lefty loser who lives with that kind of disappointment repeatedly with your candidates. never fulfilling them promises. It's why the inner city still exists libturds never follow through. I am quite confident in the man I backed. I don't worry one bit bubba. but you keep living with your disappointing team. it's what you're used to.
^ But wait there is more, although he lists $10 minimum wage as his latest position, he actually won't touch it even with a 10 foot poll since Republican majorities will oppose it anyway and it's a non-priority for him, so the entire position is effectively BS.
again, it isn't what defined him in the campaign so you can stop with the accusations it was.

His defining feature has always been shameless lying and ridiculous hyperbole - I guess you are into that sort of leadership.
When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
Only if you are an idiot.

Carter put restrictions on Iranian immigration as have other Presidents done to other categories and ethnicities of immigrants.

You Dimocrats are making an election issue out of it because you think that most Americans want Julios coming in and taking our jobs, which merely confirms your stupidity.
antontoo You are mistaken, I've been watching Trump since the 80s. The MSM avoided sharing this information with the voters because it didn't fit their agenda, but a /lot/ of folks like me grew up watching Trump espouse these ideas over the past 30 years. I've been considering making a post about it for a while, I think that'll be my project for the day. I'll tag you.

Also, straight from the horses mouth so to speak: ( note the captions are an add-on heh)

Some on the left are starting to realize that demanding the Truth about a situation enables more control of it.

Presenting fantasy as Reality makes one crippled, blinded and doomed to failure over the course of time.

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