Is the Mueller Witch Hunt Obstructing Govt Operations ?

Yeah, “inconsistencies” about their collusion with Russia

What collusion?

What crime is collusion?
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.

What Fraud?

To have a conspiracy you need an actual crime.

Who was in charge of the elections when this occurred?
Oh buddy, you’re so confused :itsok:

I noticed you can't answer the questions.

"fuh fuh fuh, collusion, fuh fuh fuh"
What a tactic you have there! Respond to everything with a question until people get tired of answering your questions, then say “I noticed you can’t answer the questions!” :laugh:
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

Who did they hack? still waiting. tick tock. Don't say the DNC server. no one ever looked at it. so you have zip on the evidence lever there bubba.

It's called phishing.
No, you are both in denial as to Russia's involvement in the election.

That said, it is debatable whether Trump's actions (as separate from the gop tax bills) are good for the country.

Oh, the Russian's didn't attain passwords through phishing to steal confidential emails distributed by Wikileaks?

My mistake in reading your post. Yes the Russians hacked. That was my point. JC and Marty like to avoid that fact.
What collusion?

What crime is collusion?
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.

What Fraud?

To have a conspiracy you need an actual crime.

Who was in charge of the elections when this occurred?
Oh buddy, you’re so confused :itsok:

I noticed you can't answer the questions.

"fuh fuh fuh, collusion, fuh fuh fuh"
What a tactic you have there! Respond to everything with a question until people get tired of answering your questions, then say “I noticed you can’t answer the questions!” :laugh:
Its a form of alternative facts.
What collusion?

What crime is collusion?
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.

What Fraud?

To have a conspiracy you need an actual crime.

Who was in charge of the elections when this occurred?
Oh buddy, you’re so confused :itsok:

I noticed you can't answer the questions.

"fuh fuh fuh, collusion, fuh fuh fuh"
What a tactic you have there! Respond to everything with a question until people get tired of answering your questions, then say “I noticed you can’t answer the questions!” :laugh:

It's the only proper response for baseless accusations from twats like yourself.
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.

What Fraud?

To have a conspiracy you need an actual crime.

Who was in charge of the elections when this occurred?
Oh buddy, you’re so confused :itsok:

I noticed you can't answer the questions.

"fuh fuh fuh, collusion, fuh fuh fuh"
What a tactic you have there! Respond to everything with a question until people get tired of answering your questions, then say “I noticed you can’t answer the questions!” :laugh:
Its a form of alternative facts.

Considering old-twats posts are fact free, there can be no technical alternative.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.

You know, 8 years ago when righties were saying this same laughed and poked fun of the notion.

So if you get laughed at now....remember it's the bitterness of your own medicine you're choking on.
Just for a moment.....

Try to imagine the reaction of the LEFT, if these exact same circumstances had been forced onto Obama....
If the media had worked so hard against OBAMA day in and day out.

It's massively hypocritical to call the Right biased. But then, that's the Left.
What a tactic you have there! Respond to everything with a question until people get tired of answering your questions, then say “I noticed you can’t answer the questions!” :laugh:

What you and many will never comprehend is that you are being skillfully played by a system that has over 100 years of practice and knows exactly how to pull your strings.

It probably NEVER occurred to you that FoxNews almost always presents things exactly opposite to what MSNBC or ABC, CNN does, has it?

If many "Trumptards" are suckers.....there are just as many "Leftard" suckers to counter balance them.

If you ever rise to the occasion and figure that out, maybe then America can heal.

No one should hold their breath.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.
You mean an ELECTION of the people, by the people, for the American people (despite the interference of foreign illegal voters for Democrats ?) I would agree there was treason by importing all those illegal voters, then protecting them, and then allowing them to vote - 22 states don't even require an ID (of any kind)
I think the rate at which Trump is bumbling through hiring and firing people is probably sucking up a lot of time that could be better spent on working these vacated... or..."new & now in training" positions.
That wasn't the question.
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....
That wasn't the question. Nor is everything in your post accurate.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.
You mean an ELECTION of the people, by the people, for the American people (despite the interference of foreign illegal voters for Democrats ?) I would agree there was treason by importing all those illegal voters, then protecting them, and then allowing them to vote - 22 states don't even require an ID (of any kind)
Despite the sabotage, more Americans voted against than for him. But Trump and his foreign co-conspirators were able to take advantage of our broken electoral system to install him anyways.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.
The election was RIGGED by the importation of millions of Democrat-voting illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during debates, Democrat-friendly debate moderators, Hillary given debate questions in advance, Democrat mayors allowing thugs to attack Trump rally-goers, Trump rallies being disrupted, etc, etc

In spite of it all, Trump still won. :biggrin:
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.
The election was RIGGED by the importation of millions of Democrat-voting illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during debates, Democrat-friendly debate moderators, Hillary given debate questions in advance, Democrat mayors allowing thugs to attack Trump rally-goers, Trump rallies being disrupted, etc, etc

In spite of it all, Trump still won. :biggrin:
What an active imagination you have :itsok:
the real obstruction of justice is on Mueller, for ignoring the Dossier. he is obstructing finding out the truth of the actual interference into the investigation he was hired to implement. he is the obstructor
Sure looks that way. Just about impossible to deny.
What an active imagination you have :itsok:
What a talent for DENIAL you have. And this >> :itsok: is for YOU. Your candidate lost. Remember ?

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