Is the Republican Party in disarray?

yeah. They're purging themselves into a corner there Scooter.

Being in a corner isn't the worst pkace to be when push comes to shove. It means your back is defended and when the bullets start flying you're certain everyone in front of you is the enemy.
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

Where have you been ?

They've been in disarray since 2000.

And they still kick your ass.

What does that say about you ?
"Is the Republican Party in disarray?"

Yes, very much so.

In the House moderate republicans are dealing with a full-scale rebellion from the extreme radical right, rendering the House incapable of functioning at all.

In the Senate the small republican majority is trying desperately to appear normal in a futile attempt to remain in the majority come 2017.

And on the campaign trail the leading republican candidates are a bigoted reality-show huckster and a space cadet former surgeon who believes Muslims can’t be loyal Americans and that ‘gun control’ was the cause of the Holocaust.

Again, the GOP is very much in disarray.

you leftwing nut- a moderate republican to you is far left.
My point is, they don't need "defending". :slap:

This so-called party of "disarray" is the creation of Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, and Progressives.
Trust me I see through your bullshit. Explain why I am wrong about the repub party not being in disarray. Address the specific points in my OP. This isn't hard.

Mr. H thinks democrats are responsible for republican infighting.

Of course he does. That's what hannity told him to do.
Don't watch Hannity, don't listen to Rush, don't watch Fox... and NPR is my favorite radio station.

Go figger, bitches. :slap:

Once again, Republicans do not need "defending".

But you two do in fact need your fucking heads examined.

You could be right. Trying to defend them would be a waste of time. What they really need is a big dose of sanity, and a little bit of reality to go with it.

Yet you up hold the far left like a good little drone by supporting Obama's illegal wars..
Mr. H thinks democrats are responsible for republican infighting.

Of course he does. That's what hannity told him to do.
Don't watch Hannity, don't listen to Rush, don't watch Fox... and NPR is my favorite radio station.

Go figger, bitches. :slap:

Once again, Republicans do not need "defending".

But you two do in fact need your fucking heads examined.

You could be right. Trying to defend them would be a waste of time. What they really need is a big dose of sanity, and a little bit of reality to go with it.
That is an eloquent address of the specific points in the OP. :lol:

It's simple really. You hate Republicans and you're messed up in the attic. :lol:

Comprehension problems?

Yes the far left drones do have that problem, but you drones refuse to do anything about it..
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

Anything but the monolithic group think of the Democrat party is just so confusing to you, isn't it?

Do you know there are those who think people speaking up and disagreeing and having to work things out is a good thing? What a mind fuck, huh?
Of course he does. That's what hannity told him to do.
Don't watch Hannity, don't listen to Rush, don't watch Fox... and NPR is my favorite radio station.

Go figger, bitches. :slap:

Once again, Republicans do not need "defending".

But you two do in fact need your fucking heads examined.

You could be right. Trying to defend them would be a waste of time. What they really need is a big dose of sanity, and a little bit of reality to go with it.
That is an eloquent address of the specific points in the OP. :lol:

It's simple really. You hate Republicans and you're messed up in the attic. :lol:

Comprehension problems?

Yes the far left drones do have that problem, but you drones refuse to do anything about it..

Yep. I told my liberal friends when Obama ran that if I believed he'd pull us out of all the wars in the middle east, then I'd vote for him. That would be an actual difference between the parties. Oh, kaz, they said, then you have to vote for him, he will. No, I don't believe him I said. We went back and forth.

I called that one...
The GOP is cleaning up, letting the far right reactionary filth throw a tantrum before the mainstream kicks their asses in the primaries next year.
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

Like 20 wannabe nominees? Nah they have their poop together. ;)
I really am trying to be objective with this.

The highest polling repub candidate for 2016 is a dumbass who, only like two weeks ago, even came up with real policy ideas to pitch to the American people. Regardless, prior to two weeks ago, this Neanderthal was maintaining broad support among republicans simply because he was a drama queen who likes to ruffle feathers for the sake of attention. Unfortunately for the republcans, Americans in a general election want a candidate who knows what the fuck he is talking about that has real policy ideas. I'll admit that I am surprised Trump has lasted this long in first place, but that only demonstrates how stupid republicans really are. They are dumber than I actually thought. However what's interesting about Trump is that he has embraced certain progressive issues like him and his class not paying enough in taxes. Can you imagine what the big time donors like the Koch Brothers are doing right now? They are shitting their pants over this guy. They've come to realize that they can't buy this election like they were hoping they could. They are completely wasting the near billion dollars they spent on it. Right now the guy who is leading republicans is not supported by egregious super pacs. He funds his own race. Think about this. Trump, who is a billionaire, is saying the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. He is basically handing the democrats a victory with this kind of politics. People more and more are becoming fed up with how republcans coddle the rich. Establishment repubs are sure as hell never going to openly agree with this guy. If Trump makes it to the nomination, he will lose in a landslide. Why? Because he is an idiot that knows nothing about government administration or critical issues like foreign policy. Democrats would win regardless who ends up being the nominee. Any other GOP candidate will do nothing to embrace the issue of ridiculous income disparity between the poor and wealthy. People will inevitably turn to Bernie or Hillary (hopefully the former).

The second issue to bring up is the crisis the House is having in replacing Boehner. This party has become so fractured that they can't even unify on voting in a new leader. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope the party implodes. I hope the American people will wake the fuck up and realize that republicans ONLY care about protecting the interests of the 1%.

Like 20 wannabe nominees? Nah they have their poop together. ;)

I don't even get it, why is it bad to have 20 people who want to be the nominee?
The GOP is cleaning up, letting the far right reactionary filth throw a tantrum before the mainstream kicks their asses in the primaries next year.
we know where rove is going to put all of his dark corporate $ and it aint going to be on Freedom caucus- types
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Yes, the 'Angry Greedy Old White Dude' Party sure is in disarray. That's obvious.
The Republican party has never been in "disarray".

The Democrat party, however, continually attaches itself to any socio-economic crisis then embraces it as a cause and turns all blame to Republicans.

Fuck Democrats. Fuck Liberals. Fuck Progressives,. Fuck Communists. Fuck Socialists.

And above all, FUCK OBAMA.
My my my .... Mr. H is showing us a picture of his own private jizz bucket. He is so proud of owning that. Obviously he must have a lot of use for a jizz bucket. Now the whole world knows who is on the receiving side of those Glory Holes.
Wonder what'll be left after the dust settles, if anything :dunno:

Just a bunch of angrier greedy white folks. Most of the Republican Base is made up of angry white sister-fucking redneck loons in the South. The camo-wearing rebel flag-waving douchebags. They'll still have a home in the Republican Party. But their numbers are dwindling. The base is getting smaller.

If angry greedy racist white dudes are your base, you can't appeal to others. You're very limited. The future does look pretty grim for the Republican Party. It is what it is.

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