Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.

All do not. We pretend we are a Christian nation. For far too many, politics is their religion.

Funny, I've had long, long drag out arguments with leftards that consider the idea that we " are a Christian Nation" to be pure evulness.

Now a lefty wants to use that to get soft treatment for a commie hellhole.

View attachment 513373

Not being able to address what I say you have to try and paint me in your safe little box.

Just keeping it real.

Do you believe that we are a Christian Nation and that we SHOULD base our national policies on our Christian heritage and ideals?

You know, since you brought it up.

No we are not but I believe we should live more up to the principles people pretend they have

Sorry, it's either or. If you want to throw the "Christian nation" shit in our faces, then you have to agree that we are a Christian Nation.

Otherwise, you are just a smarmy bastard playing asshole games.

Me? I do believe that we are a Christian Nation, adn that we should base our policies on our Christian Heritage and ideals.

We say we are BUT we are not. Your statements prove that out.

I think your use of "We" is kind of dishonest here. You are trying to have it both ways, just so you can talk some shit on other people.

YOU don't believe we are a Christian Nation. So, save the "we" talk.

If you want to make an argument about why you think we should have better relations with Cuba, maybe instead of pretending to be part of something YOU ARE NOT,

you should just be honest about YOUR REASONS for it.

OR, is your real motive here, just to talk shit on Christians? Are you just using the suffering of the Cubans as gist for your smear campaign?

You understand my argument. We are not a Christian nation because we do not act like one. I wish we would act more like one.

Do you? Would you support a ban on Abortion? Would you support laws that denied most divorces? Would you support a law that banned alcohol consumption? Or banned gambling?

Or are you just talking bullshit, to justify your little games?

You don't understand anything outside of the Evangelical viewpoint of the Bible.

So, that's a no to all of it. YOur talk of wanting a more "Christian" nation, or at least "acting like it" was just b.s.

What is your real reason for wanting better relations with Cuba?

Christians can have alcohol. Christians can place a bet. You read and are led from the wrong places.

"Evangelicals" loved Trump and he did all of those things............

What is your real reason for wanting better relations with Cuba?

Do you believe that all people are equal and equally deserving of consideration, whether they are Americans or Cubans?

I care less what our relations with Cuba are. I want us to stop doing things that do nothing other than harm people.
helping get rid of an oppressive regime to free the people of cuba will bring them freedom which isn’t harm, just the opposite

We can't do squat. It's been pointed out over and over that our actions have made zero difference.
seems to be having an impact now. have you not been watching the news? we can help more by supporting those freedom fighters…but we got dems in charge who support the Socialist regime…so you are right, nothing will likely happen but these freedom fighters will likely be imprisoned or executed by the leftist regime

People are not protesting over anything we have done. IMO they might have protested far earlier if we had minded our own business.

They voted to move away from Communism towards socalism in 2019.

haha they didn’t vote to move away from Communism! they weren’t Communist! do you have any clue what Communism is?

they are and have been socialist
They are and were communist
hahaha how so?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.

All do not. We pretend we are a Christian nation. For far too many, politics is their religion.

Funny, I've had long, long drag out arguments with leftards that consider the idea that we " are a Christian Nation" to be pure evulness.

Now a lefty wants to use that to get soft treatment for a commie hellhole.

View attachment 513373

Not being able to address what I say you have to try and paint me in your safe little box.

Just keeping it real.

Do you believe that we are a Christian Nation and that we SHOULD base our national policies on our Christian heritage and ideals?

You know, since you brought it up.

No we are not but I believe we should live more up to the principles people pretend they have

Sorry, it's either or. If you want to throw the "Christian nation" shit in our faces, then you have to agree that we are a Christian Nation.

Otherwise, you are just a smarmy bastard playing asshole games.

Me? I do believe that we are a Christian Nation, adn that we should base our policies on our Christian Heritage and ideals.

We say we are BUT we are not. Your statements prove that out.

I think your use of "We" is kind of dishonest here. You are trying to have it both ways, just so you can talk some shit on other people.

YOU don't believe we are a Christian Nation. So, save the "we" talk.

If you want to make an argument about why you think we should have better relations with Cuba, maybe instead of pretending to be part of something YOU ARE NOT,

you should just be honest about YOUR REASONS for it.

OR, is your real motive here, just to talk shit on Christians? Are you just using the suffering of the Cubans as gist for your smear campaign?

You understand my argument. We are not a Christian nation because we do not act like one. I wish we would act more like one.

Do you? Would you support a ban on Abortion? Would you support laws that denied most divorces? Would you support a law that banned alcohol consumption? Or banned gambling?

Or are you just talking bullshit, to justify your little games?

You don't understand anything outside of the Evangelical viewpoint of the Bible.

So, that's a no to all of it. YOur talk of wanting a more "Christian" nation, or at least "acting like it" was just b.s.

What is your real reason for wanting better relations with Cuba?

Christians can have alcohol. Christians can place a bet. You read and are led from the wrong places.

"Evangelicals" loved Trump and he did all of those things............

What is your real reason for wanting better relations with Cuba?

Do you believe that all people are equal and equally deserving of consideration, whether they are Americans or Cubans?

I care less what our relations with Cuba are. I want us to stop doing things that do nothing other than harm people.
helping get rid of an oppressive regime to free the people of cuba will bring them freedom which isn’t harm, just the opposite

We can't do squat. It's been pointed out over and over that our actions have made zero difference.
seems to be having an impact now. have you not been watching the news? we can help more by supporting those freedom fighters…but we got dems in charge who support the Socialist regime…so you are right, nothing will likely happen but these freedom fighters will likely be imprisoned or executed by the leftist regime

People are not protesting over anything we have done. IMO they might have protested far earlier if we had minded our own business.

They voted to move away from Communism towards socalism in 2019.

haha they didn’t vote to move away from Communism! they weren’t Communist! do you have any clue what Communism is?

they are and have been socialist
They are and were communist
how so? you know using the actual definitions of the terms
that’s not really an answer to my question.

how so? using the actual definitions of the terms
It is in fact an answer.

They follow the communist plan as designed
So what is poverty when the people have access to high quality HC for all?

Why do you feel the Cuban people have access to high quality HC?
Several reasons:

The WHO's ratings.
Cuba sending their highly trained and professional doctors to other countries as aid.
Personal first hand evidence I've seen in Cuba.
The world's recognition of it being of high quality.

Think what you like but understand that your argument is a non-starter.

You're being consumed with hate for communism.
Make that your talking point and it could be worth debating. Cuba's HC is not!
Cuba does not allow ANYONe to see any details of their health care system EXCEPT for the occasioanal visit to clincis resevred for the ruling elite. '

The rating by WHO and all others is strictly and exclusively based on regime approved propoganda.

Only a fool touts such information as canon whiile ignoring the endless accounts of those who escapse and tell a diferent story.

All commiunist regimes have always gone out of their way to do this by exporting the best they can come up with while hiding the destitution and starvation within their borders.

These are facts proving that the shallow and superficial view you have of their HC system is more than debatable it is gullible and stupid.

LOLOLOL.. 30,000 Cuban doctors are working in other countries.
Yes OTHER countries.

What part of OTHER is going over your head. WHat they send to OTHER countries is not a reflection of what their HC is like IN CUBA
So what is poverty when the people have access to high quality HC for all?

Why do you feel the Cuban people have access to high quality HC?
Several reasons:

The WHO's ratings.
Cuba sending their highly trained and professional doctors to other countries as aid.
Personal first hand evidence I've seen in Cuba.
The world's recognition of it being of high quality.

Think what you like but understand that your argument is a non-starter.

You're being consumed with hate for communism.
Make that your talking point and it could be worth debating. Cuba's HC is not!

Cuba sending their highly trained and professional doctors to other countries as aid.

Sending their slaves...err...doctors abroad, to earn hard currency for the regime, is no proof their own citizens have access to high quality heathcare.

Personal first hand evidence I've seen in Cuba.

You visit a local clinic, or one that caters to foreigners with hard currency?

You're being consumed with hate for communism.

Why would I, or anyone else, hate communism? It's a system of love, eh comrade?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.

But we do.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
It is in fact an answer.

They follow the communist plan as designed

Communism is where workers who individually can not afford mass production technology, band together so they can then afford to own the means of production collectively, collaboratively, and communally.
And I don't know much about Cuba, but since they were influenced by the Soviets, they likely were not communists.
The Soviet implemented state capitalism, not communism.
And since communism requires a democracy, then likely Cuba did not have communism.
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.

Regulating trade for some greater good, is totally socialist.
Capitalism is the free market, where you let each entrepreneur do what they decide is best for them.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.

But we do.
I did not say what we do I said what we should not do. Violating a principle does not negate the principle.
It is in fact an answer.

They follow the communist plan as designed

Communism is where workers who individually can not afford mass production technology, band together so they can then afford to own the means of production collectively, collaboratively, and communally.
And I don't know much about Cuba, but since they were influenced by the Soviets, they likely were not communists.
The Soviet implemented state capitalism, not communism.
And since communism requires a democracy, then likely Cuba did not have communism.

Communism is aways enforced it is never about people voluntarily BANDING together.

It is never about collaboration or communal efforts.

The soviet Union implmented and praciticed COMMUNISM. Communism bans democracy and requires dictatorship.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.

For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.

Regulating trade for some greater good, is totally socialist.
Capitalism is the free market, where you let each entrepreneur do what they decide is best for them.
No trhat is not socialism
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.

The tweet is all wrong.
Yeds and those HC ratings are based strictly on CUban government propoganda which allows for no outside verification

The Castros used to get +90% of the vote......they'd never lie about healthcare.
You seem to be getting your motivation to hate from a loss of confidence in America.
BLM, Trump's extremist supporters, and all the other examples of what has gone wrong.

There's no credibility to be gained in criticizing Cuba's HC system.

It is not about gaining crediblity it is about criticizing the immoral and faiuled ideology of communism which is just as evil as naziism. Trump has nothing to fucking do with this and you lose all crediblity when you have no evidence for your claims and resort to orange man bad.
You've turned you talking point into a criticism of communism.
there never is any gain for Americans to pretend that Cuba doesn't have a fist class HC system.

I'll take the argument about communism too but not here.
they have a horrible healthcare system. They can’t even not run out of TP to clean their asses…if you have. a dirty ass, that’s not healthy
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.


Communists in Cuba haven't already provided a living wage, healthcare and basic human rights?

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.


Communists in Cuba haven't already provided a living wage, healthcare and basic human rights?

I wonder how many Cubans have died thanks to the horrendous attacks on it’s economy by the US over the last 60 fucking years. I bet it’s a big number. It’s unbelievable the extent of the actions the US undertook to harm the Cuban people.

But hey, communism is to blame according to the dumb con.

Jimmy Dore and Max Bluementhal spell it all out, but statist imperialist cons won’t care.

For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.

Regulating trade for some greater good, is totally socialist.
Capitalism is the free market, where you let each entrepreneur do what they decide is best for them.
No trhat is not socialism
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.

The tweet is all wrong.

Yeds and those HC ratings are based strictly on CUban government propoganda which allows for no outside verification

The Castros used to get +90% of the vote......they'd never lie about healthcare.
You seem to be getting your motivation to hate from a loss of confidence in America.
BLM, Trump's extremist supporters, and all the other examples of what has gone wrong.

There's no credibility to be gained in criticizing Cuba's HC system.

It is not about gaining crediblity it is about criticizing the immoral and faiuled ideology of communism which is just as evil as naziism. Trump has nothing to fucking do with this and you lose all crediblity when you have no evidence for your claims and resort to orange man bad.
You've turned you talking point into a criticism of communism.
there never is any gain for Americans to pretend that Cuba doesn't have a fist class HC system.

I'll take the argument about communism too but not here.
they have a horrible healthcare system. They can’t even not run out of TP to clean their asses…if you have. a dirty ass, that’s not healthy

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.
Nor did it hurt them so no we are not to blame

So why bother? If someone wants to trade with them, why stop them?
For the same reason we should not do business with nations practicing slavery. Or national socialism.
America's corporations 'should' do business with communist China. That's free trade and capitalism and only a true 'communist' system would forbid the practice.

While a socialist government would place some limits on it's capitalism that would protect their people's interests.

Funny how different styles of 'governing' can be defined isn't it!
china is communist in name only. It implements state capitalism, where the employer-employee relationship exists with the state as the employer. However, many capitalist companies operate in china, including US companies.


Communists in Cuba haven't already provided a living wage, healthcare and basic human rights?

The following will make you guys so happy. Kill the commie…including women and children.

The Cost of Covert Operations in Cuba

U.S. sanctions and economic sabotage over the last half-century have caused significant damage to the Cuban economy. What does this mean for ongoing claims negotiations between the two countries?

Explained Desmond FitzGerald, CIA Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, in 1964: "These courses of action interact and are interdependent… Our covert economic denial operations are designed to reinforce and be reinforced by our overt measures of economic pressure,” he wrote. “As an economic weapon, [sabotage] is designed to supplement and support the overall economic denial program by damaging economically important installations and to add to Castro’s economic problems by forcing him to divert money, manpower and resources from economic to internal security activities.” Simply put, the United States sought “to destroy the Cuban economy by sabotage, sanctions, and other measures of economic warfare.” Or, per the more graphic metaphors used by the CIA, to expand the “covert aspects of an economic strangulation program” in the pursuit of “tightening of the noose around Castro.”

The United States directed covert operations against four key sectors of the Cuban economy, objectives the CIA identified as “broad target categories against which the sabotage/harassment operations would be mounted.” Priority was assigned to the disruption and destruction of electric power grids, operations designed to impair “the generating facilities or of the critical sub-stations in the distribution network,” resulting in the “prolonged breakdown of the power system.” The second “target category” included facilities associated with the production and distribution of petroleum, oil, and lubricants—specifically to do “damage to or destruction of,” which would “seriously affect almost all aspects of the Cuban economy.”

The third category involved operations against transportation: “Damage to or destruction of railway and/or high rolling stock or the destruction of key bridges [to] lead to breakdowns in the regional economics which to a large degree are dependent on the distribution of imported products.” The final “target category” involved the destruction of diverse production and manufacturing facilities, including “the nickel complex at Nicaro, cement plants, distilleries, and the myriad industries associated with the provision of food, clothing, and shelter.” A variant of the latter involved a “subtle sabotage program” that included “the contamination of fuels and lubricants [and] the introduction of foreign material into moving parts of machinery.”Attention was given to refineries and plants using U.S. equipment, including the previously foreign-owned refineries of Shell, Esso, and Texaco, presumably due to the difficulty in obtaining spare parts. In late 1963, the CIA committed to “expanding and intensifying the category of sabotage and harassment, emphasizing the “importance of incapacitating the critical power plants and oil refineries in the Havana, Matanzas, and Santiago areas of Cuba.”
The Cost of Covert Operations in Cuba
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

That is a bunch of baloney, the REST of the world have to some level been trading with Cuba for many years now, China is giving them propping up millions.

I have no clue how this addresses what I said. It simply reinforces it. Our sanctions did nothing to change them.

The sanctions are not even 100%, America businesses does do some trade with Cuba, but the rest of the world have no trade restrictions to deal with, Cuba is still a third rate nation anyway, that is because of their Communist government failures.

I posted the details recently and it was ignored........

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