Is the National Anthem Racist?


#TakeAKnee Isn’t About The Flag. It’s About America’s Racism.


Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

No. It was never a celebration of slavery. Only a left wing whack job could interpret it that way. Those blacks who fought FOR THE BRITISH were ENEMIES.

Now the Blacks that fought for America in the War of 1812 and they were celebrated and honored.

Bull fucking shit. The left wing whackos are insane. Think about it. Quizzillionaire black players bitching about racism is a bad freaking joke.

Says a Canadian fruitcake. They have every right to express their 1st Amendment rights. Where was the outrage when Tim Tebow was taking a knee?

White people are irritated by the constand whining and complaining of Negoes who want to bite the hand that feeds them. Nuff said....obviously. deal wid it chumps.

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

I beg you, please take CA and get the fuck out of America

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

No. It was never a celebration of slavery. Only a left wing whack job could interpret it that way. Those blacks who fought FOR THE BRITISH were ENEMIES.

Now the Blacks that fought for America in the War of 1812 and they were celebrated and honored.
Wait a minute. The confederates were traitors but you guys built statues to honor the fuckers. :laugh:

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

I beg you, please take CA and get the fuck out of America
You take bumfuck trailer park TN and get the fuck out of america.

Bull fucking shit. The left wing whackos are insane. Think about it. Quizzillionaire black players bitching about racism is a bad freaking joke.

Says a Canadian fruitcake. They have every right to express their 1st Amendment rights. Where was the outrage when Tim Tebow was taking a knee?

I'm dual asshole and you know it. As far as expressing their rights why were the Dallas Cowboys not allowed to show support for the slain officers in their city? Why? Because it was against the rules.

Flashback: NFL wouldn't allow Cowboys to wear decal supporting Dallas police on their helmets

Flashback: NFL wouldn't allow Cowboys to wear decal supporting Dallas police on their helmets

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

No. It was never a celebration of slavery. Only a left wing whack job could interpret it that way. Those blacks who fought FOR THE BRITISH were ENEMIES.

Now the Blacks that fought for America in the War of 1812 and they were celebrated and honored.
Wait a minute. The confederates were traitors but you guys built statues to honor the fuckers. :laugh:

What on earth does the Civil War have to do with the anthem?
Black players should be ordered to kneel before their betters.

Grotesque racism.

Most intelligent people believe in the power of genes...ya know those little things that determine human capabilities aka talents, intelligence etc. Your real argument is with Science which is constantly discovering more and more about how genetics determine human capabilities. Society could not function if everyone was super intelligent...society needs a lot of strong backs with weak minds to do the dirty work. Any advanced civilization needs a servant class...aka those who must take the low paying dirty jobs...just the way this world works...protest all you want...that will not change. You may be able to destroy this society as leftwingers have destroyed many societies but you will not change the fact that socialism/marxism/communism has never worked and never will...because it goes against human nature.

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

No. It was never a celebration of slavery. Only a left wing whack job could interpret it that way. Those blacks who fought FOR THE BRITISH were ENEMIES.

Now the Blacks that fought for America in the War of 1812 and they were celebrated and honored.
Wait a minute. The confederates were traitors but you guys built statues to honor the fuckers. :laugh:

What on earth does the Civil War have to do with the anthem?
I think what you meant was what does enemies in the revolution have to do with traitors in the civil war. Everything. Its called consistency. Dont be inconsistent.
You should get that published.

Then Trump will win 35 States in 2020, instead of 30.

Whites are fed up with this entire racist crap. The Illegals, the Beaners,
the Jaboni's...the fuckin' ragheads. The whining of every frickin' one
of them is not being tolerated anymore.

We're done with that shit.

Get used to it. Whites will soon be a minority.

The real power has always been held by a minority and always will be.....the inescapable fact is negroes are unable to govern themselves and if you cannot govern yourself you cannot hope to govern anything.

There Are No Successful Black Nations - American Renaissance

That is why Africans want to come to America....and that is why American Negroes do not want to go back there....desipite all their whining and complaining....they know White Society will feed them, clothe them, provide shelter for them and insure their black nation will do that.
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Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

No. It was never a celebration of slavery. Only a left wing whack job could interpret it that way. Those blacks who fought FOR THE BRITISH were ENEMIES.

Now the Blacks that fought for America in the War of 1812 and they were celebrated and honored.
Wait a minute. The confederates were traitors but you guys built statues to honor the fuckers. :laugh:

What on earth does the Civil War have to do with the anthem?
I think what you meant was what does enemies in the revolution have to do with traitors in the civil war. Everything. Its called consistency. Dont be inconsistent.

I'm just sticking to the topic not being inconsistent. And BTW as a quick I can understand why many would be upset by the Confederate soldiers statues. I'm just a big buff of history though and I believe one cannot tell the whole story of how America in her infancy and with growing pains overcame the horrid practice of slavery and yet still came together to become the most amazingly free country for people of all races, religions and beliefs on the planet.

One of the most astounding historical moments is that the USA in it's infancy realized the wrong and the injustice of slavery and corrected herself far sooner than other countries on this good earth.

Sadly there are many pockets of slavery that exist still in Africa. America is by no means perfect but compared to so many others, the US is head and shoulders above the rest.

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

I beg you, please take CA and get the fuck out of America
You take bumfuck trailer park TN and get the fuck out of america.

But if we left there would be no one to give you food stamps.

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

I beg you, please take CA and get the fuck out of America
You take bumfuck trailer park TN and get the fuck out of america.

But if we left there would be no one to give you food stamps.

Within 5 years The Progressive Nation of CA will be begging for a bailout and will be in the process of being carved up by the Mexican to the South and Canadians to the north

Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

The continuing refusal by the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to stand during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” before games has set off a debate about patriotism, protest and professional sports. But it has also raised another fraught question: Is our national anthem itself racist?

The journalist Jon Schwarz, writing in The Intercept, argued yes, denouncing the lyrics, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, as “a celebration of slavery.” How could black players, Mr. Schwarz asked, be expected to stand for a song whose rarely sung third stanza — which includes the lines “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave” — “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans”?

More: Is the National Anthem Racist? Beyond the Debate Over Colin Kaepernick

It could certainly be interpreted as racist. What do you think?

I beg you, please take CA and get the fuck out of America
You take bumfuck trailer park TN and get the fuck out of america.

But if we left there would be no one to give you food stamps.

Within 5 years The Progressive Nation of CA will be begging for a bailout and will be in the process of being carved up by the Mexican to the South and Canadians to the north

Once the golden tragic.

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