Is the military preparing to respond to Orders for Martial Law?

The military will be happy to see Trump go. So will most of the Republican Party... though they won't say so openly.
Rasmussen Poll: 72 Percent Say Trump Is Model for GOP

And I sincerely hope he is a model. He'll have the chance of taking them down for good. Right now, he enjoys a 95% approval rating among the party faithful. The problem is, once he's gone, he no longer has the bully pulpit. And there are other Republicans just waiting to hop in line in front of him. So it's going to be a dogfight for the Republican nomination come 2024....that's IF Trump can avoid getting entangled in the almost certain criminal and civil issues that are coming his way. :)
Well alrighty then. If Trump doesn't remain in office, Im sure his voice of influence will remain for a very long time.
But thanks for your encouraging opinion just the same.
Most often I prefer facts over speculation.
Or as Joe says, truth over facts. ;)

Except that you stating "if Trump doesn't remain in office" tells me that you have no interest in facts. You sincerely believe there will be revolution on January 6th and that Trump will successfully execute the first coup in US history in overturning a free and fair election.

I don't care if Trump remains the voice of Republicans. I hope he does. It will be that much quicker of a demise for them. Now if only the Democratic party leadership could step aside and let the younger ones show them how to fight a modern information war. :)
Now if only the Democratic party leadership could step aside and let the younger ones show them how to fight a modern information war.
Biden got 7 million more votes. That's why he won.
Riiiight!!!!! Haha. The guy who couldn't get more than a few tumbleweeds to show up at his rallies got 7 million more votes than the guy who regularly drew 20,000...absolutely!!!! the guy whose coattails produced devastating losses everywhere else in federal, state, and local elections got 7 million more votes than the guy whose coattails produced victories all the way down the ballot...believe!!!!!!!! this corrupt, doddering old fool who told black people they weren't black if they voted for his racist opponent, whose support among blacks sharply increased, got more votes than Barack Obama. Yeah, suuuuuuuuuuure, daddy, suuuuuuure!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike Trump, Biden's rallies weren't meant to be super spreader events. You keep harping on this but the amount of people showing up at a rally has nothing to do with their popularity. Half of the idiots at Trump's rallies just wanted to see him. Genuine cult. Trump lost. Deal with it.
Is the military preparing to respond to Orders for Martial Law?

Look, organizationally, they couldn’t defeat the Taliban, AlQaeda, or the Viet Cong. So, if the indigenous want to rise up my bet is on bubba.
Who would watch that crap and then post about it? Did anyone order the flashlight shilled at the beginning?
Turley is running off at the gums. If we look back to 1974, we would see a similar situtation regarding the US Military. Of course, it's not quite the same. It's even worse today so I imagine that the same measures have already been taken.

The Joint Chiefs decided, in the final days of Nixon to do a sitdown. Oh, they still trained, recruited, flew missions, followed orders previously given but the idea of the US Military being involved in a Martial Law was completely nixed. I was in a Briefing for NCOs and Officers that we were told that the "Situation" was just too unstable for the Military to get involved. That is Military Speak for "Nixon is Temporarily Nuts" but they couldn't come out and say that. So it was the "Situation" was unstable. That briefing was done 3 days before Nixon did his famous outgoing speech resigning from office. Nixon knew he had lost the support of the US Military. Had Nixon stayed in office and "Stabilized" himself, the Military would have gone back to supporting him as their CIC without a hitch. But he chose to resign as Nixon knew he wasn't playing with a full deck at that moment either. Nixon DID get it together but it was after he left office and proved to be a remarkable asset to the Foreign Relations of the United States which he was the worlds most knowledgeable in this area.

Rump reached this point more than a year ago. The second he began talking about Martial Law and dispatched the 82nd to Washington DC, the Joint Chiefs knew it was time. While they couldn't stop the 82nd from being sent to Washington D.C., they did not allow the 82nd to participate in any way. The 82nd did a sit down until it was time to return to North Carolina. After that, Rump used other Federal Assets that weren't limited like the US Military. The Military still follows previous orders and still trains, etc. but Rump is no longer the CIC.

This is very reassuring to hear. Ever since trump took office, I have prayed that our Joint Chiefs knew what they were doing and that their allegiance to our country would be enough to hold the line, particularly given how quickly Flynn abandoned his loyalty.

You do realize of course that the Joint Chiefs are NOT in the chain of command for combatant forces, right?

Your point is therefore moot.

I can remember hearing this same sort of shit now in every Presidential Election since 1996 when people speculated that Clinton wouldn't leave if Dole won, then in 2000 Clinton to Bush, 2004 if it was Bush to Kerry, then in 2008 from Bush to the Meat Puppet Faggot, ETC.

This cycle is the first I have experienced where the cheating was so blatant and obvious that I actually want the process interrupted by the military. I assumed there was lots of fraud on the part of the meat puppet faggot, but with the media cult of personality and the fact that both McLame and Romney were pathetic it was plausible that an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck actually got more votes.

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Now I don't believe the military actually is going to step in or that anything is actually going to stop the global collectivist traitors from installing their puppet and the whore VP into the WH on Jan 20, but I would still embrace a military coup at this point, and a massive overthrow of DC along with military tribunals and trials of nearly every elected official, mega donor, and high level bureaucrook in DC for the next 10 years. There are plenty of pieces of shit in the Pentagon who deserve to serve time in GITMO as well.

Trump is probably the least corrupt of all of them.



they are not prepping for it and it is a done deal that the military will have no part in the election or this controversy.

If trump were dumb enough to try martial law he would be ordering it with no armed bodies to enforce it and the secret service would simply kick him out of the building the second Biden is sworn in.

You say election cheating is blatant and obvious but that is a lie.

NO ONE has managed to produce any evidence of cheating which would change the outcome.

All of the claims of election cheating on this forum and all other forums have been disproven

All of the court challenges have been dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Biden won a legitimate election.

Deal with it

I can remember hearing this same sort of shit now in every Presidential Election since 1996 when people speculated that Clinton wouldn't leave if Dole won, then in 2000 Clinton to Bush, 2004 if it was Bush to Kerry, then in 2008 from Bush to the Meat Puppet Faggot, ETC.

This cycle is the first I have experienced where the cheating was so blatant and obvious that I actually want the process interrupted by the military. I assumed there was lots of fraud on the part of the meat puppet faggot, but with the media cult of personality and the fact that both McLame and Romney were pathetic it was plausible that an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck actually got more votes.

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Now I don't believe the military actually is going to step in or that anything is actually going to stop the global collectivist traitors from installing their puppet and the whore VP into the WH on Jan 20, but I would still embrace a military coup at this point, and a massive overthrow of DC along with military tribunals and trials of nearly every elected official, mega donor, and high level bureaucrook in DC for the next 10 years. There are plenty of pieces of shit in the Pentagon who deserve to serve time in GITMO as well.

Trump is probably the least corrupt of all of them.


All cognizant adults know that one needs no cult of personality to win

All cognizant adults know that he won and no evidence proves otherwise
Biden got 7 million more votes. That's why he won.


The military will be happy to see Trump go.


So will most of the Republican Party... though they won't say so openly.


Some people live outside of reality
Biden won the electoral college and the popular vote fair and square. That is fact you can call false but you cannot produce evidence refuting it. No I e has produced such evidence but would have done so by now.

It is you willfully ignoring reality

I can remember hearing this same sort of shit now in every Presidential Election since 1996 when people speculated that Clinton wouldn't leave if Dole won, then in 2000 Clinton to Bush, 2004 if it was Bush to Kerry, then in 2008 from Bush to the Meat Puppet Faggot, ETC.

This cycle is the first I have experienced where the cheating was so blatant and obvious that I actually want the process interrupted by the military. I assumed there was lots of fraud on the part of the meat puppet faggot, but with the media cult of personality and the fact that both McLame and Romney were pathetic it was plausible that an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck actually got more votes.

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Now I don't believe the military actually is going to step in or that anything is actually going to stop the global collectivist traitors from installing their puppet and the whore VP into the WH on Jan 20, but I would still embrace a military coup at this point, and a massive overthrow of DC along with military tribunals and trials of nearly every elected official, mega donor, and high level bureaucrook in DC for the next 10 years. There are plenty of pieces of shit in the Pentagon who deserve to serve time in GITMO as well.

Trump is probably the least corrupt of all of them.


FYI - let's be clear on this subject: A Trump-directed Coup d'état

A coup or coup d'état is the removal of an existing government from power, usually through violent means.

See my point?

Yeah, we see your point. Our founders engage in a coup d'état in 1776.

I'm counting the days until Texas does the same.

I encourage Texas to declare war on Washington, DC, put 100,000 Texas Rangers and National Guard on a slow roll to DC and pick up other states along the way. They'll be a million strong by the time they reach DC. Suspend Congress. Nationalize the press. Throw out every Jew except the righteous ones. Jail Soros, Free Assange. Have do-overs in MI, WI, IA, PA, NC, GA, & AZ

We'll be bringing Texas Jews with us and they will kick some ass!!!

Are you stating for the record, Brother Farnsworth, that the Jews in Texas are not America-hating, gentile-enslaving, Bolshevik-behaving, culture-depraving, money-craving, Holocaust-waving miscreants, pornographers, and dual-citizen nepotists?

I am.

Texas Jews is good news.

But if it comes down to it, Texas Jews are with Texas, not anybody else.

Then Texas must be where all the righteous Jews have gone, because back in DC every single Jew is a Trotskyite communist AIPAC agent whose loyalties lie with Israel, whose charitable donations go to the SPLC, and whose political views are shaped by the lies the ADL calls "talking points."

My Sisters side of the Family all are Jews and voted for Rump. And they live in the DC area. That's the problem with such a wide gathering of souls. It's going to grab a lot of people that aren't exactly fitting your bill.

Here is your sign........

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Biden got 7 million more votes. That's why he won.

The military will be happy to see Trump go. So will most of the Republican Party... though they won't say so openly.
Those voices in your head are getting louder, huh.
Yeah, we see your point. Our founders engage in a coup d'état in 1776.

I'm counting the days until Texas does the same.

46% of Texans voted for Biden.... not sure they are too keen on your butthurt because you lost an election.
Those wet blankets are all the cocksucking pussies and dumb fucks. They won't do shit to stop us.
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I can remember hearing this same sort of shit now in every Presidential Election since 1996 when people speculated that Clinton wouldn't leave if Dole won, then in 2000 Clinton to Bush, 2004 if it was Bush to Kerry, then in 2008 from Bush to the Meat Puppet Faggot, ETC.

This cycle is the first I have experienced where the cheating was so blatant and obvious that I actually want the process interrupted by the military. I assumed there was lots of fraud on the part of the meat puppet faggot, but with the media cult of personality and the fact that both McLame and Romney were pathetic it was plausible that an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck actually got more votes.

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Now I don't believe the military actually is going to step in or that anything is actually going to stop the global collectivist traitors from installing their puppet and the whore VP into the WH on Jan 20, but I would still embrace a military coup at this point, and a massive overthrow of DC along with military tribunals and trials of nearly every elected official, mega donor, and high level bureaucrook in DC for the next 10 years. There are plenty of pieces of shit in the Pentagon who deserve to serve time in GITMO as well.

Trump is probably the least corrupt of all of them.


FYI - let's be clear on this subject: A Trump-directed Coup d'état

A coup or coup d'état is the removal of an existing government from power, usually through violent means.

See my point?

Yeah, we see your point. Our founders engage in a coup d'état in 1776.

I'm counting the days until Texas does the same.

I encourage Texas to declare war on Washington, DC, put 100,000 Texas Rangers and National Guard on a slow roll to DC and pick up other states along the way. They'll be a million strong by the time they reach DC. Suspend Congress. Nationalize the press. Throw out every Jew except the righteous ones. Jail Soros, Free Assange. Have do-overs in MI, WI, IA, PA, NC, GA, & AZ

We'll be bringing Texas Jews with us and they will kick some ass!!!

Are you stating for the record, Brother Farnsworth, that the Jews in Texas are not America-hating, gentile-enslaving, Bolshevik-behaving, culture-depraving, money-craving, Holocaust-waving miscreants, pornographers, and dual-citizen nepotists?

I am.

Texas Jews is good news.

But if it comes down to it, Texas Jews are with Texas, not anybody else.

Then Texas must be where all the righteous Jews have gone, because back in DC every single Jew is a Trotskyite communist AIPAC agent whose loyalties lie with Israel, whose charitable donations go to the SPLC, and whose political views are shaped by the lies the ADL calls "talking points."

My Sisters side of the Family all are Jews and voted for Rump. And they live in the DC area. That's the problem with such a wide gathering of souls. It's going to grab a lot of people that aren't exactly fitting your bill.

Here is your sign........

View attachment 435074

Tragically there are many issues intertwined and location can make a difference if there are ever flashpoints as we have seen.
All of Pres. Trump's supporters that are going to the rally in DC on Jan 6th, better be careful. Because I believe that the Deep state is going to create another false flag incident. Everyone who are attending better invest in body cameras and a dashboard cam for their vehicles.
I believe that they are going to kill a group of BLM members and blame it on Pres. Trump's supporters. They are going to have these fake MAGA hat wearing guys that were recently released from prison to murdered this group of people. And Fox News are only going to film the White Pres. Trump's supporters at this event. But leave out his Black supporters in order to make it look like a Klan gathering. They will probably show one Black person and make a big deal out of that one Black person. To make it seem as if he is Pres. Trump's token Black.
Fox News had done it before at one of Pres. Trump's rallies in Tucson Az. Only showing one Black person and which there were many in the crowd. But they only put that one Black person on the pedestal, pretending like he was the only one that was there. But the Paid White ex-cons had beaten Black guy up but left the rest alone that it really made it seem as if he is the only Black person that was there.
Remember, Fox News is sneaky as a Fox .
And so Pres. Trump's supporters better bring as many video cameras that they can bring. And they can disable cellphone cameras without you knowing. and so it is best to bring video cameras that doesn't have wifi.
and then the government probably can transfer kiddie porn onto your phone without you noticing it. So that you will not dare to bring it to them as evidence to an incident. And so stay away from wifi connected cameras.

For a long time it has been difficult to tell who is the more tiresome, the Trumpers or the anti-Trumpers. The two have been in a dead heat for four years.
Anyone who would follow such orders is a traitor to this country

And should be treated accordingly in the field of battle
The military will be happy to see Trump go. So will most of the Republican Party... though they won't say so openly.
Rasmussen Poll: 72 Percent Say Trump Is Model for GOP

And I sincerely hope he is a model. He'll have the chance of taking them down for good. Right now, he enjoys a 95% approval rating among the party faithful. The problem is, once he's gone, he no longer has the bully pulpit. And there are other Republicans just waiting to hop in line in front of him. So it's going to be a dogfight for the Republican nomination come 2024....that's IF Trump can avoid getting entangled in the almost certain criminal and civil issues that are coming his way. :)
Well alrighty then. If Trump doesn't remain in office, Im sure his voice of influence will remain for a very long time.
But thanks for your encouraging opinion just the same.
Most often I prefer facts over speculation.
Or as Joe says, truth over facts. ;)

Except that you stating "if Trump doesn't remain in office" tells me that you have no interest in facts. You sincerely believe there will be revolution on January 6th and that Trump will successfully execute the first coup in US history in overturning a free and fair election.

I don't care if Trump remains the voice of Republicans. I hope he does. It will be that much quicker of a demise for them. Now if only the Democratic party leadership could step aside and let the younger ones show them how to fight a modern information war. :)
Now if only the Democratic party leadership could step aside and let the younger ones show them how to fight a modern information war.
Biden got 7 million more votes. That's why he won.
Riiiight!!!!! Haha. The guy who couldn't get more than a few tumbleweeds to show up at his rallies got 7 million more votes than the guy who regularly drew 20,000...absolutely!!!! the guy whose coattails produced devastating losses everywhere else in federal, state, and local elections got 7 million more votes than the guy whose coattails produced victories all the way down the ballot...believe!!!!!!!! this corrupt, doddering old fool who told black people they weren't black if they voted for his racist opponent, whose support among blacks sharply increased, got more votes than Barack Obama. Yeah, suuuuuuuuuuure, daddy, suuuuuuure!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike Trump, Biden's rallies weren't meant to be super spreader events. You keep harping on this but the amount of people showing up at a rally has nothing to do with their popularity. Half of the idiots at Trump's rallies just wanted to see him. Genuine cult. Trump lost. Deal with it.
"Unlike Trump, Biden's rallies weren't meant to be super spreader events. "
Haha, so Biden's campaign only pretended to be expecting a larger turnout. Right. The Soros Dems cannot be allowed to steal this election. (And then you people are like, "Gee, I'm so perplexed. Why are we always so persecuted everywhere we go?")

I can remember hearing this same sort of shit now in every Presidential Election since 1996 when people speculated that Clinton wouldn't leave if Dole won, then in 2000 Clinton to Bush, 2004 if it was Bush to Kerry, then in 2008 from Bush to the Meat Puppet Faggot, ETC.

This cycle is the first I have experienced where the cheating was so blatant and obvious that I actually want the process interrupted by the military. I assumed there was lots of fraud on the part of the meat puppet faggot, but with the media cult of personality and the fact that both McLame and Romney were pathetic it was plausible that an incompetent stuttering clusterfuck actually got more votes.

There was no Cult of Personality on behalf of Biden, there wasn't even a personality. You can not be a cognizant adult let alone a living parrot and conclude Biden won this election legitimately.

Now I don't believe the military actually is going to step in or that anything is actually going to stop the global collectivist traitors from installing their puppet and the whore VP into the WH on Jan 20, but I would still embrace a military coup at this point, and a massive overthrow of DC along with military tribunals and trials of nearly every elected official, mega donor, and high level bureaucrook in DC for the next 10 years. There are plenty of pieces of shit in the Pentagon who deserve to serve time in GITMO as well.

Trump is probably the least corrupt of all of them.


FYI - let's be clear on this subject: A Trump-directed Coup d'état

A coup or coup d'état is the removal of an existing government from power, usually through violent means.

See my point?

Yeah, we see your point. Our founders engage in a coup d'état in 1776.

I'm counting the days until Texas does the same.

I encourage Texas to declare war on Washington, DC, put 100,000 Texas Rangers and National Guard on a slow roll to DC and pick up other states along the way. They'll be a million strong by the time they reach DC. Suspend Congress. Nationalize the press. Throw out every Jew except the righteous ones. Jail Soros, Free Assange. Have do-overs in MI, WI, IA, PA, NC, GA, & AZ

We'll be bringing Texas Jews with us and they will kick some ass!!!

Are you stating for the record, Brother Farnsworth, that the Jews in Texas are not America-hating, gentile-enslaving, Bolshevik-behaving, culture-depraving, money-craving, Holocaust-waving miscreants, pornographers, and dual-citizen nepotists?

I am.

Texas Jews is good news.

But if it comes down to it, Texas Jews are with Texas, not anybody else.

Then Texas must be where all the righteous Jews have gone, because back in DC every single Jew is a Trotskyite communist AIPAC agent whose loyalties lie with Israel, whose charitable donations go to the SPLC, and whose political views are shaped by the lies the ADL calls "talking points."

My Sisters side of the Family all are Jews and voted for Rump. And they live in the DC area. That's the problem with such a wide gathering of souls. It's going to grab a lot of people that aren't exactly fitting your bill.

Here is your sign........

View attachment 435074

And here's yours

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