Is the Quran Gods words?

Another enemy, what a good thing you have no rep power, or I would be scared:badgrin:

Aha get a life, 99 percent of your so called facts are lies and how is going on the Internet supposed to make you scared?

I was joking about being scared, as for my facts, I believe everything I have said about the quran, except for the story about a Goat eating some of it. That might be a legend. Hah!

That wasn't about the Koran?..and I'm blessed to know a non Muslim is practicing Islam more than a average Muslim does, may god bless you maybe you will die a Muslim....
That wasn't about the Koran?..and I'm blessed to know a non Muslim is practicing Islam more than a average Muslim does, may god bless you maybe you will die a Muslim....

I am more likely to die at the hands of a muslim, if they find out who I am.
If I die a muslim it will be because I have first suffered brain death.


It is just that he gave no message to Muhammad, so Islam is a pack of lies.

One reason I think this is because I could never worship a God who would burn people in everlasting hellfire, not even if they were my worst enemy. but the quran says he will.
I believe this is because Muhammad stole the idea of hellfire from the bible, and used it to scare silly Arabs into fighting for him.

Hey, in another life we could probably be friends.
That wasn't about the Koran?..and I'm blessed to know a non Muslim is practicing Islam more than a average Muslim does, may god bless you maybe you will die a Muslim....

I am more likely to die at the hands of a muslim, if they find out who I am.
If I die a muslim it will be because I have first suffered brain death.


It is just that he gave no message to Muhammad, so Islam is a pack of lies.

One reason I think this is because I could never worship a God who would burn people in everlasting hellfire, not even if they were my worst enemy. but the quran says he will.
I believe this is because Muhammad stole the idea of hellfire from the bible, and used it to scare silly Arabs into fighting for him.

Hey, in another life we could probably be friends.

I was raised religious then i completely backed off from religion, i didn't think the texts made sense as i read chapter by chapter, i though all three abrahamic religions were nonsense, so i decided to rely on nature and life, until i became very depressed during school, people were not my type, everything felt wierd, and yet i still didn't go back to praying, i started researching on all three religions, then i went to the hadith, i wanted to see how Muhammad explained death, and where the souls go, i read lots and lots of hadith, authentic one's btw, so i said to myself i will go back to praying, i am the only one of my family, i believe the Koran makes sense as a whole, you might not, and that's fine.

My life stayed that way and i was even more depressed then i cried during prayer and asked God to help me, i didn't get no answer, until i reach a peak, one night i was just awaken by a message sort of thing, i woke up suddenly at around 3:00am, and this speech reached my heart, its hard to explain, but it translated in my heart " i'm watching, i have been watching". I was pretty scared and surprised i don't know what it was but i believe it was God, again you might not believe this but its true.

Now i believe God isn't like us, he doesn't think like humans, i am very curious about him, but i will just go with what Muhammad said about him, he told us not to think about God too much(like his characteristics) he said we will find out at death, and the name The Most Generous and the Most Kind caught me, i know God is the most loving to people who apporach him, i fear him and i cry for him.

I believe that Koran is God's words, back then people weren't moderate like us today, they were strong in faith, so i believe God's orders and i believe he is there always observing, his eye never sleeps. Again, you might not agree but maybe we will see each other some time, i guess my explanation is The God is The God, i fear him enough that he is the Lord, so i believe in what he recommends and orders, you might not, but thats cool.
Becauseiknow, Well thats all very interesting.

I have come a different route, and I was originally a christian, but when I found out that other christians in the bible class I was attending believed in hellfire I walked out of the class,at aged 16 years. I now have another 50 years experience, and in that time I have been involved in various cults and religions. I mainly went to spiritualist churches, and there I had many uplifting expereinces.

Basically I have to say you are right, we will not agree that the quran is the word of God because I don't think it is. But I still think there is a God and it does not really matter how we approach him as he does not expect us to understand him. Nor are we capable of it.

God is in everything everywhere, and all religions have some truth in them if they help us find him in our hearts.
Becauseiknow, Well thats all very interesting.

I have come a different route, and I was originally a christian, but when I found out that other christians in the bible class I was attending believed in hellfire I walked out of the class,at aged 16 years. I now have another 50 years experience, and in that time I have been involved in various cults and religions. I mainly went to spiritualist churches, and there I had many uplifting expereinces.

Basically I have to say you are right, we will not agree that the quran is the word of God because I don't think it is. But I still think there is a God and it does not really matter how we approach him as he does not expect us to understand him. Nor are we capable of it.

God is in everything everywhere, and all religions have some truth in them if they help us find him in our hearts.

Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day
Becauseiknow, Well thats all very interesting.

I have come a different route, and I was originally a christian, but when I found out that other christians in the bible class I was attending believed in hellfire I walked out of the class,at aged 16 years. I now have another 50 years experience, and in that time I have been involved in various cults and religions. I mainly went to spiritualist churches, and there I had many uplifting expereinces.

Basically I have to say you are right, we will not agree that the quran is the word of God because I don't think it is. But I still think there is a God and it does not really matter how we approach him as he does not expect us to understand him. Nor are we capable of it.

God is in everything everywhere, and all religions have some truth in them if they help us find him in our hearts.

Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

I'm confused. You reject the Bible because of hell fire, and yet you embrace a religion that clearly states that there will be no peace until you have murdered everyone on earth that doesn't agree with Mohammad?
Becauseiknow, Well thats all very interesting.

I have come a different route, and I was originally a christian, but when I found out that other christians in the bible class I was attending believed in hellfire I walked out of the class,at aged 16 years. I now have another 50 years experience, and in that time I have been involved in various cults and religions. I mainly went to spiritualist churches, and there I had many uplifting expereinces.

Basically I have to say you are right, we will not agree that the quran is the word of God because I don't think it is. But I still think there is a God and it does not really matter how we approach him as he does not expect us to understand him. Nor are we capable of it.

God is in everything everywhere, and all religions have some truth in them if they help us find him in our hearts.

Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

I'm confused. You reject the Bible because of hell fire, and yet you embrace a religion that clearly states that there will be no peace until you have murdered everyone on earth that doesn't agree with Mohammad?

I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.
Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

So, do you read the Quran in Arabic? I wondered because you call it the Koran and the only English translation I know that uses that name is the penguin edition by Darwood.

You might like to know what I have concluded from my search for truth over the years.

I believe we probably reincarnate, thousands of times, on many different planets.
We carry karma over with us from one life to the next, until we finally achieve enlightenment, or perfection, or God consciousness.
After that we continue on as immortal beings in a higher dimension that we can call the spirit world. For the unenlightened, between incarnations we spend time in the spirit world, but eventually we realize our imperfections, and have to reincarnate.

Many spirit teachers have confirmed these things to me over the years.
Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

So, do you read the Quran in Arabic? I wondered because you call it the Koran and the only English translation I know that uses that name is the penguin edition by Darwood.

You might like to know what I have concluded from my search for truth over the years.

I believe we probably reincarnate, thousands of times, on many different planets.
We carry karma over with us from one life to the next, until we finally achieve enlightenment, or perfection, or God consciousness.
After that we continue on as immortal beings in a higher dimension that we can call the spirit world. For the unenlightened, between incarnations we spend time in the spirit world, but eventually we realize our imperfections, and have to reincarnate.

Many spirit teachers have confirmed these things to me over the years.

Yes I read it in Arabic, and it translates Koran actually. Hmm, I have heard that a few times here and there, while it sounds interesting I think this is the only life and hope this is all we have to do. Now after we are God willing admitted to Paadaise he might have another Plan ready, I don't want to speculate as I honestly believe only God knows those things. But I hope this is all
I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.

I am afraid that if you accept the Quran as truth you automatically discount much of the bible as false. I assume you also think Jesus was not crucified, but all four books of the apostles give lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion.

Therefore either the Quran or the Bible are filled with falsehoods. Only one can be true as they are totally opposed.

(atheists will now rush in and say both books are fiction)
I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.

I am afraid that if you accept the Quran as truth you automatically discount much of the bible as false. I assume you also think Jesus was not crucified, but all four books of the apostles give lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion.

Therefore either the Quran or the Bible are filled with falsehoods. Only one can be true as they are totally opposed.

(atheists will now rush in and say both books are fiction)

I know people will argue that he was crucified I believe it was a different similar looking person, the bible doesn't make sense to me when you add up the events, I don't understand how God came to earth and only managed to convert 13 people at his time, it's a long discussion, but I believe Islams account about Jesus more than the bible, I believe Jesus is a mysterious guy and a prophet, he was born a miracle to my belief.

The reason he wasn't preaching like Muhammad and Moses, was because his time was really short as a prophet, he descended early in his life I believe at 32 years, so he took the path of talking people into belief of God, he didn't have rules like Moses Law or sharia because his time was short, that's why I believe Christians lean to him more because he was sweet and calm and preached through words and ended there. His story is sad and his life, that's what I believe some may disagree, but he still is a prophet just like all other prophets on my watch
I will be back in a few hours for those interested in this discussion, especially dajjal, now I'm going out with some friends for sports...peace
Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

I'm confused. You reject the Bible because of hell fire, and yet you embrace a religion that clearly states that there will be no peace until you have murdered everyone on earth that doesn't agree with Mohammad?

I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.

If you reject Jesus as God, then why bother with the Bible? The point of the Bible, is to spread the Good News that Christ lives.
And why no comment? Do you think I have exaggerated the message of the Quran?
Well i've been at the Koran for a while now, so i do believe it, but you have a interesting story as for hellfire, i believe he left some things out he won't tell us, he mostly infers in texts that believers will be forgived, and disbelievers will suffer. Now do i believe it that? Yes because like i said he is the God and he must be serious about his message and he is nothing like us. Most people leave religion like you when they hell fire, but some tackle for Paradaise, so it might sound unbelievable to you, but i want to follow his path and meet him one day

I'm confused. You reject the Bible because of hell fire, and yet you embrace a religion that clearly states that there will be no peace until you have murdered everyone on earth that doesn't agree with Mohammad?

I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.

Actually, there is no hell in the Judaic theology.
I don't reject the bible, I believe in hell and all 3 abrahamic religions. I reject Jesus's divinity and trinity. As for your last comment, no comment.

I am afraid that if you accept the Quran as truth you automatically discount much of the bible as false. I assume you also think Jesus was not crucified, but all four books of the apostles give lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion.

Therefore either the Quran or the Bible are filled with falsehoods. Only one can be true as they are totally opposed.

(atheists will now rush in and say both books are fiction)

I know people will argue that he was crucified I believe it was a different similar looking person, the bible doesn't make sense to me when you add up the events, I don't understand how God came to earth and only managed to convert 13 people at his time, it's a long discussion, but I believe Islams account about Jesus more than the bible, I believe Jesus is a mysterious guy and a prophet, he was born a miracle to my belief.

The reason he wasn't preaching like Muhammad and Moses, was because his time was really short as a prophet, he descended early in his life I believe at 32 years, so he took the path of talking people into belief of God, he didn't have rules like Moses Law or sharia because his time was short, that's why I believe Christians lean to him more because he was sweet and calm and preached through words and ended there. His story is sad and his life, that's what I believe some may disagree, but he still is a prophet just like all other prophets on my watch

Sry, but that is so off the mark. What would make you believe that some one other than Jesus was on that cross? If Biblical accounts don't suffice, look to the historians.
13 people? No. Thousands and thousands of people followed him, literally. Once there were so many that they had to put him in a boat because He had been pushed to the shoreline. Remember the child that had bread and fish and it fed multitudes? 4,000 people had been following Him for 3 days. And that isn't counting the women and children. Millions of Christians were hung on crosses, ravaged by lions, gored by bulls, in an effort to destroy His followers.

Jesus preached in His father's house when He was just a child. He indeed had the "rules" that Moses had and celebrated the Jewish traditions. Passover was his last before He was crucified. First Fruits festival when He left the earth and delivered the saints that were resurrected with Him. Those 10,000 that came back to earth with Christ were His gift to His Father. His first fruits.

His story is glorious. HE LIVES. We cling to Him because He sacrificed His life so we may live. We love Him because He loved us first.

Accept Christ as propitiation for your sins. God had many prophets. None removed sin. Christ is the Savior. He paid the price for our sins so that we could stand sin free, and boldly, in front of the Father.
Don't leave earth without Him. :eusa_angel:
Aha get a life, 99 percent of your so called facts are lies and how is going on the Internet supposed to make you scared?

I was joking about being scared, as for my facts, I believe everything I have said about the quran, except for the story about a Goat eating some of it. That might be a legend. Hah!

That wasn't about the Koran?..and I'm blessed to know a non Muslim is practicing Islam more than a average Muslim does, may god bless you maybe you will die a Muslim....

When Muslims die, God has a good chuckle.
I am afraid that if you accept the Quran as truth you automatically discount much of the bible as false. I assume you also think Jesus was not crucified, but all four books of the apostles give lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion.

Therefore either the Quran or the Bible are filled with falsehoods. Only one can be true as they are totally opposed.

(atheists will now rush in and say both books are fiction)

I know people will argue that he was crucified I believe it was a different similar looking person, the bible doesn't make sense to me when you add up the events, I don't understand how God came to earth and only managed to convert 13 people at his time, it's a long discussion, but I believe Islams account about Jesus more than the bible, I believe Jesus is a mysterious guy and a prophet, he was born a miracle to my belief.

The reason he wasn't preaching like Muhammad and Moses, was because his time was really short as a prophet, he descended early in his life I believe at 32 years, so he took the path of talking people into belief of God, he didn't have rules like Moses Law or sharia because his time was short, that's why I believe Christians lean to him more because he was sweet and calm and preached through words and ended there. His story is sad and his life, that's what I believe some may disagree, but he still is a prophet just like all other prophets on my watch

Sry, but that is so off the mark. What would make you believe that some one other than Jesus was on that cross? If Biblical accounts don't suffice, look to the historians.
13 people? No. Thousands and thousands of people followed him, literally. Once there were so many that they had to put him in a boat because He had been pushed to the shoreline. Remember the child that had bread and fish and it fed multitudes? 4,000 people had been following Him for 3 days. And that isn't counting the women and children. Millions of Christians were hung on crosses, ravaged by lions, gored by bulls, in an effort to destroy His followers.

Jesus preached in His father's house when He was just a child. He indeed had the "rules" that Moses had and celebrated the Jewish traditions. Passover was his last before He was crucified. First Fruits festival when He left the earth and delivered the saints that were resurrected with Him. Those 10,000 that came back to earth with Christ were His gift to His Father. His first fruits.

His story is glorious. HE LIVES. We cling to Him because He sacrificed His life so we may live. We love Him because He loved us first.

Accept Christ as propitiation for your sins. God had many prophets. None removed sin. Christ is the Savior. He paid the price for our sins so that we could stand sin free, and boldly, in front of the Father.
Don't leave earth without Him. :eusa_angel:

Disagree, many prophets did that and had nations behind them, as for Jesus and the bible that was my opinion
It's ok to disagree. Pure blood is necessary for the cleansing of sin. Jesus is the only one suited for the position.

Do you still hold to those opinions, now that they have been clarified, such as Him teaching in the temple when he was a boy? And that He had more followers than the 12 He chose to continue His work when He departed? That He practiced Jewish tradition and was referred to as Rabbi? I'm afraid some of your opinion have been made with too little information.
It's ok to disagree. Pure blood is necessary for the cleansing of sin. Jesus is the only one suited for the position.

Do you still hold to those opinions, now that they have been clarified, such as Him teaching in the temple when he was a boy? And that He had more followers than the 12 He chose to continue His work when He departed? That He practiced Jewish tradition and was referred to as Rabbi? I'm afraid some of your opinion have been made with too little information.

Why do you consider him jewish? He had a miracle birth so his instructions were from God not the Jews, I am sure the Jews didn't consider him a rabbi, especially that he taught hellfire.....

And you are preaching I was stating my opinion and no my opinion is Jesus was a prohet nothing more, why would a human be anything more.... God has all the answers
It's ok to disagree. Pure blood is necessary for the cleansing of sin. Jesus is the only one suited for the position.

Do you still hold to those opinions, now that they have been clarified, such as Him teaching in the temple when he was a boy? And that He had more followers than the 12 He chose to continue His work when He departed? That He practiced Jewish tradition and was referred to as Rabbi? I'm afraid some of your opinion have been made with too little information.

Why do you consider him jewish? He had a miracle birth so his instructions were from God not the Jews, I am sure the Jews didn't consider him a rabbi, especially that he taught hellfire.....

And you are preaching I was stating my opinion and no my opinion is Jesus was a prohet nothing more, why would a human be anything more.... God has all the answers

Blah...Blah...Blah... If you wakamos had any balls you would stop wasting our time and go get up close and personal with your Jeebus and GAAAWWWD. Or...would that take too much faith? Ya..that's what I thought.

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