Is the US becoming a serf economy


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
]The Gini Index measures how wealth is collected and held.

There is no right or wrong formula to it, but I dare say most of us do want to live in a society with no incentives or rewards, but neither do many of us want to feel that we can not work our way up in the world.

Most developed capitalist societies are spread in a loose bunch from the Scandinavian nations at one end, towards Portugal and Japan at the other.

The US, however, is now miles off by itself, with countries like Iran and Jamaica for company.

What this shows is that the US is a society in which a massive proportion of wealth is held by the super rich. It may be an exaggeration to say that in resembles a feudal society with lords and ladies lazing around playing polo while the workers go off to fight wars, but it isn't far off.

In my opinion, this should be regarded as a national disgrace and embarassment. It in no way resembles the ideals upon which America is founded, IMO.

List of countries by income equality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Funny how this is occurring under a democrat. This is what happens when the government takes over the industry and free market.
Funny how this is occurring under a democrat. This is what happens when the government takes over the industry and free market.

Actually, the big change occured under Reagan.

I would agree that the situation hasn't improved under Democrat governments, though.
I dare say most of us do want to live in a society with no incentives or rewards, but neither do many of us want to feel that we can not work our way up in the world.

Most developed capitalist societies are spread in a loose bunch from the Scandinavian nations at one end, towards Portugal and Japan at the other.

The US, however, is not miles off by itself, with countries like Iran and Jamaica for company.


Maybe you need to brush up on your English before posting again.
]The Gini Index measures how wealth is collected and held.

There is no right or wrong formula to it, but I dare say most of us do want to live in a society with no incentives or rewards, but neither do many of us want to feel that we can not work our way up in the world.

Most developed capitalist societies are spread in a loose bunch from the Scandinavian nations at one end, towards Portugal and Japan at the other.

The US, however, is not miles off by itself, with countries like Iran and Jamaica for company.

What this shows is that the US is a society in which a massive proportion of wealth is held by the super rich. It may be an exaggeration to say that in resembles a feudal society with lords and ladies lazing around playing polo while the workers go off to fight wars, but it isn't far off.

In my opinion, this should be regarded as a national disgrace and embarassment. It in no way resembles the ideals upon which America is founded, IMO.

List of countries by income equality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If you were a little more aware of this Nations history, you would know we were much closer to a "serf economy" in our past than today.
If you were a little more aware of this Nations history, you would know we were much closer to a "serf economy" in our past than today.

Um....did you see anyone suggest that you were NOT closer to a surf economy in your past.

I would agree that you were, and also add that I think basically every western demcracy was a serf economy in the 17th century.
Funny, you don't see most of the innovation and technology coming out of northeastern Europe these days. No, you see that coming out of the UNITED STATES and Eastern Asia. LOL

Our system is better as it gets people to innovate and to think, while Europe these days just hands them free shit.
Funny, you don't see most of the innovation and technology coming out of northeastern Europe these days. No, you see that coming out of the UNITED STATES and Eastern Asia. LOL

Our system is better as it gets people to innovate and to think, while Europe these days just hands them free shit.

Perhaps you need to look at the chart again.

What your system does is pour money into the hands of a rich elite.

If you think that encourages thinking and innovation, I'd be interested as to how that works.

btw, northeastern Europe? You mean Poland?
We're the worst we've been since the 20's- see VOODOO tax rates and my sig pp1. Obama is just starting to turn it around. A Pub DEPRESSION is not the time to raise taxes on the rich. Even the A-Holes that got us in this mess. Neither is O-care a serf thing.
A Pub DEPRESSION is not the time to raise taxes on the rich. Even the A-Holes that got us in this mess. Neither is O-care a serf thing.

I think this material shows that the wealthy in the US get an easier ride than they do in any other country on earth. Too easy.

I am pro-capitalist, pro-incentives and all for people earning the most they can in life, but I also believe wealthy people can pay a fair amount towards supporting the system that produces that wealth.

The average compensation of a CEO in 1980 was about 40 times that of the average worker in his company. Today it is more than 500 times.

For the US to create and grow - that needs to change.
Steve Jobs is the richest man in the cemetery.
Steve Jobs said:
Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.

Last I looked, he wasn't born rich, and was adopted by a middle class couple. He was also a college dropout.
I guess the OP would have called Steve Jobs a "serf" back in the mid '70's.
I guess the OP would have called Steve Jobs a "serf" back in the mid '70's.

No, why?

What are you talking about?

I don't recall Steve Jobs spending much time as an employee at all.
Reaganism has been turning us into a banana republic for 30 years. Romney wants to make it WORSE. Pub dupes!!
"...massive proportion of wealth is held by the super rich..."

No shit, Shirlock. You want to get rich? Go get it. Good luck.

In the meantime, I suggest you discover for yourself the difference between "rich" and "wealth".

My true wealth resides in my U.S. citizenship, my family, and my friends.

Riches are for the foolhardy. But for those who seek it, the U.S. is the most fertile ground on earth.
But for those who seek it, the U.S. is the most fertile ground on earth.

I think it has been proven that this is not true.

It is increasingly true that the only wealthy people in the US were born that way.

Economic mobility is lower in the US than in most other developed countries.
But for those who seek it, the U.S. is the most fertile ground on earth.

I think it has been proven that this is not true.

It is increasingly true that the only wealthy people in the US were born that way.

Economic mobility is lower in the US than in most other developed countries.

I would appreciate it if you quoted my entire post and address it in its entirety.

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