Is the Quran Gods words?

Really? Then why did the Mitt-wit say that being better off financially was because of cultural reasons?

Because it's true. Wealth creation is influenced by individuals doing certain things. Cultures that dont encourage individuals to the things that create wealth, wont create wealth like the cultures that do. That has absolutely nothing to do with respecting one's religion as religion and culture aren't the same.

And................if Mormons didn't hate black people, then why is it that they didn't allow blacks to become bishops until 1978?

If you want to discuss the priesthood, you need to understand that priesthood restrictions prior to 1978 had nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with ancestory.

However, to make a long conversation short - Why was the Gospel not taken to the Gentiles prior to Peter recieving the revelation to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? Why was the Aaronic Priesthood limited to the levites (more specifically Aaron and his sons) in Moses's day?

Because God has an order to things. He controls and directs His work.

Try again Avitard.............your bullshit is weak.

Of course my BS is weak. I havent given you any. I would have to give you BS before it could be strong. That's kind of obvious to anyone who thinks about it.
I do not belong to any kind of religion. But I have enough respect to accept the beliefs of others, and not to insult their religion in the way that you do.

You need to grow up.

You don't belong to any religion, but Islam hates the United States, so that's good enough for you.

Yeah, they'd cut your head off as a Kafir (Atheist/Idolitor) BUT they hate the USA, so you'll overlook that...

Wow your an idiot. Kafir refers to idol worshippers at the time of Quraysh, and fighting them, Quraysh ambushed Muslims who fled into deserts in medina and they had a fair and square battle
Really? Then why did the Mitt-wit say that being better off financially was because of cultural reasons?

Because it's true. Wealth creation is influenced by individuals doing certain things. Cultures that dont encourage individuals to the things that create wealth, wont create wealth like the cultures that do. That has absolutely nothing to do with respecting one's religion as religion and culture aren't the same.

And................if Mormons didn't hate black people, then why is it that they didn't allow blacks to become bishops until 1978?

If you want to discuss the priesthood, you need to understand that priesthood restrictions prior to 1978 had nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with ancestory.

However, to make a long conversation short - Why was the Gospel not taken to the Gentiles prior to Peter recieving the revelation to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? Why was the Aaronic Priesthood limited to the levites (more specifically Aaron and his sons) in Moses's day?

Because God has an order to things. He controls and directs His work.

Try again Avitard.............your bullshit is weak.

Of course my BS is weak. I havent given you any. I would have to give you BS before it could be strong. That's kind of obvious to anyone who thinks about it.

R u kidding me man? The occupation is the reason palestinaisn don't have an economy. Are your rally that naive to blame it on culture! Wow! Israel's GDP is 31,000 and palestinains of gaza and west bank is 1,500 dollars so Romney was way off anyway.

But if you wanna compare Arabs and Israelis well here
GDP per capita:
So that must mean Arab culture is better than Jewish culture? No I'm not a fucking idiot like Romney I don't believe it has anything to do with culture
R u kidding me man? The occupation is the reason palestinaisn don't have an economy. Are your rally that naive to blame it on culture! Wow! Israel's GDP is 31,000 and palestinains of gaza and west bank is 1,500 dollars so Romney was way off anyway.

But if you wanna compare Arabs and Israelis well here
GDP per capita:
So that must mean Arab culture is better than Jewish culture? No I'm not a fucking idiot like Romney I don't believe it has anything to do with culture

There is no occupation. The idea that the Jews have no claim to Judea is absolutely absurd.

And we arent talking about arab culture. We are talking specifically about palestinian culture. The one that is sadly more concerned about strapping bombs to children than teaching them how to live in peace with their neighbors.
R u kidding me man? The occupation is the reason palestinaisn don't have an economy. Are your rally that naive to blame it on culture! Wow! Israel's GDP is 31,000 and palestinains of gaza and west bank is 1,500 dollars so Romney was way off anyway.

But if you wanna compare Arabs and Israelis well here
GDP per capita:
So that must mean Arab culture is better than Jewish culture? No I'm not a fucking idiot like Romney I don't believe it has anything to do with culture

There is no occupation. The idea that the Jews have no claim to Judea is absolutely absurd.

And we arent talking about arab culture. We are talking specifically about palestinian culture. The one that is sadly more concerned about strapping bombs to children than teaching them how to live in peace with their neighbors.

Bullshit you motherfucker first the palestinains are fAKE to you and just Arabs. Now you are talking about Arabs. Also there is an occupation international law states it even Israel does, the siege on gaza is an occupation same with west bank, palestinains cannot control what goes in and out their borders=occupation.

Also go fuck yourself about Jews have a claim to Judaea and samaria in other words present day west bank so you are saying Jews should take over all the west bank because some 4,000 year old book claims Jews own that land. So let's the Quran says Muslims actually own the land and Muslims occupied Israel tomorrow, what they are gonna tell the Jews our book says so? Quite being foolish man...
Hi hjmick, I did not say I believed in the bible, I said the quran is largely copied from it.
Copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a
Bullshit you motherfucker first the palestinains are fAKE to you and just Arabs. Now you are talking about Arabs. Also there is an occupation international law states it even Israel does, the siege on gaza is an occupation same with west bank, palestinains cannot control what goes in and out their borders=occupation.

Also go fuck yourself about Jews have a claim to Judaea and samaria in other words present day west bank so you are saying Jews should take over all the west bank because some 4,000 year old book claims Jews own that land. So let's the Quran says Muslims actually own the land and Muslims occupied Israel tomorrow, what they are gonna tell the Jews our book says so? Quite being foolish man...

Im sorry you're losing your argument. but if your solution is to get angry and swear, well, you are going to be angry for a long time. Which is pretty sad.

International law is pretty fluid. The idea that jews can illegally occupy Judea is obsurd. The region is named after them. Oh but i suppose thats why you have to lie and call it the west bank instead. When you have to lie about names, it's usually not a good indication that your position is strong.

And no. If the Palestinians seized control of Israel, they wouldnt tell the jews anything. Sadly, the nutjobs in charge of the Palestinians would simply execute them.
R u kidding me man? The occupation is the reason palestinaisn don't have an economy. Are your rally that naive to blame it on culture! Wow! Israel's GDP is 31,000 and palestinains of gaza and west bank is 1,500 dollars so Romney was way off anyway.

But if you wanna compare Arabs and Israelis well here
GDP per capita:
So that must mean Arab culture is better than Jewish culture? No I'm not a fucking idiot like Romney I don't believe it has anything to do with culture

There is no occupation. The idea that the Jews have no claim to Judea is absolutely absurd.

And we arent talking about arab culture. We are talking specifically about palestinian culture. The one that is sadly more concerned about strapping bombs to children than teaching them how to live in peace with their neighbors.

So...........Palenstinian culture tends to make people poor? Really? Got any proof, or are you gonna take Mitt-wit's word for it?
Bullshit you motherfucker first the palestinains are fAKE to you and just Arabs. Now you are talking about Arabs. Also there is an occupation international law states it even Israel does, the siege on gaza is an occupation same with west bank, palestinains cannot control what goes in and out their borders=occupation.

Also go fuck yourself about Jews have a claim to Judaea and samaria in other words present day west bank so you are saying Jews should take over all the west bank because some 4,000 year old book claims Jews own that land. So let's the Quran says Muslims actually own the land and Muslims occupied Israel tomorrow, what they are gonna tell the Jews our book says so? Quite being foolish man...

Im sorry you're losing your argument. but if your solution is to get angry and swear, well, you are going to be angry for a long time. Which is pretty sad.

International law is pretty fluid. The idea that jews can illegally occupy Judea is obsurd. The region is named after them. Oh but i suppose thats why you have to lie and call it the west bank instead. When you have to lie about names, it's usually not a good indication that your position is strong.

And no. If the Palestinians seized control of Israel, they wouldnt tell the jews anything. Sadly, the nutjobs in charge of the Palestinians would simply execute them.

I'm losing the argument? You deny there was any occupation which is a diseaster if you actually believe that then you bring up a hilarious claim to Jerusalem and west bank by saying the bible said its for Jews, what kind of bs is that? Seriously is that all you got? Jews can occupy all the land because god gave them land according to you?
So...........Palenstinian culture tends to make people poor? Really? Got any proof, or are you gonna take Mitt-wit's word for it?

Who is going to make more money, the group of people teaching their children to educate themselves and work hard, or the group of people teaching their children to strap bombs to their chest for political reasons?

It's not exactly rocket science here.
I'm losing the argument? You deny there was any occupation which is a diseaster if you actually believe that then you bring up a hilarious claim to Jerusalem and west bank by saying the bible said its for Jews, what kind of bs is that? Seriously is that all you got? Jews can occupy all the land because god gave them land according to you?

You wouldn't be angry if you were winning it, now would you?

I didnt mention the Bible whatsoever. I just pointed out that its pretty pathetic to try to claim that the Jews have no right to Judea. The very fact that you have to rename Judea and call it the west bank shows that you know the argument is absurd as well.

But then, I can understand why you wouldnt want the Bible used. It does point out the absurdity of your position.
I'm losing the argument? You deny there was any occupation which is a diseaster if you actually believe that then you bring up a hilarious claim to Jerusalem and west bank by saying the bible said its for Jews, what kind of bs is that? Seriously is that all you got? Jews can occupy all the land because god gave them land according to you?

You wouldn't be angry if you were winning it, now would you?

I didnt mention the Bible whatsoever. I just pointed out that its pretty pathetic to try to claim that the Jews have no right to Judea. The very fact that you have to rename Judea and call it the west bank shows that you know the argument is absurd as well.

But then, I can understand why you wouldnt want the Bible used. It does point out the absurdity of your position.

Do you live a cave or something? There hasn't been a judea for thousands of years and it wasn't empty for Jews to claim land they lost thousands of years ago. European Jews can't claim land
So...........Palenstinian culture tends to make people poor? Really? Got any proof, or are you gonna take Mitt-wit's word for it?

Who is going to make more money, the group of people teaching their children to educate themselves and work hard, or the group of people teaching their children to strap bombs to their chest for political reasons?

It's not exactly rocket science here.

What kind of bigoted statement was that? Do you watch Glenn beck or Robert spencer?

Wow what a sickening statement. Political reasons? You need to get educated
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Do you live a cave or something? There hasn't been a judea for thousands of years and it wasn't empty for Jews to claim land they lost thousands of years ago. European Jews can't claim land

Really? Cause it's still right there where it's always been.
So...........Palenstinian culture tends to make people poor? Really? Got any proof, or are you gonna take Mitt-wit's word for it?

Who is going to make more money, the group of people teaching their children to educate themselves and work hard, or the group of people teaching their children to strap bombs to their chest for political reasons?

It's not exactly rocket science here.

What kind of bigoted statement was that? Do you watch Glenn beck or Robert spencer?

Wow what a sickening statement. Political reasons? You need to get educated

I am educated. I just dislike it when people tie bombs to little kids and send them into populated areas. I don't think that's a good way to encourage economic growth and create wealth. Silly me.
Who is going to make more money, the group of people teaching their children to educate themselves and work hard, or the group of people teaching their children to strap bombs to their chest for political reasons?

It's not exactly rocket science here.

What kind of bigoted statement was that? Do you watch Glenn beck or Robert spencer?

Wow what a sickening statement. Political reasons? You need to get educated

I am educated. I just dislike it when people tie bombs to little kids and send them into populated areas. I don't think that's a good way to encourage economic growth and create wealth. Silly me.

There was never a child bomber can you quit lying for once? Sucide bombing ended way long ago anyways i don't get where you are going with this? You just hate Palestinians or something? Come out of your closet already
Who is going to make more money, the group of people teaching their children to educate themselves and work hard, or the group of people teaching their children to strap bombs to their chest for political reasons?

It's not exactly rocket science here.

What kind of bigoted statement was that? Do you watch Glenn beck or Robert spencer?

Wow what a sickening statement. Political reasons? You need to get educated

I am educated. I just dislike it when people tie bombs to little kids and send them into populated areas. I don't think that's a good way to encourage economic growth and create wealth. Silly me.

Mr professor explain how it is possible to promote economic growth when Israel controls all your borders? Israel doesn't want Palestinians to have economic growth so they can keep their occupation going, wiki leaks did a great job of leaking the article that Netanyahu wanted to keep the gaza economy on brink of collapse list some facts fucking idiot
I believe a developmentally disabled teenager qualifies as a 'child' - and there's been at least one of those attempting mass murder by suicide bomb.
There was never a child bomber can you quit lying for once? Sucide bombing ended way long ago anyways i don't get where you are going with this? You just hate Palestinians or something? Come out of your closet already

Oh so suicide bombing ended long ago? News to me. When did it end? What were the circumstances of it ending?

I don't hate the Palestinians. I wish they would stop supporting people who want to exterminate their neighbors. I wish they would stop blaming their problems on their neighbors.

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