Is the Quran Gods words?

I have said this many times on several forums. The best weapon against Islam is the Quran.

Islam can be defeated by showing that their holy book cannot be the words of God.

This battle can be won by scholars in a library, and we can save a lot of bullets and smart bombs.

Not as long as there are indoctrination madrassas in Pakistan and other places. I think this is just starting.

Do not despair, the quran is bunk, and in the end the entire world Will know this.
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'Islam' is growing by births, not conversion. Intellectually, that is not a very credible method of counting. Brainwashing is a poor use of human spirit.
Evil will be defeated in the end. I am assured of that in Jesus Christ and it gives me great peace of mind.

I follow no god, but Christians aren't trying to cut my head off, so I do side with them.

I am Kifirum to the Muslims, one who denies Allah.

I don't really deny Allah, I just point out the fact that Allah is a hunk of stone in the Kaaba.
'Islam' is growing by births, not conversion.
Births or conversions; it all adds up. :cool:

It may all add up at the moment, but muslims are not monkeys.

Muslims have the same sized brains as all other human beings.

Therefore, sooner or later all the brainwashed muslims will start thinking for themselves, and they will see the Quran is evil lies, and not the words of God.

Can I have another red please?
'Islam' is growing by births, not conversion. Intellectually, that is not a very credible method of counting. Brainwashing is a poor use of human spirit.

Look at how they've used the Palestinians. They don't care about humanity. Islam is all about power and rule.
It may all add up at the moment, but muslims are not monkeys.

Muslims have the same sized brains as all other human beings.

Therefore, sooner or later all the brainwashed muslims will start thinking for themselves, and they will see the Quran is evil lies, and not the words of God.

Can I have another red please?

The vast majority of Muslims are held by force. Islam is a violent and brutal cult. Those who leave the faith are murdered by other Muslims on order of clerics. At some point those who are forced to remain Muslim will overwhelm those who are Muslim by choice, at which time they will rise up. It happened in Dagistan when the Chechens attempted to yoke them under Islam. It was happening in East Timor until the Muslims murdered a couple hundred thousand for attempting to be Christian.

A "religion" that is based on force, violence, and threats of violence can only stand so long.
Here is the true psychology of Muhammad revealed in the quran. He says Gods curse in on those who annoy him, and he makes rules about how to behave in his house. But worst of all he threatens his wives with twice the punishment of normal wives and says it is all Gods will.

Quran suras
33.57 Those who annoy God and His Apostle - God has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment.

33.30 O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for God.

33.53 O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses,- until leave is given you,- for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation: but when ye are invited, enter; and when ye have taken your meal, disperse, without seeking familiar talk. Such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet: he is ashamed to dismiss you, but God is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth. And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy God's Apostle, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in God's sight an enormity.
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