Is the UK Leaving the EU a Bad Harbinger for Globalism and Hillary, Their Puppet?

Is BREXIT a bad sign for Hillary and Globalism?

  • No, just a momentary set back

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Bad for Globalism, but nothing to do with Hillary

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Bad for Hillary but Globalism will rebound in a few years

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • No, it is a fluke election and will mean nothing in the long run

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Yes, this is bad news for them both, joined at the wallet

    Votes: 21 63.6%

  • Total voters
Global elites emptied the wallets of the middle class by taking 40% of their wealth in the 2008 economic crisis and have eroded American manufacturing at the same pace (with insignificant recovery).

Brits got tired of the fascism of centralized EU psuedo-socialism (and 40,000 EU bloated bureaucrats who passed regs. ordering them to what kind of tea-kettles and what wattage hair dryers they could use, besides ordering no cap on the amount of immigrants their country could take!). For that, those who voted 'out', are heroes.

Will Americans be as smart? Or will they vote for the globalist elite Democrap big Gov't party, who are being supported by an increasing number of Repub. RINOs', whom will both, make them kneel to bondage in similar fashion?

Vote Trump, America!
We can be heroes too..............

Since most of the "pro globalist" policies come from industrialized states such as the UK.

I don't think this is a blow to globalization or Hillary. If it is a monetary set back, it is only temporarily.

However, I do think this maybe a blow to England's growth over the next few years. England may see lax immigration policies and industrial flight as the state adjust to the new market realities.

Brexit may work against the people who thought they were reclaiming their country.

Short term:
£120 billion off the stock market
7% drop in currency

Medium term:
Scotland goes independent
Northern Ireland will need an arrangement
UK will get screwed when looking for an EU free trade agreement
Recession almost guaranteed

Long term:
Major Job Losses in Financial Services & IT
Significantly weaker England and Wales

Other issues:
Ireland will become US new best friend in EU
EU could become more integrated, UK were the check in stopping the United States of Europe...
EU Army...

Prove any of that will happen.

First two have already happened...

Scotland will most likely go... They had a huge majority to stay and narrow vote to not go for independence the last time...

With Scotland gone, Gibraltar under huge pressure from Spain.. They will be losing financial services to Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin.. London is the engine of the UK economy and they just cut their balls... Thus the recession...

bripat, you don't know how import being able to free trade in Europe is... Imagine a state in the US unable to free trade with other states effectively... The Germans will turn the screw.. Ireland and France will want free trade quickly but there is plenty of states that want UK to feel the pain...

With UK out of EU then US will be dealing with them directly or using Ireland... UK used to be the US guys(allies) in EU...

The UK is already talking about regret.. They got a shock immediately when the Pound dropped 7%, this is holiday season...
Free trade in Europe is not contingent on being a member of the EU.

Your right but you need every member in the EU to agree to a free trade agreement.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.
Something I haven't seen widely discussed or reported - exit polls indicated the majority in favor were 40s+ while those against were the young - and Muslims! By a huge majority.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.
If you dont think the Brits are serious about getting out of any control by Brussels you are thick headed to say the least.

It is simply amazing how libtards have become shills for international Corporations.
By September/October, Brexit will be so far down the list of important issues being fought over in the heat of the campaign that not even here in political junky land will anyone be talking about it.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.
If you dont think the Brits are serious about getting out of any control by Brussels you are thick headed to say the least.

It is simply amazing how libtards have become shills for international Corporations.

A 52 - 48 vote is not an indication of much of anything as far as consensus or seriousness goes.
A 52 - 48 vote is not an indication of much of anything as far as consensus or seriousness goes.
And yet libtards have been claiming that the 51% to 47% victory of Obama over Mittens Romney was a landslide.

You libtards never cease to bend the meaning of language to suit your immediate preferences.
A 52 - 48 vote is not an indication of much of anything as far as consensus or seriousness goes.
And yet libtards have been claiming that the 51% to 47% victory of Obama over Mittens Romney was a landslide.

You libtards never cease to bend the meaning of language to suit your immediate preferences.

I never claimed that. Obama's electoral victory was a landslide; that's how we elect presidents remember.

When 4 people out of a hundred represent the difference between pass and fail, you're not talking about any sort of consensus.

And I guarantee that if Hillary Clinton wins 52 to 48, there will not be a RWnut on this board, including you, who will deem that a mandate.
I never claimed that. Obama's electoral victory was a landslide; that's how we elect presidents remember.

When 4 people out of a hundred represent the difference between pass and fail, you're not talking about any sort of consensus.

And I guarantee that if Hillary Clinton wins 52 to 48, there will not be a RWnut on this board, including you, who will deem that a mandate.

A 4% margin is not a landslide but it is a significant margin of victory. The Leave vote was over a million votes larger than the Remain vote, and after Scotland gets cut loose, it will never again ever be even that close.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.
If you dont think the Brits are serious about getting out of any control by Brussels you are thick headed to say the least.

It is simply amazing how libtards have become shills for international Corporations.
I am not discounting the people's will, I am being a realist in understanding that corporations are in control of the political processes, not the people. That is not shilling. When I see a British PM invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty then I might start to take Brexit seriously. But even if they do allow Brexit to move forward the corporations are not going to give up on free trade. And free trade will require them to go crawling back to the EU for concessions. It's just the reality of the situation.
I never claimed that. Obama's electoral victory was a landslide; that's how we elect presidents remember.

When 4 people out of a hundred represent the difference between pass and fail, you're not talking about any sort of consensus.

And I guarantee that if Hillary Clinton wins 52 to 48, there will not be a RWnut on this board, including you, who will deem that a mandate.

A 4% margin is not a landslide but it is a significant margin of victory. The Leave vote was over a million votes larger than the Remain vote, and after Scotland gets cut loose, it will never again ever be even that close.

Then we here should outlaw the filibuster, eh?
I am not discounting the people's will, I am being a realist in understanding that corporations are in control of the political processes, not the people. That is not shilling.

The perpetration of this myth that the corporations are really in control of our political process is part of what keeps them dominating our political process. They do not control it as the Trump nomination has demonstrated. The wealthy little kabals of Oligarchs are at the mercy of the voting public and always will be as long as we elect our top officials by a democratic process.

When I see a British PM invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty then I might start to take Brexit seriously. But even if they do allow Brexit to move forward the corporations are not going to give up on free trade.

Well grab your britches and hold on tight because its coming, Snowflake.

And free trade will require them to go crawling back to the EU for concessions.

The international corporations will go crawling back, not the UK government. But then these managerial spineless worms are made for crawling around.

It's just the reality of the situation.

From a certain point of view that is essentially an echo of the corporate owned media narrative.
I never claimed that. Obama's electoral victory was a landslide; that's how we elect presidents remember.

When 4 people out of a hundred represent the difference between pass and fail, you're not talking about any sort of consensus.

And I guarantee that if Hillary Clinton wins 52 to 48, there will not be a RWnut on this board, including you, who will deem that a mandate.

A 4% margin is not a landslide but it is a significant margin of victory. The Leave vote was over a million votes larger than the Remain vote, and after Scotland gets cut loose, it will never again ever be even that close.

Then we here should outlaw the filibuster, eh?

When Marxist Democrats are in the minority of course, we should neuter the filibuster because it will only be used to tear down American and strengthen our enemies. While these traitors are in the majority we have to keep the filibuster.
I never claimed that. Obama's electoral victory was a landslide; that's how we elect presidents remember.

When 4 people out of a hundred represent the difference between pass and fail, you're not talking about any sort of consensus.

And I guarantee that if Hillary Clinton wins 52 to 48, there will not be a RWnut on this board, including you, who will deem that a mandate.

A 4% margin is not a landslide but it is a significant margin of victory. The Leave vote was over a million votes larger than the Remain vote, and after Scotland gets cut loose, it will never again ever be even that close.

Then we here should outlaw the filibuster, eh?

When Marxist Democrats are in the minority of course, we should neuter the filibuster because it will only be used to tear down American and strengthen our enemies. While these traitors are in the majority we have to keep the filibuster.

An honest admission of partisan hypocrisy.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.

I disagree.

Euroskepticism has been around for a long time in the Tory party, and now they are going to be leading the party, they will take Britain out.

More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.
An honest admission of partisan hypocrisy.
IT is not hypocritical at all because 1. I am openly proclaiming it, and 2. I am not being inconsistent in my principles at all.

The Democratic Party has over the last two years proven itself to be a Fifth Column for the international corporations and an invasion of unassimillable foreign hordes who will forever destroy the culture and meaning of what being an American is.

The Democratic Party is the party for destroying America, the party of treason and criminal exploitation.

Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America - Breitbart
Euroskepticism has been around for a long time in the Tory party, and now they are going to be leading the party, they will take Britain out.

More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.
Wont ever happen.

Scotland is soon to leave and take with it the main push to return to the Marxist wasteland known as the EU.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.

I disagree.

Euroskepticism has been around for a long time in the Tory party, and now they are going to be leading the party, they will take Britain out.

More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.
More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.

I have considered this also, not in terms of timing, but in terms of what would be required for renegotiation of EU membership. Acceptance of the Euro perhaps?
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More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.

I have considered this also, not in terms of timing, but in terms of what would be the required for renegotiation of EU membership. Acceptance of the Euro perhaps?

You ASSUME that there will still be an EU around for the UK to go back to.
Honestly I don't see Brexit ever becoming reality, but if it does the Brits would in all likelihood sign on to the European Economic Area, which ironically guarantees the free movement of people. Too funny, Cons are a bunch of tools.

I disagree.

Euroskepticism has been around for a long time in the Tory party, and now they are going to be leading the party, they will take Britain out.

More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.
More likely is that the UK has another referendum to rejoin in 20-30 years.

I have considered this also, not in terms of timing, but in terms of what would be the required for renegotiation of EU membership. Acceptance of the Euro perhaps?

The UK will never accept the Euro. It may not be around in 20-30 years.

But the reason why the UK may rejoin is simple - the young people voted for it, and old people voted against it. The old people who voted against it will die off.

However, the EU may look different in 20-30 years. It may not be as integrated as its supporters envision.

Immigration must be orderly and not overwhelm societies. There is a sense in parts of society that there is too much immigration and parts of the native population are not being attended to. That's driving much of the populist reaction against the ruling classes in many countries. What Merkel did was a horrendous gaffe, and probably hastened Britain's exit from the EU.

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