Is the Republican Base addicted to being terrorized?

The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking." Thanks but no thanks.
Lol thank you for proving my point.

I know right? Look at what he wrote:

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking."

And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?
Lol he also clearly demonstrates he doesn't know what critical thinking even is.
:lmao: Another whacked out thread by rdean. Hypocrite thy name is liberal.

From your left wing enviro whackos.

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin:"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist:"That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage.

So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have."

Quote by Sir John Houghton, pompous lead editor of first three IPCC reports: “If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace:"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Quote by Jim Sibbison, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog Scary Quotes from Alarmists explain the Plan.

We've already had disasters. Remember BP? Remember it was Republicans who blocked Obama from investigating BP? Apparently the GOP loves filth.
Look at the way their leadership has terrorized the GOP base during the last 20 years.

Remember when they said Obama was going to release al Qaeda into your back yard?

Just the most recent alone.

Obama will declare martial law.

Obama is releasing Ebola into the country as get back for slavery.

Refugee children are full of disease.

If you tax the wealthy they won't create jobs.

Mushroom cloud.

Isis is coming to get you.

Come on. The list is endless. And how many of those so called predictions came true? It doesn't matter. It's not important whether they are lies. The GOP gets a thrill being terrorized. Instead of thinking "we've tricked", they are thinking, "we dodged a bullet".
That or they enjoy being terrorized, where on some level they see being terrorized as 'confirmation' of their delusional, paranoid perception of reality.
Look at the way their leadership has terrorized the GOP base during the last 20 years.

Remember when they said Obama was going to release al Qaeda into your back yard?

Just the most recent alone.

Obama will declare martial law.

Obama is releasing Ebola into the country as get back for slavery.

Refugee children are full of disease.

If you tax the wealthy they won't create jobs.

Mushroom cloud.

Isis is coming to get you.

Come on. The list is endless. And how many of those so called predictions came true? It doesn't matter. It's not important whether they are lies. The GOP gets a thrill being terrorized. Instead of thinking "we've tricked", they are thinking, "we dodged a bullet".
That or they enjoy being terrorized, where on some level they see being terrorized as 'confirmation' of their delusional, paranoid perception of reality.

You would think constantly being overwhelmed with reality and the GOP base would get saturated with fear and stop being so afraid.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"

did you? im supposed to watch all your posts?
And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?

The decade of the 70's was when the great exodus of American jobs transpired: steel, rubber, machine parts, automotive, and millions of assembly line and manufacturing jobs of all kinds. We lost 32 million jobs in ten years. New York City alone lost 400,000 jobs in the 70's, many of them white collar jobs exiting to a new institution called "outsourcing". It was Nixon who opened the door to China, whose economy this month officially became the largest in the world, though per capita it remains one of the poorest of the world's 30 or so industrialized nations.

It was the advent of globalization, of international manufacturing competition that gave American companies the choice of either going broke or moving their manufacturing operations to Asia or to Mexico. Labor costs in the US just didn't allow us to compete any longer, a lesson millions of union workers and their intransigent union bosses had to realize the hard way. Not being a simpleton like Rdean, I can't so easily assess "blame" to anything but a changing global dynamic that forced the US to change with it.
The far left terrorizes it members and attacks those that are not far left.

So either be a programmed far left drone or be forever bullied and terrorized until you convert to this religion that is more dangerous than ISIS.
The far left terrorizes it members and attacks those that are not far left.

So either be a programmed far left drone or be forever bullied and terrorized until you convert to this religion that is more dangerous than ISIS.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: America's number one enemy has already invaded D.C. and is currently occupying the White House.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"


RDean,.... you should listen to the talking teddybear. it makes sense
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.
my nice blue State has quite a few welfare recipients.....and lots of these blue people feel pretty damned entitled...yea i know....hard to believe....
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"


RDean,.... you should listen to the talking teddybear. it makes sense

Take away welfare and the Democrats would be dead? But that's bullshit.

Taxes are low in Red States because those states are funded by the Federal Government. Those facts have been posted again and again with data backing it up. Republican run states are the ultimate welfare queens. Saying it isn't doesn't mean it's not so.

And Red States trying to poach jobs and skilled workers from Blues State proves that GOP polices are failed policies. That's just another form of welfare. You educate them, we try to steal them.

You guys have your heads buried up your, well, you know. If you refuse to see the truth, that's on you.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.
my nice blue State has quite a few welfare recipients.....and lots of these blue people feel pretty damned entitled...yea i know....hard to believe....

So what? Welfare to Blue States is a drop in the bucket to what Red States get and you know it.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

White christian entitlement
"White Christian entitlement" is a backhanded way of acknowledging that White Christians built the greatest nation on Earth in the shortest period of time
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.
my nice blue State has quite a few welfare recipients.....and lots of these blue people feel pretty damned entitled...yea i know....hard to believe....

So what? Welfare to Blue States is a drop in the bucket to what Red States get and you know it.
What you don't believe in helping your fellow man? Are you not one of the biggest blubbers about how cheap Repubs are ,yet??
The base has nothing to do with world events or what the media is reporting.
We're all just taking it in like you are. We have very little to do with it.

Course it appears that Obama and his administration is a soup-sandwich when it comes to terrorism. They actually felt that the war on terror ended when those SEALs got Bin Laden. We've been telling you twerps that Bin Laden was simply an afterthought, and all Obama did was take down a symbolic figurehead, not the bulk of the threat. This showed a lack of understanding of what Islamic terrorism is, and why just killing leaders is a total waste of time. The threat is based in the religion itself, not the crazies it produces. Take down the schools and institutions that produces these nut-cases and you'll begin to effect terrorism.
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And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?

The decade of the 70's was when the great exodus of American jobs transpired: steel, rubber, machine parts, automotive, and millions of assembly line and manufacturing jobs of all kinds. We lost 32 million jobs in ten years. New York City alone lost 400,000 jobs in the 70's, many of them white collar jobs exiting to a new institution called "outsourcing". It was Nixon who opened the door to China, whose economy this month officially became the largest in the world, though per capita it remains one of the poorest of the world's 30 or so industrialized nations.

It was the advent of globalization, of international manufacturing competition that gave American companies the choice of either going broke or moving their manufacturing operations to Asia or to Mexico. Labor costs in the US just didn't allow us to compete any longer, a lesson millions of union workers and their intransigent union bosses had to realize the hard way. Not being a simpleton like Rdean, I can't so easily assess "blame" to anything but a changing global dynamic that forced the US to change with it.

Really? I missed that part. Must of been because the city I live in was a huge UAW town. And when GM was threatening to move the manufacturing of parts and complete vehicles to Mexico, you know what the damned UAW union DID.

They lowered wages. Yep. Went to a two tier wage system. The new hires came on at just above minimum wage. And topped out at 15 dollars an hour.

This was the 80ties though. Not the 70ties.

And the jobs still went to Mexico.
And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?

The decade of the 70's was when the great exodus of American jobs transpired: steel, rubber, machine parts, automotive, and millions of assembly line and manufacturing jobs of all kinds. We lost 32 million jobs in ten years. New York City alone lost 400,000 jobs in the 70's, many of them white collar jobs exiting to a new institution called "outsourcing". It was Nixon who opened the door to China, whose economy this month officially became the largest in the world, though per capita it remains one of the poorest of the world's 30 or so industrialized nations.

It was the advent of globalization, of international manufacturing competition that gave American companies the choice of either going broke or moving their manufacturing operations to Asia or to Mexico. Labor costs in the US just didn't allow us to compete any longer, a lesson millions of union workers and their intransigent union bosses had to realize the hard way. Not being a simpleton like Rdean, I can't so easily assess "blame" to anything but a changing global dynamic that forced the US to change with it.

Really? I missed that part. Must of been because the city I live in was a huge UAW town. And when GM was threatening to move the manufacturing of parts and complete vehicles to Mexico, you know what the damned UAW union DID.

They lowered wages. Yep. Went to a two tier wage system. The new hires came on at just above minimum wage. And topped out at 15 dollars an hour.

This was the 80ties though. Not the 70ties.

And the jobs still went to Mexico.

Who was it that said something about a sucking sound as jobs leave,and that was in the nineties.
And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?

The decade of the 70's was when the great exodus of American jobs transpired: steel, rubber, machine parts, automotive, and millions of assembly line and manufacturing jobs of all kinds. We lost 32 million jobs in ten years. New York City alone lost 400,000 jobs in the 70's, many of them white collar jobs exiting to a new institution called "outsourcing". It was Nixon who opened the door to China, whose economy this month officially became the largest in the world, though per capita it remains one of the poorest of the world's 30 or so industrialized nations.

It was the advent of globalization, of international manufacturing competition that gave American companies the choice of either going broke or moving their manufacturing operations to Asia or to Mexico. Labor costs in the US just didn't allow us to compete any longer, a lesson millions of union workers and their intransigent union bosses had to realize the hard way. Not being a simpleton like Rdean, I can't so easily assess "blame" to anything but a changing global dynamic that forced the US to change with it.

Really? I missed that part. Must of been because the city I live in was a huge UAW town. And when GM was threatening to move the manufacturing of parts and complete vehicles to Mexico, you know what the damned UAW union DID.

They lowered wages. Yep. Went to a two tier wage system. The new hires came on at just above minimum wage. And topped out at 15 dollars an hour.

This was the 80ties though. Not the 70ties.

And the jobs still went to Mexico.
So you think that higher wages alone is all companies have to deal with in America?

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