Is the Quran Gods words?

Sunni man, so I guess we are getting down to hate now. I guess you must be spreading rep around so you can red me. The count is now ten reds in a few days and that is against the rules of the forum, and you tell me to go cry to the mods. Well I will just dispense with rep points from now on because I don't need them, and in any case redding me will not save your rotten God Allah from the truth. Here is something worthy of a red.

Allah is an evil rotten monster, and Muhammad was his glove puppet.

Here are some quranic verses which show that Allah is a monster, and not worth worshiping. Anyone who worships a God that would do these things to a human being should be shot. That is why we are shooting the Taliban.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.

22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.

22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.

22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"
It's all bullshit. We can burn all the korans, all the bibles, all the torahs. It 's sheer delusion to believe any organized religion speaks for a supreme being. It's arrogance. It's pathetic. It's weak. It's all too human. Punch your Rabi, your Mullah or your Priest in the nose. They are con artist and frauds. Kick em' in da nutz. Or better yet, forgive them, they know NOT what they are doing.

Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.
Sunni man, so I guess we are getting down to hate now. I guess you must be spreading rep around so you can red me. The count is now ten reds in a few days and that is against the rules of the forum, and you tell me to go cry to the mods. Well I will just dispense with rep points from now on because I don't need them...
Tissue? :cool:
Sunni man, so I guess we are getting down to hate now. I guess you must be spreading rep around so you can red me. The count is now ten reds in a few days and that is against the rules of the forum, and you tell me to go cry to the mods. Well I will just dispense with rep points from now on because I don't need them...
Tissue? :cool:

Thanks once more for proving how sick Islam is. You make our case day in and dayout.
It's all bullshit. We can burn all the korans, all the bibles, all the torahs. It 's sheer delusion to believe any organized religion speaks for a supreme being. It's arrogance. It's pathetic. It's weak. It's all too human. Punch your Rabi, your Mullah or your Priest in the nose. They are con artist and frauds. Kick em' in da nutz. Or better yet, forgive them, they know NOT what they are doing.

Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.

Do you have any proof of that, or is this just more of your unsubstantiated bullshit designed to smear the current President?

Personally? I would think it would be Mittens that would praise you for burning a Quaran. His religion hated black people up until the 1970's.
I say it is not, for the following reasons.

1. The quran is filled with references to the bible and other texts, and I say is is copied from these sources, and not an original work.

2. The quran is full of terrible quotes about what God will do to unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgement, and that he will burn them in hellfire for all eternity, and I say this is all lies which degrade God, and make him a monster. It was written to scare people into obeying Muhammad, and it does not come from God.

Does anyone want to dispute my opinions?

The pedophile Prophet Muhammed simply highjacked the pagan religion of his day. Including the pagan moon god 'Allah' that was already being worshipped at Mecca along with many other gods long before Muhammed showed up. All he did was destroy the other gods and maintained Allah as the chief god.
The quran states quite clearly that God is one, and it is a blasphemy to say Jesus is the son of God, at sura 5.72 and it is a blasphemy to say God is part of a trinity. at sura 5.73.

Sura 5.72 They do blaspheme who say: "Allah is Christ the son of Mary"

Sura 5.73 They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no God except One God.

But the bible says you may be forgiven for blasphemy against Jesus, but to deny the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. Therefore if the bible is right then Muhammad was an unforgivable blasphemer.
Only one book can be right, and there is no room for adjustment here. So it is quite clear that the quran does not confirm all the previous messages, as it claims to do at sura 10.37

Sura 10.37 This quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of revelations that went before it, and a fuller explanation.

It is clear where Muhammad got the idea of claiming he received the quran from the angel Gabriel in the bible, as the angel is sent to Zacharias to tell him of the coming of John the baptist at Luke 1.11 to 1.20 The angel Gabriel also visited Mary to tell her about Jesus at Luke 1.27

But the bible states that it was the Holy Ghost that spoke through Jesus, and later the through the disciples, so the angel Gabriel was not required to tell the word of God, as God himself in the form of the holy Ghost speaks with the mouth of his true messengers.
Therefore what doubt can there be that Muhammad invented a lie about God, and said he was told what was written on a tablet in heaven, and he remembered the message and passed it on to his followers. There can be no clearer indictment of Muhammad as a false prophet than the denial of the trinity, and the power of the holy spirit to speak through a true messenger.
Muhammad could not speak without thinking about his words, as he might contradict himself or make errors. Which of course, he did do anyway. But he gave himself time to go away and think up his next statement by claiming he had to get the message from Gabriel.

The following are the bible texts that state denying the Holy Ghost is an unforgivable sin, but denying Jesus is not.

Matthew:12:31: Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Matthew:3:29: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Luke:12:10: And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

These are some more verses that explain the concept that the Holy Ghost is God within us. which is the message Muhammad denies, and for which there is no forgiveness.

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

1Co:12:3: Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

1Jo:5:7: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The only conclusion anyone can really draw from this complete contradiction between the message of the New Testament, that the Holy Ghost enters true prophets, and God speaks through them, and the message of the quran that Muhammad claims he received as dictation from the angel Gabriel.
Is that Muhammad has committed the unforgivable blasphemy by denying The holy ghost and that Jesus was a part of God, and as a consequence denying the concept that God is within us all. So by the terms of the New Testament, Muhammad has and consigned himself to hell.
If you really want to know where Muhammad was coming from, read sura 8 "spoils of war"

He starts the thread by saying all spoils of war belong to him, but later in the thread he realized that no one would fight his rotten wars for him unless they got something out of it, so he changed it to saying he would only get one fifth of the spoils, or booty of war.

An entire sura (chapter) of a so called holy book talking about dividing up the spoils of war.


Give me a break, and use your brains.

Muhammad was a very clever bandit who stole the idea of frightening silly Arabs into fighting his wars for him. He promised them paradise if they died in battle, and hellfire if they did not fight.

Did Jesus or the Buddha ever say give them spoils of war?

The time for this crap is over. The crusades may have failed but the truth will prevail today.

The time for Islam is over.
The Sun and Moon in the quran contain obvious falsehoods.

Sura 21.33 And he it is who created the night and the day, and the Sun and the Moon. They float, each in an orbit.

sura 36.38 And the Sun runs on unto a resting place for him, That is the measuring of the mighty and wise.
sura 36.39 And for the Moon. We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shriveled leaf
Sura 36.40 It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon,nor does the night outstrip the day. They float, each in an orbit.

The quran is clearly stating that the Sun has an orbit and the only realistic meaning of these verses is that Muhammed believed the Sun orbits the earth. Those that claim this shows incredible insight by Muhammed who realized the Sun had an orbit in the galaxy are talking rubbish. The quran shows clearly the limits of Muhammeds knowledge.
For one thing the Sun and Moon meet at every eclipse, for another there is often a visible Moon during the day, so day and night are not so separate as the quran suggests. The verse about the Moon shriveling shows no knowledge of the fact the light of the Sun is illuminating it from a different angle.
The Sun also does not run to a resting place, not unless you believe Greek mythology. Besides the quran goes on to say.

sura 25.61 Blessed be he who has placed in the heaven mansions of stars, and has placed therin a great lamp and a moon giving light.

sura 71.16 And has made the Moon a light therein, and made the Sun a lamp.

These verses show Muhammed calls the Moon a light, which makes clear he did not know it was reflecting the Suns light. He clearly regards the Sun and Moon as separate sources of light, one for the day and the other for night.

Sura 81.1 When the Sun is overthrown.
sura 81.2 And when the Stars fall.

The Stars will never fall as they are outside our gravity. In fact the Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. But Muhammed thinks the Stars are just lamps to throw at devils, not distant Suns. as proved below.

Sura 67.5 And verily we have beautified the worlds heaven with lamps. And we have made them missiles for devils.

The following from Hadith Bukhari confirms that Muhammad thought the sun went to a resting place.

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:
Narrated Abu Dhar:

The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

just to play devil's advocate here....The Catholic Church killed and imprisoned people for disputing that the Earth was the center of the Universe. That's right, the church's official stance was that the Earth was the center 9f the universe and everything in it revolved around US.

So trying to make another religion look "bad" for believing something very similar to what OUR own church believed is kind of low, don't you think? In fact, I don't recall reading in the Bible anywhere(although, I admit to not being familiar with all of the Old Testament) that the even TRIED to tackle such questions. Other than Genesis, where it describes the first 7 days of creation.
It's all bullshit. We can burn all the korans, all the bibles, all the torahs. It 's sheer delusion to believe any organized religion speaks for a supreme being. It's arrogance. It's pathetic. It's weak. It's all too human. Punch your Rabi, your Mullah or your Priest in the nose. They are con artist and frauds. Kick em' in da nutz. Or better yet, forgive them, they know NOT what they are doing.

Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.

Do you have any proof of that, or is this just more of your unsubstantiated bullshit designed to smear the current President?

Personally? I would think it would be Mittens that would praise you for burning a Quaran. His religion hated black people up until the 1970's.

1) Why would Romney praise anyone for burning a Quran? He doesn't hate muslims. and He isnt disrespectful to people of other religions. In fact, he's so respectful that some leftiests got to complaining about him being respectful to the Jews when he wore a yarmulke at the Temple mount the other day.

2) Mormons dont hate black people. Never did. Never will. In fact, one of the reasons we were kicked out of Missouri was because we opposed slavery and our neighbors in the State were threatened by the fact that we were growing to be a political force that would ruin their racist ways.
The time for Islam is over.

Oh really? I don't see Christ back yet. Till that happens, I don't expect the time of Islam to be over.

Tell me, do you think that you will fair better when Christ comes?
Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.

Do you have any proof of that, or is this just more of your unsubstantiated bullshit designed to smear the current President?

Personally? I would think it would be Mittens that would praise you for burning a Quaran. His religion hated black people up until the 1970's.

1) Why would Romney praise anyone for burning a Quran? He doesn't hate muslims. and He isnt disrespectful to people of other religions. In fact, he's so respectful that some leftiests got to complaining about him being respectful to the Jews when he wore a yarmulke at the Temple mount the other day.

2) Mormons dont hate black people. Never did. Never will. In fact, one of the reasons we were kicked out of Missouri was because we opposed slavery and our neighbors in the State were threatened by the fact that we were growing to be a political force that would ruin their racist ways.

Really? Then why did the Mitt-wit say that being better off financially was because of cultural reasons?

And................if Mormons didn't hate black people, then why is it that they didn't allow blacks to become bishops until 1978?

Try again Avitard.............your bullshit is weak.
Sunni man, so I guess we are getting down to hate now. I guess you must be spreading rep around so you can red me. The count is now ten reds in a few days and that is against the rules of the forum, and you tell me to go cry to the mods. Well I will just dispense with rep points from now on because I don't need them, and in any case redding me will not save your rotten God Allah from the truth. Here is something worthy of a red.

Allah is an evil rotten monster, and Muhammad was his glove puppet.

Here are some quranic verses which show that Allah is a monster, and not worth worshiping. Anyone who worships a God that would do these things to a human being should be shot. That is why we are shooting the Taliban.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.

22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.

22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.

22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

I do not belong to any kind of religion. But I have enough respect to accept the beliefs of others, and not to insult their religion in the way that you do.

You need to grow up.
Do you have any proof of that, or is this just more of your unsubstantiated bullshit designed to smear the current President?

Personally? I would think it would be Mittens that would praise you for burning a Quaran. His religion hated black people up until the 1970's.

Are you kidding?

Dove World Outreach Center Quran-burning controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You leftists are like so stoned you have no grasp of reality at all, aren't you?
just to play devil's advocate here....The Catholic Church killed and imprisoned people for disputing that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

It did? How many did it kill?

As many as Islam killed yesterday? A third that many?

You CAN document ONE, can't you? No?

That's right, the church's official stance was that the Earth was the center 9f the universe and everything in it revolved around US.

Oh my Obama, I'm faux shocked...

So trying to make another religion look "bad" for believing something very similar to what OUR own church believed is kind of low, don't you think? In fact, I don't recall reading in the Bible anywhere(although, I admit to not being familiar with all of the Old Testament) that the even TRIED to tackle such questions. Other than Genesis, where it describes the first 7 days of creation.

That, and killing more people every month than the Catholics did in the entire Inquisition.
I do not belong to any kind of religion. But I have enough respect to accept the beliefs of others, and not to insult their religion in the way that you do.

You need to grow up.

You don't belong to any religion, but Islam hates the United States, so that's good enough for you.

Yeah, they'd cut your head off as a Kafir (Atheist/Idolitor) BUT they hate the USA, so you'll overlook that...
It's all bullshit. We can burn all the korans, all the bibles, all the torahs. It 's sheer delusion to believe any organized religion speaks for a supreme being. It's arrogance. It's pathetic. It's weak. It's all too human. Punch your Rabi, your Mullah or your Priest in the nose. They are con artist and frauds. Kick em' in da nutz. Or better yet, forgive them, they know NOT what they are doing.

Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.

You've still to link to an article where Obama praised ANYONE for burning a Quaran. The post where you thought you answered the question was linked to the Terry Jones incident and the other was some bullshit Christian blog site. Sorry, but the answer in post 335 doesn't cut it.

Like I said Uncensored, got any REAL proof that Obama will praise anyone who burns a Quaran?

Because................apparently...........all you have is unsubstantiated bullshit.
You've still to link to an article where Obama praised ANYONE for burning a Quaran.


I've little doubt that Obama would want anyone burning a Koran to have their head cut off on Al Jazeera.

The post where you thought you answered the question was linked to the Terry Jones incident and the other was some bullshit Christian blog site.


Sorry, but the answer in post 335 doesn't cut it.

Like I said Uncensored, got any REAL proof that Obama will praise anyone who burns a Quaran?

You're off your meds bud.

Because................apparently...........all you have is unsubstantiated bullshit.

Come back when you're lucid.
It's all bullshit. We can burn all the korans, all the bibles, all the torahs. It 's sheer delusion to believe any organized religion speaks for a supreme being. It's arrogance. It's pathetic. It's weak. It's all too human. Punch your Rabi, your Mullah or your Priest in the nose. They are con artist and frauds. Kick em' in da nutz. Or better yet, forgive them, they know NOT what they are doing.

Burn a bible and Obama will praise you. Burn a Koran and the Muslims will riot, Obama and Romney will both condemn you and you will most likely be arrested.

Still waiting for proof that Obama will praise you if you burn a Bible.

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