Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

I do not hate the people of Cuba. You are a moron.
Sure you do, you're taught to hate people of all other countries. In fact, you've demonstrated that you're one of the most rabid haters who post on this forum.
Twelve U.S. Presidents have failed to bring “regime change” to Cuba. Not sabotage, invasion by Cuban exiles, six decades of American embargo, assassination attempts, not even the fall of the Soviet Union or the passing of the Castro dynasty … has succeeded in breaking the Cuban government’s anti-imperialist will. That ruling bureaucracy built sufficiently deep roots among the island’s people to resist Yankee pressure all these years. After the collapse of the USSR Cuba went through harder times even than today.

My guess — that is all it is — is that the present protests will not change anything, and much of the new generation will again rally to oppose U.S. imperialist pressure. Deep anger and national pride is stoked by the unfairness of the U.S. embargo. It is not just a propaganda gift to a ruling elite.

The U.S. embargo, which has lasted 60 years now, forbids American businesses (and foreign businesses which operate in the US) to invest in or trade with Cuba. A close look at economic changes in Cuba will help explain the present protests, and why Cuba may survive as a “socialist state” into the future.

First we must recognize that the Trump Administration seriously tightened the embargo, threatened further economic reprisals against third parties when it ridiculously added Cuba to its “Terrorist” list, and even forbid Cuban-Americans to send money to family members on the island. The Biden Administration has not only NOT returned to Obama’s policies but it has not to date changed one iota of Trump’s embargo intensification policies. Winning Cuban votes in Florida in ‘22/‘24 is apparently all that matters to the DNC.

Above all, however, we should recognize that it was the loss of foreign exchange from tourism due to Covid travel restrictions (European and Canadian tourism dried up completely) that provided the biggest blow to the economy. People must eat! Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel argues “All this discontent, these feelings of dissatisfaction, what is the ultimate cause of all that? … It’s the blockade. This is part of the U.S. playbook to destabilize us, to generate chaos, to break our will and spirit.” Though technically not “a blockade,” the strengthened embargo and Covid remain the major factors that are bleeding the economy and causing protests, as they also are a reminder to Cubans of the unrelenting hostility of the U.S.A.

It would be great if China were to step in with big loans to get Cuba through this emergency period, but that has so far not occurred. The new leadership of the Cuban state and party bureaucracy has recently shown initiative in addressing one of the main factors of dissatisfaction in Cuba — the old guard’s allowing a “two-track” U.S. dollar / Cuban peso exchange rate that unfairly benefited those who could get their hands on U.S. dollars. With the resumption of tourism hopefully next year, this should go a long way toward improving both fairness and economic prospects in Cuba.

People in Cuba know full well how Cuban exiles live in the United States. A new “boat migration” is certainly possible. Cuban nationals understand American realities much more than we understand Cuban reality. Allowing free open trade and investment with & in Cuba is the only correct policy for the U.S. It is also the surest way to help Cubans win democratic rights on the island. It will put a new burden on the Cuban regime to defend itself in new ways, and open the road for more reconciliation with the new generation in the Cuban diaspora.

This article provides an important overview of the new Cuban foreign exchange policies I mentioned, and it also provides insight into the history of partial “dollarization” of the economy since the fall of the USSR:

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Sure, Cuba had economic problems with both regimes, but now they are not free to talk about it and the world will not get told about it.
Your claims are all based on American hate for people of all other countries, as you've been taught from the cradle to do.

Che and other revolutionaries weren't murderers, they were engaged in fighting for Cuba's freedom from the US backed Batista regime and it's corruption.

You have no ambition to stop your hating of the Cuban people and that's now become nothing more than your own personal issue.

The world is moving on under the cover of other super powers' nuclear umbrellas.

Express your hate! That's the purpose on this forum.
Hate? Here is what Che said about hate

"Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
"Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …" ché Guevara

You worship a racist cold blooded murderer.

Get bent

He's been dead nearly 54 years.

Sure, Cuba had economic problems with both regimes, but now they are not free to talk about it and the world will not get told about it.
Your claims are all based on American hate for people of all other countries, as you've been taught from the cradle to do.

Che and other revolutionaries weren't murderers, they were engaged in fighting for Cuba's freedom from the US backed Batista regime and it's corruption.

You have no ambition to stop your hating of the Cuban people and that's now become nothing more than your own personal issue.

The world is moving on under the cover of other super powers' nuclear umbrellas.

Express your hate! That's the purpose on this forum.
Hate? Here is what Che said about hate

"Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
"Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …" ché Guevara

You worship a racist cold blooded murderer.

Get bent

Note how this information will have no impact on him.

If he was serious about his opposition to hate, this would be crushing for him.

But he won't care. Because he never cared. All his talk before about hate? That was all bullshit.

You know how to know a lib is lying? When he is talking.

Sure, Cuba had economic problems with both regimes, but now they are not free to talk about it and the world will not get told about it.
Your claims are all based on American hate for people of all other countries, as you've been taught from the cradle to do.

Che and other revolutionaries weren't murderers, they were engaged in fighting for Cuba's freedom from the US backed Batista regime and it's corruption.

You have no ambition to stop your hating of the Cuban people and that's now become nothing more than your own personal issue.

The world is moving on under the cover of other super powers' nuclear umbrellas.

Express your hate! That's the purpose on this forum.
Hate? Here is what Che said about hate

"Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
"Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …" ché Guevara

You worship a racist cold blooded murderer.

Get bent
Everything Che said in that example was morally justified on behalf of Cuba's revolution and the fight against America and it's support of the evil Batista regime.

Can Americans be as justified when they said basically the same against the people of Iraq or Vietnam?

Cuba's revolution was the people's moral cause that justified any and all measures taken against their enemy. A bloody rifle can be said to be the poor revolutionary's personal WMD.

Compare their rifles to America's cluster bombs from 30,000 feet!

Your debating points are more than welcome!
Twelve U.S. Presidents have failed to bring “regime change” to Cuba. Not sabotage, invasion by Cuban exiles, six decades of American embargo, assassination attempts, not even the fall of the Soviet Union or the passing of the Castro dynasty … has succeeded in breaking the Cuban government’s anti-imperialist will. That ruling bureaucracy built sufficiently deep roots among the island’s people to resist Yankee pressure all these years. After the collapse of the USSR Cuba went through harder times even than today.

My guess — that is all it is — is that the present protests will not change anything, and much of the new generation will again rally to oppose U.S. imperialist pressure. Deep anger and national pride is stoked by the unfairness of the U.S. embargo. It is not just a propaganda gift to a ruling elite.

The U.S. embargo, which has lasted 60 years now, forbids American businesses (and foreign businesses which operate in the US) to invest in or trade with Cuba. A close look at economic changes in Cuba will help explain the present protests, and why Cuba may survive as a “socialist state” into the future.

First we must recognize that the Trump Administration seriously tightened the embargo, threatened further economic reprisals against third parties when it ridiculously added Cuba to its “Terrorist” list, and even forbid Cuban-Americans to send money to family members on the island. The Biden Administration has not only NOT returned to Obama’s policies but it has not to date changed one iota of Trump’s embargo intensification policies. Winning Cuban votes in Florida in ‘22/‘24 is apparently all that matters to the DNC.

Above all, however, we should recognize that it was the loss of foreign exchange from tourism due to Covid travel restrictions (European and Canadian tourism dried up completely) that provided the biggest blow to the economy. People must eat! Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel argues “All this discontent, these feelings of dissatisfaction, what is the ultimate cause of all that? … It’s the blockade. This is part of the U.S. playbook to destabilize us, to generate chaos, to break our will and spirit.” Though technically not “a blockade,” the strengthened embargo and Covid remain the major factors that are bleeding the economy and causing protests, as they also are a reminder to Cubans of the unrelenting hostility of the U.S.A.

It would be great if China were to step in with big loans to get Cuba through this emergency period, but that has so far not occurred. The new leadership of the Cuban state and party bureaucracy has recently shown initiative in addressing one of the main factors of dissatisfaction in Cuba — the old guard’s allowing a “two-track” U.S. dollar / Cuban peso exchange rate that unfairly benefited those who could get their hands on U.S. dollars. With the resumption of tourism hopefully next year, this should go a long way toward improving both fairness and economic prospects in Cuba.

People in Cuba know full well how Cuban exiles live in the United States. A new “boat migration” is certainly possible. Cuban nationals understand American realities much more than we understand Cuban reality. Allowing free open trade and investment with & in Cuba is the only right policy for the U.S. It is also the surest way to help Cubans win democratic rights on the island. It will put a new burden on the Cuban regime to defend itself in new ways, and open the road for more reconciliation with the new generation in the Cuban diaspora.

This article provides an important overview of the new Cuban foreign exchange policies I mentioned, and it also provides insight into the history of partial “dollarization” of the economy since the fall of the USSR:

You know, growing food is really easy. Cuba is a big country. They really need foreign currency to buy FOOD?

That's kind of embarrassing.

I do not hate the people of Cuba. You are a moron.
Sure you do, you're taught to hate people of all other countries. In fact, you've demonstrated that you're one of the most rabid haters who post on this forum.

Nope. I wish all of them well, even the People of Cuba. I was, in another thread literally fantasizing about how cool Havana would have been if it had remained the "vegas" of America, and all that money that went to vegas instead went into Havana.

American liberals, I do hate. They are assholes. But the Cold War is over. I have no animosity to any nation or nation's citizens.

I even wish the people of Russia well.
Twelve U.S. Presidents have failed to bring “regime change” to Cuba. Not sabotage, invasion by Cuban exiles, six decades of American embargo, assassination attempts, not even the fall of the Soviet Union or the passing of the Castro dynasty … has succeeded in breaking the Cuban government’s anti-imperialist will. That ruling bureaucracy built sufficiently deep roots among the island’s people to resist Yankee pressure all these years. After the collapse of the USSR Cuba went through harder times even than today.

My guess — that is all it is — is that the present protests will not change anything, and much of the new generation will again rally to oppose U.S. imperialist pressure. Deep anger and national pride is stoked by the unfairness of the U.S. embargo. It is not just a propaganda gift to a ruling elite.

The U.S. embargo, which has lasted 60 years now, forbids American businesses (and foreign businesses which operate in the US) to invest in or trade with Cuba. A close look at economic changes in Cuba will help explain the present protests, and why Cuba may survive as a “socialist state” into the future.

First we must recognize that the Trump Administration seriously tightened the embargo, threatened further economic reprisals against third parties when it ridiculously added Cuba to its “Terrorist” list, and even forbid Cuban-Americans to send money to family members on the island. The Biden Administration has not only NOT returned to Obama’s policies but it has not to date changed one iota of Trump’s embargo intensification policies. Winning Cuban votes in Florida in ‘22/‘24 is apparently all that matters to the DNC.

Above all, however, we should recognize that it was the loss of foreign exchange from tourism due to Covid travel restrictions (European and Canadian tourism dried up completely) that provided the biggest blow to the economy. People must eat! Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel argues “All this discontent, these feelings of dissatisfaction, what is the ultimate cause of all that? … It’s the blockade. This is part of the U.S. playbook to destabilize us, to generate chaos, to break our will and spirit.” Though technically not “a blockade,” the strengthened embargo and Covid remain the major factors that are bleeding the economy and causing protests, as they also are a reminder to Cubans of the unrelenting hostility of the U.S.A.

It would be great if China were to step in with big loans to get Cuba through this emergency period, but that has so far not occurred. The new leadership of the Cuban state and party bureaucracy has recently shown initiative in addressing one of the main factors of dissatisfaction in Cuba — the old guard’s allowing a “two-track” U.S. dollar / Cuban peso exchange rate that unfairly benefited those who could get their hands on U.S. dollars. With the resumption of tourism hopefully next year, this should go a long way toward improving both fairness and economic prospects in Cuba.

People in Cuba know full well how Cuban exiles live in the United States. A new “boat migration” is certainly possible. Cuban nationals understand American realities much more than we understand Cuban reality. Allowing free open trade and investment with & in Cuba is the only right policy for the U.S. It is also the surest way to help Cubans win democratic rights on the island. It will put a new burden on the Cuban regime to defend itself in new ways, and open the road for more reconciliation with the new generation in the Cuban diaspora.

This article provides an important overview of the new Cuban foreign exchange policies I mentioned, and it also provides insight into the history of partial “dollarization” of the economy since the fall of the USSR:

Good for you if you wrote that. It's an argument with substance that speaks to the truth.

China is already stepping in but in a measured and nuanced way. China understands that America if not going to give up the fight to destroy Cuba's economy or it's revolutionary success and so has no intention of building a naval base in Cuba overnight.
China measures it's progress in relation to US measures being taken in China's regional sphere of influence.

But anybody who has been to Cuba in the last 5 years or so, won't fail to notice that China is there to stay.

I do not hate the people of Cuba. You are a moron.
Sure you do, you're taught to hate people of all other countries. In fact, you've demonstrated that you're one of the most rabid haters who post on this forum.

Nope. I wish all of them well, even the People of Cuba. I was, in another thread literally fantasizing about how cool Havana would have been if it had remained the "vegas" of America, and all that money that went to vegas instead went into Havana.

American liberals, I do hate. They are assholes. But the Cold War is over. I have no animosity to any nation or nation's citizens.

I even wish the people of Russia well.
Have I changed an American into a person who expresses love toward others?
Or have I created a liar who now needs others to disregard his ugly and hateful disposition?

I like to think the former!
now with China's free and fair trade policies, Cuba is becoming a huge success, relative to banana republics.

Excellent! Post the stats that prove your claim.
The rest of the world places the onus on Americans to do some proving.
Prove you're repentant over what your country did to the people ofIraq or Vietnam.
Or choose any of the other 38 US wars of aggression since WW2.

Or how about justifying America's support of the evil Zionist apartheid regime, while the rest of the world clearly see it's evil slaughter of the Palestinian people
now with China's free and fair trade policies, Cuba is becoming a huge success, relative to banana republics.

Excellent! Post the stats that prove your claim.
The rest of the world places the onus on Americans to do some proving.
Prove you're repentant over what your country did to the people ofIraq or Vietnam.
Or choose any of the other 38 US wars of aggression since WW2.

Or how about justifying America's support of the evil Zionist apartheid regime, while the rest of the world clearly see it's evil slaughter of the Palestinian people
One thing about left wing liars - they are never wrong.

When the are wrong, they blame someone else, and the media nods in agreement....
Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Because one thing is common to all commie regimes, they can't make many of the items crucial to everyday existence.
That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.
China has now demonstrated larger success in elevating it's people up out of poverty than any other instance in the world's history.

While America is embroiled in it's domestic political fight of Americans against their fellow Americans.

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that upholds income inequality of the very wealthy, is causing America's chickens to come home to roost.
The rest of the world places the onus on Americans to do some proving.

You made the claim, "Cuba is becoming a huge success, relative to banana republics."

You must have GDP stats as proof? Right?

You wouldn't just pull that claim out of your ass with no evidence..........DURR

Or how about justifying America's support of the evil Zionist apartheid regime


Show me on this doll where the Zionist touched you.
Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Because one thing is common to all commie regimes, they can't make many of the items crucial to everyday existence.
That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.
China has now demonstrated larger success in elevating it's people up out of poverty than any other instance in the world's history.

While America is embroiled in it's domestic political fight of Americans against their fellow Americans.

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that upholds income inequality of the very wealthy, is causing America's chickens to come home to roost.
American imperialism now lacks any power or influence that can stop China's success.

This is the reason why Americans have turned to readily to expressing hate for China.
Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Because one thing is common to all commie regimes, they can't make many of the items crucial to everyday existence.
That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.
China has now demonstrated larger success in elevating it's people up out of poverty than any other instance in the world's history.

While America is embroiled in it's domestic political fight of Americans against their fellow Americans.

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that upholds income inequality of the very wealthy, is causing America's chickens to come home to roost.

That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.

Of course. communism can do everything.
Except survive when the US doesn't trade with it. LOL!
The rest of the world places the onus on Americans to do some proving.

You made the claim, "Cuba is becoming a huge success, relative to banana republics."

You must have GDP stats as proof? Right?

You wouldn't just pull that claim out of your ass with no evidence..........DURR

Or how about justifying America's support of the evil Zionist apartheid regime

View attachment 513859

Show me on this doll where the Zionist touched you.
A rather childish substituting of your anger with that?
Cuba must buy many items crucial to everyday existence with foreign currency.

Because one thing is common to all commie regimes, they can't make many of the items crucial to everyday existence.
That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.
China has now demonstrated larger success in elevating it's people up out of poverty than any other instance in the world's history.

While America is embroiled in it's domestic political fight of Americans against their fellow Americans.

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that upholds income inequality of the very wealthy, is causing America's chickens to come home to roost.

That has now been proven to only be true in a communist country that could be interfered with by US imperialist pressure.

Of course. communism can do everything.
Except survive when the US doesn't trade with it. LOL!
The world in this 21st. century is showing huge communist successes in country's that are immune to the US threat of bombing.

Compare that to what is demonstrated on this forum by Americans expressing hate toward their fellow Americans.

What is there that China's communist/capitalist system can't do now?

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