Is the Republican Base addicted to being terrorized?

The modern day faux right winger lives in constant fear. Just look at all the fearful topics they start, and all the bass-laden apocalyptic music their favorite 24 hour doom news channel plays.

MORNING HOST TAD: (cue Doom-Doom-DOOOOOM! music) Immigrant darkie bastard children have started the enterovirus plague!

MORNING HOST BIFF: (cue stock photo of dark complected children) These wetback kids have been flooding into this country and infecting our young. Can you bleev dat? Why isn't our black President Barack HUSSEIN Obama doing something about this?

TAD: I'm feeling pretty angry, Biff. (shoot cuffs and sneers)

BIFF: I don't blame you, Tad. I'm angry, too. And if anyone has any kids, they should be afraid. Be very afraid of these disease infested hordes pouring over our Southern border, breathing and sweating all over your children.

HOT MORNING CHICK HOST: I'm going to uncross and cross my legs and flash my panties real quick for our fans so they can make a YouTube video of this moment.
Those crazy Republicans and their fear mongering.

"They're going to put y'all back in chains,"- Biden

"So the Republicans have a backup plan, in case you do get sick. If you get sick in America, this is what the Republicans want you to do. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: "Die quickly." That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." -Alan Grayson

"It would be very important for Democrats to retain control of the Senate. Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate."- Pelosi

I can post these "republican" fear tactics all night.
my nice blue State has quite a few welfare recipients.....and lots of these blue people feel pretty damned entitled...yea i know....hard to believe....

So what? Welfare to Blue States is a drop in the bucket to what Red States get and you know it.
you are acting like only red states have welfare.....when my state has maybe more recipients than any state....and its because of the unemployment here and the high taxes which are strangling people driving them out......and that is mainly because of those guys who you think cant do no wrong.....and you know it....

Don't imagine. The truth is that welfare in Blue States is a drop in the bucket from the soaking Blue States get from Red State Welfare. And for Red States that don't believe in technology, innovation or education and science, it will only get worse.
imagining what?....are you saying California does not have high numbers of people on welfare?.....high UE in 28 Counties?....high taxes that are driving people out?....

It's not the wealthy or super educated who are leaving California. It's the uneducated hoping to find minimum wage jobs in Texas. Those stats have been posted before.
and your stats were someone cherry picking.....there have also been plenty of posts in here backing up the fact that people who own companies and educated people are also moving.....and i think i know more than you about this because 1...i live here and 2....i used to pick up their change of addresses....240 businesses out of a 360 unit complex with the great majority leaving the State with Texas and Nevada being the most popular destinations....and high taxes and regulating the fuck out of those smaller businesses as the 2 main reasons....
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"


Is that what you think you proved?

Let's see. Republicans don't believe in education, science or technology. They believe there should be no minimum wage. They don't believe in health care.

Yet they believe they are the most productive? At what?
Those crazy Republicans and their fear mongering.

"They're going to put y'all back in chains,"- Biden

"So the Republicans have a backup plan, in case you do get sick. If you get sick in America, this is what the Republicans want you to do. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: "Die quickly." That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." -Alan Grayson

"It would be very important for Democrats to retain control of the Senate. Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate."- Pelosi

I can post these "republican" fear tactics all night.

Alan was paraphrasing. The real quote is "let him die".

Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"


Is that what you think you proved?

Let's see. Republicans don't believe in education, science or technology. They believe there should be no minimum wage. They don't believe in health care.

Yet they believe they are the most productive? At what?

Prove Republicans don't believe in education, science, or technology.

Of course a few people who vote Republican favor getting rid of the minimum wage laws, big deal dumb shit, in ANY group you can find SOME people that oppose nearly anything. Surely you agree that there are some Democrats who support weird shit. No , you probably wouldn't' admit that.

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