Is the Pope Catholic?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

They worship the book the bible not what it says
Who would have guessed that Communists were now allowed to have religion?
If Heaven is to be full of hypocrites who treated people like shit all their lives just to receive absolution on their deathbeds I'd rather not go.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.

Well as RC's we are more concerned with the here and now, but I realize most RW's only care about their salvation and want to get to heaven asap.
Ís the Pope a Catholic? Hmm ... not if it is the Pope of the Copts.

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Do bears shit in the woods?

Not the ones whko wear Papal White.....

From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
From the nature of this post one might assume that you don't have a fucking brain in your head.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.

Well as RC's we are more concerned with the here and now, but I realize most RW's only care about their salvation and want to get to heaven asap.

I care about your salvation, Penelope. I want to see you go to heaven. I would never want to see you miss heaven! But what can I say that I have not said already that would convince you that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life? Some things have to be prayed through because preaching is not enough. I am believing for your salvation and I do care about what happens to you. I sincerely mean that. I do care about what happens to you, Penelope. We may see things differently but God knows my desire is to see God's best for your life and know that you made it into heaven. I would like to see you enjoying Jesus Christ throughout eternity with never another sorrow to trouble your heart.
Who would have guessed that Communists were now allowed to have religion?
If Heaven is to be full of hypocrites who treated people like shit all their lives just to receive absolution on their deathbeds I'd rather not go.
Heaven will be full of people who accepted the pardon of Christ and repented of their sins. Were willing to live their lives for Him and obey Him and tell others about the free Gift of Salvation they received. That is what heaven will be like. Now absolution is a term that I do not use - it isn't found in the Bible - forgiveness of sins is free - All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Occupied. All of us have missed the mark. But through the cross there is forgiveness and there is power to live this life of communion with God - abiding in His Son and in His Word - and one day we shall meet Him face to face. I would like to see you in heaven. It really grieved me to see you write - I'd rather not go - what other choice do you have, Occupied? To suffer in hell eternally and wish you had not rejected such an invitation of mercy, forgiveness and love? Jesus did not come to condemn you but to save you because He loves you! If you were the only one on earth he would have come to die on the cross and shed his blood for your sins alone! That is how very much he loves you! I want you to reconsider what you are saying here and realize this gift Jesus offers you of Salvation is a free gift. You are not earning it. You are not working for it. All you have to do is accept this is what Jesus has done for you and He desires to receive you as His own. I want you to picture Jesus walking up to you and saying, I'd like you to come and follow me. I'm calling you to become my disciple. Will you come and follow me? What would you say to him? You do not need to answer it here because this is a very personal matter between you and the LORD - but truly - the LORD loves you, Occupied. He loves you!! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by opening your heart to receive Him tonight. Read Romans 10:9,10.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.

Well as RC's we are more concerned with the here and now, but I realize most RW's only care about their salvation and want to get to heaven asap.

I care about your salvation, Penelope. I want to see you go to heaven. I would never want to see you miss heaven! But what can I say that I have not said already that would convince you that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life? Some things have to be prayed through because preaching is not enough. I am believing for your salvation and I do care about what happens to you. I sincerely mean that. I do care about what happens to you, Penelope. We may see things differently but God knows my desire is to see God's best for your life and know that you made it into heaven. I would like to see you enjoying Jesus Christ throughout eternity with never another sorrow to trouble your heart.
I happen to believe that making the afterlife the focus of your faith is a selfish thing. I feel the focus was supposed to be on how you treat people and that has sadly been lost in the hellfire and brimstone and the pressure to tithe generously.
Who would have guessed that Communists were now allowed to have religion?
If Heaven is to be full of hypocrites who treated people like shit all their lives just to receive absolution on their deathbeds I'd rather not go.
Heaven will be full of people who accepted the pardon of Christ and repented of their sins. Were willing to live their lives for Him and obey Him and tell others about the free Gift of Salvation they received. That is what heaven will be like. Now absolution is a term that I do not use - it isn't found in the Bible - forgiveness of sins is free - All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Occupied. All of us have missed the mark. But through the cross there is forgiveness and there is power to live this life of communion with God - abiding in His Son and in His Word - and one day we shall meet Him face to face. I would like to see you in heaven. It really grieved me to see you write - I'd rather not go - what other choice do you have, Occupied? To suffer in hell eternally and wish you had not rejected such an invitation of mercy, forgiveness and love? Jesus did not come to condemn you but to save you because He loves you! If you were the only one on earth he would have come to die on the cross and shed his blood for your sins alone! That is how very much he loves you! I want you to reconsider what you are saying here and realize this gift Jesus offers you of Salvation is a free gift. You are not earning it. You are not working for it. All you have to do is accept this is what Jesus has done for you and He desires to receive you as His own. I want you to picture Jesus walking up to you and saying, I'd like you to come and follow me. I'm calling you to become my disciple. Will you come and follow me? What would you say to him? You do not need to answer it here because this is a very personal matter between you and the LORD - but truly - the LORD loves you, Occupied. He loves you!! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by opening your heart to receive Him tonight. Read Romans 10:9,10.
I can't accept the concept of a loving God punishing good people just because they got sick of the hypocrites at church and swore off the whole sleazy mess. I live a wholesome, honest, charitable life and if that is not good enough then He asks too much.
From the news coverage, one might assume that the Pope is more concerned about temporal matters than eternal salvation. Has a new entry path to heaven been opened for environmentalists and social activists?
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.

Well as RC's we are more concerned with the here and now, but I realize most RW's only care about their salvation and want to get to heaven asap.

I care about your salvation, Penelope. I want to see you go to heaven. I would never want to see you miss heaven! But what can I say that I have not said already that would convince you that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life? Some things have to be prayed through because preaching is not enough. I am believing for your salvation and I do care about what happens to you. I sincerely mean that. I do care about what happens to you, Penelope. We may see things differently but God knows my desire is to see God's best for your life and know that you made it into heaven. I would like to see you enjoying Jesus Christ throughout eternity with never another sorrow to trouble your heart.
I happen to believe that making the afterlife the focus of your faith is a selfish thing. I feel the focus was supposed to be on how you treat people and that has sadly been lost in the hellfire and brimstone and the pressure to tithe generously.

If our focus is on eternity we are going to be very careful in how we treat those around us because our hearts desire should be for others to come to know Christ and receive eternal life. We have to give an account for every idle word we speak here on earth (and write - like on this message board) I would not want to meet Jesus and tell Him that I never mentioned His name or His offer of Salvation to anyone because I was too busy watching prosperity preachers preach their false gospel so that I could learn how to store up more treasures on earth than in heaven!

I would not want to meet Jesus and have to tell Him, I did not warn others that they were being duped by a prosperity preacher or a false teacher because I knew that they would get angry and I would not be popular with others. I didn't tell them about hell because hell is not a popular message and I'd get labeled a fire and brimstone preacher.......

. Hey, you don't understand Jesus! Times got really tough, and I could see that if I put myself out there and became too bold with the truth of the Bible Scriptures I would not have any friends! People would have mocked me! People would have called me names and rejected me and I would have become a laughingstock!

The government was beginning to arrest folks who stood too strong for the truth, I didn't want to get arrested and put in jail for preaching against sin when the govt was legalizing it left and right. Surely you understand that Jesus! Right, Jesus?

What would he say to me? I'll tell you what he would say to me. He'd say, you denied me before men. You denied my word before men. You loved your own life and you were not willing to lose it for me.

Now look at those people you were supposed to warn - Look at them - they are in hell suffering terribly because I sent you to tell them the truth and you refused to do it. Now they are in hell crying why didn't you warn them? Now you are going to join those people in hell because you did not obey me. You did not love the lost, you did not go out and tell others about me. You kept me a secret and didn't tell the lost and dying world about me. You loved this world and the pleasures of this world more than you loved me. You loved being accepted by this world and were not willing to be despised for me and my Gospel. Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you.

That scenario is going to happen in the future for many but it is not going to happen between me and Jesus because I love Him and I know He loves you and I'm not going to forget you - I am going to be praying for you that the LORD reveals His great love for you and that He shows you that He is more disgusted with the money preachers and their false Gospel than you are. Do not let that stop you from coming to Jesus. Your relationship is between you and Him. Not between you and Him and a Preacher. It's between you and Him.
I can see why you find the social morality of Jesus Christ so unfamiliar since American RW Christians abandoned it long ago. There's more to being a Christian than focusing on the death of Jesus, all that stuff he did before that matters too.

Yeah, I guess the Resurrection was no big deal.

Well as RC's we are more concerned with the here and now, but I realize most RW's only care about their salvation and want to get to heaven asap.

I care about your salvation, Penelope. I want to see you go to heaven. I would never want to see you miss heaven! But what can I say that I have not said already that would convince you that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life? Some things have to be prayed through because preaching is not enough. I am believing for your salvation and I do care about what happens to you. I sincerely mean that. I do care about what happens to you, Penelope. We may see things differently but God knows my desire is to see God's best for your life and know that you made it into heaven. I would like to see you enjoying Jesus Christ throughout eternity with never another sorrow to trouble your heart.
I happen to believe that making the afterlife the focus of your faith is a selfish thing. I feel the focus was supposed to be on how you treat people and that has sadly been lost in the hellfire and brimstone and the pressure to tithe generously.

If our focus is on eternity we are going to be very careful in how we treat those around us because our hearts desire should be for others to come to know Christ and receive eternal life. We have to give an account for every idle word we speak here on earth (and write - like on this message board) I would not want to meet Jesus and tell Him that I never mentioned His name or His offer of Salvation to anyone because I was too busy watching prosperity preachers preach their false gospel so that I could learn how to store up more treasures on earth than in heaven!

I would not want to meet Jesus and have to tell Him, I did not warn others that they were being duped by a prosperity preacher or a false teacher because I knew that they would get angry and I would not be popular with others. I didn't tell them about hell because hell is not a popular message and I'd get labeled a fire and brimstone preacher.......

. Hey, you don't understand Jesus! Times got really tough, and I could see that if I put myself out there and became too bold with the truth of the Bible Scriptures I would not have any friends! People would have mocked me! People would have called me names and rejected me and I would have become a laughingstock!

The government was beginning to arrest folks who stood too strong for the truth, I didn't want to get arrested and put in jail for preaching against sin when the govt was legalizing it left and right. Surely you understand that Jesus! Right, Jesus?

What would he say to me? I'll tell you what he would say to me. He'd say, you denied me before men. You denied my word before men. You loved your own life and you were not willing to lose it for me.

Now look at those people you were supposed to warn - Look at them - they are in hell suffering terribly because I sent you to tell them the truth and you refused to do it. Now they are in hell crying why didn't you warn them? Now you are going to join those people in hell because you did not obey me. You did not love the lost, you did not go out and tell others about me. You kept me a secret and didn't tell the lost and dying world about me. You loved this world and the pleasures of this world more than you loved me. You loved being accepted by this world and were not willing to be despised for me and my Gospel. Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you.

That scenario is going to happen in the future for many but it is not going to happen between me and Jesus because I love Him and I know He loves you and I'm not going to forget you - I am going to be praying for you that the LORD reveals His great love for you and that He shows you that He is more disgusted with the money preachers and their false Gospel than you are. Do not let that stop you from coming to Jesus. Your relationship is between you and Him. Not between you and Him and a Preacher. It's between you and Him.
You are apparently one of the good ones, sadly you are in a vanishing minority as American rw christians make me ever more certain I did the right thing walking away from churches and never looking back. I can barely even talk to my family anymore as they have their faith and politics all wrapped up in a hateful ball.

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