Is the Quran Gods words? least Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain top.

Mohammed just gave us hearsay and his followers did the same once removed.

The problem of course being Arabic wasnt a written language then. Tablets would have been useless. The Quran is a recitation of what Mohammad was supposedly told.

Quite honestly, I would be open to consider Mohammad actually had experiences with God. Problem is after his death the "Rightly guided" Caliphis started writing down the revelations and compiled them into the Quran specifically because false revelations were supposedly going around. Its quite possible that if Mohammad was inspired, that the Quoran was corrupted in compiling because the Caliphs replaced the revelations with what they wanted.

Of course, it's all speculation. Which is specifically why the only way to know the things of God and what is God's word is to appeal to God Himself and find out from Him. Which is good to do anyway, since the scriptures are a tool for helping us hear the voice of the Lord for ourselves and to help us reenter His presence.


Shortly after Muhammad's death the Quran was compiled into a single book by order of the first Caliph Abu Bakr and at the suggestion of his future successor Umar. Hafsa, Muhammad's widow and Caliph Umar's daughter, was entrusted with that Quranic text after the second Caliph Umar died.[11] When the third Caliph Uthman began noticing slight differences in pronunciation of the Qur'anic Arabic by those whose dialect was not that of the Quraish, he sought Hafsa's permission to use her text and commissioned a committee to produce a standard copy of the text of Qur'an to which added diacritical marks ensured correct pronunciation, and to be set as the standard dialect, the Quraish dialect, now known as Fus'ha (Modern Standard Arabic) (see Origin and development of the Qur'an). Five of these original Qur'ans (Mus'haf) were sent to the major Muslim cities of the era, with Uthman keeping one for his own use in Medina. Any variations to standardized text were invalidated and ordered to be destroyed, all other versions of the Qur'an copied by scribes subsequently were from this codex. This process of formalization is known as the "Uthmanic recension".[12] The present form of the Quran text is accepted by most scholars as the original version compiled by Abu Bakr.[12][13]

Quran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And............fwiw..................I think that the Arabic language and writing was around before Mohammed came around. The only reason it was written after his death is because Mohammed couldn't write it because he was ILLITERATE.

Try again..............thanks for playing............
Yes seriously. In fact, the passage you quoted from wikipedia supports exactly what I just said. It was written and compiled by the "rightly guided" caliphs who destroyed any variations of the text.

It was not written down or compiled till Mohammad was dead.
It was written down passage by passage then completed

How the fuck else would it get written down, ya dimshit motherfucker?

And it's complete, all right.

Complete fucking stupid psychotic lunacy.

You define a lunatic fucking queer am I giving you a panick attack faggot

You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.
How the fuck else would it get written down, ya dimshit motherfucker?

And it's complete, all right.

Complete fucking stupid psychotic lunacy.

You define a lunatic fucking queer am I giving you a panick attack faggot

You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.

Is there such a thing as an Islamist penis? Damn you really must be a lunatic
You define a lunatic fucking queer am I giving you a panick attack faggot

You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.

Is there such a thing as an Islamist penis? Damn you really must be a lunatic

I know you desire to know lots more about penis, since you have the worst case of penis envy -- ever -- in the history of the gay Islamist universe, but still:

try looking up some things all on your own.
You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.

Is there such a thing as an Islamist penis? Damn you really must be a lunatic

I know you desire to know lots more about penis, since you have the worst case of penis envy -- ever -- in the history of the gay Islamist universe, but still:

try looking up some things all on your own.

Cool story bro. Next
You define a lunatic fucking queer am I giving you a panick attack faggot

You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.

Is there such a thing as an Islamist penis? Damn you really must be a lunatic

I highly doubt Muslim men dont have penises... Of course, ive never looked so it could be. But i find it highly unlikely.
You have a detachable little Islamist cock just so you can fuck yourself up your own ass. So, nothing you say or do induces panic in anyone -- ever.

Learn to use a spell check.

You keep this shit up and even TderpM will be laughing at you.

Is there such a thing as an Islamist penis? Damn you really must be a lunatic

I highly doubt Muslim men dont have penises... Of course, ive never looked so it could be. But i find it highly unlikely.

How does that make a penis Islamist? Man you always get funnier
How does that make a penis Islamist? Man you always get funnier

BecauseItBlows doesn't even know when the person it's addressing has changed.

Damn liability and high gravity mackin... Damn mackin his liability to suck high gravitys balls from across the room

It almost looks like BecauseItBlows is attempting to compose a "thought."

It remains forever destined to fail, of course.

Plainly, it doesn't know how to do so.
Muhammads followers used to write down what he said on bark and leaves.
One day a goat ate some of it, so it probably ate the best bits.:badgrin:

Everything is available? Why are you trying to sound like an Islamic scholar? Your a fucking 90 year old nazi fuck

Another enemy, what a good thing you have no rep power, or I would be scared:badgrin:

Aha get a life, 99 percent of your so called facts are lies and how is going on the Internet supposed to make you scared?
Everything is available? Why are you trying to sound like an Islamic scholar? Your a fucking 90 year old nazi fuck

Another enemy, what a good thing you have no rep power, or I would be scared:badgrin:

Aha get a life, 99 percent of your so called facts are lies and how is going on the Internet supposed to make you scared?

I was joking about being scared, as for my facts, I believe everything I have said about the quran, except for the story about a Goat eating some of it. That might be a legend. Hah!

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