Is "the media lies " the new conservative line ?

seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Yes, they have taken it too far, and are getting their "news" from fewer and fewer sources, which is pretty dangerous and only serves to intensify the echo chamber effect.
I consider that a very ironic statement seeing how so many Trump supporters like me called the election correctly, while the MSM called it like 95% for Hillary to win.

The main stream of America is in the echo chamber, not us critics on the outside of the bubble, friend.

The media's ignorance on this topic reminds me very much of their ignorance on the real estate fiasco and how CDS and MBS were magnifying the risks of that bubble exploding.

Ignorance subscribing to fiction on what they only pretended to understand, that is our professional journalism today.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Yes, they have taken it too far, and are getting their "news" from fewer and fewer sources, which is pretty dangerous and only serves to intensify the echo chamber effect.
I consider that a very ironic statement seeing how so many Trump supporters like me called the election correctly, while the MSM called it like 95% for Hillary to win.

The main stream of America is in the echo chamber, not us critics on the outside of the bubble, friend.

The media's ignorance on this topic reminds me very much of their ignorance on the real estate fiasco and how CDS and MSBs were magnifying the risks of that bubble exploding.

Ignorance subscribing to fiction on what they only pretended to understand, that is our professional journalism today.
Progressives, all they have is excuses…
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Yes, they have taken it too far, and are getting their "news" from fewer and fewer sources, which is pretty dangerous and only serves to intensify the echo chamber effect.
I consider that a very ironic statement seeing how so many Trump supporters like me called the election correctly, while the MSM called it like 95% for Hillary to win.

The main stream of America is in the echo chamber, not us critics on the outside of the bubble, friend.

The media's ignorance on this topic reminds me very much of their ignorance on the real estate fiasco and how CDS and MSBs were magnifying the risks of that bubble exploding.

Ignorance subscribing to fiction on what they only pretended to understand, that is our professional journalism today.
Progressives, all they have is excuses…
Mac I dont think is a Progressive int he sense that he is some kind of neoMarxist. He strikes me as more of the classic liberal who would have prefered Jim Webb at the top of the Democrat ticket.
You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Oh, so I guess that's what these people were doing after Trump won:

I haven't had time to throw together my full post yet, got distracted by a really nice nap heh but I do have a little "primer" of sorts - no where near as complete a refutation as my list (which includes, without counting, I believe 23 separate interviews since 1985,) but it's decent.

I'd like to point out something that I've noticed from the left that I think is their damnation when it comes to politics and especially their highly politicized opines about Trump. There's an old school of thought called "compromise", it's what the country was founded upon; a gathering of like "states" to work for the common good of the "nation" as a whole. It has always seemed to me that the left suffers from a lack of compromise, and due to my avid interest in psychology (which is actually part of my learning to deal with my Syn) I've done a lot of study into this "mindset." I think the most concise study of the psychology comes from the business world re mediation:

Studies show that individuals who have a preference for using the "compromise" mode in managing conflict on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode instrument consistently have a "thinking" orientation toward decision making on their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® profile. These people are more likely to be objective in their assessment of differences and use factual information when weighing their options. Individuals with a thinking preference typically make pragmatic decisions based on deductive reasoning. When attempting to manage a conflict they will be more inclined to accept or suggest a compromise when this seems to be the most viable thing to do.

People with a "feeling" preference on the Myers-Briggs will be less likely to desire compromise as a mode for resolving differences. These individuals are concerned about the impact of decisions on themselves or others and would prefer to collaborate for a win/win outcome when possible. When collaboration is not an option they are more apt to avoid dealing with the problem or may accommodate others in order to reduce stress and keep the environment stable. Agreeing to a compromise will likely feel like a loss if the outcome has a negative impact on them or those they care about.
~ Agree to Disagree - The Use of Compromise in Conflict Management

I also reference [in general] two very well done pieces on political polarization and compromise - Political Polarization in the American Public and The Mindsets of Political Compromise : Office of the President : University of Pennsylvania

There is this concept among the left that we can see exampled quite prominently in post #69, that is the absolutely uncompromising ideology found on the left side. Here we have the MSM holding Trump to a literal statement vs most on the right almost innately accept Trump's comments not in the literal, but as a conceptual statement. Now we clearly see the left's opine that Trump "flip-flopped" or "lied" or whatever - and I must admit I find this most interesting because you would think the left would celebrate Trump's "flop" (or what I would call compromise) but instead they use it as a weapon (which if one reads the above references on polarization, is clearly painted "lines in the sand" of partisan politics) despite the fact that the "flop" actually benefits their position, but as noted by the "feeling" types assessment of psychology, these folks make decisions based entirely on feelings, therefore even though said "flop/compromise" is to their benefit they still reject it wholly in an effort to paint the "enemy" in a bad light.

Anyway, and to example, this is my personal take on the comments provided in post #69 (regardless of the truth and media bias on them) The 'concept' of Trump's statement is that we are losing our ass because foreign labor markets are so cheap - aka we cannot compete in the global market. Trump espouses a clear preference for states to determine their own min wage, which makes perfect sense when one actually thinks about the 'concept' of it - because of course the COL in New York is not the same as the COL in Laramie Wyoming.

Now regardless of how one leans on the subject of minimum wage, you can clearly see the distinction between the "thinking" right (though for clarity I am not a Republican as a whole, but I am very distinctly right leaning on the subject of money) and "feeling" left (in so far as myself and Antontoo's [partisan] take away from the post.) While I argue a conceptual objective assessment of Trump's words and fill-in with my own personal thoughts (re COL differences as to why states should set min wage) Antontoo argues essentially that Trump is a liar and can't be trusted. I'll refrain from dressing down my "opponent" on the partisan matter, but I oft find myself curious as to what the intentions of avid "protestors" regarding political matters and especially their 'concept' of political 'goals' - in any election, not just this one.

It seems to me that this country has lost it's ideological ground floor, that is to say the idea that a politician's, regardless of the letter behind their name, first and primary duty is to the entirety of the nation, not just the "ideological party politics" of their letter designation. Perhaps it is manifest of my life-time dealing with /neither/ party completely reflecting my personal beliefs (to example I'm R financially, but I'm also LGBT, pro-choice, and I have a dislike for organized religion [not the followers, but the leaders]) in any event, I have always had to compromise on things, give up on pro-choice in order to benefit the fiscal status of the majority to example; it is not that abortion isn't a "key value" for me, but rather that the 'greater good' of the nation would be served by the fiscal policies of an R candidate (note I am not actually speaking of the current election) Which leads me to the idea that perhaps it is merely easier for me because I'm "used to it" vs these young left leaning folks who have not only been taught, both in school and within their own social groups, that compromise isn't an option. (Though I'll not forward that concept to Antontoo's analysis, who is blatantly hard partisan.)

IMO This is the 'reality' that the D party, and the media by extension, is failing to recognize. As noted in the linked studies above, 51-53% of the voting public across the nation believes in compromise (as I do) whereas the left panders exclusively to the concept holders of non-compromise. I find it interesting, and collaborating, that Trump got half the national vote despite the proclaimed "flaws" that were blared at everyone during the election. I also find it interesting that on the left half of those polled believe the media (51% according to Gallop)

I also find it curious that only like 56% of folks eligible to vote bothered (and that's fairly consistent number, in general, over the years) and I think I'll wrap up on this point because I'm wall-of-texting a bit, but I think it might behoove the left protestors to understand that even whilst they argue the popular vote, the reality is that Clinton only got like a quarter of the countries vote, no where near their claims that the "majority of the country" wanted Hillary. This is yet another example of the MSM's bias as they are forwarding the concept of "most American's wanted Clinton" which is at best a partisan twist, at worst a partisan lie. The worst part though imo is not so much that the media twists and lies, but that they /see/ the trauma and damage it is causing their followers (lefties flipping out) and continue to press their biased agenda. To borrow the Trump way of speaking; "The media are not nice people, they are not looking out for you, they don't care about you... they don't care. They are terrible people, horrible people."
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seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Do you follow politics?
Weve said it for 50 years, and im not even that old.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Everyone with a brain knew the MSM lied before Wikileaks proved it, the emails only confirmed what we already know. What the MSM tells us is what's defined as propaganda.

Problem here? You're not one of the aforementioned people with brains.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Yes, they have taken it too far, and are getting their "news" from fewer and fewer sources, which is pretty dangerous and only serves to intensify the echo chamber effect.
I consider that a very ironic statement seeing how so many Trump supporters like me called the election correctly, while the MSM called it like 95% for Hillary to win.

The main stream of America is in the echo chamber, not us critics on the outside of the bubble, friend.

The media's ignorance on this topic reminds me very much of their ignorance on the real estate fiasco and how CDS and MSBs were magnifying the risks of that bubble exploding.

Ignorance subscribing to fiction on what they only pretended to understand, that is our professional journalism today.
Progressives, all they have is excuses…
Mac I dont think is a Progressive int he sense that he is some kind of neoMarxist. He strikes me as more of the classic liberal who would have prefered Jim Webb at the top of the Democrat ticket.
Yep! That's not far off.


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seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
I love it when libturd's can't remember history. Here, listen and learn.

seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Everyone with a brain knew the MSM lied before Wikileaks proved it, the emails only confirmed what we already know. What the MSM tells us is what's defined as propaganda.

Problem here? You're not one of the aforementioned people with brains.

Where'd you get your info from ? The media ?
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
I love it when libturd's can't remember history. Here, listen and learn.

Dude , EVERYONE agrees the current immigration system sucks. We almost had immigration reform (gang of 8) , but the far right freaked out and sank the deal .
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
I love it when libturd's can't remember history. Here, listen and learn.

Dude , EVERYONE agrees the current immigration system sucks. We almost had immigration reform (gang of 8) , but the far right freaked out and sank the deal .

DUDE!!! There is NO need to have immigration REFORM!
We just don't enforce the existing laws.
For example...

Obama Administration Rewards Sanctuary Cities That Shield Violent Illegal Immigrants
“The Obama Administration rewards sanctuary states, counties and cities that shield violent illegal immigrants from deportation with hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and one of the biggest recipients recently made headlines for protecting a serial criminal who murdered a young woman.

“The money flows through the Department of Justice (DOJ), the agency responsible for enforcing the law and defending the interests of the United States. The DOJ is also charged with providing federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime, according to its mission statement, and seeking just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior.

“Apparently this doesn’t apply to local governments that support the president’s broad open borders policies, even when they violate federal law. The DOJ doled out $342,168,401 to 10 sanctuary states and cities that proudly reject federal claims for criminal illegal aliens earmarked for removal, according to the agency’s independent watchdog.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

When u say shit like "we shouldn't let Muslims in". Then yeah you get tagged as anti immigrant.
I love it when libturd's can't remember history. Here, listen and learn.

Dude , EVERYONE agrees the current immigration system sucks. We almost had immigration reform (gang of 8) , but the far right freaked out and sank the deal .

why sanctuary cities then? why only democratic run cities? come on man grow the fk up and act like a fking citizen for once in your pathetic life.

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