Is The Tea Party Politically Correct?


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
Well, their closest neighbors ....the republican party certainly is....and from what I have seen from so called tea partiers and those who claim to be tea partiers ---there is not that much difference between republicans and tea partiers.

From a alleged Tea Party Message Board>>>>
Author Topic: Politically Correct Republicans (Read 758 times)

Jr. Member

Posts: 98

Politically Correct Republicans

« on: December 30, 2012, 09:12:18 AM »

Most Republicans refuse to admit they are politically correct...yet they are....most do not really understand what political correctness is to begin with.

Half Sigma: Republicans are liberals on race and immigration issues
The found, editor and publisher of Atlas Shrugs. com.......................Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of Atlas and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America, with Robert Spencer (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton) (Simon & Schuster); Freedom or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamic Extremism and American Complacency; and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books). She is also a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, and other publications.

Geller's activism on behalf of human rights has won international notice. She has led awareness campaigns in U.S., Europe, and Israel on behalf of the victims and potential victims of honor killing, for the human rights of apostates from Islam, for the freedom of speech, and more. She has placed ads nationwide on buses, taxicabs, billboards, and in subway stations, calling attention to the plight of victims of Sharia and countering the deceptive and misleading ad campaigns of the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Islamic supremacist groups.

The Queens Village Republican Club, the oldest Republican club in America, honored Pamela Geller as the “American Patriot of the Year” in February 2013. That same month, the Creative Zionist Coalition gave her the Queen Esther Award for Jewish Heroism. Pamela Geller also received the Annie Taylor Award for Courage in 2010 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center. In October 2011, the United States Marine Corps presented her with the flag flown on September 11, 2011 over Camp Leatherneck, "amid the battlefields of Afghanistan during decisive operations against enemy forces in Helmand Province."

Pamela Geller has been the subject of a profile on 60 Minutes, and of cover stories in the Sunday New York Times Metro section and the UK's Independent. The Times also published an in-depth interview with her. She has made appearances on NBC Nightly News, ABC, CNN, AP, Reuters, the Sean Hannity Show, the Bill O’Reilly Show, Red Eye, Geraldo, the Mike Huckabee show, and other shows on the Fox News channel. She has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Village Voice, the Daily Mail and the Telegraph.

Geller’s articles and op-eds have been published in the Guardian, Fox News, The Washington Times, Big Government, Big Journalism, Human Events, The American Thinker, Newsmax, Hudson NY, Pajamas Media, Israel National News, World Net Daily, FrontPage magazine, New Media Journal, and Canada Free Press, among other publications.

Geller is a frequent guest on talk radio and has regular segments on two radio shows, The Jaz McKay Show and Jamie Allman In the Morning. Geller has been a featured speaker at the David Horowitz Freedom Center's Restoration Weekend and at numerous Tea Party and pro-freedom events across the nation.

Pamela Geller has broken numerous important stories -- notably the questionable and illegal foreign sources of some of the financing of the Obama campaign , the anti-Semitic posts on Obama's website, Obama's political organizing in public school classrooms, ACORN's destruction of Republican voter registrations, and many more, but perhaps she is best known for her leadership of the nationwide campaign against the Ground Zero mosque.

Pamela Geller began her publishing career at The New York Daily News and subsequently took over operation of The New York Observer as Associate Publisher.
Well, their closest neighbors ....the republican party certainly is....and from what I have seen from so called tea partiers and those who claim to be tea partiers ---there is not that much difference between republicans and tea partiers.

The main difference is in IQ points.
Obviously the above link didn't woik........try this one>>>>>>Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals | The Daily ...*

Sep 23, 2010 - If you talk to most liberals, they'll tell you that conservatives are ... liberals are the world's most charitable individuals could easily be accepted.
Perhaps a brief description of political correctness is needed on here since I have observed many politically naïve types on here. Most of course have heard of political correctness and even think they kinow what it is ....unfortunately too many have a very shallow understanding of the term.

A Brief History of Political Correctness and Its Origins - Atlas Shrugs
That wasn't an explanation of "political correctness", it was an article on "cultural marxism" with the term "political correctness" slipped in at some point, without explaining why, or its relevence.

From your link:
Since the 1960’s, ‘Cultural-Marxism’ has been consistently and ardently spoon-fed to students from the earliest days of their educational experience. It [‘Cultural-Marxism’] has taken over and gradually dominated western institutions for the last sixty years. On top of that, it [‘Cultural-Marxism’] is important to note that this worldview has now found its way throughout all of the most important institutions in western societies and is continually making strides to further its dogmatic agenda. It [‘Cultural-Marxism’] is through the educational system (specifically universities) that this ideology first made its headway in North America. Today it is rampant both in public and private schools. It [‘Cultural-Marxism’] is also found throughout most of the public K-12 education levels and without a doubt most powerfully at the post secondary level. It [‘Cultural-Marxism’] has also, unfortunately, found its way into many of the most important bureaucracies and institutions of western countries, such as the Police, the Military, and almost all forms of mainstream media.

Political correctness... [ Say what? What happened to ‘Cultural-Marxism’] ...has become the ideology of an overwhelming majority of the political class, regardless of what western country would be discussed. This is why, for example, in Canada two of the major political parties (the Liberals, and the NDP) attempt to shape policy guided by political correctness [Did I fuckin' miss something here?] . In the United States government the Democratic Party, the State Department, many other government institutions and certain old guard Republican circles also frame policy motivated by political correctness [I guess we just changed the subject without explaining why?] , or what might otherwise be called ‘progressive politics’ also known as ‘progressivism’.
1) What is ‘Cultural Marxism’, how does it differ from ‘Economic-Marxism’, and how does its educational dissemination lead to a ‘politically correct’ worldview? [I give up!]
That broad you used to prove your claim is nothing but a stupid, racist bitch!
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What on earth does Pamela Geller have to do with the Tea Party?

She's an individual dedicated to revealing the truth about Islam, constantly pointing out the atrocities and plans to take over the world.
Another typical Libtard attempt to label the Tea Party Movement for what is ISN'T!

The "Tea Party" is simply an acronym created by press/media hacks to try to explain the activism of common Americans who've become disgusted with "politics as usual" and the constant grown of government. They're people who demand this nation is run on the basis of the constitution and NOT Marx's doctrines.

The "Tea Party" will not go away - regardless of which party is in power. People have awakened to what their representatives at all levels are doing and demanding they become responsible to their constituents.
a troll who troll's his own garbage...

that should tell you all you need to know folks
The tea party is basically a joke...they managed to conjure up a few demonstrations and grab some headlines and did have the potential to morph into something relevant but due mainly to their ignorance and adherence to political correctness are becoming increasingly irrelevant with no real message and no real constituency....thus headed for the dustbin of history along with the republican party.

UPDATED: ? Cowardly, Politically Correct Conservatives Drive a Proud White American from a Tea Party Protest | Political Byline

"Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice....and also let me also remind you....moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue" ...Barry Goldwater (a real conservative)
I meant to get back to this earlier but got sidetracked.....anyhow the original article I posted was perhaps too long and many did not take the time to study it thoroughly....the key paragraph in the article being...................."The historical roots of ‘Cultural Marxism’ that is the source of today’s political correctness emerged from the thinkers that came out of the Frankfurt school. It was originally called the ‘Institute for Social Research,’ founded in Frankfurt Germany in the year 1923 by Carl Grunberg. Grunberg was a Marxist professor of Law and Politics at the University of Vienna, which at the time was an adjunct school to the University of Frankfurt. In 1929 Grunberg retired from the Frankfurt school and handed over its leadership to Max Horkheimer, who would become an instrumental figure in the future of the institution. The school’s earliest origin goes back to Felix Weil, the son of an industrialist who helped secure massive private funding from his father. This fund was used to found the Institute for Social Research (later to become the Frankfurt School)."

This should be enough to show the true origins of political correctness and that the concept of political correctness runs much deeper and has much greater ramifications than many understand...though most have heard of political correctness...their understanding of it is very shallow...I will try and address this in greater depth. This is necessitated by the fact that many today are politically correct and not even aware of it...being indoctrinated by the media, Hollywood, and our public school system. You see them on here....stubbornly clinging to pc thoughts out of some misguided belief that it constitutes some kind of higher moral position...absolutely tragic.
The daughter of a leading anti-apartheid activist blows the lid off the new South Africa

Read the Preface and a précis of the Introduction. Related columns are: "Clueless in South Africa," "American Veteran-Hero Jailed,"
"Where Magic Wins Out over Reason," "Pat Buchanan & MSNBC's Pygmy," "The Sequel To 'Suicide of a Superpower,'" and more.

Praise for
Into the Cannibal's Pot
"Ilana Mercer’s Into the Cannibal’s Pot is an unusual book. Yet it is unusual in the best sense of the word. At once autobiographical and political; philosophical, historical, and practical; controversial and commonsensical, Cannibal succeeds in weaving into a seamless whole a number of distinct modes of thought. This is no mean feat. In fact, its author richly deserves to be congratulated for scoring an achievement of the highest order, for in the hands of less adept thinkers, this ensemble of voices would have fast degenerated into a cacophony. ... By the grace of Mercer’s pen, in stark contrast, it is transformed into a symphony. ... Ilana is in much greater supply of that 'manly virtue' than are most male writers today. ... The richness of Mercer’s intellect is as impressive as the soundness of her character."

- JACK KERWICK, Ph.D., Burkean philospoher at The New American, Intellectual Conservative, Beliefnet, American Daily Herald, The Moral Liberal & American Thinker


“The Western press promptly forgot all about South Africa after Nelson Mandela assumed the presidency. The commissars of allowable opinion pretend atrocities have not been taking place, and smear anyone who mentions them. Ilana Mercer will have none of the lies and omissions of the commissars and the cowards. For the sake of white and black South Africans alike, her compelling account deserves a wide and sympathetic audience.”

- THOMAS E. WOODS, Ph.D., historian, author of the New York Times best-sellers, Nullification, Meltdown, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, and the critically acclaimed, The Church Confronts Modernity


“The work of a remarkably gifted writer who deserves, and who I am sure will eventually receive, much wider recognition.”

- DAVID CONWAY, Ph.D., senior research fellow at CIVITAS, emeritus professor, Roehampton University, author of Classical Liberalism: The Unvanquished Ideal (1995), In Defence of the Realm: The Place of Nations in Classical Liberalism (2004), and many more


“'The truth shall set you free,' a memorable Biblical phrase tells us. It does not say the truth shall make us comfortable or happy. Into The Cannibal’s Pot fits this mold: it is an interesting, important, well-written and well-documented book that informs the reader but is likely to upset, perhaps even anger, some or many of them."

- THOMAS SZASZ, the author of The Myth of Mental Illness, Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, and many other books


“Egalitarianism leads to democracy; democracy leads to socialism; socialism leads to economic destruction; and democratic socialism in multicultural societies leads to death and democide. This, in shocking detail, is what Ilana Mercer illustrates superbly in her case study of post-apartheid South Africa. America’s political and intellectual ‘elites’ will ignore this book, because it is politically ‘incorrect.’ We can only do so at our own peril.”

- HANS-HERMANN HOPPE, Austrian school economist, libertarian political philosopher, emeritus professor of economics, University of Nevada, distinguished fellow, the Ludwig von Mises Institute, author of Democracy: The God That Failed, and The Economics and Ethics of Private Property


“If you want to witness the end result of what in America is called ‘diversity,’ you must read Into the Cannibal’s Pot. ‘Diversity’ is a euphemism for racial retribution administered mostly by guilty white liberals in universities, corporations, and government. It is a thoroughly collectivist notion that condones punishing the current generation of white males for the sins of the past. It’s most extreme form is practiced in post-Apartheid South Africa, and its effects are meticulously documented by Ilana Mercer (who also writes marvelously): rampant black-on-white crime, racist labor laws that have created ‘The world’s most extreme affirmative action program’; the confiscation of private property; economic socialism; state-sponsored terrorism; and, most sickeningly, the idolization of the corrupt and murderous Zimbabwean dictator, Robert Mugabe. The Western media ignore all of this because of their ideological love affair with the communistic African National Congress and, frankly, their support for many of these same policies.”

- THOMAS J. DILORENZO, professor of economics, Loyola College, Maryland, author of the best-selling The Real Lincoln, Lincoln Unmasked, and most recently, Hamilton’s Curse


“It’s hard to put this book down. For a non-novel, that is saying something. Into the Cannibal’s Pot is so very rich; Ilana has a huge amount of information to impart, especially a depth of knowledge of scripture and how it ties into the fabric of South African and American society in the past. Into the Cannibal's Pot is very, very insightful."

- JAY TALYOR, Austrian-perspective investor, former banker, and broadcaster at Voice of America

Ilana Mercer’s well-documented, encompassing study is at once heartbreaking, infuriating, illuminating and instructive. Ethnic cleansing is underway in the once great nation of South Africa, but Americans hear nothing of it; they are deliberately shielded by the same parties that served to bring it about, the liberal elites in Western governments and the press who believe that white South Africans ‘have it coming.’ It is white guilt and the so-called right of black reprisal extrapolated to ghastly extremes; political correctness on steroids, and all in the name of craven progressive ideology. If the West is ever to occupy anything resembling moral high ground - not to mention avoiding this fate itself - it will have to come to terms with its part in South Africa’s demise, and the misery, degradation and naked horror of those who now suffer.”

- ERIK RUSH, WND columnist, author of Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal-America’s Racial Obsession. Erik was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to the militant, Afrocentric, Chicago preacher Reverend Jeremiah Wright.


"Ilana Mercer calls her book ‘a labor of love to my homelands, old and new.’ The old is South Africa, which the author left in 1995. The new is the U.S.A. In both nations the founding European stock yielded up their dominance in the interests of justice and liberty. Instead of moving to equal citizenship under fair laws, however, both nations - in different style and measure but with similarly dire results - have embraced official tribalism (‘multiculturalism’) and state-enforced racial favoritism (‘affirmative action’). For South Africa the transformation has been fatal - brutally so for victims of the nation's swelling social disorder, as Ms. Mercer documents in heartbreaking detail. For the U.S.A. it is not too late to change course. The lesson of South Africa, if widely known, will help to open American eyes. Here is the lesson, in a compelling and important book.”

-JOHN DERBYSHIRE, novelist, National Review columnist, pop-math writer, author most recently of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, and all-round bon vivant

"Tocqueville in the 19th century, and Solzhenitsyn in the 20th, noted that conformity of thought is powerfully prevalent among Americans. I have always thought that a strong justification for freedom of speech and press is the possibility, however small, that a lonely voice telling an unwanted truth might be heard. Such a speaker requires intellectual courage—the rarest of all forms of courage. The feisty, independent-minded libertarian columnist Ilana Mercer has that courage—in spades—as she chronicles the drawn-out murder of civilization in her native South Africa. She not only describes what is happening, she tells us how it came about and what it means. This is one libertarian who knows that the market is wonderful, but it is not everything. ..."

- CLYDE WILSON, professor of history, University of South Carolina, writing for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture (March, 2012)

“Into the Cannibal’s Pot is well-written, courageous, and is clearly a strong socio-political tract on South Africa.”

- IRVING LOUIS HOROWITZ, Hannah Arendt distinguished professor emeritus, Rutgers University, New Jersey


“An unflinching take on South Africa. This is well done.”

- JED DONAHUE, Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI)


“Into the cannibal’s Pot is brilliant, exceeding all my expectations; it is very courageous of Ilana also to attack the whole notion of ‘democracy.’ This is a much-needed shot at a holy cow.”

- DAN ROODT, Ph.D., noted Afrikaner activist, author, literary critic, director, PRAAG


"Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa is a very powerful, eloquent, and original indictment of South Africa's 'democracy.' It is a disgrace that such an informative and courageous book could not come out with a major publisher."

- PAUL E. GOTTFRIED, Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities, Elizabethtown College, author of Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right, After Liberalism (Princeton, 1999), and Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt (Missouri, 2002)


"I relish reading Into the cannibal's Pot. Ilana Mercer's conceit in comparing post-apartheid South Africa with post-American-creed America seems brilliant—and timely."

- PAUL SPERRY, investigative journalist, Hoover Institution media fellow, author of Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington (2005) and the blockbuster book Crude Politics (2003)


“Ilana Mercer has written about a topic that the Western media have almost completely ignored – the failure of [democratic] post-apartheid South Africa to move in the direction of peace, justice, and prosperity. She hopes that her book will be a small contribution that can help turn things around in her native land, while providing valuable lessons to Americans as well."

- LEWROCKWELL.COM, anti-state, anti-war, pro-market (July 21, 2011)


"Powerful stuff …Ilana has done us a service in writing one of the best books I have read; one of the most profound evaluations of human nature, in the misdirected pursuit of a multicultural soup. Into the Cannibal's Pot should be required reading in political science courses at the university level; it's that good."

- JAN MICKELSON, WHO News Radio, 1040

"The one person who has the clearest vision of the truth about South Africa, before and after apartheid, and the implications for the United States is writer, commentator and, yes, is philosopher of reality, Ilana Mercer."
- BARBARA SIMPSON, WND columnist, KSFO talk-show host


"Cannibal is a klaxon of a kind—leaping frequently, if not always seamlessly, between the RSA and the USA. Mrs. Mercer seeks urgently to show how the perils of South Africa are being replicated in her new country of domicile. Both countries are roughly the same age, and both have frontier-taming, republican and Low Church traditions which are metastasizing into anxiety-utopian complexes. They also have large and mutually distrustful racial groups, a factor which militates against social cohesion and democracy because, ‘A perquisite for a classical liberal democracy is that majority and minority status should be interchangeable and fluid.’"

- DEREK TURNER, editor of the UK-based Quarterly Review, writing for Alternative, “an online magazine of radical traditionalism.”


"...As a classical liberal writer, Ilana Mercer has written one of the greatest- and probably most complete dissertation on post-Apartheid South Africa – in many ways, of Apartheid South Africa. Her book 'Into the Cannibal’s Pot: South Africa' is a script that is a minimum requirement for ANYBODY who values a future in South Africa (and for that matter the USA) – notably for their children- and theirs. Read it – I urge you. ..."

- CLAUDIA MEADS, writing for, South Africa's largest newssite, and PRAAG, The Pro-Afrikaans Action Group


"Ilana Mercer infuses 'Cannibal’s Pot' with her wealth of knowledge and insight into the dynamic of South Africa’s plight,... As she asserts, condemnation of the new racist South Africa is not advocacy for the racist old. However, her warning to America is much more than implied: What occurred in South Africa was brought about by the same machine that is bringing about dangerous transformations in America."

- ERIK RUSH, WND, February 27, 2013


"Author and columnist Ilana Mercer reveals not only how the conceit of Western liberal elites served to bring down one of the most prosperous nations in the West, but how the same motivations and methods are at work in America’s decline."

- CANADA FREE PRESS, March 2, 2013


"In addition to having lived—and loved—in South Africa for much of her life, Ilana Mercer’s reflections have the added advantage of being shaped by the concern to prevent her adopted homeland—America—from making the same catastrophic mistakes that placed her native homeland in such dire straights."

- FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE, March 14, 2013


"I have read Into The Cannibal's Pot twice and am duly impressed by your tackling of the grave problems facing South Africa. Chapter 6, "Why Do WASP Societies Wither," mentions your father and I am honoured - but there are hundreds of people who did far more than I did. On the other hand, there are an equal number who did nothing in the fight against Apartheid and have been rewarded. Your book penetrates to the core of South Africa's problems and questions the very fibre of the country. Well done!"

- RABBI ABRAHAM B. ISAACSON, dad, March, 2013, South Africa

For syndication rights to or ILANA MERCER, contact [email protected]. Read more @ Into the Cannibal's Pot | ILANA MERCER
Well, their closest neighbors ....the republican party certainly is....and from what I have seen from so called tea partiers and those who claim to be tea partiers ---there is not that much difference between republicans and tea partiers.

From a alleged Tea Party Message Board>>>>
Author Topic: Politically Correct Republicans (Read 758 times)

Jr. Member

Posts: 98

Politically Correct Republicans

« on: December 30, 2012, 09:12:18 AM »

Most Republicans refuse to admit they are politically correct...yet they are....most do not really understand what political correctness is to begin with.

Half Sigma: Republicans are liberals on race and immigration issues

This upsets me so much to hear. The Tea Party members are not members of my Republican Party. I want them no where near my party. You see the damage they are doing to the face of the GOP with this Government shut down. Everyone is blaming Republicans when in actuality it is these nut jobs who have been elected by America's dumbest. I use to think that we, as Republicans could just ride out this Tea Party problem, but they are doing so much damage that I think something more immediate needs to be done.

As my name reflects, I am a 22 year old Republican at Law school. In the limited free time that I do have, the one thing I enjoy is politics. It kills me that these people have taken the enjoyment out of it for me. I hate that I have to start every political conversation with "Im not that kind of Republican" It is so annoying. These people are litterally ready to shut down the government because they are children who arent getting what they want. I blame the Tea Party for the loss in the previous election and the current disintegration of the GOP. If there are any Tea Party members out there who would like to explain to me why they feel like what they're doing will benefit anyone or why they voted people like Ted Cruz into office, I am all ears. Or you could just apologize for everything and move from under the power lines that are above your house.
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Another typical Libtard attempt to label the Tea Party Movement for what is ISN'T!

The "Tea Party" is simply an acronym created by press/media hacks to try to explain the activism of common Americans who've become disgusted with "politics as usual" and the constant grown of government. They're people who demand this nation is run on the basis of the constitution and NOT Marx's doctrines.

The "Tea Party" will not go away - regardless of which party is in power. People have awakened to what their representatives at all levels are doing and demanding they become responsible to their constituents.

You are mistaken for what the Tea Party use to be. The people use to be political activists that wanted to get America's spending back on track. Today they are the GOP equivalent to the Occupy movement, the only difference being that the democrats weren't stupid enough to elect any of them into office. The Tea Party will go away. It will go when my generation takes over the party and attempts to give it the life support it so desperately needs.
When we take over office, there will be no more threats to default on our bills, a notion that is so widely irresponsible that only the likes of the Tea Party would deem it appropriate. There will be no more Democrats are the enemy, gay people dont deserve the same rights, Michelle Bachman is a legitamite political candidate BS that is ruining our party.

I dont get how you people cant see the damage that you are doing to our party. If you keep it up you wont be worrying about getting Tea Party members in office, you will be worrying about getting regular Republican's into office. Don't you think you did enough forcing Romney to be someone he wasn't so that he would lose the election? You need to do more damage by ruining all of our chances at getting what we want. God, youre all so irresponsible and simple. No concept of long term consequences, like the world doesnt exist outside of your East-Texas trailer park. Get with the program for God's sake.
Well, their closest neighbors ....the republican party certainly is....and from what I have seen from so called tea partiers and those who claim to be tea partiers ---there is not that much difference between republicans and tea partiers.

From a alleged Tea Party Message Board>>>>
Author Topic: Politically Correct Republicans (Read 758 times)

Jr. Member

Posts: 98

Politically Correct Republicans

« on: December 30, 2012, 09:12:18 AM »

Most Republicans refuse to admit they are politically correct...yet they are....most do not really understand what political correctness is to begin with.

Half Sigma: Republicans are liberals on race and immigration issues

This upsets me so much to hear. The Tea Party members are not members of my Republican Party. I want them no where near my party. You see the damage they are doing to the face of the GOP with this Government shut down. Everyone is blaming Republicans when in actuality it is these nut jobs who have been elected by America's dumbest. I use to think that we, as Republicans could just ride out this Tea Party problem, but they are doing so much damage that I think something more immediate needs to be done.

As my name reflects, I am a 22 year old Republican at Law school. In the limited free time that I do have, the one thing I enjoy is politics. It kills me that these people have taken the enjoyment out of it for me. I hate that I have to start every political conversation with "Im not that kind of Republican" It is so annoying. These people are litterally ready to shut down the government because they are children who arent getting what they want. I blame the Tea Party for the loss in the previous election and the current disintegration of the GOP. If there are any Tea Party members out there who would like to explain to me why they feel like what they're doing will benefit anyone or why they voted people like Ted Cruz into office, I am all ears. Or you could just apologize for everything and move from under the power lines that are above your house.

Tea Partiers and Republicans are both politically correct and coinfused...the two biggest problems with both groups and when you couple all that with a basic ignorance of why they have lost the last two Presidential elections then what you have is one giant cluster fuck.

You are blinded by your elitism....let me try and clue you in...your ilk(fat cat, elitists, east coast liberal republicans) control the Organs of the Republican Party and that is why you have lost the last two Presidential Elections.

Now of course you do not believe that much less understand that...but until you and all the other Republicans come to grips with that and try and figure out why that is true then you will remain coinfused and clueless.

Let my try and help you a and those who think like you have no constituency...who do you think will buy into your mantra of 'smaller government and lower taxes for the rich'?....once you are able to get your head around the fact ......that your mantra only appeals to a minority of the population....then you should be able to see the Republican Party as now constituted will never win another National is dead in the water aka irrelevant and headed for the dustbin of history.

I am not going to waste much time on this as it has already been explained in other threads in the tea party the info is available...look it up.

Anyhow......regarding Ted Cruz......he is the only potential candidate of the Republican Party that has any chance whatsoever of being elected I know you are no where near to understanding this...but that is the truest thing that can be said about any hopes the Republicans may entertain of recapturing the White House.

You need to try and think for yourself.....tune out all the talking heads you have been listening to and try and analyze why the Republicans have lost the last two elections aka....who voted for whom and why?

Again I will give you a big heads up......The White Working Class elected Obama....if you can figure out how to deal with that then you will understand how the Republicans can win next time.
Well, their closest neighbors ....the republican party certainly is....and from what I have seen from so called tea partiers and those who claim to be tea partiers ---there is not that much difference between republicans and tea partiers.

From a alleged Tea Party Message Board>>>>
Author Topic: Politically Correct Republicans (Read 758 times)

Jr. Member

Posts: 98

Politically Correct Republicans

« on: December 30, 2012, 09:12:18 AM »

Most Republicans refuse to admit they are politically correct...yet they are....most do not really understand what political correctness is to begin with.

Half Sigma: Republicans are liberals on race and immigration issues

This upsets me so much to hear. The Tea Party members are not members of my Republican Party. I want them no where near my party. You see the damage they are doing to the face of the GOP with this Government shut down. Everyone is blaming Republicans when in actuality it is these nut jobs who have been elected by America's dumbest. I use to think that we, as Republicans could just ride out this Tea Party problem, but they are doing so much damage that I think something more immediate needs to be done.

As my name reflects, I am a 22 year old Republican at Law school. In the limited free time that I do have, the one thing I enjoy is politics. It kills me that these people have taken the enjoyment out of it for me. I hate that I have to start every political conversation with "Im not that kind of Republican" It is so annoying. These people are litterally ready to shut down the government because they are children who arent getting what they want. I blame the Tea Party for the loss in the previous election and the current disintegration of the GOP. If there are any Tea Party members out there who would like to explain to me why they feel like what they're doing will benefit anyone or why they voted people like Ted Cruz into office, I am all ears. Or you could just apologize for everything and move from under the power lines that are above your house.

Tea Partiers and Republicans are both politically correct and coinfused...the two biggest problems with both groups and when you couple all that with a basic ignorance of why they have lost the last two Presidential elections then what you have is one giant cluster fuck.

You are blinded by your elitism....let me try and clue you in...your ilk(fat cat, elitists, east coast liberal republicans) control the Organs of the Republican Party and that is why you have lost the last two Presidential Elections.

Now of course you do not believe that much less understand that...but until you and all the other Republicans come to grips with that and try and figure out why that is true then you will remain coinfused and clueless.

Let my try and help you a and those who think like you have no constituency...who do you think will buy into your mantra of 'smaller government and lower taxes for the rich'?....once you are able to get your head around the fact ......that your mantra only appeals to a minority of the population....then you should be able to see the Republican Party as now constituted will never win another National is dead in the water aka irrelevant and headed for the dustbin of history.

I am not going to waste much time on this as it has already been explained in other threads in the tea party the info is available...look it up.

Anyhow......regarding Ted Cruz......he is the only potential candidate of the Republican Party that has any chance whatsoever of being elected I know you are no where near to understanding this...but that is the truest thing that can be said about any hopes the Republicans may entertain of recapturing the White House.

You need to try and think for yourself.....tune out all the talking heads you have been listening to and try and analyze why the Republicans have lost the last two elections aka....who voted for whom and why?

Again I will give you a big heads up......The White Working Class elected Obama....if you can figure out how to deal with that then you will understand how the Republicans can win next time.

You probably thought you were sounding so smart while you typed that at your computer like I am a child. I don't need to be clued in to anything regarding Republican politics. My four years as an undergrad studying political science helped me with that. Not your pretentious nonsense about what you think the party needs to do in order to get back on track and what I need to do in order to get "clued in", Ha what a joke (I have a thirty-five page paper on the GOP from Lincoln to Bush if YOU need to get clued in). You don't know me, and you sure as hell don't know my politics, and the fact you didn't even bother to asks tells me a lot about you.
That entire post was chocked-full of nonsense and I don't even no where to start.

First off, Tea Party members and Republicans are not the same, not even close. Basic ignorance is why we lost the last election, but not because of GOP ignorance, it was the base of the party, the people who vote for guys like Ted Cruz that convinced Romney that he had to bend to their policies or he would lose the base. Who would he lose the base to? That's where you first lost me, but it really isn't over

As a real Republican that is not my "mantra". My mantra is a more efficient government providing tax relief for those who create jobs and business, not to stop taxing the rich. Somewhere between Reagan and Clinton would be the perfect corporate tax rate for me (about 35 percent). We need a more efficient tax system, and maybe you and your liberal friends would be ok with having more than 40 percent of the nation paying taxes. Maybe you would also be OK cutting programs and aid to people and places who could use a little less of it. I am for social welfare as a safety net, not a means to live your life off of. You wouldn't know that because you generalized me with the rest of Republicans.

Lastly, if you believe that Ted Cruz is our only viable candidate for 2016 I can only wonder if you know anything about politics. You need to stop generalizing Republicans like we all sip out of the same Kool-aid jug. I just went on a long rant on how the fundamentalist wing of our party is ruining our chances of looking like a viable political outlet, and all you got from that was I am just as crazy as the other Tea Party members. I've put your political understanding on the back-burner to question if you had any basic reading comprehension.

I am 22 years old, and I still have hope for the GOP. I grew up in the Northeast, in the face of liberals and Democrats. I know my politics, I was forced to have a greater understanding if I wanted to survive a debate with my family, friends and teachers from high school to college and now Law School. Don't step into the ring if you're not ready to brawl because I want to make it clear that the future of the GOP is in more than competent hands.
This upsets me so much to hear. The Tea Party members are not members of my Republican Party. I want them no where near my party. You see the damage they are doing to the face of the GOP with this Government shut down. Everyone is blaming Republicans when in actuality it is these nut jobs who have been elected by America's dumbest. I use to think that we, as Republicans could just ride out this Tea Party problem, but they are doing so much damage that I think something more immediate needs to be done.

As my name reflects, I am a 22 year old Republican at Law school. In the limited free time that I do have, the one thing I enjoy is politics. It kills me that these people have taken the enjoyment out of it for me. I hate that I have to start every political conversation with "Im not that kind of Republican" It is so annoying. These people are litterally ready to shut down the government because they are children who arent getting what they want. I blame the Tea Party for the loss in the previous election and the current disintegration of the GOP. If there are any Tea Party members out there who would like to explain to me why they feel like what they're doing will benefit anyone or why they voted people like Ted Cruz into office, I am all ears. Or you could just apologize for everything and move from under the power lines that are above your house.

Tea Partiers and Republicans are both politically correct and coinfused...the two biggest problems with both groups and when you couple all that with a basic ignorance of why they have lost the last two Presidential elections then what you have is one giant cluster fuck.

You are blinded by your elitism....let me try and clue you in...your ilk(fat cat, elitists, east coast liberal republicans) control the Organs of the Republican Party and that is why you have lost the last two Presidential Elections.

Now of course you do not believe that much less understand that...but until you and all the other Republicans come to grips with that and try and figure out why that is true then you will remain coinfused and clueless.

Let my try and help you a and those who think like you have no constituency...who do you think will buy into your mantra of 'smaller government and lower taxes for the rich'?....once you are able to get your head around the fact ......that your mantra only appeals to a minority of the population....then you should be able to see the Republican Party as now constituted will never win another National is dead in the water aka irrelevant and headed for the dustbin of history.

I am not going to waste much time on this as it has already been explained in other threads in the tea party the info is available...look it up.

Anyhow......regarding Ted Cruz......he is the only potential candidate of the Republican Party that has any chance whatsoever of being elected I know you are no where near to understanding this...but that is the truest thing that can be said about any hopes the Republicans may entertain of recapturing the White House.

You need to try and think for yourself.....tune out all the talking heads you have been listening to and try and analyze why the Republicans have lost the last two elections aka....who voted for whom and why?

Again I will give you a big heads up......The White Working Class elected Obama....if you can figure out how to deal with that then you will understand how the Republicans can win next time.

You probably thought you were sounding so smart while you typed that at your computer like I am a child. I don't need to be clued in to anything regarding Republican politics. My four years as an undergrad studying political science helped me with that. Not your pretentious nonsense about what you think the party needs to do in order to get back on track and what I need to do in order to get "clued in", Ha what a joke (I have a thirty-five page paper on the GOP from Lincoln to Bush if YOU need to get clued in). You don't know me, and you sure as hell don't know my politics, and the fact you didn't even bother to asks tells me a lot about you.
That entire post was chocked-full of nonsense and I don't even no where to start.

First off, Tea Party members and Republicans are not the same, not even close. Basic ignorance is why we lost the last election, but not because of GOP ignorance, it was the base of the party, the people who vote for guys like Ted Cruz that convinced Romney that he had to bend to their policies or he would lose the base. Who would he lose the base to? That's where you first lost me, but it really isn't over

As a real Republican that is not my "mantra". My mantra is a more efficient government providing tax relief for those who create jobs and business, not to stop taxing the rich. Somewhere between Reagan and Clinton would be the perfect corporate tax rate for me (about 35 percent). We need a more efficient tax system, and maybe you and your liberal friends would be ok with having more than 40 percent of the nation paying taxes. Maybe you would also be OK cutting programs and aid to people and places who could use a little less of it. I am for social welfare as a safety net, not a means to live your life off of. You wouldn't know that because you generalized me with the rest of Republicans.

Lastly, if you believe that Ted Cruz is our only viable candidate for 2016 I can only wonder if you know anything about politics. You need to stop generalizing Republicans like we all sip out of the same Kool-aid jug. I just went on a long rant on how the fundamentalist wing of our party is ruining our chances of looking like a viable political outlet, and all you got from that was I am just as crazy as the other Tea Party members. I've put your political understanding on the back-burner to question if you had any basic reading comprehension.

I am 22 years old, and I still have hope for the GOP. I grew up in the Northeast, in the face of liberals and Democrats. I know my politics, I was forced to have a greater understanding if I wanted to survive a debate with my family, friends and teachers from high school to college and now Law School. Don't step into the ring if you're not ready to brawl because I want to make it clear that the future of the GOP is in more than competent hands.

I am not interested or impressed by your east coast a nutshell you have been well indoctrinated into bullshit.

If we are going to sift any truth out of this mess.....then we must narrow down the issues and focus on said issues.

Your basic understanding of why Romney was defeated is believe he was forced to veer to the right and thus lost.

But I will go along with you for a least long enough for you to explain why you believe that. So....tell this board why you think this is true....try and keep it relatively consise as most readers on here have short attention spans.

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