Is "the media lies " the new conservative line ?

Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

It's a natural development in increasingly intellectually lazy RWland.
Correction, I should have specified "mass media news" as noted in the article.

Fenton Lum How am I wrong?

Republican trust - 14%
Independent trust - 30%
Democrat trust 51%

The study supports my statement that the only folks trusting the media these days are on the left.
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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Correction, I should have specified "mass media news" as noted in the article.

Fenton Lum How am I wrong?

Republican trust - 14%
Independent trust - 30%
Democrat trust 51%

The study supports my statement that the only folks trusting the media these days are democrats.

It's not a fault of Democrats that Republicanism attracts so many intellectually lazy nutters.
Correction, I should have specified "mass media news" as noted in the article.

Fenton Lum How am I wrong?

Republican trust - 14%
Independent trust - 30%
Democrat trust 51%

The study supports my statement that the only folks trusting the media these days are on the left.

Do I really have to explain numbers to you? Good lord man.
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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Looks like a new style Southern Cross to me! :)
You seem very young to me. I don't usually do this but I will give you some unsolicited advice

Believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear

Except that Trump is in a meeting with the NYT as we speak. He's mad at them. It's just as I predicted: He's going to waste ALL of his time and ours on his petty fights with the media and anybody else who takes him on. He's not a leader. He's an aging juvenile delinquent.
More D's trust the media than R's and I's - those are the numbers... Please do explain numbers Fenton Lum I'm curious.

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seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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So what you are saying is you don't trust New York Times because they didn't know the outcome of election before it happened?

Ridiculous, no?
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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I like that Southern Cross in your avie.

Actually that is a screenshot of The NY Times election night probability chart. As the night began Hillary had an 80% chance of winning the election. Every hour showed a massive change until Trump took the lead. But nice try to claim I'm racist.

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Looks like a new style Southern Cross to me! :)

So you admit that truth and facts aren't going to sway your opinion? I picked it for a simple reason.

Have you ever watched NCIS? Gibbs rules are funny because I have long had similar rules to live by. Most of us do I suppose even if we don't make a list of them. But we do try to live by our rules. I mention NCIS because the predictions of election night demonstrate Gibbs rule 51. Sometimes you're wrong.

My version of that rule is much higher on my personal list. I came across that truth much earlier in my life I suppose.

Everyone was absolutely certain what the outcome would be. I even told people that I expected Hillary to win. I was wrong. But since I had long ago learned that I could be wrong, I never said it was certain, just highly probable. I won't lie, I am happy that the corrupt and untrustworthy Hillary will not have the power she sought so desperately. So election night for me was a pleasant surprise. I was wrong, and quite happy that I was.

Now you can ignore the one in five minority voters who picked Trump if you wish to maintain your baseless argument that all Trump voters are racist. But it's one thing to be wrong and admit it. It's another altogether to be wrong and deny the facts and truth that face you. It's your life, and your choice.


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antontoo Depends on what you mean by "trust" Do I believe that he will do his best to implement the things he thinks will better the country - Yes I do as I've been watching him say basically the same things since the 80s. Do I trust that Trump loves the country - Yes. Do I think that he will be able to get all of the things he wants to do done - Unfortunately no. Do I think that his ideas are in general good for the country - yes.

What this has to do with trust in the media however, is rather irrelevant. As you'll note in my sig I have a long standing distrust for the MSM because I've always been one to investigate further than the headlines and I know they lie, twist, distort, etc. to further their agendas. When a media body has an agenda, bias follows. The difference is that this year folks on the right noticed, big league. In fact, they noted specifically that the media was spending way more time bitching about Trumps flaws than they did Clinton - they saw the twists and lies directly because the media was absolutely shameless about propaganda bias even whilst having the video available on the reporting pages. Thus why they lost so much trust, they basically outed themselves, then the Wikileaks and other sources came out and essentially proved that "conception" to be true.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

New, hardly, journalism died in this country more than a decade ago. Journalist are supposed to report the who, what, when and where of a news story and leave the why to the consumer, today they think their opinion on the why somehow matters, it doesn't.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

New, hardly, journalism died in this country more than a decade ago. Journalist are supposed to report the who, what, when and where of a news story and leave the why to the consumer, today they think their opinion on the why somehow matters, it doesn't.

Thank Fox News for that . They realized being biased lead to ratings .

MSNBC started off normal , then decided to become the left version of Fox .
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

New, hardly, journalism died in this country more than a decade ago. Journalist are supposed to report the who, what, when and where of a news story and leave the why to the consumer, today they think their opinion on the why somehow matters, it doesn't.

Thank Fox News for that . They realized being biased lead to ratings .

MSNBC started off normal , then decided to become the left version of Fox .

No you can thank left wing journalism schools that are teaching it's a journalist job to change the world. A real journalist documents the world, they don't attempt to interpret or effect events. TV journalism changed when CNN had to fill 24 hours of programing with only 3-4 hours of news. They're the ones that started bringing in so called experts to provide commentary. Commentary is NOT NEWS. Unfortunately low information people don't know the difference.
antontoo Depends on what you mean by "trust" Do I believe that he will do his best to implement the things he thinks will better the country - Yes I do as I've been watching him say basically the same things since the 80s. Do I trust that Trump loves the country - Yes. Do I think that he will be able to get all of the things he wants to do done - Unfortunately no. Do I think that his ideas are in general good for the country - yes.

What this has to do with trust in the media however, is rather irrelevant. As you'll note in my sig I have a long standing distrust for the MSM because I've always been one to investigate further than the headlines and I know they lie, twist, distort, etc. to further their agendas. When a media body has an agenda, bias follows. The difference is that this year folks on the right noticed, big league. In fact, they noted specifically that the media was spending way more time bitching about Trumps flaws than they did Clinton - they saw the twists and lies directly because the media was absolutely shameless about propaganda bias even whilst having the video available on the reporting pages. Thus why they lost so much trust, they basically outed themselves, then the Wikileaks and other sources came out and essentially proved that "conception" to be true.

And there in is your answer.

Trump is a pathological liar, he WAS NOT saying same things from the 80's, in fact he probably flip and flopped and flipped again on more then just about anyone on record, starting with the fact that he was a registered Democrat up until a few years ago.

No one knows what "his ideas" are, as they seem to be as flexible as political gain requires.

You do not trust professional journalists who have credibility on the line for every word they print, but do trust a man who states a blatant falsehood every three minuets of speech.

That is how you end up with 14% of Republicans not trusting the media - you got no perspective, you just elect to trust whatever confirms your bias.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
facts are facts.

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