Is the Mueller Witch Hunt Obstructing Govt Operations ?

Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.
It was the Democrats who were close to the Russians. Does the name Podesta ring a bell ? Emails, Uranium, etc
Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. :wink:

It’s troubling that you and so many other Trump supporters seem completely fine wih enemy government’s sabotaging our elections and working closely with their preferred campaign to spread discord and misinformation.
It was the Democrats who were close to the Russians. Does the name Podesta ring a bell ? Emails, Uranium, etc
How much of our uranium did Hillary give Russia again?
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
Hillary puts top secret SAPs on an unsecured server coming from her house, for the whole world to see, and liberals are worried about Russia illegally hacking computers ? Why aren't they calling for Hillary arrest ? Can;t wait for the Horowitz (IG) report.

well then are you for open borders or not? Illegals voting in an election is foreign interference and you all don't care. so who is for or against foreign influence? hmmmmm I have my vote.
No one has ever been more in favor of foreign interference in US elections than modern day Democrats.

Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

Who did they hack? still waiting. tick tock. Don't say the DNC server. no one ever looked at it. so you have zip on the evidence lever there bubba.

It's called phishing.
that isn't hacking. who did they get? oh yeah Podesta, after his own IT told him to not click on it.
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....
Liberals made this an awful place. Trump was legally elected, and you liberals are still going nuts. Grow up, I didn't like Obama but I at least accepted the fact he was president.
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....
Liberals made this an awful place. Trump was legally elected, and you liberals are still going nuts. Grow up, I didn't like Obama but I at least accepted the fact he was president.
Trump didn't.
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
well when the 1% pay the vast majority OF THE taxes then it only stands to reason reducing taxes will give them relief also. yet the left can't accept that, we must demonize the rich for

now in your rush to slam trump, you seem to have no issues with calling the UK and France trump puppets.

got it.
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
well when the 1% pay the vast majority OF THE taxes then it only stands to reason reducing taxes will give them relief also. yet the left can't accept that, we must demonize the rich for

now in your rush to slam trump, you seem to have no issues with calling the UK and France trump puppets.

got it.
Are you denying the 1% got bigly the benefit of the tax cuts?
Analysis | How the Republican tax bill benefits the rich, according to government analysis
Other than twitter and a solid BM I have not seen any evidence of multitasking.

Now you have :biggrin: >>>

Trump’s accomplishments through December 2017 include at least the following 82:

Trump’s first year: a list of his top 82 accomplishments

100 percent vote by UN Security Council to sanction North Korea.

41 percent decline in illegal southern border crossings

97,482 illegal immigrant arrests, 70 percent convicted of additional crimes, 52,169 expelled

Adopted a resolute policy on Afghanistan

Advocated for practical tertiary education

Advocated for skills-based immigration policies

American companies now expanding rather than shipping jobs overseas

Announced sanctions targeting Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Appointed a Transportation Secretary who is modernizing air traffic control

Appointed an Education Secretary who is correcting abuses of Title IX

Appointed an EPA administrator who has rescinded over 30 regulations

Appointed an FDA director who is facilitating generic drug competition

Appointed an Interior Secretary to improve forest management and expand users of public lands

Approved the Keystone pipeline

Called for international support of Iranian protesters

Canceled school lunch program that failed to force children to eat unpopular foods

Constructed test models of the border fence

Convinced Japan and South Korea to increase defense spending

Convinced NATO members to honor minimum financial commitments

Decertified Iranian nuclear treaty and sent it to Senate as constitutionally required

Designated North Korea as a state-sponsor of terrorism

Eliminated prohibition on interstate health insurance sales

Ended abuses of the student loan forgiveness program

Ended forced provision of contraception by Catholic nunneries

Ended requirement for state funding of Planned Parenthood

Ended research into Y2K preparedness

Ended rule requiring employers to report pay data by gender and race

Expanded school-choice efforts

FCC has begun to dismantle unnecessary Internet “Neutrality” regulations

Foreign firms building plants and creating jobs in the U.S.

Improved rules of engagement for military in combat situations

Initiated resistance “sue and settle” tactics against EPA

Initiated sanctions on Venezuelan dictatorship

Introduced regulatory budgeting requiring agencies to rescind two rules to issue a new one

ISIS bombing ramped up from about 20 to 500 or more airstrikes per week

ISIS ground campaign intensified; Raqqa captured, its fighters surrendering in large numbers

Issued a National Security Strategy

Kate's Law passed House now pending in Senate

Leveraged U.S. contribution to UN budget to force 5 percent budget cut and reduce staffs

NLRB reversed rule making indirect employee control sufficient to be “joint employees”

Nominated 60 judges, 21 confirmed, none yet denied

Nominated a new Fed chief

Nominated one Supreme Court judge, who was confirmed

Obtained release of Aya Hijazi after three years in Egyptian prison

Obtained release of Caitlan Coleman and husband from Haqqani

Obtained release of UCLA basketball players from China

Raised awareness of Opioid addiction crisis

Recognized Jerusalem as Israeli capital and announced plan to move U.S. embassy there

Reduced excess size of two national parks in Utah

Reduced permanent staff in all Cabinet agencies except VA, HS and Interior

Reduced White House staff by 110

Repeal of ACA mandate included in tax change bill

Requested increased funding for missile defense in face of North Korean and Iranian threats.

Rescinded (temporarily) the Jones Act, facilitating speedier emergency shipments to Puerto Rico

Rescinded 2015 Waters of the United States rule

Rescinded ban drilling in the Arctic and coastal areas

Rescinded coal mining ban on public lands

Rescinded criminalization of accidental killing of migratory birds

Rescinded Cuban cash give-away

Rescinded the “Clean Power Plan”

Rescinded the “War on Coal”

Rescinded threat to pull funds from schools that prohibit transgenders picking their bathrooms

Rescinded Title IX “guidance letter” on sexual harassment

Restored policy barring federal funding of abortions overseas

Restoring military capability in the face of personnel shortages and equipment failures

Revamped U.S. space program, assigning ambitious new objectives

Revised rules for screening potential terrorist tourists

Sanctioned Venezuela for human rights violations

Sanctuary cities legislation passed House pending in Senate

Signed 74 legislative bills (13 reversing executive orders) and 23 joint resolutions into law

Signed comprehensive tax change bill containing most of the changes he proposed

Signed legislation opening Arctic Natural Wildlife Reserve [ANWR] to oil drilling

Signed legislation to expedite firing of incompetent VA officials

Supreme Court largely upheld ban on selected travelers

Taking steps to control the rogue Consumer Finance Protection Agency

Targeted MS13 gang members for priority deportation

The president’s lawyers announced a framework for restoring the separation of powers:

Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch

Courts should stop rubber-stamping regulations and orders that lack force of law

Executive will end informal “guidance documents” that undermine due process

U.S. energy production is on the upswing

U.S. sorties and assisted forces reduced ISIS to 2 percent of the area controlled in 2016

Unemployment is at 4.1 percent, a 17-year low

Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord

Withdrew from UNESCO (a warning to other wasteful, overstaffed UN agencies
Last edited:
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
well when the 1% pay the vast majority OF THE taxes then it only stands to reason reducing taxes will give them relief also. yet the left can't accept that, we must demonize the rich for

now in your rush to slam trump, you seem to have no issues with calling the UK and France trump puppets.

got it.
Are you denying the 1% got bigly the benefit of the tax cuts?
Analysis | How the Republican tax bill benefits the rich, according to government analysis
are you denying the top 1% pay the most to begin with?
Despite the fact that while President Trump has been in office, and he has accomplished an amazing long list of things, there is a rather respectable school of thought that says that even much more could have been done for the benefit of the American people, if not for the Mueller probing.

To say the Mueller attempt to derail Trump's presidency is not lessening government work (especially from the White House) would be naive, if not downright silly. The job of the POTUS is a big one. It carries lot of different tasks and responsibilities. How could these ever be conducted at a 100% performance level (which the American people are entitled to), when countless meetings have to be held, to analyze all the latest charges and implications, all interrupting the normal flow of activity ?

The job of the POTUS is fundamentally laid out in the US Constitution, Article II, Sections 1,2,3. While too lengthy for this article, suffice it to say that is a lot of work, in addition to all the other activities from the White House.

How many good things have the American people have had sideswiped from them, just due to the efforts of Mueller and his Democrat-filled team of political pit bulls, in their effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency ?

Another question might be why are Democrats bothering to attack Trump this way ? Even if they succeeded to achieve their maximum result (an impeachment), their efforts would result in putting an even more conservative person in the presidency >> the current Vice President (Pence). That could wind up as more a victory for conservatism, than for liberalism.

The answer to that may be that impeachment (highly unlikely) is just a fighting word. The real motive of the witch hunters may be to try to LIMIT as much as possible, the actions coming from the White House, just as liberal judges try to stop Trump, by issuing court orders against him.
Obstructing government operations, may be and seems to be, an ongoing tactic of the left, as a next best way of achieving their goals, second to having their candidate elected president.

I guess this is really going to eat into his golf time. No?
how so? He multitasks very well. pisses off the left immensely

Other than twitter and a solid BM I have not seen any evidence of multitasking.
that doesn't surprise me in the least. you are all russia russia while things are moving forward. hahahahahaha and he's played golf. too funny.

Yep, my post was in direct reply to the OP that the Mueller investigation is taking too many resources from the Trump administration. But, hey, let's ignore the fact that Trump plays a lot of golf. Something by the way that he criticized Obama for and said he wouldn't have time for himself. But, hey, leave it to you idiots to first of all believe him, secondly conveniently forget what he said while campaigning and third for actually accusing others of wasting Trump's time.
so immature to make statements like "let's ignore the fact that Trump plays a lot of golf. Something by the way that he criticized Obama for and said he wouldn't have time for himself."

You didn't believe obammy? hahahahha what did you get? Trump cause of him. yep you can blame obammy for trump. I love to laugh at you fools at being so naive.
The near hundreds of days spent at his golf resorts, and gazillion opened positions not filled in the administration, and his daily firings and musical chairs he's playing has hurt us....along with him tweeting and watching TV all day has made us less safe and has made America an awful place.....
If you hurry you can still catch the flight to Venezuela.
It is not obstructing anything but I wish it were, as we’ve got an executive branch right now that was established by treason.

Wow, still with the "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit.
Really? Still with the denial?

For there to be a denial, actual proof has to be provided first.

Still waiting.
All the indictments and confirmation that Russia engaged in pro-Trump propaganda aren’t enough for you, huh? The Russian hacker confirming he was hired by the Russian government to hack the DNC does nothing for you?

Or are you talking about evidence that Trump knew about it and supported it? Mueller will release it when he has it/when the time’s right.
They were able to hack the dnc, because the password was password. Lol, you can't make this stuff up.
Is Marty still in denial that Russia hacked out election? Whatever. LOL

I'm leery about OPs that tout Trump's accomplishments and go on to not name any. The gop ONE accomplishment is to revamp the tax code to reduce taxes primarily on the 1% and pay for them by raising debt.

For that the gop abdicated to Trump being potus despite Russia illegally hacking computers and targeting fake news to Facebook data identified specific voters.

Nevertheless, Trump is making the judiciary more rightwing and less qualified as measured traditionally. Good or bad, I'm not offering an opinion.
Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception

Since Trump was elected the dollar has fallen roughly 10%
UPDATE 1-Trump says Russia, China playing 'currency devaluation game' - Netscape News
Today Trump complains the Chinese are devaluing the Yuan.

Trump took Nato off the national interest, until he launched meaningless missiles, which had Britain and France joining "the show"

Others probably can name other accomplishments
Hillary puts top secret SAPs on an unsecured server coming from her house, for the whole world to see, and liberals are worried about Russia illegally hacking computers ? Why aren't they calling for Hillary arrest ? Can;t wait for the Horowitz (IG) report.

Russian hacking is a tiny part of their influence operations.
Case in point is the 20x increase in russian bots since the syria bombing.

And when it comes to Podesta and the russians, all paths go through Manafort.
well when the 1% pay the vast majority OF THE taxes then it only stands to reason reducing taxes will give them relief also. yet the left can't accept that, we must demonize the rich for

now in your rush to slam trump, you seem to have no issues with calling the UK and France trump puppets.

got it.
I'm a conservative Republican, and I supported the slashing of the Corporate tax, and reduction of most of the taxes, but I oppose tax cuts on the top 1%. I'd would like to see the mouthy movie stars and kneeling pro sports spoiled brats get a tax increase.

But in spite of this, by far, Trump has been good for America, in numerous ways. The good easily outweighs the bad.

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