Is the only reason minorities generally support democrats for free stuff?


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=]Apostle Claver Rants, Declares Democratic Party -- The KKK, Defends Herman Cain - YouTube[/ame]

I thought this Apostle Claver guy should have been running for president.
hmmm. refresh my memory. what is the party of the KKK?

Why, the republican party, obviously:

Virginia Republicans Continue With KKK Theme

With the rise of old southern racism along with threats of old Ku Klux Klan style violence at the town hall health care debates, images of the “Stars and Bars” used in present day election campaigns can prove most concerning.

Bob McDonnell is a Christian Conservative candidate running for Governor in the commonwealth of Virginia.

Despite his claims of being a mainstream moderate candidate, both his record and the recent actions of his campaign are proving otherwise.

The latest of Bob McDonnell’s campaign highjinx was the displaying of a Confederate flag at an weapons and gun show in Richmond Virginia.

McDonnell is not the only Virginia Republican candidate to show an affection to this symbol of hate. Bill Bolling, the Republican candidate for Lt. Governor also proudly shows his affiliation with a flag and culture based in racism and terror.

This shameless pandering to a negligible, racist and violent voting bloc mirrors the current pathetic republican strategies to gain support for their agendas.

And minorities tend to support democrats because democrats support the enforcement of civil rights law, where republicans tend to resist them.
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the ones who want hands outs never think about what happens when they are 65 and have no social security. Then What? They dont want to work, so how do they expect to collect S.S.?
They mostly support the Democratic party..because Democrats mainly consider them people. As opposed to Republicans who consider them subhuman.
The racists basically switched parties with Nixon's Southern Strategy, Dem civil Rights push...duh.
They mostly support the Democratic party..because Democrats mainly consider them people. As opposed to Republicans who consider them subhuman.

Conservatives defend Unalienable Rights. We Each Matter. Progressives demand the Sacrifice of Unalienable Rights to fuel the State, the Collective, the Hive. Only the State Matters. Shut up or we will throw you under the bus with Obama's Grand Ma and his Mother.

Oh No!!!! Oh No!!! Oh No!!! :lol:
They mostly support the Democratic party..because Democrats mainly consider them people. As opposed to Republicans who consider them subhuman.

Conservatives defend Unalienable Rights. We Each Matter. Progressives demand the Sacrifice of Unalienable Rights to fuel the State, the Collective, the Hive. Only the State Matters. Shut up or we will throw you under the bus with Obama's Grand Ma and his Mother.

Oh No!!!! Oh No!!! Oh No!!! :lol:

Conservatives defend the rights of conservatives to be conservatives. Everyone else is subhuman. That's what I've learned around here. Oh yeah..and you can pull the gun from the cold dead hand..or some other nonsense.
I don't know why democrats are so proud to have so many blacks in their party anyways, have you seen blacks dropout rates?
I don't know why democrats are so proud to have so many blacks in their party anyways, have you seen blacks dropout rates?

^ Case in point Intense. I like the guy..but he's one of yours. :lol:
the ones who want hands outs never think about what happens when they are 65 and have no social security. Then What? They dont want to work, so how do they expect to collect S.S.?

Do you have any numbers? How many Americans do not want to work and instead seek only handouts? How many?
No- they know where the racists are...

You mean the folks who are ALWAYS reminding them, and us, of who is what color and who is not?

Left wingers are fucking OBSESSED with race. You people have everyone in their own little victimized racial clubs, and remind us and them constantly of their place.

Lefties are the true racists.
Its fairly general but accurate:

Left wingers vote on what they want GIVEN to them.
Right wingers vote on what they want to not be TAKEN from them.

Easy enough.
Do you have any numbers? How many Americans do not want to work and instead seek only handouts? How many?
No- they know where the racists are...

You mean the folks who are ALWAYS reminding them, and us, of who is what color and who is not?

Left wingers are fucking OBSESSED with race. You people have everyone in their own little victimized racial clubs, and remind us and them constantly of their place.

Lefties are the true racists.

Why did Herman Cain get accused of sexual harassment and why did it become public?

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